Problems with future brother-in-law



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Oh. My first thought is why does your hubs give a crap what the weasel thinks? So, they have different tastes in cars. meh.

    Even if it never gets better, chances are pretty good with divorce rates what they are these days that one of your two marriages will fail, and the relationship between the two of them will only be temporary.

  • SuninVirgo
    SuninVirgo Posts: 255 Member
    Sounds like you and hubby are gathering a lot of ammunition to hate this guy. You two are so touchy and in desperate need for his approval. Give it up. Who care if he says the wood isn't solid. Get past it. Don't act like a child victim and try not to roll your eyes. These attacks are out of ignorance or stupidity but you and hubby aren't acting better. Darn, sounds like you are gunning for your sister and trying to ruin it for her. Maybe you should stay out of the way.
  • SuninVirgo
    SuninVirgo Posts: 255 Member
    He has no tact or filter. It doesn't mean he's a bad guy. All you need to worry about is whether or not your sister is happy.

  • terlyn20
    terlyn20 Posts: 142 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    If I were your husband, I would not force you to choose. I would, however, have a heartfelt and frank conversation with the future Brother-in law. I'd tell him I'd appreciate it if he'd keep his opinions to himself. He and I could still attend family functions, but we are not going to be best friends. What happens beyond that is up to the future brother-in-law, but if he reacted adversely, I'd put a dent in his forward, and, if you are a good wife, you will back your husband.

    exactly- THIS
    and i am exasperated at the whole story ( i've read every page ). Neither me nor my husband of 34 years would tolerate this kind of person in our midst more than once and fortunately we dont have any family members like this idiot. I cant fathom how this guy has friends at all- and i suspect that Eventually he will- NOT treat your sister like a princess; probably just after the I DO'S.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    CM9178 wrote: »
    Hubby sounds over sensitive about his car. It's a hunk of metal that gets you from point A to point B. Christ.

    There are car brands and models I HATE, I don't care how much some one tells me it's awesome and ZOMG I have to see how great it is. I don't like it. If you ask or talk about it I will tell you I don't like it and xyz why. It's an opinion.
    You feel this way because you don't care about cars (and neither do I) but imagine if it was something that you had a real PASSION about, and he was basically putting it down. He is in a band, and I know if we ever said anything negative about his band, he would be hurt.

    You imagine incorrectly. People who snub my passions (lifting, pottery, 80's metal, Harry Potter etc) get laughed at and blown off. Zero Fs given, here.

    And if he's so sensitive about his little band, why not a little dishing back of what he's serving? Make a few snide comments about his music, and see if that shuts him up about your husband's car.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    It looks like a lot of people didn't see/read my latest update about the things he has done and said to both of us, not just my husband, since I originally posted this.
    They are now married, and we're stuck with him, but it hasn't gotten any better. If anything it is worse now, since it does it to me all the time too. It is no longer about my husband not liking him. I can't stand him now either, and I am seeing my sister less and less because of it - because I don't want to be around him.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    CM9178 wrote: »
    He is going to let it go for now and if it happens again, he will have to say SOMETHING to him, because I refuse to get in the middle of it, or let it become a bigger problem than it should.

    He already tried talking to the guy and it didn't work.

    And hanging around with your sister and her soon-to-be husband is your idea. Not your husband's. He spends time with them to please you. You are aware of that, aren't you?

    And yes, your husband was spoken to in a blatantly insulting manner. And he said so when it happened without causing a fight or a huge thing. He did everything right.

    You've put yourself in the middle of it when you didn't validate and agree with your husband when he clearly expressed his desire to minimize contact with this guy. You could have said, Okay Dear. I get where you're coming from. I can visit with sis on my own without dragging you along, since this guy snubbed your efforts toward friendliness and insulted you a number of times.

    And hopefully he'd do the same for you if the tables were turned.

    Your loyalty should be to your husband first.
    There have been a lot of posts and advice since my original post, and I've posted an update since then.
    However, I wanted to reply to some of these suggestions.

    I see my sister mostly when there are family functions - I can't, and don't expect or want my husband to not attend family functions because BIL is going to be there. Its just not realistic and wouldn't be right. As far as them having parties, I can't attend their party and not have my husband come. It just isn't normal for us or our family and what am I supposed to say? he didn't feel like coming, they would know something was wrong - again, just normal for our family. Sure, I hang out with just girlfriends, without my husband, but when it comes to something with my sister having a party for example, I consider that family, my husband is invited, and if I go, he goes. However, since my original post, BIL has done and said a lot more towards BOTH of us, this is no longer just about what he has said to my husband (it never really was just about that - he's insulted both of us now).

