Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Calories: 1518 (goal was 1840... oops)
    Exercise: 30 minutes ellipitcal; 10 minutes spin bike; 10 minutes arc trainer; 5 minutes leg press; 5 minutes chest press (ouch)
    Water: Not sure. Have 12 cups logged. I think it's more.
    Proud: I worked 8.30-5 and then 5.30-8.30. And THEN, I went to the GYM (for the first time ever!). I FREAKING LOVED IT!!! So, I've never been on an elliptical in my life. I'm so used to hearing people say it's a hard workout so since it was my first time, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it for even 10 minutes. I got on & ran and ran, keeping my heart rate at a steady 170-180bpm. Was never out of breath but I did start sweating like a pig. 20 minutes passed, then 30 passed & I decided to stop so I could check out some of the other equipment. After 30 minutes I felt like I could easily go another 30 and I thought to myself "What's the big deal? This is a piece of cake!" Then I got off and tried to walk. Oh. :laugh: My legs nearly buckled. I sure will be feeling that one tomorrow! So yeah, I love the gym. There was hardly anyone there because I was there from 9-10pm. Will be going back again tomorrow if I get off work in time. Now that I know I like it and it's not as scary as I made it out to be in my head, I may actually be able to get up early & go. I still hate that it takes me 20 minutes to get there, but oh well.
    Julie I love my Elliptical!! You can burn a ton of calories in a short period of time and also change your resistance.I am on level 15 resisitance on my elliptical which is the highest it goes but I love the challenge.And my legs always feel mushy after a run on mine.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    By the way I believe my new method is finally beginning to work.The scale moved back down this morning and I will log it later.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - glad you love your new gym...I think i am addicted to mine :smile:

    my hrm goes wacky, i think 1) the chest strap was getting to big (good thing huh !!!) so i tightend it a little bit and seems to be better but someties the numbers start flashing usally after i am all sweaty, it is till had the # on it but just it is flashing...anybody else have this problem.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LilDebbie-Mine doesn't do that but I probably have a different kind. I have noticed that lately mine is slipping around more and is harder to stay in place. Very frustrating. It never use to even budge. Do you wash your strap?

    I have declared today and tomorrow as days of rest for me. I have a date tonight and as you all know the movie is tomorrow night. I hope it doesn't sabotage my weigh in for Friday!! I'm back to my pre-booze fest weekend weight! YAY! If only I could get away from the 213.8 that would be GREAT!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jess - I think a day or two of rest is a great idea (says the chick who hasn't made it the gym since the 10th). I leave my HRM on when I step into the shower and then take it off and rince the band out by stretching it out in the flow of water. I use soap a couple times a week. I just rinse off the platic part. I've had to tighten my strap a few time! Always a YAY moment! :happy:

    I had oatmeal for breakfast today - it was just instant oatmeal not the Irish style slow cooker kind. But it was yummy!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning girls :-)

    It is beautiful out here! It's suppose to be in the 90s this afternoon, but right now it's in the 70s ( my kind of weather).

    Litdeb: my started to flicker when the straps moves a lot, I have to keep tighten ( and that helps), it slides up underneath my boobs or it slides down and i have to keep fixing it. What brand to you have? I have the polar f6 ( diamond). Maybe you need to moisten it.

    Jess: if you are taken two rest days back to back then i would just watch what i eat..and hopefully you will see 210 soon (crossing my fingers for you girl).

    Julie: glad you LOVE your gym. I have the elliptical machine but it's more like a bike than a treadmill. I have never tried running on it. Mine has resistance ( 1 through 10) and it has different level of stride. A basic Proform elliptical, but i love it. It does NOT burn as much as MFP says but for me it burns ffor every 10 minutes is 100 calories burned..not bad for a quick burn.

    Anywho, I did pretty good yesterday. I was up one pound Tuesday morning because of my bad eating Monday night ( ice cream and peanutes in the shell). I am down that pound, but I want to see a loss this week so i have to stay really focus with in these couple days and my "treat" day will be Friday or Saturday.

    check back in a few...
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    By the way I believe my new method is finally beginning to work.The scale moved back down this morning and I will log it later.

