Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Jess: you look beautiful in your dress..with or without the big girly underwears...LOL

    Litspy/JUlie: congrats onfitting the bathing suit

    Litdeb: My daily calories is 1200 and if i exercise i eat some ( if i am really hungry taht day).

    For all who gain weight..remember the wise wisdom of Mstahl " if it's a gain it's water - loss if fat":wink:
    New week, new beginning, so we will lose the weight gained and some...Let do this!!!

    Check in Saturday:
    calories: over 200 calories
    exercise: just yard work
    water: 3 cups
    proud: weekends are hectic and I kept thinking of my caloreis and staying on track...for the most part i did stay on track

    600 calllenge: nope
    sodium: over..1789
    fiber: under, 18

    Check in Sunday:
    calories: over 400
    exercise: none
    water: 2 cups
    proud: I logged ALL my calories

    600 callenge: nope
    sodium: over...2000
    fiber: 24

    I will be back later to somewhat stalk

    Have agreat day girls :-)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    So talking about cals...when you are bumping your cals are those net cals or just eating cals??

    I just bumped my eating calories up (which, of course, bumped my net cals most days) the first time, but since then I've been bumping my net cals.

    I'm eating 1290 NET calories these days (which usually sticks me eating 1500-1800 calories a day based on exercise... occasionally more). YUM! :love:

    Julie/jess - THanks !!! I just wanted to make sure i am doing right...but still thinking maybe i need to eat more...i may try to bump up to 1300 this week and see what i get :smile:

    I am excited to try out my new "as seen on tv" purchase :smile: I usally have salads for lunch, i cut everything up on sunday night by wednesday my lettuce is all wilty, and usally takes me like 5-10 to measure everything out (after i get back from working out), so i bought some of these "green bags" supposed to keep your produce fresher longer. So i made up 5 bags last night all measured out with everhything in there (except dressing, cheese, and my new almond slivers i bought), and put them in the fride so curious if they really work and i get fresh salad everday :smile: they were only like 5.00 so if they don't i guess no big loss.
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    I have to put in my morning vent...first thing this morning I come downstairs to let my dog out, I'm still half asleep. I'm not even to the bottom of the stairs when this stupid little white boxer looking dog is at my dog growing and snapping at her. This dogs owner always just lets him run around without a leash. They also have another small dog but that one never bothers anyone. So I'm trying to get away from this dog and he just wont leave me and my dog alone. No owner to be seen! What frustrates me is this guy who owns these two dogs ALWAYS does this. Opens his door and lets the dogs out. He finally starts calling his dog from his door and I just yell "Excuse me could you please put your dog on a leash!? It wont quit attacking my dog!" his response "go to he!! *kitten*!" are you kidding me!? Yep. That's how my Monday morning started. I plan to be having a word with the office this morning. :explode:

    That is just awful! I get so upset by irresponsible and inconsiderate pet owners. Where I live it is a law to have dogs on a leash except for in enclosed areas.....but in my neighborhood the offleash dogs just roaming around are frequent enough to where I cannot even comfortably walk my dog - he isn't aggressive at all, but what would I do if an aggressive dog approached us and no one else was around? So frustrating. People can be so rude - I'm sorry that was your Monday morning!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey girls,

    I have had a rough morning. I was wokened up ( middle of the night) by a "charlie horse" nighttime calf leg cramping...
    I have no idea what cause this, but i am still in pain. Throughout the night I felt it coming again..and i tried to prevent it by not moving my right leg. I have not done my normal exercise all weekend, but I have been work in my back yard. I planted my veggie garden on Saturday. Also, on saturday i did lots of squats, kneeling down and bent over planting. Sunday, I clean my yard from the mess i made, but not an extraordinary workout to cause this leg cramp. should i take pain meds or something to alleviate all this pain right calf, or should i just wing it.

