Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I went and got my pedi on my lunch! I love my co workers! They told me to go ahead and not worry if I was a few minutes late. They wanted me to have pretty piggies for the big night tomorrow!

    That is what my girls call their toes. (piggies) My husband has always referred to their toes as well as mine as our piggies. I think that is so cute. Glad you got your pedi.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    bluenote: Thank you for the zen challenge. I shall do it right before bed for both reflection and relaxation.

    Julie: Congrats on your visit to the gym and on no longer being an elliptical machine virgin. I had to laugh about you feeling like a little girl with the Brazillian...I feel that way about being completely shaved. Um, puberty happens for a reason, right? Why try to reverse it all?

    Jess: It does sound like the date guy is trying to get close to you. My trick was to always distract the guys while playing pool so I had a better chance of winning. For example, run your hand slowly up and down your pool cue while talking to the guy; they usually miss the next shot when you do this! Haha, yes, I'm evil!

    Mari: Congrats on your pants falling down. It's a good thing you had cute underwear on!

    lildeb: How's the battery in your HRM? Otherwise, lstpaul could be right. My Polar F6 blinks when my heart rate gets higher than the HRM thinks it should be. If this is the case, you can change this by shutting off your heart rate alarm.

    Out of frustration at my two month plateau, I changed my calories a bit to reflect that I'm not getting the exercising in that I used to be. I'm walking a lot at volunteering but not getting the high intensity burns I used to. Therefore, I've dropped my daily calories by about 200 and will see if that works, at least short term to get things moving a bit. I was eating 2050 before and will now be at just over 1800.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: under by 186
    Sodium: 2700...only over by 200...freaking amazing!
    Water: 16 oz.
    Exercise: Grooming and riding my horse in the 90 degree weather for 45 minutes. We were both sweaty and gross!
    Proud: My boyfriend refused to go get me ice cream in the rain at 9pm, so I didn't have any dessert, which means I didn't go over my calories. What a wonderful boyfriend!

    I forgot to weigh myself this morning, but my night weight last night was only two pounds higher than my morning weight earlier in the week. Could there really be a loss this week even with TOM? I hope so!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Jess: It does sound like the date guy is trying to get close to you. My trick was to always distract the guys while playing pool so I had a better chance of winning. For example, run your hand slowly up and down your pool cue while talking to the guy; they usually miss the next shot when you do this! Haha, yes, I'm evil!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    My best friend is VERY well endowed (34DDD -- yes, apparently, I had to share her bra size because I'm just that proud of her :huh: No, really, I just needed you to understand exactly what the situation is. :laugh:), so she always bends over whatever pocket they're going for to expose an enormous amount of cleavage. I swear she ALWAYS wins, though! :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Jess: It does sound like the date guy is trying to get close to you. My trick was to always distract the guys while playing pool so I had a better chance of winning. For example, run your hand slowly up and down your pool cue while talking to the guy; they usually miss the next shot when you do this! Haha, yes, I'm evil!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    My best friend is VERY well endowed (34DDD -- yes, apparently, I had to share her bra size because I'm just that proud of her :huh: No, really, I just needed you to understand exactly what the situation is. :laugh:), so she always bends over whatever pocket they're going for to expose an enormous amount of cleavage. I swear she ALWAYS wins, though! :laugh:

    These are very good tactics!! I hate losing!! I being a very well endowed lady as well can definitely do that! I hide it well usually though. If people find out how big I am..they nearly fall over! I'm good like that! :tongue: We will just say I wish I had your friends DDD's.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Jess: It does sound like the date guy is trying to get close to you. My trick was to always distract the guys while playing pool so I had a better chance of winning. For example, run your hand slowly up and down your pool cue while talking to the guy; they usually miss the next shot when you do this! Haha, yes, I'm evil!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    My best friend is VERY well endowed (34DDD -- yes, apparently, I had to share her bra size because I'm just that proud of her :huh: No, really, I just needed you to understand exactly what the situation is. :laugh:), so she always bends over whatever pocket they're going for to expose an enormous amount of cleavage. I swear she ALWAYS wins, though! :laugh:

    These are very good tactics!! I hate losing!! I being a very well endowed lady as well can definitely do that! I hide it well usually though. If people find out how big I am..they nearly fall over! I'm good like that! :tongue: We will just say I wish I had your friends DDD's.

    :laugh: so does she. I should say that's the bra size she wears... not the bra size she should wear. :tongue:Her sister wears an I or J. :noway: I mean, I wear a 36D and yeah.... absolutely zero comparison. She's the boob girl. I'm the butt girl. That's just how it is.

    You give her a run for her money, though, Jess. (I swear I'm not creepy)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    :laugh: :laugh:
    No worries you aren't coming off as creepy! I swear I'm the only freak of nature who's grow when they lose weight! Just crap if you ask me!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    thanks ladies it means a lot :heart:

    Jess-hope you have a great time on your date!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Jesyka - Sorry about how you are feeling. It will get better. I have battled depression for years and then a few years ago I acutally took myself off the meds because I thought I could do it without them. So far I have been med free for almost 4 years!! I know that it is possible for you to get better it just takes some time.