    Awestfall: Glad your method is working:flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- good idea about resting. Between your muscles releasing water from the resting and the dehydration from the alcohol you may just have the best weigh-in ever!! :wink:

    LilDeb -- Every once in a while I will have an issue with my HRM but it's the opposite of yours -- mine only does it at the beginning of a workout before I'm sweaty I'm assuming because I haven't wet the back enough.
    On that note, I forgot to wear my HRM at the gym last night and discovered the HRM on the elliptical worked really well but not so much on the other machines I used.

    awestfall -- glad you're seeing that scale move! I was doing different programs on the ellipitcal that change the resistance. Going backwards on it was a lot harder for me than forwards! I think it was mostly because I'm so clumsy though. :laugh:

    pos_me -- About 10 cals/minute is what the gym elliptical HRM said I was burning. We'll see what my HRM says tonight (hopefully).

    I'm not really hurting this morning, much to my surprise. I do feel some fatigue in my quads and they actually seem pretty swollen from water retention but I think that's mostly because I did leg presses to near failure. I reallllllllyyyy hope I can get to the gym again tonight. I have to get off by 9pm to make it for at least 30 minutes. If not, I'll go tomorrow morning.

    So, my dilemma is this -- I have *no way* to know whether or not I'll get off work in time to make it to the gym. If I do go to the gym for an hour, I'm likely to burn upwards of 600 calories. If I don't go to the gym, I won't get any exercise for the day. The protein bar I'll eat before gymming it up is 210 calories so that takes care of 210 of the 600. This means if I eat my protein bar and go to the gym, I have like 800-900 calories I need to eat AFTER I go (which means after 10pm) to keep my calorie deficit around 750. I really feel like I have to save 400 cals or so for dinner in case I can't make it to the gym, which is a very real possibility and impossible to predict because there are times I have to work well past 9 or even 10 based on people calling out of work and sales volume which are 2 things that are nearly impossible to predict.

    Sooo... yeah, see the problem? I don't know how to handle this, really. Maybe just let myself have an extra 300-400 calorie deficit and make it up a little during the rest of the week by being 50-100 cals over each day? Or let it fly and pray my body doesn't freak about it since it's only 2 days a week? Any ideas?
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    awestfall - You are going from a WHOWHO to a WHOHOT! :laugh:
    jess - I am getting that tingling feeling in my toes now, too, when I am riding Old Bessie the half-bike. I was wondering why as well...???
    velvet - good for you for checking labels when you shopped!
    pos_me - your little boy is adorable!
    mstahl - I think there's some sort of law that bosses need to be arses and incompetent. I don't know, but from the looks of the people I have worked for, it sure fits the bill.
    COGirl - so sorry about your water issue. What a jerk to do that and not own up to it.

    Cris - you are so sweet to give me the rights to make the challenge this week. Thank you. I have only given one challenge here and that was the last week of 2009 (everyone ate Christmas cookies so my small % won! :laugh: ), but I will take this honor with pride and dignity. Challenge: I want everyone to get a Brazilian wax this week. :smokin: OK, just kidding.
    Let's go ZEN this week. Our challenge will be to stop everything for FIVE MINUTES out of each day and sit with eyes closed, lights out, and deep breathe. I want you to think about when you started this journey and remember all of the milestones along the way. Only five minutes a day to meditate on your journey. Make sure to take DEEP breaths - fill up your entire lung space. And starting tomorrow (Wed.) when you log in your check-in, you need to post the TIME of your ZEN moments. For example, see mine below.

    check in:
    cals: right to the top
    water: 90
    exercise: bike, arms, PT exercises
    ZEN: 10:00-10:05pm
    proud: That my weight loss sisters on this thread are the best people in the world! :heart:

    LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE the Challenge!!:wink::bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    bluenote-I love love love the challenge! I definitely need this, this week!

    LittleSpy-That is quite the dilema! I say maybe eat a little more, like your protein bar the 2 days you aren't sure if you will make it and then if you do make it, try and make up for it the next day. That way you aren't overeating your calories and then not going. If you can try and make up for it the morning after with a big high protein breakfast.

    My morning has started off interesting that's for sure! Gotta love when guys you use to date come back. The grass ain't always greener on the other side. MEN! :tongue:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Morning Ladies!

    awestfall - Congrats on finding something that is working!!! I know that makes you feel AWESOME! :flowerforyou:

    lildeb - Sorry I am no help with the HRM. I dont' have one and don't really know anything about them.