    Help please girls:heart:

    Make sure you're very well hydrated and getting enough potassium (bananas, potatoes) and vitamin e (sweet potatoes, spinach). I have suffered from leg cramps my entire life -- I hate the ones that come at night! Usually mine are in my calves but occasionally lately I get NIGHTMARE shin cramps! I can't find a way to get the muscle to stop contracting and it's just the worst thing ever. :ohwell: I think an anti-inflammatory medicine (ibuprofen, acetaminophen) will help. Also, try massaging it and make sure you stretch well after exercising. Sometimes a heating pad seems to help mine when I have a really bad one though I don't get cramps nearly as much as I used to (yay healthy diet!).
    Hope you feel better soon!

    Thanks Julie for all your help:flowerforyou: ..I am going to do everything u suggested.
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    OMG! Yeah, had that happened to me, animal services would be at his door TODAY. I don't play when it comes to dogs. I love love love dogs, so I automatically absolutely hate hate hate irresponsible dog owners. Letting his dog run loose like that is not only dangerous for you and your dog, but also very dangerous for his dog! What a douche! I hate to even say this, but you need to be sure you and your dog are protected, so take some pepper spray with you. That way, in case the dog attacks, you can spray him with the pepper spray & get away. It won't do any damage to the dog, just stop him for a minute.
    I live in a neighborhood where idiots have fighting dogs so I always take tear gas with me when I'm walking my dogs (even though my greys weigh 95 pounds!). A lot of dogs run loose and although none of them have had the balls to approach any further after my Mo man snarls (:heart:) at them, I don't want to risk my dogs (or me) being injured in a dog fight.

    I had to call animal control a while back, because the dog that lived behind me kept digging under the fence into my yard - she was a gorgeous friendly SMART dog......and she kept letting my dog out of his pen to play with her! I kept blocking up the holes, but this went on for ages.....three days after I called animal control, her owners asked if I'd seen her because they know she sometimes comes to play in my yard!!! What the heck? If you know this, why let it happen, why not keep your dog in your yard??/ It was a constant problem, and every time I tried to go talk to them, they wouldn't answer their door! I was sorry to have to call animal control, but they didn't leave an option. People that cannot be responsible for their pets shouldn't keep them :(
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    :explode:well I did it I moved myself up to eating 1500 to 1600 calories a day!! I am going to see if this helps push some more weight off because I am exercising hardcore and I am always hungry after workouts and the 1200 calorie thing isn't cutting it.As long as I am eating healthy foods it doesn't bother me to eat closer to 1500 to 1600 calories.I have been doing this for about a week now and I feel so much better but do you gals think this may be why my weight has slowly creeped up a bit.I know I have lost weight and this weekends sodium binge definitely did not help but my weight has been fluctuating back and for into the teens and 20's for about a week now since I started adding more calories.I know I need more calories and I am positive the weight will start to drop again but I am just frustrated this morning.Seeing the scale read 218 Friday and then back up to 218.Its my fault and I am not letting the scale consume me REALLY I'M NOT!! Just curious to see your gals input.I know there are alot of you who still do just 1200 calories but my body can't do that anymore I need more food to lose more weight now.I knew it was coming just didn't know when.Someone please convince me it is ok to eat MORE and that the gain will soon go away LOL!!!!

    I'm having the same problem! I increased my calories about a week or two ago and the scale is all over the place. In the last week I have been everywhere from 213.9-218...I have been sick an only worked out twice last week so that may be a factor. If I remember correctly Julie did this awhile ago too and it took her body a couple weeks to adjust to the change. I would give it a few weeks and see what happens. Your body needs the fuel. Eating the 1200 calories and workout out so much might of damaged your metabolisim so it needs to be kicked in the butt. Takes time. Hang in there. We will get through it together!