    Jess- You gotta use what the good Lord gave ya!!:love::love: :love: I find it funny that when you lose weight your boobs get bigger because the first thing for me to is mine. My husband doesn't particularly like that! :laugh: :laugh:

    Julie - WOW, your friends are VERY well endowed.

    I have plugged in most of my food for the day and I shockingly still have 800 more calories to eat for dinner!! That is BEFORE exercise that is craziness! This never happens to me. Hopefully my dinner doesn't ruin it but I will be working out when I get home anyways so it will be even more that I am under. Maybe I am starting to get this whole thing!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I will be back later to chek in on allthe posts...but i am furious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Got a call from the school and serena (my 6 yr old) has had her 4th referall to the office for violence against other kids and she is now suspsended for 2 days...of course ruining my "me day " on friday. I will probably keep it off anyway, 2 days of having her tell me she bored is probably more than i can handle....

    What do i do with her i just want to cry.....i know i need to have a sever punishment for her when she gets home ...thinking defentily no movies/tv for some period of time ...help me here because apperenatly i don't know how be a good parent or my child would not be soo horrible.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Raider: Congrats on having 800 calories left to work with. Yay! It does get easier to know what you're eating, but that doesn't mean it gets easier to stick to it. Hence, my problem! I KNOW what I should and shouldn't eat and what kind of calories everything has but does that stop me? Not as much as it should.

    Jess: Whatever tactics you use against your date (beware, dude!), have fun and make him pay for EVERYTHING! Hahaha. Whenever my single friends get bummed about the dating scene, I just tell them that no matter how much you do or don't like the guy, it's a free meal or free entertainment and they should think of it that way rather than looking for a long-term thing. Because as soon as you stop thinking about a budding relationship, that's when one appears. I loved dating and met so many interesting people. Now I love my boyfriend, but I will never say that I thought being single sucked...but, I don't wish I was single again either. It's all about making the best of the situation, you know? HAVE FUN!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :laugh: :laugh:
    No worries you aren't coming off as creepy! I swear I'm the only freak of nature who's grow when they lose weight! Just crap if you ask me!
    You're not alone! I went from a 40-42C to a 38D to a 36D. My ladies are smaller for sure. My situation is just that bra cup size gets smaller relative to the band size. So a 42C cup is actually way bigger than a 36D cup. I guess I lost more weight around my chest than on it so it bumped me up a cup. I personally couldn't handle big boobs so I'm glad I'm kind of small (I know a D cup doesn't sound small, but I swear that's because most women wear the wrong bra size).
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I will be back later to chek in on allthe posts...but i am furious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Got a call from the school and serena (my 6 yr old) has had her 4th referall to the office for violence against other kids and she is now suspsended for 2 days...of course ruining my "me day " on friday. I will probably keep it off anyway, 2 days of having her tell me she bored is probably more than i can handle....

    What do i do with her i just want to cry.....i know i need to have a sever punishment for her when she gets home ...thinking defentily no movies/tv for some period of time ...help me here because apperenatly i don't know how be a good parent or my child would not be soo horrible.

    Lildeb, you are NOT a horrible parent. Serena is the first 6 yo you have ever raised. We all are learning as we are raising. poor oldest child. They are our learning experiments.:laugh: First off, I would ask her Why? Let her tell you, even if you do not like the answer listen to it. I would then let her know that you hear what she is saying, but here is why you should not do these things and because of your actions there will be consequences. Then I would take some privileges away I would explain that these are being taken away because of her actions at school. She is 6, For sure on the days she is suspended her privileges should be gone. I would make the next two days as boring as possible. There should be nothing fun or exciting on the days she is home from school. No TV, nothing. Just my 2 cents. By the way all parents children mis-behave that is why we are raising them because they are unable to do it themselves. Do not be so hard on yourself.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    By the way lildeb, just to let you know that none of us are perfect parents. I will share a story with you that made me look like an idiot. My oldest child was 4 and in preschool. I came to pick her up and her preschool teacher says. "Miranda hit so and so for no reason!!!!" I look at Miranda and ask, "Why did you hit so and so?" She says "Because I did not like the way she laughed" I very seriously looked at the teacher and say"She did not do it for no reason, she did it because she did not like her laugh" As soon as the words came out of my mouth I wished I could take them back. I felt like such an idiot, I could not believe I just had said that to the teacher.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I will be back later to chek in on allthe posts...but i am furious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Got a call from the school and serena (my 6 yr old) has had her 4th referall to the office for violence against other kids and she is now suspsended for 2 days...of course ruining my "me day " on friday. I will probably keep it off anyway, 2 days of having her tell me she bored is probably more than i can handle....

    What do i do with her i just want to cry.....i know i need to have a sever punishment for her when she gets home ...thinking defentily no movies/tv for some period of time ...help me here because apperenatly i don't know how be a good parent or my child would not be soo horrible.

