Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    You would think! People are acting like it's the end of the world to not be able to cash a check. Hello! Welcome to America where we have debit cards and don't cash checks! They can still give me their deposits it just wont be processed right this instant. Gotta love small town banks!!

    The only time I've said "Are you kidding me?" to a bank teller is when she told me the bank would be holding a check I was *depositing* for SEVEN BUSINESS DAYS. When I asked why all she could tell me is "They" were being more strict with holds on checks. Then she told me she could CASH it for me immediately and then I could deposit the cash directly into my checking account. :huh: WHAT?!! :noway:
    Please tell me how that makes any sense at all. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (I'm sure it has something ridiculous to do about transferring liability of a bounced check from the other bank onto me; at least that's the most sense I've been able to make out of it). I laughed, thanked her for the information, and then calmly took my check and drove to my other bank where the check was deposited immediately. :laugh: Frustratingly ridiculous, yes, but still not the teller's fault.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - I amy trying that do you just like throw it in the washer machine with other laundry and stuff?? do you put it in the dryer at all or just let it dry..assuming it is small woudln't take that long...i think i was afraid i would ruin it in the washer..

    have fun on your date tonight...i hope you go get your pedi today :)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess - I amy trying that do you just like throw it in the washer machine with other laundry and stuff?? do you put it in the dryer at all or just let it dry..assuming it is small woudln't take that long...i think i was afraid i would ruin it in the washer..

    have fun on your date tonight...i hope you go get your pedi today :)

    LilDebbie-I have a lingerie bag I put mine in. I'm sure you could just throw it in the washer. Just take the sensor off. I put it in with my regular clothes. Don't dry it in the dryer. You have to air dry it.

    Cris-You are a freakin' rockstar girl!! I don't know how you do it! 900 calories!?

    LIttleSpy-That makes no sense! They were going to hold it but let you cash it? That's just stupid. Sometimes bank tellers are so stupid. The hold part usually isn't their fault though. I love getting yelled at for that too. Ahhh...how I love my job!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Those uneaten exercise cals from yesterday may work themselves out afterall. My appetite is raging today. I didn't even make it to noon before I absolutely *required* lunch. :tongue: At this rate, an extra 300 cals would be a piece of cake (quite literally because there *is* cake sitting on top of the filing cabinet. :laugh: But not really because cake isn't what my body wants!). Maybe I should just plan to not eat any extra during the "unsure" gym days, then eat my protein bar on the way to the gym once it's certain I'm going. And then eat as many exercise cals as is reasonable the night of (thinking about 8oz of chocolate milk on the drive home from the gym & a regular dinner when I get home) and then take care of the rest of them the next day. I mean, sleeping doesn't really change things much. This way, I'm still supplying my body with the nutrients it needs relatively shortly after the workout. I think that's pretty much the same as if I had worked out in the morning and eaten my exercise cals that same night. My body probably doesn't care that it's on the same "business day."

    I really like Jess's idea of a larger proteiny breakfast the day after when I work out so late at night! I can't eat much at once anymore, so maybe I'll just add in a mid morning snack as a 2nd breakfast. I don't normally snack in the mornings because I'm rarely hungry before noon after a normal breakfast.

    Thanks for helping me work that out, everyone!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Girls, you all have been busy people.

    Mari, I agree that it is probably water weight. Don't fret just keep to it. You will do fine

    Meokk, we are going to miss you

    Pos_ in CA basil starts dying out in the winter but I think if you take it in it will keep going not sure though. Love to cook with fresh basil yum!!!

    Blue, thanks for the challenge. My kids start summer vacation tomorrow. I do have 4 of them you know let me see what is 5 minutes of quiet? That one will need to be explained to me. I vaguely remember something like that happening about 17 years ago, but I am not quite sure!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Enlighten me on how to do it?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Love the challenge though:flowerforyou:

    Jess, have fun on your date!!!!!!!!!

    awestfall, I am so proud of you!!! Good Job!!!