    Julie - I would say to watch your calories and if you do over eat a little you can just make it up the next day or later in the week. Hope you are able to make it to the gym. So glad that you :heart: :heart: your new gym! When I am on my elliptical after 30 mins my legs feel like pudding and are very wobbly. Hopefully with doing it more often will help yours and my legs.

    blue - That sounds like an amazing challenge. I don't normal just sit there and take it all in. Thanks for the great challenge!

    meokk - We are going to miss you !!!!

    pos_me - Glad that you are back down!! I am down one pound this week so far even after my two days of sodiumaganza!! Here's to losing more!!

    This morning I didn't put a belt on because I thought that my pants would be able to stay up on their own. Especailly because they are slacks and they are always a little tighter but boy was I wrong! I have had to pick them up all morning so far and I even tried to see how much difference I have made in these pants and it is amazing!! I know my lbs are not falling off as fast as I would like but my clothes are fitting so much better. Maybe soon I will be able to fit back into my size 20s!!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300

    My morning has started off interesting that's for sure! Gotta love when guys you use to date come back. The grass ain't always greener on the other side. MEN! :tongue:

    Good luck with dealing with all of those MEN that are flaunting over you!! You are HOT stuff and the one that is coming back was stupid to let you go in the first place. Well that is unless you were the one that broke it off with him and then it is his loss!! Hope you have fun on your date tonight!! Are you going to be able to get your pedi during lunch like you planned?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    My HRm is a polar f6...I have rinsed it but not like put in washer machine or anything I usally wet it everytime before my work out ...maybe i need to tighten it more...i don't know...it is still reading hr (most of the time) just blinking...don't know what the deal is...

    julie - that is the delima ...i would say try to eat a little more during the day before working out or like afteroon snack then you won't have to be tryihng to eat soo much soo late.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    My morning has started off interesting that's for sure! Gotta love when guys you use to date come back. The grass ain't always greener on the other side. MEN! :tongue:

    Good luck with dealing with all of those MEN that are flaunting over you!! You are HOT stuff and the one that is coming back was stupid to let you go in the first place. Well that is unless you were the one that broke it off with him and then it is his loss!! Hope you have fun on your date tonight!! Are you going to be able to get your pedi during lunch like you planned?

    haha...It was kind of a mutual break up. He couldn't decide between me and his ex gf that he had been with for 4 years. They broke up and then we met and dated for a few months then she came back. You know how it goes. Saying she was gonna change. Anyways!! I am hot stuff! :blushing: :laugh: Yeah my date tonight is going to play pool and I SUCK!! Oh well! Should be fun! I'm going to try to get my pedi. We will see. Our systems are down right now so I'm sitting my butt..hey wait...that's what I always do!

    lildebbie-I have a polar f6 or f7...can't remember. I try and wash the strap and just take the sensor part off at least once or twice a week in the washer. I have problems with mine if I don't. Try washing it maybe

    Meokk-We are going to miss you! A WHOLE MONTH!? :indifferent: We will miss you!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member

    The BL finale was so fun last night and super inspiring! I kept up with my plan of walking during the show and running during the commercials. 75 min = 840 calories! I just hope I can get back to the gym soon so I don't let that mojo go.

    Checking from yesterday:
    Calories: Under - I got home pretty late from the gym and had dinner and a snack, but there was no way I was going to recover all those exercise cals.
    Water: 96 oz
    Exercise: Running/walking during BL = 840 cals
    Proud: Running felt good!! I was running at about 4.8 mph and probably could have pushed myself to 5.0. Maybe that will be my next challenge.

    Littlespy: So glad you love your gym. It's a good thing to want to keep going!
    Bluenote: Agreed, what a great challenge!
    Raider: Ha on the pants falling down...I'm finding that belts are becoming pretty important because my pants will sag if I don't have one on. It's a good feeling!!
    Jess: Enjoy your pedi and your date tonight. Maybe he'll help you wilth your form while you're playing pool. :wink:

    I'm sure there's stuff I'm missing, but I'll try to catch it later on. Have a great day!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300

    haha...It was kind of a mutual break up. He couldn't decide between me and his ex gf that he had been with for 4 years. They broke up and then we met and dated for a few months then she came back. You know how it goes. Saying she was gonna change. Anyways!! I am hot stuff! :blushing: :laugh: Yeah my date tonight is going to play pool and I SUCK!! Oh well! Should be fun! I'm going to try to get my pedi. We will see. Our systems are down right now so I'm sitting my butt..hey wait...that's what I always do!