    I have to put in my morning vent...first thing this morning I come downstairs to let my dog out, I'm still half asleep. I'm not even to the bottom of the stairs when this stupid little white boxer looking dog is at my dog growing and snapping at her. This dogs owner always just lets him run around without a leash. They also have another small dog but that one never bothers anyone. So I'm trying to get away from this dog and he just wont leave me and my dog alone. No owner to be seen! What frustrates me is this guy who owns these two dogs ALWAYS does this. Opens his door and lets the dogs out. He finally starts calling his dog from his door and I just yell "Excuse me could you please put your dog on a leash!? It wont quit attacking my dog!" his response "go to he!! *kitten*!" are you kidding me!? Yep. That's how my Monday morning started. I plan to be having a word with the office this morning. :explode:
    Thanks Jess!! I am definitely going to stick it for the long haul because I know my body needs more than its getting now.Hang in there I will help you through it too and we BOTH will come out losing tons of WEIGHT!!!Stick to it
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    bluenote: Thanks for positing your pics! It's so nice to put a face with the name!! You're adorable and I can see a HUGE difference in your profile pic vs. your ticker pic.

    Cris: I definitely understand losing the motivation, but you've been kicking butt everywhere (your guy, HH&F thread, etc). You have a title to defend, lady!

    Jess: I love the dress, but especially love the belt! You look wonderful and I know you'll have a blast at the event! I can't go to the event at the Mall of America because it's on Friday and my boyfriend and I have decided to go out of town to visit three more state parks. We're packing food we can grill at the parks for lunches and will be getting lots of hiking in. Hopefully this will be a holiday weekend that sees a weight loss!

    I actually did pretty well on the eating this weekend, other than sodium (sound familiar?). My fingers aren't too bloated, though, so I can get rid of it pretty quickly. Some of it has to do with the heat (90 degrees and humid). I'm really looking forward to the weekend and know this week will drag on forever!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Velvet and LIttleSpy-I called the apartment complex first thing this morning. After my rant on facebook I quickly learned it's against the law in Texas to not have your dogs on a leash as well. The apartments said they will issue him a lease violation and to let them know if I seem him without a leash again. I plan on getting some pepper spray as well. That's what my Mom told me to do. I'm a dog lover and would hate to have to do that but my dog is like my child and I'm going to protect my baby. Poor girl just stood there staring at me with her tail between her legs this morning like "Mommy help me!". I hate mean dogs! My dogs so passive! And I looked up the number from animal control. If it happens again they will be getting a phone call as well.

    LilDebbie-I have those little green bags too. Make sure you seal them up good. If you do they work great!! I use them for lettuce all the time!

    Heather-Great job on sticking with it on the weekends! That's tuff! Have fun at exploring 3 more parks you guys found. I love hearing about everything you find!

    awestfall-You are correct we will get through it together! :drinker:

    Thank you all for the dress compliments! :blushing: I'm very excited to wear it. I really hope to lose this water weight and be at 50 pounds lost by Thursday. I got tons of exercise going up and down that slide on Saturday! It's probably the rum! :tongue: Guess we will see what the scale says this week.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Velvet and LIttleSpy-I called the apartment complex first thing this morning. After my rant on facebook I quickly learned it's against the law in Texas to not have your dogs on a leash as well. The apartments said they will issue him a lease violation and to let them know if I seem him without a leash again. I plan on getting some pepper spray as well. That's what my Mom told me to do. I'm a dog lover and would hate to have to do that but my dog is like my child and I'm going to protect my baby. Poor girl just stood there staring at me with her tail between her legs this morning like "Mommy help me!". I hate mean dogs! My dogs so passive! And I looked up the number from animal control. If it happens again they will be getting a phone call as well.

    LilDebbie-I have those little green bags too. Make sure you seal them up good. If you do they work great!! I use them for lettuce all the time!