    Littlespy, eat and if you don't go to the gym make up for it over the course of several days.

    lstpaul, good to see you!!!! I know you can get back on track. You are so good about that exercise!!!

    mstahl, I am a stay at home mommie but I remember those days of working for jerks. People who are insensitive and do not care. I worked for a dentist once, when My dad died on a wed evening. I called Thurs and let him know I would not be there (we did not work on fridays) I also told him the funeral was Monday and he asked if I would be in that afternoon after the funeral:noway: I said No, I probably won't even be in for the next couple of days after the funeral. He was pretty upset!!! Any how kinda moved on after that. I was pretty tore up about my daddy I was the biggest daddy's girl you could imagine. He was so funny when I was in the Navy if I did not call him he would call "red cross" and say he was concerned. Red cross does not mess around so they would contact the Navy and insist that I call home !! My CC finally said "F*****I (maiden name:laugh: ) Tell your dad I will let you call him everyday if he quits calling the red cross on us!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sorry I am rambling I still miss the "old dago" !! My cheif petty officer was Italian and so he was kinda sympathetic to me and my situation (having a Sicilian father) *rambling*

    Okay ladies have a great day. Hoping for some good numbers this week, I am retaining a ton of water 5 pounds. :sick:

    Have a great day ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Litdeb: I put the strap in the regular wash wiht my regular clothing. Or sometimes I hand wash it.

    Cris: OMG!!! You're wonder woman! Amazing girl!!!

    Jess: what part, with in the bank, do you work in? drive thru, behind the desk, or behind the long counter
    And do you need a degree to work at a bank? sorry for personal questions, but i was intrested in people who work inside of the banks..

    It's HOT here already...95 degrees, I don't have my usual pep in my step...I am dragging myself to finish house work and get my exercise done. I hate cleaning my home and have the AC on...I like to air out the house then cool it when it's all clean.

    Be back in a bit.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Litdeb: I put the strap in the regular wash wiht my regular clothing. Or sometimes I hand wash it.

    Cris: OMG!!! You're wonder woman! Amazing girl!!!

    Jess: what part, with in the bank, do you work in? drive thru, behind the desk, or behind the long counter
    And do you need a degree to work at a bank? sorry for personal questions, but i was intrested in people who work inside of the banks..

    It's HOT here already...95 degrees, I don't have my usual pep in my step...I am dragging myself to finish house work and get my exercise done. I hate cleaning my home and have the AC on...I like to air out the house then cool it when it's all clean.

    Be back in a bit.

    I am a personal banker and a teller. It's a small bank so we kinda do everything. I help customers with transactions and open accounts, loans, CD's, stuff like that. Work the lobby and the drive thru. For my bank you don't need a degree. Would probably help to have one in management or marketing or something like that depending what you wanna do. I'm still going for business right now...should probably finish school soon. Have I mentioned I hate school!? I would rather would 100 hours a week then go to school!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Litdeb: I put the strap in the regular wash wiht my regular clothing. Or sometimes I hand wash it.

    Cris: OMG!!! You're wonder woman! Amazing girl!!!

    Jess: what part, with in the bank, do you work in? drive thru, behind the desk, or behind the long counter
    And do you need a degree to work at a bank? sorry for personal questions, but i was intrested in people who work inside of the banks..

    It's HOT here already...95 degrees, I don't have my usual pep in my step...I am dragging myself to finish house work and get my exercise done. I hate cleaning my home and have the AC on...I like to air out the house then cool it when it's all clean.

    Be back in a bit.

    I am a personal banker and a teller. It's a small bank so we kinda do everything. I help customers with transactions and open accounts, loans, CD's, stuff like that. Work the lobby and the drive thru. For my bank you don't need a degree. Would probably help to have one in management or marketing or something like that depending what you wanna do. I'm still going for business right now...should probably finish school soon. Have I mentioned I hate school!? I would rather would 100 hours a week then go to school!