    That is okay that you suck at pool that just means he will have to get close enough to show you how! :wink: :wink:

    LOL! Don't you work at a bank? That doesn't sound good but at least you are getting paid for not doing much work! :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    haha...It was kind of a mutual break up. He couldn't decide between me and his ex gf that he had been with for 4 years. They broke up and then we met and dated for a few months then she came back. You know how it goes. Saying she was gonna change. Anyways!! I am hot stuff! :blushing: :laugh: Yeah my date tonight is going to play pool and I SUCK!! Oh well! Should be fun! I'm going to try to get my pedi. We will see. Our systems are down right now so I'm sitting my butt..hey wait...that's what I always do!


    That is okay that you suck at pool that just means he will have to get close enough to show you how! :wink: :wink:

    LOL! Don't you work at a bank? That doesn't sound good but at least you are getting paid for not doing much work! :bigsmile:

    I do work at a bank. customers are pretty mad when we tell them we can't give them any money cause the systems are down. They all look at me and laugh and say "are you kidding"I just wanna laugh and say yes and then no...:laugh:

    he knows I suck. it's probably all part of his evil plan to get close tome!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I do work at a bank. customers are pretty mad when we tell them we can't give them any money cause the systems are down. They all look at me and laugh and say "are you kidding"I just wanna laugh and say yes and then no...:laugh:

    Isn't it so funny how people can't relate to stuff like that? I work in HR for the DMV so, when our system goes down our Customer Service Reps are unjustly yelled at by their customers. Yet, when our HR Information System goes down, those same CSRs unjustly yell at ME. Yeah -- hi -- remember how it wasn't your fault you couldn't process a transaction because the system was down? Yeah... that's the same thing that's happening right now. Remember how irritating it was to listen to your customers b*tch about it? Yeah, you're now the customer and it's irritating for me to hear you b*tch about it. I understand they're frustrated with the situation. But I really can't do anything about it, so there really is no need to yell at *me* specifically since I have no control over it whatsoever. :laugh:

    Seriously -- empathy -- is it really so difficult? (apparently so)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    I do work at a bank. customers are pretty mad when we tell them we can't give them any money cause the systems are down. They all look at me and laugh and say "are you kidding"I just wanna laugh and say yes and then no...:laugh:

    Isn't it so funny how people can't relate to stuff like that? I work in HR for the DMV so, when our system goes down our Customer Service Reps are unjustly yelled at by their customers. Yet, when our HR Information System goes down, those same CSRs unjustly yell at ME. Yeah -- hi -- remember how it wasn't your fault you couldn't process a transaction because the system was down? Yeah... that's the same thing that's happening right now. Remember how irritating it was to listen to your customers b*tch about it? Yeah, you're now the customer and it's irritating for me to hear you b*tch about it. I understand they're frustrated with the situation. But I really can't do anything about it, so there really is no need to yell at *me* specifically since I have no control over it whatsoever. :laugh:

    Seriously -- empathy -- is it really so difficult? (apparently so)

    You would think! People are acting like it's the end of the world to not be able to cash a check. Hello! Welcome to America where we have debit cards and don't cash checks! They can still give me their deposits it just wont be processed right this instant. Gotta love small town banks!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lots of posts to read! ok here it goes:

    elmox- thanks for being happy about me being halfway! I can still remember about 4 months ago thinking the day would never come! Your cherries will be halfway soon, I just know it!

    raider- great job excercising, AGAIN! You are on a roll! Bodypump is a strength training class that uses weights...I hate it!

    Jess- oooo hot date! The boy does sound like he's got a plan alright...:laugh: way to go on running up the steps to reach 600 cals burned!

    mari- if you have been excercising and under cals Im almost positive the gain you are seeing is water, stick to it!

    meook- Oh I'll miss you so much!!

    blue- haha on getting the brazilian, great challenge, I hardly ever get 5 mins just to do nothing!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories- 1232
    water- yes
    sodium- ugly...2975:noway:
    excercise- c25k w8d1 and bodypump class
    cals burned- 955!!! Woooohooo!:drinker:
    proud- that I did a lot of excercise yesterday

    I am also back to 197 this morning so I am excited my hard work this week is paying off. 2 700 cal days done 3 to go! Ouch...I may think twice about eating pizza and cheesesteaks if I know Im going to do this to myself the following week :wink: