Being noticed (attractiveness)



  • BeckyJayneGJ
    BeckyJayneGJ Posts: 41 Member
    Never been "noticed" in my life. Never been asked out, had a boyfriend or even hit on in a club/bar etc. I thought losing a lot of weight may change that but apparently not!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I feel sort of silly answering this question. I do get noticed a lot and get a lot of compliments from strangers (men and women) and men that try to pick me up (everywhere I go). I am very flattered by it, but it can also be awkward for me because I am married. I just thought this was what it was like for all women.
  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    I do notice that people notice me more now. And I find it flattering and a great confidence booster! :happy: My latest one was when I was at a grocery store and I was looking through stuff in an aisle and I notice a guy coming up near me but didn't really say anything at first and I just went on with my day. But then he passed through another aisle I was in, and now he was with a guy friend also, and then i just heard his friend say 'Okay, let's pass through the aisle again so you cna see her again.' And I just started grinning inwardly like an idiot and started blushing. Thankfully he didn't see that, but safe to say that my mood improved a lot for the rest of the day.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Right now I'm certainly being noticed a lot and getting tons of comments about how stunning my figure is and how I look way younger than I really am. I felt invisible when I was fatter though.
  • kellimr
    kellimr Posts: 69
    Yes I do feel like I get noticed and have felt it since I was about 10 or 11 (early development gets noticed for sure!) I think I enjoy it more when I am at a healthy weight and have more confidence in myself. A lot of people think they "know" me from somewhere or I look like their 'friend' or someone they went to school with. I think I just have a familiar/common face :).
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    " I just thought this was what it was like for all women."

    Exactly. I'm sort of still oblivious though, I really don't pay attention to those around me.
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    I have noticed that since I have lost a lot of weight I am being noticed more. I am guessing its because my confidence is being built up and it shows through.
  • Madmadz77
    Madmadz77 Posts: 129 Member
    I dont get noticed that much... Until I open my mouth. Then, no one can be indifferent. ;-)

    I notice all kinds of women and most of the time it's more about attitude then looks.

    Personality goes a long way...
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    I dont get noticed that much... Until I open my mouth. Then, no one can be indifferent. ;-)

    I notice all kinds of women and most of the time it's more about attitude then looks.

    Personality goes a long way...

    YES! What happened to all my spunky people?
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    I'm pretty shy and I get "noticed" and hit on by a lot of old creepers, and often teenagers and young boys. Not exactly ideal, lol. Throughout most of middle/high school I was quite awkward, and I still am, but I've learned to command my beauty more so than ever before.

    A couple weeks ago a much older guy stopped me and said he'd seen me three times, once while I was jogging, and that it must've been destiny to meet me because special things happen in threes....what a charmer, I tell ya'.

    I also get noticed because I tend to look like Michael Jackson, and being the huge fan that I am, I flaunt it. It's weird, because I swear I can always tell when someone's looking at me or talking about me. But then again, I'm super self-conscious, so I tend to be overly aware of how I'm being perceived.

    What's funny to me, is that if a guy thinks I look like MJ and he's attracted to me, then on some level that means he's attracted to MJ, and I find that hilariously awesome.
  • Chiefsinner95
    I have had my share!!!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    It's pretty wheird that while you were writing this... THIS was happening:

    Are you psychic? Were you channeling my cougar or attractiveness mojo? Wow we must be getting tight. Pretty soon our cycles are gonna sync up.

    ETA: clarity, and a shout out to someone on my FL.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    yeahhhh... I'm noticed. Oblivious to it. I think it's my secret cat smile...

    Vertical or horizontal? I mean, that makes a difference.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    ^ this guy should be voted MFP's king of the one-liners.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Have you always or often been noticed? Sometimes? Rarely? Do people sometimes look at you after knowing you awhile and suddenly find you very attractive? What has been your particular experience with being seen and noticed?

    I sometimes see people that I find very attractive that seem to slip under most people's radar, and also the opposite, where people who don't seem that physically attractive still get a lot of attention. I find it curious.

    @OP - after reading many of the responses posted, I am not sure if people understand you questions. My interpretation of your statement and question about attractive people that fly under the radar, compared with less attractive people that get a lot of attention is related to personality of the individual.

    For me, I am an introvert, and prefer to be out of the spotlight and be in the background. Some may think that a person like this lacks confidence, but I would clarify that it is a preference rather than an insecurity.

    On the other hand, I know many people that are simply "the life of the party", extroverted, outgoing and capture attention. As you mentioned, many of these people aren't the best looking, but they attain more attention than other people.

    There people that lack the confidence and have insecurities about their appearance, and think that losing weight, having plastic surgery will change all of the that... I assure you that they will be the same person (inside) after the transformation.

    First and foremost, feel good about yourself!

    Thank you Mavrick. Yes, this is more along the lines of what I was getting at. I have known several of those people who are not considered typically attractive, in fact are sometimes quite large, obese, or average looking, who seem to get a disproportionate amount of attention from the opposite sex (referring to hetero). It just makes me think that attractiveness isn't necessarily correlated to the obvious, and I really do think that attitude and our own mind set has A LOT to do with how we're perceived. It's like the world just mirrors back to us what we already believe.

    There's also another phenomenon that I find puzzling. I've had it happen several times where someone I knew looked at me suddenly, as if for the first time, and found me very beautiful. Their reaction is what gave it away, because they literally said "'re really beautiful!" with this rather amazed look on their face. Lol! And it just struck me so weird because they've known me for awhile, and found me attractive before to some extent, but not like this. This was a definite shift.

    I've had it happen enough times to stand out as an odd experience. Wondering how it is I was suddenly seen in a new way.

    That happened to me a few times as a child too, from other girls, but I remember it from a boy too when I wore a dress for a school play.

    I suddenly noticed getting noticed when I came back from Japan. I was too big, too outside of cultural norms, to be noticed by all but a few (my future husband included :wink:). When I got back, on the tube in London, I noticed so many more eyes on me. It was like suddenly becoming a sexualised being again!
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    i always thought it a curse simply ,because when subsequently approached, no matter how polite i never found a way to reject an advance that prevented anger in women that brought all sorts of trouble my way...
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    I have never been "checked out" in my life.

    My girlfriend insists this is not true, but 1. it's in her best interest to delude herself into thinking she has good taste, and 2. there is absolutely zero corroborating evidence.

    hhhmmm you have a gf so yeah you have been checked out lol.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I do notice that people notice me more now. And I find it flattering and a great confidence booster! :happy: My latest one was when I was at a grocery store and I was looking through stuff in an aisle and I notice a guy coming up near me but didn't really say anything at first and I just went on with my day. But then he passed through another aisle I was in, and now he was with a guy friend also, and then i just heard his friend say 'Okay, let's pass through the aisle again so you cna see her again.' And I just started grinning inwardly like an idiot and started blushing. Thankfully he didn't see that, but safe to say that my mood improved a lot for the rest of the day.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm pretty innocuous and don't get noticed. I do like when I do occasionaly though.

    Opposite, I get noticed, but sometimes want to be a "fly on the wall" and get a better view of the group dynamics WITHOUT me in it.
  • dognamedpig
    dognamedpig Posts: 38 Member
    Confidence is key, internally generated, whatever the reason. I may look physically the same but when my mood swings, I go from 'don't notice me and I think you're a creeper if you look at me, let alone talk to me, I just want to be alone' to 'inside I think I AM awesome! I'm going to laugh and joke and check you out and if I'm feeling forward, I'm going to ask you out'. I may wear something slightly different and put on minimal make-up but that's the end of the external change.