    Thanks Jess! I hope you finish school soon. One bit of advice would be to finish school before you get married or have children because it get way hard to focus on schooling when other things take over...Good luck on your overall journey :-)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think my body is relasing some much needed water retention! :laugh: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I think my body is relasing some much needed water retention! :laugh: :laugh:

    Holy smokes! You and me both, sister.
    I'd say I've been 3 times in the last 90 minutes. I'm afraid to even drink anymore water at this point. :laugh: I've only had like 7 cups which is normal or even a little less than normal for me.

    Kind of confused with the water release, too, because TOM started coming Monday... was hanging in the background yesterday... now seems to have backed off a little again. Sometimes the beginning is a long drawn out process and then all of a sudden he really punches me in the gut for a couple of days before backing off again. I think tomorrow is going to be day 1 of the TOM sucker punch. I may have to have a serious sit-down with myself about possibly going back on birth control because this natural cycle stuff just doesn't seem to be working out well for me at all in terms of timing and duration. :laugh:
  • sslopez24
    sslopez24 Posts: 110 Member
    WARNING TMI*****
    I just wanted to share this with you gals.Even though the scale hasn't budged yet or according to measurements my inches haven't gone down any more.I look like my waist is getting much smaller and I can feel my abs now.WOOOOOHOOO for Cardio Max with Bob working me out for a six pack YAYYYYYYY!! Anyways I noticed something in the mirror today right before I weighed myself.Now I know for women on here who have had a few babies they know what I am talking about.You know the skin/fat that hangs over your WHOWHO and you haven't been able to see your WHOWHO for years because of it:laugh: Well gals for the first time in almost 5 years:noway: :noway: I saw my WHOWHO:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: .So maybe with some more ab workouts it will eventually be gone for good lol.Ok I am done talking about my WHOWHO lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Thank you for sharing! THERE IS HOPE!! :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I am so annoyed right now. I am not going to be able to get to the gym tomorrow because its my sister's graduation. We are going to an early dinner at like 5pm then the ceremony at 730pm. I get off at 330 usually so no time!

    Well part of the reason Im busting my butt this week is due to bad eating during the past weekend and because I know I will not be 100% properly eating this up coming memorial day weekend. So I VOWED to get my 5 -700 calorie work outs in...2 done yay! But today was supposed to be another one and Bobby (fiance) decides that I am going to pick up my step son take him to baseball and stay there until 830pm then come home and do all the mommy duties with the baby. So when do I get to go to the gym?! UHM NEVER! He told a friend he'd help him out with something so he cant do all this crap and now HIS responsabilites became mine! WTF! I am so mad right now...he didnt even ask me if it was ok with me just told me I was doing it
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Cris - Gosh girl, you're rocking the exercise. :drinker: I may follow in your footsteps too and give C25k a try, though I may wait till the fall. its already really hot here. Thanks for the encouragement, It was probably TOM. the water should be coming off! And sorry to hear about the unexpected kid-duties and missing out on the gym. Maybe you can do something at the game to stay moving? Cheer extra hard! and dont get tempted by hamburgers or soda at the concession stand! :laugh: You can do it, chick.

    Julie - first time on an eliptical? :noway: Wow, its got to be my favorite machine. It really gets me going at a good pace. I go to the gym after my friend gets off work now, and I used to go after my work. I could only go twice a week in school. Mornings unfortunately are your best bet but, ugh, if it was me, I couldnt do it. I have to sleep in the morning. :yawn:

    Momma - thanks for the encouragement, I'm sure its just water too. like i said to cris, TOM paid me a visit. so. it was probably his doing. He can be such a jerk. :grumble:

    Anyway. today is so much better, i feel better all around and may even exercise if time permits. being outside so much now that I'm away from work has been great, even if it is like a sauna outside! :bigsmile: I hate humidity, but the sunlight is lovely. I'll check in later, but I remembered something to be proud of for the other day, so I'll revise yesterdays post:

    Proud: On monday I had to pick up my car that I left stranded overnight in a Target parkinglot since I got a flat on sunday night :grumble: and my dad helped me change the tire. I was wearing my 22s, which WERE fitting relatively well enough for me to go out with them. Though after I put the lugnuts on the car I stood up from bending over, and eventualy felt that my jeans had inched down plumber style halfway down my butt and I had been showing my super-cute purple Lane Bryant bikini undies to anyone who happened to drive by behind me... :laugh: LOL which was alot of people! Oh well, its embarassing but I'm GLAD it happened! 22's are officially too big! That's more rewarding than flashing strangers is embarassing. :blushing: :drinker:
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    OH man...I've missed almost a week on here and weigh in [no loss, but major water retention!] you all did so fantastic though!!

