Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Hey Ladies!

    Cris - Hopefully you got to the gym and got to work out. Love the new pic! You and your fiancee are so cute together!! :heart:

    Pos_me - Great Job on the workouts!!! Great new pic!

    Jess - I am jealous too!! When are they coming to Dallas? Maybe it will be a weekend I am there and try and see them. But knowing my luck probably not.

    lildeb - You are doing great on the workouts! Keep it up!

    Be back later!

    Well I actually exercised today using Exercise TV. I did the Bollywood dance and it was a lot harder than I thought. I am kind of glad that I didn't do it in a class because I was sooooo uncoordinated!! It was kind of funny!:laugh: :laugh: But I kept at it and finished it. I saw a lot of other exercise videos that I might try. It was definitely different than the elliptical. I didn't burn as many calories but had a lot of fun trying!

    Today went okay in the eating department. Let's see:
    Calories: a little over but not by much
    Water: 100 oz and still counting
    Exercise 22 mins of Bollywood!!
    Proud: That I actually came home and exercised!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I was too busy to read anything all day so I'm just catching up......

    Pos Me - I went through a period several years ago of cramps in my leg and for me the problem was low calcium. I took supplements and they went away, I think that my doctor at the time had me try calcium first but also mentioned that low potassium could be a cause so it makes sense that Jess mentioned Bananas. I planted my garden this weekend too, my first one, can't wait to eat something that I've grown. BTW gardening burns approx 300 cals per hour

    Jess - I super duper love your dress - very SITC....you look hot !!!!! :heart:
    Oh and that dog owner should be put on a leash :explode:

    I had an amazing and exhausting weekend in the garden, we laid sod, 2400 square feet of it...phew.
    Needless to say it was HARD work and I burned 1300 cals on Saturday, 1800 on Sunday and that's very conservative.
    So I treated myself to some guilt free pizza and ice cream :bigsmile: and I was still way under my exercise cals.
    Water good both days.
    Oh, and TOM showed up today....are we all in sync now??:laugh:

    Check in for today:
    calories - 1523 (just under my exercise)
    exercise - 20 mins walking
    water - about 85oz
    Proud that I now have the stamina to do all that yard work.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Chris - new pic - SO CUTE!

    Jess - Our family is leash challenged. In our defense we are only leash challenged with our silly beagles who aren't the least bit aggressive... they just think it's their job to keep a one mile radius free of groundhogs and rabbits! For the record, we don't let our beagle run lose at home, just at my parent's farm (300 acres). My mom and dad would clip a short leash to their beagle and say "she's on a leash" to people who complained. Yeah. :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: AND you look FANTASTIC in that dress :smooched: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I left work at lunch because Ken thought his dad was shorting out. Turns out George is fine, he even went fishing with his other son and caught half a dozen fish! They brought them home for me to fillet for dinner :huh: Usually Ken's brother doesn't let anyone keep fish out of his pond but I guess George wanted to contribute to our food? So I came home from work worried about him! Took advantage of a couple hours of peace and quiet and polished my toe nails :blushing: then got to fillet six or seven fish (bluegill and some big bass). Somehow I barely went over in calories!:smile:

    Of course dinner was JUST fish, sauteed mushrooms (I'd picked those up at the store), and a glass of white wine :tongue: SO - Checking in-

    Calories - over a little
    Water - great!
    Exercise - oops?:ohwell:

    Proud - Not sure...
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Today was a crazy day in town... I was gone longer than I thought and managed to miss lunch... smiley-confused005.gif That never happens.. I just did not get hungry till about 4:00pm. However, I did find chicken breasts for 1.77 lb today and stocked up! smiley-happy015.gif

    I also picked up a yard of gorilla hair mulch. It just seems like my gardening and landscaping jobs are not ending this spring. So, tomorrow afternoon I may be out in the yard yet again. Getting closer on the waterfall and pond. Now we are at the stage of planting, sprinklers and mulch. Just have to figure out what I want where... smiley-think005.gif

    Well.. I did much better on my water today..
    Calories.. did great!
    exercise yes.. love doing the C25k on the elliptical, I think I am getting addicted to endorphins
    Proud I am cleaning out the closet making room for cute clothes! With some perseverance I will be filling that closet with new stuff next fall!