    Heather-Great job on sticking with it on the weekends! That's tuff! Have fun at exploring 3 more parks you guys found. I love hearing about everything you find!

    awestfall-You are correct we will get through it together! :drinker:

    Thank you all for the dress compliments! :blushing: I'm very excited to wear it. I really hope to lose this water weight and be at 50 pounds lost by Thursday. I got tons of exercise going up and down that slide on Saturday! It's probably the rum! :tongue: Guess we will see what the scale says this week.
    By the way you look AMAZING in that dress!! Are you sure you weigh over 200 cause I definitely don't see it.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Quick question I hear all of you talking about net calories.Now this may be a dumb question but I am going to ask anyways.Is net calories what you end up eating minus your exercise? Because I have been eating 1200calories and eating half my exercise cals which puts me at about 1500 to 1600 cals for the day depending on how much exercise I do?Before I wasn't eating my exercise calories so thats what I meant by starting to eat more because my body definitly needs it so I decided to start eating at least half of my exercise cals.This should rev my metabolism back up correct?I am trying to start shedding more pounds but I struggled with the idea of eating more and I think after a week or trying it and seeing the gain (yes the gain frustrated me) I realized I have to give it a chance to work.I am doing the 6 week Biggest Loser Cardio Max DVD with Bob and it makes the sweat roll off of you.I love it though cause it tones my abs,butt,arms and legs.Full workout in 40minutes or less cause they have different things you can do.I am doing the maximum results program and I love it.The here soon I will start running again outside as soon as the rain ends lol.I feel so much stronger doing exercise with Bob because I can complete all the exercises now and when I was 30 pounds heavier I couldn't even complete the video or do any of the moves lol
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Awestfall - I feel your pain! I was losing 8-12 lbs a month for the first few months, and having BAD calorie days and ZERO exercise. Now I'm doing things far better and my weight loss has slowed WAY down. I was feeling pretty badly about this and looking at my spread sheet and realized that we keep being told that 1 to 2 lbs a week is a really realistic goal, and losing slowly is better, and that each individual will lose at a different rate. Maybe it's time I really THINK about what that means.

    - 1 to 2 lbs a week, maybe my body is in the 1 lb per week camp and rather than fighting it I should accept that limit and be grateful I'm not an outlier who only loses .5 lbs a week?

    - I have a six months more to continue to lose weight and even that isn't a hard date. It's my shortsighted, WANT IT NOW, inner child who is pushing this so hard. Maybe I need to listen to my "wise old soul" voice more and accept that the pace of change will seem plenty fast looking back in a couple of years.

    - I've always heard that in surveys most drivers rate themselves as "above average" and, of course, only half should be above average... I'm not sure WHY I feel I should be able to lose more weight, faster, than anyone else. Especially when you allow for the "all else even" clause. I mean WHY should my body be as efficient at shedding fat as anyone else's? And why should I be discouraged if this will take longer than average? It will still GET me there!

    Looking back, I lost 8 lbs in December (with holiday eating!), 7 lbs in January (when I started to exercise), 9 in February, 0 in March (no real reason), 4 in April, and about 4 or 5 this month. On a macro this looks like going from 200-184 in 3 months (5lbs/month) and if I end the month at 170 I'll have lost 15 in two months - but it looks like I'm just going to be at 175 (I'm bouncing around from 178-174). At 175 I'll have lost 5/lbs a month...

    Don't get me wrong! I plan on working hard and pushing things more in the right direction, but I'm going to reevaluate my goals and decide if accepting I may be on the slow end of the weight loss curve isn't a healthier approach.

    I don't think I've checked in for yesterday - I took a nap after I got back from the dog show (and logged on here) and I didn't get back up for the night! Oops!

    Sunday 5/23
    Calories - under by a few
    Water - none (but I drank a lot of zero calories fluids!)
    Exercise - I entered 2 hours of 2.0 mph walking because I was on my feet all day at the dog show!

    Proud- that I ate a couple pounds of strawberries rather than nachos with cheese! And NO Chicken pot-pie! Whoot!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    awestfall-Yes I'm sure I weigh over 200 pounds. LOL but thank you! That made my day! I look skinny looking straight forward...turn sideways you can see my belly. It doesn't wanna go away. But it's slowly going away

    Net calories...let me see if I can explain this corretly it's basically say you are set at 1200 calories

    1200 base calories
    Consume 1500
    Exercise 600
    Consumed(600)-Exercise(600)=900 net calories
    To get back to 1200 net calories you would need to eat all of your exercise calories.

    This is correct, I think!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Buenos dias señoritas!

    Sounds like we all had a fun weekend. :smile:

    Jess, you look AMAZING in that dree. Great choice, it's super flattering.

    Pos, I woke up with a charlie horse in my calf. It's still a bit sore. Apparently, I need to find a banana!

    Cris/Jess, I've never actually "dieted" (I know, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle...:wink: ) during the summer and I know it's going to be super tough to keep my focus and make good choices now that it is BBQ season. I think as LittleSpy has noted in her status messages lately, it's about eating what you want, but in moderation. Coupled, of course, with exercise. This weekend I was all about the moderation (mostly), just forgot the coupled with exercise part. :tongue:

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Cals - Over by 400...my day foiled by 7-up (200 cals!) and the need for ice cream (170 cals!). Sometimes we knowingly make bad decisions.
    Water - Eh...40 oz
    Exercise - Walking around Central Park for 2 hours = about 440 cals
    Proud - Lots of walking. That's all I got to be proud of. Well, I did order a salad with my lunch instead of home fries. I can be proud of that too.

    Thanks for all the encouragement in finding my mojo again. I know I can do it. I ALMOST cancelled my Jenny Craig appointment for today because I'm pretty sure the number is going to be higher than it was last week. However, I realized that that is what I have done in the past and THAT'S when I got off the rails. I am doing it all the way this time. I won't be taken off track by the fear of failure. This is a journey and all journeys have bumps along the way. It won't be easy. It's not supposed to be easy.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Quick question I hear all of you talking about net calories.Now this may be a dumb question but I am going to ask anyways.Is net calories what you end up eating minus your exercise? Because I have been eating 1200calories and eating half my exercise cals which puts me at about 1500 to 1600 cals for the day depending on how much exercise I do?Before I wasn't eating my exercise calories so thats what I meant by starting to eat more because my body definitly needs it so I decided to start eating at least half of my exercise cals.This should rev my metabolism back up correct?

    Yes and yes.

    I know it's frustrating. :smile: You have seen me struggle with this over the last 4 months, right?

    My metabolism is better right now that I think it has *ever* been in my entire life. And it's because I've been steadily increasing the amount I eat. I hope I don't jinx myself, but it's been an entire month now that I feel like my metabolism is really working correctly for me. I've lost exactly the amount of weight in the last 4 weeks that I expected to lose based on my calorie deficits (6 pounds) That's the most I've lost in any 4 consecutive weeks since January. Sure, week before last I "gained," but last week I recorded a 3 pound loss, so that made up for the week I was holding water on weigh-in day.

    I am far happier and more satisfied. I hardly even think about this being something I have to do to lose weight anymore. And I'm constantly having to figure out how to get more calories in without feeling stuffed. I'm really happy with where I am on this journey now. Very happy being able to eat so much and still lose weight. Very happy only spending 30 minutes most days on intentional exercise (I am active in other ways, but it's less "Ugh, I have to go run 30 minutes on the treadmill" and more "Yay, I get to play tennis!" kind of stuff. :smile:)
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    wow.. you girls have been busy this morning. Like some of you I am up 2.5lbs today from yesterday. However, Tom decided it was time for a visit, I did not drink enough water over the weekend and yes.. tooo much sodium.

    Julie.. Happy Birthday early! I hope you have a great time and congrats on the swim suit

    jess.. cute dress.. I bet you have a fabulous time at the sex in the city event, as far as the dog thing goes.. I think you did the right thing. We have a leash law around here as well and for whatever reason we also have some of those people who like to let their dogs roam. Pretty irresponsible.

    lildebbie.. I too use those bags and like jess said.. if you seal them.. they work great

    Awestfall and Cris.. I hear you on the cook out and relaxing.. I think in general it has been a life adjustment no matter what season it is for me. I just have to make myself get in gear. As Cris told me last week.... GET YOUR BUTT TO THE GYM! :wink:

    Pos me... I agree with Julie... do what she said.. when your body is low on potassium (why bananas help) and or water, it can cause "Charlie Horses" A deep massage, yes hurts at the time and some heat will help to get the knots out quicker. Stretching is always a help as well!