    I suffer from depression and my meds have stopped working the past few weeks...after over a months worth of cancelled appointments I'm finally getting in to see my Dr. on Friday so I'm hoping my motivation comes back with my working medication!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jesyka- Im sorry about your depression. I hope the doctor is able to help. I have had my share of issues with depression and I know how tough it is. If you ever need to talk just send me a message on FB and I'll be there!

  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    hello gals....

    The day started off with my son missing his bus because he was texting his girlfriend instead of getting ready. He is 17 so, he should know better. I am glad there is only one more day of school here. So, I had to take him to school today (25 mins one way) I figured since I was in town I might as well finish getting the plants I needed so, I went to home depot and walmart. Came home.. jumped on the elliptical and have been working in the yard planting, setting the sprinklers up. I just finished a fabulous salad with feta, chicken breast avocado and tomato.. yum.... Now I am heading back out to move mulch! I am getting so close to be done with project! :smile:

    Well.. back to the yard work.. the weather is beautiful here! It is about 69 degrees, Partly Cloudy, slight breeze and Humidity: 57%. I love Colorado.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Julie - glad you love your new gym...I think i am addicted to mine :smile:

    my hrm goes wacky, i think 1) the chest strap was getting to big (good thing huh !!!) so i tightend it a little bit and seems to be better but someties the numbers start flashing usally after i am all sweaty, it is till had the # on it but just it is flashing...anybody else have this problem.

    Lildeb: I have a Polar F11 and my numbers flash when I am outside of my heart rate 'range' for each particular exercise session ... I have never really figured out how to set that part up - so I think it is automatically picking whatheart rate range it thinks I should be in for each session ... so I am above or below that range a lot and I think that is when it flashes (there is also a beep but I did figure out how to turn that off pretty quickly). So maybe the flashing is when your heart rate is getting up there?
    I too have had to make sure I wash the strap often and adjust or I have trouble getting a heart rate reading. I usually hand wash, but throw it into the washing machine (without the sensors) every once in awhile.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay...I tried the orchard chicken salad....very YUMMY!! LittleSpy...it does have mayo and I can taste it. So I'm not sure how you will feel about it. If you load it down with other veggies I bet it would be fine.

    Jesyka-I'm so sorry to hear your meds haven't been working. I know exactly how you feel. I was on them for a long time when I was younger. Not a fun feeling! I'm here if you ever wanna talk!

    Cris-Sorry to hear about all the drama going on! You can always make up for it tomrorow. You did burn like 900 yesterday!

    Colorado-Your salad sounds amazing. Does it ship to Texas!?

    Mari-Way to go on flashing strangers! Glad to see you back around and posting. It's gotta be tuff losing your job. Glad you are finding your way back to us!

    I went and got my pedi on my lunch! I love my co workers! They told me to go ahead and not worry if I was a few minutes late. They wanted me to have pretty piggies for the big night tomorrow!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm still super busy at work, so I'm still not tracking - but I think I'm doing ok. I skimmed through all the posts, but I know I missed a bunch. I hope everyone is doing well today.
    Have a good one!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    OH man...I've missed almost a week on here and weigh in [no loss, but major water retention!] you all did so fantastic though!!

    I suffer from depression and my meds have stopped working the past few weeks...after over a months worth of cancelled appointments I'm finally getting in to see my Dr. on Friday so I'm hoping my motivation comes back with my working medication!

    Jesyka, sorry that you go through this. It must be quite difficult at times. I know that right after I had my son I went through post partum depression and it was a terrible thing to deal with. I am here if you need someone to just listen to ya. Send a message on here I will be glad to help in any way I can.