  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    SuninVirgo wrote: »
    Sounds like you and hubby are gathering a lot of ammunition to hate this guy. You two are so touchy and in desperate need for his approval. Give it up. Who care if he says the wood isn't solid. Get past it. Don't act like a child victim and try not to roll your eyes. These attacks are out of ignorance or stupidity but you and hubby aren't acting better. Darn, sounds like you are gunning for your sister and trying to ruin it for her. Maybe you should stay out of the way.

    What exactly are we doing? The ONLY thing my husband and I have done about this, is spoken to each other. We haven't made it a big deal (or even mentioned it to my sister), and we haven't said anything to him. I've posted about it here for advice. So please tell me exactly how we are seeing his approval?? Because it pisses me off that someone constantly says rude things to us for no reason??
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    He's a bully. Someone needs to teach him a lesson. That's all.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Meh. This is small stuff, really. If this is the only drama that your family has to deal with, consider yourself lucky.

    If it really bothers you, then you both need to talk to him. That would be the mature thing to do - otherwise, you're just going to let it fester and get worse.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Meh. This is small stuff, really. If this is the only drama that your family has to deal with, consider yourself lucky.

    If it really bothers you, then you both need to talk to him. That would be the mature thing to do - otherwise, you're just going to let it fester and get worse.

    It has actually become a running joke between my husband and I and our friends. We bet on what things he is going to insult when we see him and then joke about it afterwards. We've realized that he's never going to stop doing it - I honestly think he just has no social skills.
    My husband is actually really funny and always has my parents and aunts and uncles cracking up hysterically at family functions. BIL will try to make a joke, which ends up being awkward and not funny at all, and nobody laughs except my sister! Maybe he feels like he needs to compete with us?? I definitely don't feel like I need his approval of ANYTHING and I certainly don't feel like we need to compete with HIM.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    CM9178 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Meh. This is small stuff, really. If this is the only drama that your family has to deal with, consider yourself lucky.

    If it really bothers you, then you both need to talk to him. That would be the mature thing to do - otherwise, you're just going to let it fester and get worse.

    It has actually become a running joke between my husband and I and our friends. We bet on what things he is going to insult when we see him and then joke about it afterwards. We've realized that he's never going to stop doing it - I honestly think he just has no social skills.
    My husband is actually really funny and always has my parents and aunts and uncles cracking up hysterically at family functions. BIL will try to make a joke, which ends up being awkward and not funny at all, and nobody laughs except my sister! Maybe he feels like he needs to compete with us?? I definitely don't feel like I need his approval of ANYTHING and I certainly don't feel like we need to compete with HIM.

    I never said anything about you needing to compete with him...or you needing his approval.

    But, the reality is, there are far worse things in life that some families need to overcome. This really is small stuff. If your sister is happy, then that is what matters. If he continues to get under your skin, then say something to him. I don't understand all this hand wringing when you haven't even addressed it with him. That's just bizarre to me.

  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited January 2015
    PRMinx wrote: »
    CM9178 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Meh. This is small stuff, really. If this is the only drama that your family has to deal with, consider yourself lucky.

    If it really bothers you, then you both need to talk to him. That would be the mature thing to do - otherwise, you're just going to let it fester and get worse.

    It has actually become a running joke between my husband and I and our friends. We bet on what things he is going to insult when we see him and then joke about it afterwards. We've realized that he's never going to stop doing it - I honestly think he just has no social skills.
    My husband is actually really funny and always has my parents and aunts and uncles cracking up hysterically at family functions. BIL will try to make a joke, which ends up being awkward and not funny at all, and nobody laughs except my sister! Maybe he feels like he needs to compete with us?? I definitely don't feel like I need his approval of ANYTHING and I certainly don't feel like we need to compete with HIM.

    I never said anything about you needing to compete with him...or you needing his approval.

    But, the reality is, there are far worse things in life that some families need to overcome. This really is small stuff. If your sister is happy, then that is what matters. If he continues to get under your skin, then say something to him. I don't understand all this hand wringing when you haven't even addressed it with him. That's just bizarre to me.

    I didn't say that you said anything about us needing approval. I was just saying it myself.

    Addressing it with him really isn't an option. My sister would get very upset and it would cause a huge issue between us and the family, which isn't neccessary, because, as you said, there are bigger things to worry about and this isn't one of them. That's why I said we've moved on to laughing about it, but that doesn't mean he still doesn't get under our skin.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I have idiot in-laws. My husband has permission to attend or not depending on his tolerance that day. It's put up, shut up, and get through the holidays. We have a good laugh afterwards.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    CM9178 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    CM9178 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Meh. This is small stuff, really. If this is the only drama that your family has to deal with, consider yourself lucky.

    If it really bothers you, then you both need to talk to him. That would be the mature thing to do - otherwise, you're just going to let it fester and get worse.