    My honey is spending the night at his moms (he is redoing her kitchen for her) to save on gas and time since he will be there again tomorrow! So, I am going to try and get some stuff done I have been putting off tonight.

    See ya all in the morning! smiley-sleep001.gif
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Oh, and TOM showed up today....are we all in sync now??:laugh:

    Apparently... Because TOM just surprised the he** out of me. :huh: :huh: :huh: Didn't I just do this? :laugh: At least there's no time for a pregnancy scare this time. :tongue:

    Edit: Ohhhh, wait, I see what TOM is doing... setting himself right up to ruin my honeymoon. You have GOT to be sh*tting me.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    ColoradoGirl-I can't wait to see pictures of this waterfall! We do get pictures, right? :bigsmile:

    mstahl-mmm..those fish sound delicious!! Thanks for the compliment on the dress. I'm pretty excited about it. As far as dogs on leashs go, it really doesn't bother me as long as they are friendly to my dog. No harm no foul.

    meokk-way to go on burning those calories!! You deserved the pizza and ice cream!

    raider-the concert is actually this weekend. I'm stoked! Gotta work on my tan...It usually happens I get drunk and forget to put more sunblock on and I get BURNED! Geeze, I sound like an alcoholic here lately! :tongue: Glad to hear you tried something new. Way to change things up so you don't get bored!:drinker:

    Checking in
    Calories: 1421
    Water: 128 oz so far
    Exercise: w8d1 of c25k and 25 minutes on elliptical
    Calorie Burn: 609 YES I DID IT!!
    Proud: I need to say thank you to Cris...I was dying at the gym on the elliptical trying to hit my 600 calories and had almost talked myself into quitting and my facebook popped up the message from Cris, commenting on my status. She said I was he hero. made me push harder to finish. So thank you Cris! You gave me the push I needed! :drinker:

    I'm beat. I'm park my butt on the couch!
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    Checking in for the day!

    Calories: Just under :)

    Water: 9 servings

    Exercise: A walk with my daughter this morning, a lot of gardening (over an hour, but not too strenuous, just pulling weeds, and straightening the beds, so I put less time because I didn't think the calories should be that high), some toning with resistance bands

    Sodium: Beautiful! Been under every day since I added sodium to the list of things to track in the food diary.

    It seems like daily I am over my sugar and fat intake. I need to do something about that. It seems like if I eat a banana in the morning and an apple in the afternoon that hits the limit right there for sugar!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    It seems like daily I am over my sugar and fat intake. I need to do something about that. It seems like if I eat a banana in the morning and an apple in the afternoon that hits the limit right there for sugar!

    Hey Velvet,
    Ever since I started doing 3 days per week sugar free I've been really paying close attention to my sugar intake and it is Soooo hard to stay under the MFP recs.
    Mine says to stay under 29 grams of sugar per day, one apple is 17 grams!! so for 3 days per week I stay away from sugars, even in fruit, and try to not eat too much sugar on the other 4 days but I don't worry about how many natural sugars I consume on the other 4 days. I basically eat less fruit and more vegetables. Hope that helps and makes sense....I'm really tired :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    It seems like daily I am over my sugar and fat intake. I need to do something about that. It seems like if I eat a banana in the morning and an apple in the afternoon that hits the limit right there for sugar!

    Hey Velvet,
    Ever since I started doing 3 days per week sugar free I've been really paying close attention to my sugar intake and it is Soooo hard to stay under the MFP recs.
    Mine says to stay under 29 grams of sugar per day, one apple is 17 grams!! so for 3 days per week I stay away from sugars, even in fruit, and try to not eat too much sugar on the other 4 days but I don't worry about how many natural sugars I consume on the other 4 days. I basically eat less fruit and more vegetables. Hope that helps and makes sense....I'm really tired :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    Yeah, I think the general consensus is to keep your refined sugars down as low as possible and to not go nuts with fruit & fruit juice.
    That being said, rarely am I not over MFP's sugar goal. I don't even track it because it's not something I have an issue with. I just checked my sugar intake over the last 30 days and it ranges from about 25g to about 90g with an average of 40-60g each day. No big deal to me.

    I personally don't care for the nutrition goals MFP automatically sets. I've changed almost all of mine along the way to suit my personal needs. :smile:
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    Okay, first I want to say - Way to go Girl! You are listening to your body - that is awesome! You may be gaining muscle. Honestly, I think you are putting too much into the number on the scale at this point. I know it feels awesome and is motivating to see numbers on the scale go down. At this point, I think you should pay attention to how your clothes are fitting and check in weekly with the scale just as feedback but but don't put too much meaning on your weekly numbers. Every 4 weeks - that is the number that counts. I think you are doing awesome by listening to your body because if it feels it is starving your metabolism will slow down in order to sustain itself. You could even try staying around 1500-1600 calories 6 days a week and then 1 day a week allow for a little higher like 1700-1800. This sends your body the message of plenty and will allow for you to shed fat and utilize the fuel you are consuming instead of holding onto it.

    Remember, your body is transforming. It won't always give you a positive number on the scale. Take all of the feedback your body gives you - better endurance, longer workouts, high weights, loose clothing, tone in your body, and the smile back at yourself in the mirror. Celebrate those small victories and allow them to propel you forward.

    Just my two cents worth..! LOL
    Good Luck!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Checking in for the night:

    Cals: Under, even got to have a little ice cream - what up moderation!?! :laugh:
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: Walked about a mile, nothing great...gotta get back on the wagon :grumble:
    Proud: A friend came over to look through my dresses to borrow one for a wedding. Most of these dresses I haven't worn in 3+ years because I couldn't fit in them anymore. She found a few that she liked and then asked if I wanted to try them on as well. I figured it was worth a try and a good gauge to see how I was doing. They ALL fit. :bigsmile: It was a huge confidence boost and also made me realize that I don't want them to fit for much longer! I want to be able to get to the point when they are too big for me. Good motivation!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in

    Cals - 1537
    Exercise - 30 min arc trainer and 6 min bike (300 cals burned ...not no 700 but i will take it)
    Water - 34 oz ( i really slacked on this, i need to work on this, especially this week)
    Proud - THat even though TOM decided to show up today, :grumble: :grumble: I got to the gym, i struggled through it but i got it done.

    Tomorrow at work is going to be horrible i already know i have to do this stuff to prove something and it is going to be a big pain the rear....i am very excited of finale of BL tomorrow night though !!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Jess - the dress is sexy! You look like one hot little lady in that little humdinger! :wink: (sorry, just got off the phone with my dad - the only person alive who still uses "hot little lady" & "humdinger")
    pos_me - just to give my two cents on the charlie horses: I used to get them something fierce and then my doc told me to take potassium AND magnesium together. Something about the mixture is good for muscle spasms. I stopped having them about a week after taking the two.

    OK, lots of good news!
    1.) I wore a......drum roll, please.....size 3X shirt to work and it fit perfectly!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: :noway: :noway:
    2.) My NEW pants (only two months old) fell down at school today while I was walking up to the microphone during the 6th grade promotion ceremony! :tongue:
    3.) I finally lost the 5 lbs. I gained during the show!, and
    4.) Oh, you are NOT gonna believe this one............... For the FIRST time in my life I signed up to do the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer walk!!!!!!!!! My musician friends are pledging me like crazy because they cannot believe it! It's only the one mile fun walk, but still! First time ever!!! :bigsmile: And their biggest size shirt is a 3X - Hmmmmmmm, can I fit into it? H_E_L_L___Y_E_S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    check in:
    calories: a little low, but yesterday I was close to the edge so it's all good
    water: 100 oz!
    exercise: just 50 mins bike. (tee hee I said "just")
    proud: see the 4 list above!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    It seems like daily I am over my sugar and fat intake. I need to do something about that. It seems like if I eat a banana in the morning and an apple in the afternoon that hits the limit right there for sugar!
    Hi Velvet - I second what LIttleSpy says. I've been setting MFP to less Carbs/sugar more protein (overall) but not worrying about my sugar or carbs so much if I'm going over because I'm eating healthy fruits. I don't think of some fruit as all that healthy. I don't believe grapes, oranges or watermelon add that much nutrition for the amount of sugar they hold. But apples and berries are great for you- packed with nutrients! (OK grapes might be fine but just to be sure I like them juiced and fermented first :wink: )

    BlueNote - I'm so proud of you!!! 3X is totally a size many of us are/were wearing in our 200 range! You are just melting away! The walk is a great idea - I bet you raise a ton of money :bigsmile:

    I have got to figure out how to get back on the exercise bandwagon. I'm walking at lunch again, but I'm not going to the rec center. I need to be willing to leave the DH at home with George so I can get my work out in but I'm not willing to do that just yet...:ohwell: I'm also stressed out at work (you should see the acne my 42 year old face has to endure thanks to stress :laugh: ) but that should go away as soon as I start my new job (June 7th~)

    Love you guys!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    bluenote-I am so excited that you signed up for the walk!! If you have never done one you will love it! I'm doing my 3rd one in two weeks! And you will totally fit in a 3x. You are melting away the pounds like nobodies business!!

    Just had to throw in my 2 cents real quick. Off to get ready for work. Stalk later!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    BLue - WTG on the 3x..You go !!!! Good job on your pants falling down ..get you some smaller pants girl !!!! and the walk...is it the regular one or the 3 day one...my friend did that 3 day one a few years back

    today is going to be hectic!!

    Stupid TOM i wish it would go already and just started ...still up ...i need it gone...i DO NOT want a gain this week
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I've lost 2 of the 3 pounds I gained over the weekend! YES!!! It's gonna be a good day! And my dog wasn't attacked by that stupid dog!! :bigsmile:
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    It seems like daily I am over my sugar and fat intake. I need to do something about that. It seems like if I eat a banana in the morning and an apple in the afternoon that hits the limit right there for sugar!

    Hey Velvet,
    Ever since I started doing 3 days per week sugar free I've been really paying close attention to my sugar intake and it is Soooo hard to stay under the MFP recs.
    Mine says to stay under 29 grams of sugar per day, one apple is 17 grams!! so for 3 days per week I stay away from sugars, even in fruit, and try to not eat too much sugar on the other 4 days but I don't worry about how many natural sugars I consume on the other 4 days. I basically eat less fruit and more vegetables. Hope that helps and makes sense....I'm really tired :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    That does make sense :)

    I definitely stay away from any added sugars in general! I was really shocked to find myself over based on 2 pieces of fruit :S
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    elmox - WTG fitting into those old clothes! That must feel great!

    bluenote - I think it's awesome you're doing the Susan G Komen walk. My former job (just before I became a SAHM received a grant from them to help women with low income receive mammograms. it is such a wonderful organization.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    WOW you girls were busy last night! I check in and I have 2 pages to read..lol

    Jess: I hope you made it to the gym..knowing you you probably Rocked C25k.

    LItdeb: Get plenty of rest..mommy deserves it too..

    Raiderape: way to go on using Exercise tv. I have not tried the exercise on demand but I will soon.

    Meokk: thanks for the info on leg cramps. I took my multivitamin, vitiman D with calcium, and a potassium pill. Plus I did eat a banana and thank goodness, no leg cramps last night!

    My fruit/veggie garden, since we moved to our home ( 6 years now) we planned so many things. Fruits: fig tree , plum tree, nectarine tree, grape vine(s) 3 of them, raspberry bush, strawberry bush

    Veggies: lots of tomato plants ( in the ground and in a bucket hanging upside down( we started this 3 years ago)), sweet and hot peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant

    Last year we planted so much tomatoes that we canned some to use during the winter months plus it’s so much cheaper than buying veggies from the store/produce place/farmer’s market. The best part, you taste the fruits of you labor.

    I hope you enjoy your garden as much as I Love mine ;-)

    Mstahl: umm fish…I recently started to like fish

    Calorado girl: you garden sounds amazing..once finished we need to see pictures.

    Elmox: way to go fitting into your dresses. I bet you looked awesome :-)

    Bluenote: Thanks for the information..I will try anything because I don’t want to go though that pain again. I hated getting leg cramps when I was pregnant with all three children. The pain is unbearable!

    Be back later..Off to go workout before I send my son to preschool.