Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
Here it is!! I did horrible food wise this weekend and supposedly I gain 5 pounds LOL!! I know thats not true.Exercise wise I did perfect sweated my *kitten* off all weekend and if I hadn't of ate poorly I would have lost something I am sure of it.Oh well I am going to straighten my butt out and get it together.No more bad weekends!! Summer is the hardest for me on weekends with cookouts and all.I need to refocus my brain not to overeat on weekends.I know I can do it!!!


  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    ahh..I am up like 1.5 lbs from friday, didn't really eat bad, stayed within cals and exercised all weekedn burned over 1000 cals since friday..but TOM is coming so i am contributing it to that..really hoping that I loose some this week but with TOM coming who knows.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well I'm up 3 pounds as well this morning! Gotta love the sodiumarific weekends!! :tongue: I blame Malibu! Check in later!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning girls, saving this tread so i can find it later. I have to go back and read what went on over the weekned.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    well I did it I moved myself up to eating 1500 to 1600 calories a day!! I am going to see if this helps push some more weight off because I am exercising hardcore and I am always hungry after workouts and the 1200 calorie thing isn't cutting it.As long as I am eating healthy foods it doesn't bother me to eat closer to 1500 to 1600 calories.I have been doing this for about a week now and I feel so much better but do you gals think this may be why my weight has slowly creeped up a bit.I know I have lost weight and this weekends sodium binge definitely did not help but my weight has been fluctuating back and for into the teens and 20's for about a week now since I started adding more calories.I know I need more calories and I am positive the weight will start to drop again but I am just frustrated this morning.Seeing the scale read 218 Friday and then back up to 218.Its my fault and I am not letting the scale consume me REALLY I'M NOT!! Just curious to see your gals input.I know there are alot of you who still do just 1200 calories but my body can't do that anymore I need more food to lose more weight now.I knew it was coming just didn't know when.Someone please convince me it is ok to eat MORE and that the gain will soon go away LOL!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay here's the dress I'm going to wear to the Sex and The City Party on Thursday..I don't have my "big girl panties" on so my pooch below the belt is there...but ya get the idea!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - Dress is Awesome!! you look great.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    :explode:well I did it I moved myself up to eating 1500 to 1600 calories a day!! I am going to see if this helps push some more weight off because I am exercising hardcore and I am always hungry after workouts and the 1200 calorie thing isn't cutting it.As long as I am eating healthy foods it doesn't bother me to eat closer to 1500 to 1600 calories.I have been doing this for about a week now and I feel so much better but do you gals think this may be why my weight has slowly creeped up a bit.I know I have lost weight and this weekends sodium binge definitely did not help but my weight has been fluctuating back and for into the teens and 20's for about a week now since I started adding more calories.I know I need more calories and I am positive the weight will start to drop again but I am just frustrated this morning.Seeing the scale read 218 Friday and then back up to 218.Its my fault and I am not letting the scale consume me REALLY I'M NOT!! Just curious to see your gals input.I know there are alot of you who still do just 1200 calories but my body can't do that anymore I need more food to lose more weight now.I knew it was coming just didn't know when.Someone please convince me it is ok to eat MORE and that the gain will soon go away LOL!!!!

    I'm having the same problem! I increased my calories about a week or two ago and the scale is all over the place. In the last week I have been everywhere from 213.9-218...I have been sick an only worked out twice last week so that may be a factor. If I remember correctly Julie did this awhile ago too and it took her body a couple weeks to adjust to the change. I would give it a few weeks and see what happens. Your body needs the fuel. Eating the 1200 calories and workout out so much might of damaged your metabolisim so it needs to be kicked in the butt. Takes time. Hang in there. We will get through it together!

    I have to put in my morning vent...first thing this morning I come downstairs to let my dog out, I'm still half asleep. I'm not even to the bottom of the stairs when this stupid little white boxer looking dog is at my dog growing and snapping at her. This dogs owner always just lets him run around without a leash. They also have another small dog but that one never bothers anyone. So I'm trying to get away from this dog and he just wont leave me and my dog alone. No owner to be seen! What frustrates me is this guy who owns these two dogs ALWAYS does this. Opens his door and lets the dogs out. He finally starts calling his dog from his door and I just yell "Excuse me could you please put your dog on a leash!? It wont quit attacking my dog!" his response "go to he!! *kitten*!" are you kidding me!? Yep. That's how my Monday morning started. I plan to be having a word with the office this morning. :explode:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oy....that weekend was rough. Between the stressors in my life and TOM being here I am happy that I am only showing a gain of 2.4lbs. I ate (and drank) waaaay too much Friday, was slightly better on Saturday but still over ate. Was good on Sunday because I felt bad. So I weighed in this morning at 200lbs...hoping some is just sodium and some is due to TOM...I dont like seeing the 200s again :brokenheart:

    Awestfall- I havent increased my calories that much (I am at 1300 now) but from what everyone else says you will show a gain for a little bit, I think you are supposed to give it a month? Bluenote and Jlb will be your best bet on answering this one

    Jess- love that dress! I like the color and I love the belt! It shows off how skinny you are!:drinker:

    Jess +Julie- thank goodness I wasnt the only one enjoying some booze :laugh: :laugh: I ended up drining 11 beers :sad: it wasnt pretty. My son "punished" me by waking up at 5am...he's been getting up at 8am recently so it was quite the painful morning after. I wont be doing THAT again anytime soon.:noway: :embarassed:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    well I did it I moved myself up to eating 1500 to 1600 calories a day!! I am going to see if this helps push some more weight off because I am exercising hardcore and I am always hungry after workouts and the 1200 calorie thing isn't cutting it.As long as I am eating healthy foods it doesn't bother me to eat closer to 1500 to 1600 calories.I have been doing this for about a week now and I feel so much better but do you gals think this may be why my weight has slowly creeped up a bit.I know I have lost weight and this weekends sodium binge definitely did not help but my weight has been fluctuating back and for into the teens and 20's for about a week now since I started adding more calories.I know I need more calories and I am positive the weight will start to drop again but I am just frustrated this morning.Seeing the scale read 218 Friday and then back up to 218.Its my fault and I am not letting the scale consume me REALLY I'M NOT!! Just curious to see your gals input.I know there are alot of you who still do just 1200 calories but my body can't do that anymore I need more food to lose more weight now.I knew it was coming just didn't know when.Someone please convince me it is ok to eat MORE and that the gain will soon go away LOL!!!!

    I think it could be the reason. But there could be a lot of other reasons too (like regular normal fluctuations :wink:).

    For what it's worth, my weight seems to start dropping again about 3 weeks after I've increased my calories. I guess it just takes that long for my body to adjust.

    I also had a sodiumtastic weekend. Engagement ring is fitting really really well this morning. :laugh: That's one of the reasons it makes me nervous to size down. I'd have to go a whole size down (because it doesn't come in half sizes) and on mornings like this it could be a tight squeeze (though I'm pretty sure I could still get it on).
    I love having a ring to wear on the same finger every day -- it's really opened my eyes to just how much water I'm retaining when I get out of control with my sodium intake.
    I love that even my retaining-a-ton-of-water weight is still under 200 pounds! (even if it was 199.8 :laugh:) It makes me happy because the pattern is for me to be carrying about 3 pounds of water on Monday mornings. I can't wait to see a 196!

    In other news, I tried on one of my old swimsuits last night. It's alctually one of my mom's old swimsuits that she wore before she had me (they just don't make things like the used to, huh?). I love it. It's never really fit me before but it fits me so well now! It's a halter style suit and my back fat isn't even hanging over the back! :laugh: I need to find my board shorts to wear with it. I'm going to my mom's on Saturday for my birthday (which is Sunday). She and my stepdad live on a lake and I can hardly wait to go swimming! I love swimming but I haven't been since I've been in so much better shape. I'll need to swim for a few hours to make up for all the beers I'll be having the next day. :wink:

    I could NOT get my butt up to get to the gym this morning. I had set my alarm for 6am but I woke up at 5.50, looked at the clock, thought "Oh HELL no!" and moved my alarm to 7am. :ohwell: But I did force my butt to get up and run at 7. So, I did C25K W2D2 with a 6.5mph run speed. I just can't go as fast in the morning but I forced myself. I think I'm going to start running most mornings because I think the reality is that it's very unlikely I'm going to get up early enough to get an hour in at the gym in the morning.
    I'm going to sell my exercise bike. It has served me very well, but now it's to the point if I'm riding fast enough to really get my heart rate up, the thing starts falling apart on me. :laugh: Plus it takes up way too much space in my house. Kind of sad to see it go because it is a good low impact exercise, but now that I have a gym membership, I can go use the bike & elliptical there if I need to. Plus, selling the bike will pay for my gym membership for 4-5 months. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess +Julie- thank goodness I wasnt the only one enjoying some booze :laugh: :laugh: I ended up drining 11 beers :sad: it wasnt pretty. My son "punished" me by waking up at 5am...he's been getting up at 8am recently so it was quite the painful morning after. I wont be doing THAT again anytime soon.:noway: :embarassed:

    Oh girl you aren't alone by any means!! 2 bottles of rum for me and my friend Rickey! He makes his drinks way stronger though!! I was punished by my niece waking me up at 5 am to vomit. Not fun! Good things she's so cute! I believe this is why God made kids so cute!! :laugh:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    Sounds like we all had some issues with food this weekend. (Some with alcohol!:drinker: :bigsmile: ) I went over every day and ate all of my exercise calories (well, when I did exercise).:grumble: But today is a new day. I was so glad that when I got on the scale that I had not gained any weight this weekend but the bummer is that I didn't lose any. If I am going to meet my 5/31 mini goal I need to get these 2 lbs off fast!! I am going to try my best and be really good this week and exercise when I get home. It might not be every night that I exercise but I am going to push myself to 4 times this week. So here goes to pushing! :happy:

    Jess - You look GREAT in your dress!! It definitely shows off your curves (in a good way of course)!!:love:

    I think with all of us lighting a fire under are booties that we will be back on track this week. I know we can all do it!!:bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a great Monday!! Stalk a little later!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Awestfall- I am finding it really hard with the weather change too...Summers to me are cook outs and "easy living". I would come home from work and sit on the deck with a couple of beers, grill and just relax. I can do that still I guess, minus the beers and grilling healthy stuff instead...gotta make it work
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - WTG on wearing your mom's bathing suit. I am sure you look great !!!!

    So i was very perplexed about my wedding ring ...i was wearing it everday until i got to like 290...i was in the 270's for YEARS and was wearing it (minus when i was preggers)...Then dh said something and i think he is right (don't tell him i said that thought :Smile:) I had it on so my finger was used it and probably even indenting so it wasn't cutting off anything like if i try to put it on now, but since i haven't worn it in at least 2 years that my fingers aren't used...i mean come on i first put it on in 2000 at somewhere around 230-240,...every lb i loose i try it on ..i know it will fit one day .

    So talking about cals...when you are bumping your cals are those net cals or just eating cals?? Just curious. I bumped my net calories last week to about 1200 (still not eating 300-400 from what mfp says), i end up eating just about or just above what MFP says but since i work out every day, i at least have 300 cals from exercise). ..Doing this i lost 3 lbs last week...i am hoping it is a repeat this week, cause that would put me at my memorial day goal of 275...not sure i am going to make but i am sure going to go down trying :smile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey girls,

    I have had a rough morning. I was wokened up ( middle of the night) by a "charlie horse" nighttime calf leg cramping...
    I have no idea what cause this, but i am still in pain. Throughout the night I felt it coming again..and i tried to prevent it by not moving my right leg. I have not done my normal exercise all weekend, but I have been work in my back yard. I planted my veggie garden on Saturday. Also, on saturday i did lots of squats, kneeling down and bent over planting. Sunday, I clean my yard from the mess i made, but not an extraordinary workout to cause this leg cramp. should i take pain meds or something to alleviate all this pain right calf, or should i just wing it.

    In addition, I have to do week 4 day 1 C25k, not sure if i should do it or not.

    Help please girls:heart:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    POS Me- I use to get them alll the time! I don't know what causes them but my Mom told me to eat banana's to help with it. I haven't had one in probably a year or so. But when I did get them my leg would hurt for a few days.

    Cris-Summers are hard!! That's how I invision my summer evenings as well. I love to grill. My friends and I go to a lot of concerts and we tailgate a lot too. Have you ever tried Bud Select 55? It's half the calories. It's really light and doesn't make me feel as "heavy" after a night of drinking. But there are nights where I still have to have my trusted Bud Light. It's all trial and error. Last summer I had the mentality, as long as I maintain I'm happy". I still want to lose this summer but I'm not going to get upset if it's not big numbers weekly.

    lildebbie-You will get that ring back on...it's funny how we lose and gain in different ways. As far as calories I'm set at 1200 calories and then I try to eat about half of my exercise calories. So I'm usually at 1500 calories so not 1200 net. On days I don't exercise I eat 1200.

    LittleSpy-Congrats on rocking the swimsuit!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Okay here's the dress I'm going to wear to the Sex and The City Party on Thursday..I don't have my "big girl panties" on so my pooch below the belt is there...but ya get the idea!


    I love it!!! You look FANTASTIC!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    So talking about cals...when you are bumping your cals are those net cals or just eating cals??

    I just bumped my eating calories up (which, of course, bumped my net cals most days) the first time, but since then I've been bumping my net cals.

    I'm eating 1290 NET calories these days (which usually sticks me eating 1500-1800 calories a day based on exercise... occasionally more). YUM! :love:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hey girls,

    I have had a rough morning. I was wokened up ( middle of the night) by a "charlie horse" nighttime calf leg cramping...
    I have no idea what cause this, but i am still in pain. Throughout the night I felt it coming again..and i tried to prevent it by not moving my right leg. I have not done my normal exercise all weekend, but I have been work in my back yard. I planted my veggie garden on Saturday. Also, on saturday i did lots of squats, kneeling down and bent over planting. Sunday, I clean my yard from the mess i made, but not an extraordinary workout to cause this leg cramp. should i take pain meds or something to alleviate all this pain right calf, or should i just wing it.

    Help please girls:heart:

    Make sure you're very well hydrated and getting enough potassium (bananas, potatoes) and vitamin e (sweet potatoes, spinach). I have suffered from leg cramps my entire life -- I hate the ones that come at night! Usually mine are in my calves but occasionally lately I get NIGHTMARE shin cramps! I can't find a way to get the muscle to stop contracting and it's just the worst thing ever. :ohwell: I think an anti-inflammatory medicine (ibuprofen, acetaminophen) will help. Also, try massaging it and make sure you stretch well after exercising. Sometimes a heating pad seems to help mine when I have a really bad one though I don't get cramps nearly as much as I used to (yay healthy diet!).
    Hope you feel better soon!
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    Okay here's the dress I'm going to wear to the Sex and The City Party on Thursday..I don't have my "big girl panties" on so my pooch below the belt is there...but ya get the idea!


    You look great! That dress is smokin!!!!! :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have to put in my morning vent...first thing this morning I come downstairs to let my dog out, I'm still half asleep. I'm not even to the bottom of the stairs when this stupid little white boxer looking dog is at my dog growing and snapping at her. This dogs owner always just lets him run around without a leash. They also have another small dog but that one never bothers anyone. So I'm trying to get away from this dog and he just wont leave me and my dog alone. No owner to be seen! What frustrates me is this guy who owns these two dogs ALWAYS does this. Opens his door and lets the dogs out. He finally starts calling his dog from his door and I just yell "Excuse me could you please put your dog on a leash!? It wont quit attacking my dog!" his response "go to he!! *kitten*!" are you kidding me!? Yep. That's how my Monday morning started. I plan to be having a word with the office this morning. :explode:

    OMG! Yeah, had that happened to me, animal services would be at his door TODAY. I don't play when it comes to dogs. I love love love dogs, so I automatically absolutely hate hate hate irresponsible dog owners. Letting his dog run loose like that is not only dangerous for you and your dog, but also very dangerous for his dog! What a douche! I hate to even say this, but you need to be sure you and your dog are protected, so take some pepper spray with you. That way, in case the dog attacks, you can spray him with the pepper spray & get away. It won't do any damage to the dog, just stop him for a minute.
    I live in a neighborhood where idiots have fighting dogs so I always take tear gas with me when I'm walking my dogs (even though my greys weigh 95 pounds!). A lot of dogs run loose and although none of them have had the balls to approach any further after my Mo man snarls (:heart:) at them, I don't want to risk my dogs (or me) being injured in a dog fight.