    It has actually become a running joke between my husband and I and our friends. We bet on what things he is going to insult when we see him and then joke about it afterwards. We've realized that he's never going to stop doing it - I honestly think he just has no social skills.
    My husband is actually really funny and always has my parents and aunts and uncles cracking up hysterically at family functions. BIL will try to make a joke, which ends up being awkward and not funny at all, and nobody laughs except my sister! Maybe he feels like he needs to compete with us?? I definitely don't feel like I need his approval of ANYTHING and I certainly don't feel like we need to compete with HIM.

    I never said anything about you needing to compete with him...or you needing his approval.

    But, the reality is, there are far worse things in life that some families need to overcome. This really is small stuff. If your sister is happy, then that is what matters. If he continues to get under your skin, then say something to him. I don't understand all this hand wringing when you haven't even addressed it with him. That's just bizarre to me.

    I didn't say that you said anything about us needing approval. I was just saying it myself.

    Addressing it with him really isn't an option. My sister would get very upset and it would cause a huge issue between us and the family, which isn't neccessary, because, as you said, there are bigger things to worry about and this isn't one of them. That's why I said we've moved on to laughing about it, but that doesn't mean he still doesn't get under our skin.


    So many problems can be fixed by just talking, but so many people write the narrative in their head before it even happens.

    Addressing it with him doesn't have to be combative. I still don't understand why you wouldn't give it a try to make life more pleasant for everyone. This is child's play.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I have idiot in-laws. My husband has permission to attend or not depending on his tolerance that day. It's put up, shut up, and get through the holidays. We have a good laugh afterwards.

    I have an uncle who is unbearable. He drinks his weight in booze, gets stupid drunk and says really inappropriate, sexist things that would make a porn star blush. It has been addressed. It does not change. But, hey, at least we gave it a shot. Now, we grin and bear it every few years and move on.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Your husband doesn't have to give this turd bag more than a "hello" and "goodbye" when they see each other. You don't have to choose. And hang out with your sister separately as well.

    And I agree with eric_sg61 that it sounds like this guy's either trying to start a fight, or is a constant one-upper. He's probably really insecure (if he has to put people down) and really insensitive.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Your husband doesn't have to give this turd bag more than a "hello" and "goodbye" when they see each other. You don't have to choose. And hang out with your sister separately as well.

    And I agree with eric_sg61 that it sounds like this guy's either trying to start a fight, or is a constant one-upper. He's probably really insecure (if he has to put people down) and really insensitive.

    Except she doesn't know that because they haven't had a conversation about it. There's just so many assumptions being made. They may be right. They may be wrong. No one will ever know if they don't lay it out on the table.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    He sounds like he's on the autism spectrum.

    Why does his comments matter to you so much? You don't control how other people behave. If you don't like it, limit your interaction and do things with your sister outside of him.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited January 2015
    Dadof3bbg wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Ok after reading your update - Asperger's is definitely the first thing that comes to mind. I'd say it might not be the guy's fault that he behaves like this.

    However, you don't have to put it with it. I'd probably focus on seeing your sister alone more than with her husband after the wedding, and explain to her why - that you understand that it's just how he is and you applaud her for overlooking those faults, but that the comments are toxic to you and you just can't deal with them on a frequent basis. I know I couldn't... even knowing it's not the guy's fault, it would just totally drag me down.

    I wouldn't wait until they're married to say something. Say something now before she makes a big mistake.

    Meh- they can be trained.

    OP"S douchey future brother in law sounds a lot like my BF.

    Zero filter.

    He can be real REAL *kitten* sometimes- but he treats me extremely well- and I've gotten him over his "review-itus"

    you know- when he reads something and that's his opinion for forever- and it's never a discussion about the subject- it's just this is what I think and you're wrong if you don't agree. Its' not a debate/discussion- it's him telling you what it is.

    I've FINALLY gotten him a little bit past it- and into real research and R/D stuff- like yes we are going to go try it. I HATE when he says- oh the reviews are horrible. Shut up- we're trying it you *kitten*.

    They can be trained. LOL But you have to be clear about what's going on. SPEAK UP.

    we aren't 5 here any more- there is no Mrs Smith to mediate like there was in kindergarten.

    As for what YOU need to do OP- you have to stand with your husband. Not your sister.

    And if they can't play nice- then the two of you need to schedule time together.

    I can't stand my BF's sister's fiance- he's a grade A tool (personal "trainer" who told me all the bad health hype over smoking is a conspiracy- and that a man with one nut- or no nut's isn't a man at all- seriously- grade.A.douchetool).

    I go to family functions.

    And I leave.

    I stand my ground on subjects as they happen- but I don't go out of my way to pick a fight.