    Lildeb, you are NOT a horrible parent. Serena is the first 6 yo you have ever raised. We all are learning as we are raising. poor oldest child. They are our learning experiments.:laugh: First off, I would ask her Why? Let her tell you, even if you do not like the answer listen to it. I would then let her know that you hear what she is saying, but here is why you should not do these things and because of your actions there will be consequences. Then I would take some privileges away I would explain that these are being taken away because of her actions at school. She is 6, For sure on the days she is suspended her privileges should be gone. I would make the next two days as boring as possible. There should be nothing fun or exciting on the days she is home from school. No TV, nothing. Just my 2 cents. By the way all parents children mis-behave that is why we are raising them because they are unable to do it themselves. Do not be so hard on yourself.

    Thanks momma - I just feel soo awful This year has been soo horrible one thing after another ...i just want my little baby back that was sweet and cute and was soo loving..i have been taking her to conselor for months now and sometimes it seems like it has helped her a lot and other days it has not ...the principal asked her why she did this today and she said she was mad.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I will be back later to chek in on allthe posts...but i am furious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Got a call from the school and serena (my 6 yr old) has had her 4th referall to the office for violence against other kids and she is now suspsended for 2 days...of course ruining my "me day " on friday. I will probably keep it off anyway, 2 days of having her tell me she bored is probably more than i can handle....

    What do i do with her i just want to cry.....i know i need to have a sever punishment for her when she gets home ...thinking defentily no movies/tv for some period of time ...help me here because apperenatly i don't know how be a good parent or my child would not be soo horrible.

    Lildeb, you are NOT a horrible parent. Serena is the first 6 yo you have ever raised. We all are learning as we are raising. poor oldest child. They are our learning experiments.:laugh: First off, I would ask her Why? Let her tell you, even if you do not like the answer listen to it. I would then let her know that you hear what she is saying, but here is why you should not do these things and because of your actions there will be consequences. Then I would take some privileges away I would explain that these are being taken away because of her actions at school. She is 6, For sure on the days she is suspended her privileges should be gone. I would make the next two days as boring as possible. There should be nothing fun or exciting on the days she is home from school. No TV, nothing. Just my 2 cents. By the way all parents children mis-behave that is why we are raising them because they are unable to do it themselves. Do not be so hard on yourself.

    Thanks momma - I just feel soo awful This year has been soo horrible one thing after another ...i just want my little baby back that was sweet and cute and was soo loving..i have been taking her to conselor for months now and sometimes it seems like it has helped her a lot and other days it has not ...the principal asked her why she did this today and she said she was mad.

    LilDebbie-You are not a horrible mother. Look how much you care. That's all the proof you need that you aren't a horrible mother. Like Momma said nobody has perfect kids. My niece is 7 and ever since she started kindergarden she has been nothing but trouble. Spitting on people, throwing rocks at cars, there was in a point in time where she became "racist" and was saying negative things about colored people. None of which we taught her. It's just what kids do sometimes. But I agree with Momma. Talk to her and try and figure out what the real reason is. For my niece...she was bored in school and wasn't getting enough "attention" she needed to be in some advanced programs so she wasn't so bored. Chin up. You will get through it!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Well... got rained out.. we are under yet ANOTHER tornado warning right now (even got to see a funnel cloud about 10 mins ago. So, here is a pic of the pond, waterfall and planting bed that I have been working on for the last month as of right now. Getting so close to being done.


    I will post another pic tomorrow from a different angle. Darn thunderstorms...
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- yay on getting the pedi in! As for pool..yea...def bend over a lot and be very nice to the cue..hehe works like a charm. I never lost a pool game.

    Heather- I had so much fun dating too...I kind of miss care free days but then I look at my beautiful family and couldnt ask for more.

    BOOBS- I was like a JKM or something ridiculous. I had my bras especially made at a store that specialized in bra making for breast cancer patients. I had my breasts reduced when I turned 16 because it was becoming a health hazard..my spine actually started bending due to the weight. I was 273lbs pre-op and lost 8lbs out of each boob! 16lbs in a day!! woohoo! thats a fast diet! haha. After that I was more mobile and got down to 200 lost another 20lbs in college stayed there until 3 years ago then statred gaining then had my baby and really gained. I am soooo glad my boobs were reduced because they are still fairly large, I am still a D cup

    Ok off to baseball in this smoldering heat...no excercise for me

    OOoo but since I wasnt going to have gym time I went to Kohls and bought 2 cute dresses for my sisters graduation, they both actually looked good on me so I couldnt decide on one! I'll post pics tomorrow after the graduation!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    cogirl that looks AMAZING! WOW! You should do it professionally!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks jess - Most of the time when i ask i get "leave me a lone" or "i don't know", a lot of her burst outs are because she is mad i think...the counselor has been trying to work with her on how she acts on her feelings.... She just doesn't want to do certain things and will do whatever else it takes so she doesn't have to do this..now she knows if she does something she will get in trouble and so she has being mean to others when they say they will tell on her. Some days i think maybe i should of just put her on the drugs
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lildeb- Im sorry, I have no words of wisdom but please dont think you are a bad mother. We know how much you love and care for your family! You'll get through this