    Well.. today is my day off. If you can call it that. I did manage to do W4 Day 1 of C25k (on the elliptical) today.. Holy cow.. that was a great workout! Now I am heading to town to do some grocery shopping, and get some landscaping stuff with a stop at Sams Club as well. So, I will check back in later tonight.

    Hope you girls have a fabulous day!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    mstahl - I am totally with you on the losing weigh fast and then it slowing down. I know I haven't been on here long but in the first 6-8 weeks I lost 15 lbs and then now I am slowing losing 1-2 lbs this month. It very aggravating but I am having to re-evaluate also. Good luck with finding what works for you!

    elmox - I had the exact same problem with the ice cream yesterday. I know I shouldn't have eaten it but it just sounded so good. I bought some WW ice cream bars this week so if I do have a hankering for ice cream then I won't be blowing as many calories!

    Jess - Thanks for the explanation!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Quick question I hear all of you talking about net calories.Now this may be a dumb question but I am going to ask anyways.Is net calories what you end up eating minus your exercise? Because I have been eating 1200calories and eating half my exercise cals which puts me at about 1500 to 1600 cals for the day depending on how much exercise I do?Before I wasn't eating my exercise calories so thats what I meant by starting to eat more because my body definitly needs it so I decided to start eating at least half of my exercise cals.This should rev my metabolism back up correct?

    Yes and yes.

    I know it's frustrating. :smile: You have seen me struggle with this over the last 4 months, right?

    My metabolism is better right now that I think it has *ever* been in my entire life. And it's because I've been steadily increasing the amount I eat. I hope I don't jinx myself, but it's been an entire month now that I feel like my metabolism is really working correctly for me. I've lost exactly the amount of weight in the last 4 weeks that I expected to lose based on my calorie deficits (6 pounds) That's the most I've lost in any 4 consecutive weeks since January. Sure, week before last I "gained," but last week I recorded a 3 pound loss, so that made up for the week I was holding water on weigh-in day.

    I am far happier and more satisfied. I hardly even think about this being something I have to do to lose weight anymore. And I'm constantly having to figure out how to get more calories in without feeling stuffed. I'm really happy with where I am on this journey now. Very happy being able to eat so much and still lose weight. Very happy only spending 30 minutes most days on intentional exercise (I am active in other ways, but it's less "Ugh, I have to go run 30 minutes on the treadmill" and more "Yay, I get to play tennis!" kind of stuff. :smile:)
    Thanks LittleSpy for the ensite!! I am now doing what you did a few months ago when you decided to eat more thats what I am doing now.I know its going to work.THANKS AGAIN for being you and being so DARN SMART
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    raider- I've said it a million times! I loooove the WW ice cream sundaes, although lately Ive been buying the skinny cow ice cream sandwiches more because my family has decided they like to eat my treats too and with WW I only get 2 sundaes in a box and in the skinny cow box I get like 6 or so...but yum!

    cogirl- I will def be hitting the gym today, thanks!

    Heather- thanks for lighting that fire under my butt, you told me exactly what I needed to hear to get that drive going again! THANK YOU!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So I suck at life. I forgot to make myself a lunch. How sad is it that I want to go to McDonalds and get a happy meal because I want a Shrek toy!? I love that movie! :laugh: I'm just a big kid!

    Edit: Cris are you starting week 8 tonight? :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So I suck at life. I forgot to make myself a lunch. How sad is it that I want to go to McDonalds and get a happy meal because I want a Shrek toy!? I love that movie! :laugh: I'm just a big kid!

    :laugh: I've been fighting the McNugget happy meal urge for about 2 weeks now. Good luck to you. :tongue: