Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Boy I had a lot of reading to do this morning!

    Pos_me- Cute pic! Way to go on doing your c25k..mmm your garden sounds delish! :laugh:

    raider- I am so proud of you for excercising..keep it up!

    elmox- That's great news on the dresses!! I have one "goal" dress that is super sexy that bobby bought for me when I was about 170lbs..I WILL get back into that baby again!

    TOM- yes its here too...maybe we ARE all synched up now...well I am like on my last day..but still

    Blue- I am so so so proud of you! I got teary thinking about you doing that walk...words cant express how joyful I am for you right now! SO PROUD!

    Jess- I am glad my fb message got to you at the right time! You def are my c25k hero..god I cant wait to graduate haha I want it done! I think once Im done Ill stick to 10-15 min runs...thats about as long as I can do it without being bored senseless. Oh, I added that black eyed pea song, tonights gonna be a good night? it gets me pumped up...they play it in spin class and bodypump and it usually gets me working harder. Dont know if you ahve it but you should get it
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Jess- I am glad my fb message got to you at the right time! You def are my c25k hero..god I cant wait to graduate haha I want it done! I think once Im done Ill stick to 10-15 min runs...thats about as long as I can do it without being bored senseless. Oh, I added that black eyed pea song, tonights gonna be a good night? it gets me pumped up...they play it in spin class and bodypump and it usually gets me working harder. Dont know if you ahve it but you should get it

    I downloaded it last week! I was going to tell you to download it and completely forgot! I also downloaded their let's get it started..that really helps get me pumped up! Once I'm done I'm going to work on my speed I think. I can't do the 20+ minute jogs. I get bored senseless as well! I wish my gym would show something more exciting then news on tv! But yes your fb message definitely pumped my up. Anytime I get something on fb it pops up on my phone. It gave me my boost. So thank you!

    POS Me-That garden sounds sooooo yummy!! My parents have one and we started making homemade salsa last year. OMG! SO good! I love growing your own produce!

    elmox-That's so great that you fit into your old dresses!! Feels good don't it!?

    velvet-That's so great to hear about your old company! My mom will be breast cancer free for 5 years this December. So excited! I'm a big supportor. I can't go in grocery stores during breast cancer awareness month. I donate and buy EVERYTHING in sight!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:

    calories- 1160 (its ok after my weekend)
    water- yes
    sodium- 1900
    excercise- wii fit and 25 mins (hardcore) on bike
    cals burned- 700 :drinker: :drinker:
    proud- I was super super proud that I burned 700 calories. I only had about 30 mins at the gym before I had to get my son from daycare so I did a hard 25 mins on the bike and burned about 350 cals. I got home and instead of giving up on getting 700 calories burned I put on my wii fit and did excercise on there until I hit 700 calories burned. I am so proud of myself! At one point my son was getting mad that i wasnt paying attention to him so I had to do the step aerobics while holding him..yea he weighs 30lbs! THAT was a work out!

    Am I the biggest loser? If so I would like to hand over the challenge making honors to Bluenote. I am just super proud of her and eveything she has accomplished and I think its about damn time she gets to come up with a challenge!

    B back later

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1467 (goal 1617 but figured it was okay because I was several hundred over on Sunday)
    Exercise: 30 minute run/walk. I love that I'm going 2 miles in under 30 minutes only running like 9 of the minutes. :laugh: My run/walk distance is now longer than when I was constantly running because my run speed is so much faster. Hooray!
    Water: 12 cups logged
    Proud: Got up early to run even though I exmayed the 6am trip to the gym
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    Well I am starting the day feeling really bloated! I just went back and noticed that I had WAY WAY too much sodium yesterday. I was almost at 4000!! I didn't realize that! No wonder why!

    Alright so after all the reading I hope I got everyone!

    meokk - Great job on burning all of those calories!! We laid a lot of sod down about a month and a half ago and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. It was definitely a great workout!!

    mstahl - Glad that George was okay after you having to rush home. Hope those fish were tasty. I have never tried to cook a fish that I had to do all the cleaning and stuff for. Sounds like more work than I am willing to give for that. LOL!!:laugh:

    Colgirl - Sounds like you are still hard at work with your yard. Sounds like it is going to be well worth the effort!!

    Julie - Hope TOM hurries through so that you can enjoy:wink: your honeymoon!!

    Jess - Enjoy the concert for me too and don't get burned too badly. I haven't ever been able to tan! That's what I get for being a red head!

    Velvet - Great Job on keeping the sodium down. I might need to take pointers from you after yesterday! :ohwell: Also Great Job on the 4 lbs loss on your ticker. I don't know if I missed you checking in but congrats!!

    BTW - Did we get a goal to do this week?

    elmox - Congrats on all those dresses fitting! That is an awesome feeling. I hope I get to do that soon too!!

    blue - That is AMAZING!!! Congrats on all of your accomplishments!!! You are melting away!:bigsmile: That is awesome that you signed up for your walk. You will love it! I have done a few and always feel great after I finish them.

    Well today I am going to be watching the sodium like a hawk and drowning myself in water to help offset yesterday.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Cris - Way to push yourself! That is great! Looks like you have your mojo back!!!

    Jul - Glad you are able to run faster and longer now! That is definitely an accomplishment!! I don't know if I will ever be able to do that but maybe as some of this weight comes off I will be able to!
  • MrsE2010
    MrsE2010 Posts: 63
    Motivation needed here. Grrr! I want to be under this 200 pound mark once and for all! My weight is fluctuating between 199 and about 203 and it's driving me nuts. Now may not be the ideal time to weigh myself due to monthly water retention but I need to keep going.

    HW 230
    CW 203
    GW 185
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Motivation needed here. Grrr! I want to be under this 200 pound mark once and for all! My weight is fluctuating between 199 and about 203 and it's driving me nuts. Now may not be the ideal time to weigh myself due to monthly water retention but I need to keep going.

    HW 230
    CW 203
    GW 185

    cw- I gained 60+lbs with my pregnancy....I finally just got it all off! I was actually 206lbs when I got pregoo but my normal weight range is 180-190lbs...so my goal right now is to get back to there. Its tough with a little one at home but its doable...you just have to make yourself a priority sometimes and let daddy take over baby duty..that was the toughest but most rewarding lesson I've learned so far! Good luck!

    Raider- Bluenote is supposed to give the challenge this week, I passed the torch on to her!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    good morning ladies....

    I drank enough water yesterday to see that gain from Sunday gone this morning! :smile: I managed to get my workout in this morning. Now I am headed to work. This afternoon and as of right now have the afternoon off. My goal is to work on the pond area as yesterday the damn wind was outrageous. Blew trees down, semi's over and well when it gets like that you just stay inside. With that said I started cleaning out my drawers yesterday. 10 Bras that are now TOO big 44D and 44DD. I am so glad the girls are getting smaller but, I fear they will are getting deflated. Oh well.. totally worth it, and my husband says he would love me without them! :wink: Does anyone one know where you can donate good bras? I know at some point I read a thread on this site of a place that needed larger bras for I think it was like a womens shelter.. not sure. I just hate to throw them away as most of them were not wore much at all are and in great shape and from Lane Bryant.

    Yes... girls.. I will post pics when I get to that point. I need to cut off the wire we used to hold the rocks up while cementing in the water fall today. I also need to move some Iris, day Lillys, vinca, phlox, snow on the mountain and what ever else I find that need thinned through out the yard. Looks like it will be a nice afternoon!

    I will check back in later
  • MrsE2010
    MrsE2010 Posts: 63
    I weighed 230 when I became pregnant, weighed 251 the day I delivered my daughter, and now I'm at 203. I ate really healthy the whole pregnancy so the weight literally fell off for a little while. My daughter is 9 months old now and I seem to be at a plateau. I don't want to stop losing weight because I should have never gotten this heavy! I would love to get down to about 160 but my realistic goal for now is 185.
    Motivation needed here. Grrr! I want to be under this 200 pound mark once and for all! My weight is fluctuating between 199 and about 203 and it's driving me nuts. Now may not be the ideal time to weigh myself due to monthly water retention but I need to keep going.

    HW 230
    CW 203
    GW 185

    cw- I gained 60+lbs with my pregnancy....I finally just got it all off! I was actually 206lbs when I got pregoo but my normal weight range is 180-190lbs...so my goal right now is to get back to there. Its tough with a little one at home but its doable...you just have to make yourself a priority sometimes and let daddy take over baby duty..that was the toughest but most rewarding lesson I've learned so far! Good luck!

    Raider- Bluenote is supposed to give the challenge this week, I passed the torch on to her!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    WARNING TMI*****
    I just wanted to share this with you gals.Even though the scale hasn't budged yet or according to measurements my inches haven't gone down any more.I look like my waist is getting much smaller and I can feel my abs now.WOOOOOHOOO for Cardio Max with Bob working me out for a six pack YAYYYYYYY!! Anyways I noticed something in the mirror today right before I weighed myself.Now I know for women on here who have had a few babies they know what I am talking about.You know the skin/fat that hangs over your WHOWHO and you haven't been able to see your WHOWHO for years because of it:laugh: Well gals for the first time in almost 5 years:noway: :noway: I saw my WHOWHO:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: .So maybe with some more ab workouts it will eventually be gone for good lol.Ok I am done talking about my WHOWHO lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    WARNING TMI*****
    I just wanted to share this with you gals.Even though the scale hasn't budged yet or according to measurements my inches haven't gone down any more.I look like my waist is getting much smaller and I can feel my abs now.WOOOOOHOOO for Cardio Max with Bob working me out for a six pack YAYYYYYYY!! Anyways I noticed something in the mirror today right before I weighed myself.Now I know for women on here who have had a few babies they know what I am talking about.You know the skin/fat that hangs over your WHOWHO and you haven't been able to see your WHOWHO for years because of it:laugh: Well gals for the first time in almost 5 years:noway: :noway: I saw my WHOWHO:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: .So maybe with some more ab workouts it will eventually be gone for good lol.Ok I am done talking about my WHOWHO lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    WARNING TMI*****
    I just wanted to share this with you gals.Even though the scale hasn't budged yet or according to measurements my inches haven't gone down any more.I look like my waist is getting much smaller and I can feel my abs now.WOOOOOHOOO for Cardio Max with Bob working me out for a six pack YAYYYYYYY!! Anyways I noticed something in the mirror today right before I weighed myself.Now I know for women on here who have had a few babies they know what I am talking about.You know the skin/fat that hangs over your WHOWHO and you haven't been able to see your WHOWHO for years because of it:laugh: Well gals for the first time in almost 5 years:noway: :noway: I saw my WHOWHO:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: .So maybe with some more ab workouts it will eventually be gone for good lol.Ok I am done talking about my WHOWHO lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Okay I haven't had a baby but this is cracking me up!! :laugh: :laugh: So glad you found it awestfall!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    hey Jess !! You are eating 1200 net calories right and then half your exercise cals right?Thats what I am doing but I upped my net to 1300 net and half exercise calories.So far I think its going to work.I haven't gained any more weight I just keep fluctuating between 218-224.So in a month or so I should be dropping weight like crazy!!WOOOOHOOOO I so can't wait.Summer here we come!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am glad I made everyone laugh this morning SERIOUSLY that was my intentions for a good laugh on my behalf but it was nice to find it again lol.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    hey Jess !! You are eating 1200 net calories right and then half your exercise cals right?Thats what I am doing but I upped my net to 1300 net and half exercise calories.So far I think its going to work.I haven't gained any more weight I just keep fluctuating between 218-224.So in a month or so I should be dropping weight like crazy!!WOOOOHOOOO I so can't wait.Summer here we come!!

    Yes I'm eating 1200 and then I try and eat half my calories. Somtimes less, sometimes more. Depends how I feel since I workout at night. I ate one of those Snickers Protein bars yesterday befor I went to the gym....I think it's like 290 calories. Not a good idea. I was bursting at the seams! I wanted to vomit and I had horrid upper ab cramps. Back to the point, I eat anywhere from 1400-1600 on exercise days.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    hey Jess !! You are eating 1200 net calories right and then half your exercise cals right?Thats what I am doing but I upped my net to 1300 net and half exercise calories.So far I think its going to work.I haven't gained any more weight I just keep fluctuating between 218-224.So in a month or so I should be dropping weight like crazy!!WOOOOHOOOO I so can't wait.Summer here we come!!

    Yes I'm eating 1200 and then I try and eat half my calories. Somtimes less, sometimes more. Depends how I feel since I workout at night. I ate one of those Snickers Protein bars yesterday befor I went to the gym....I think it's like 290 calories. Not a good idea. I was bursting at the seams! I wanted to vomit and I had horrid upper ab cramps. Back to the point, I eat anywhere from 1400-1600 on exercise days.
    Thats what I thought !! I never thought I would actually need to start eating my exercise cals but my body tells me it needs the extra fuel.By the way are the Snickers Protein bars any good I have never had them and I love chocolate but I would like something a bit more healthy.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    WARNING TMI*****
    I just wanted to share this with you gals.Even though the scale hasn't budged yet or according to measurements my inches haven't gone down any more.I look like my waist is getting much smaller and I can feel my abs now.WOOOOOHOOO for Cardio Max with Bob working me out for a six pack YAYYYYYYY!! Anyways I noticed something in the mirror today right before I weighed myself.Now I know for women on here who have had a few babies they know what I am talking about.You know the skin/fat that hangs over your WHOWHO and you haven't been able to see your WHOWHO for years because of it:laugh: Well gals for the first time in almost 5 years:noway: :noway: I saw my WHOWHO:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: .So maybe with some more ab workouts it will eventually be gone for good lol.Ok I am done talking about my WHOWHO lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Mine is a little more conspicuous these days, too. I used to think I had the biggest pubic mound ever. I mean, what kind of crunches do you have to do to get rid of that?! :huh:
    But it's gotten MUCH smaller recently since my hip bones have started poking out.

    I still can't get used to all these bones sticking out everywhere. I'm constantly banging them on stuff or each other. Being less fat is very painful
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    awestfall-The Snickers bars are good. They aren't as "chocolately" as you would hope but they are still good and VERY filling!!

    littlespy-:laugh: :laugh: You make me laugh. A mound? haha...I can feel collar bones...don't think I've ever felt those before!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - you crack me up...no more padding for you...

    Awestfall - that was too funny but i no all to well about that ...at this point i don't think i will ever be there...funny is that i have 2 c-seciton scars that i can't see unless i lift up my belly...oh how i want to actually see them...maybe one day.
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