Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I also planted some basil and sage...
    Does basil grow every year like sage? because for me I have to plant new seeds every year..

    to the best of my knowledge Basil is a tender plant and is more like an annual than a perennial. Here in Colorado we have to plant it every year to unless you plant it in a container and bring it in during the colder months.

    Thanks Caloradogirl:flowerforyou:

    I might put some seed into container and bring them in durnig the cold months. Great idea thanks.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Colgirl - Sorry about the water!! It sucks when you set your mind to something and then it gets changed because of something or someone being stupid! Hope it gets fixed soon!

    I have only gotten my eyebrows waxed before and I ended up getting all these bumps around them. Good thing the bumps didn't turn up until after my wedding. I had them during my honeymoon but it wasn't as big of a deal as it would have been on my day! I don't know how colgirl & mstahl do it! You must have a VERY high tolerance.

    Well only 30 more mins to go and then I am off. Too bad it is almost and hour drive home after I get off. I am going to see what else I can find out Exercise TV to do today. The elliptical is not looking to appealing right now. :noway:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So I have talked myself in and out of cycling class tonight several times. I want to go get a pedi instead for the movie shin dig Thursday. I wont have time tomorrow because I have a date. So I'm over my calories if I don't go (since I was planning on going) so no pedi for me! :sad:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    mstahl - Sorry about your boss (or soon to be ex-boss)..

    COL GIRL - sorry about your water ..some people are soo inconsiderate , if i did that i would felt soo bad.

    Raider - I think the new season starts in september of BL, but jillian michaels has a new show starts next week where she goes in people's houses...i plan on watching that.

    Jess - sorry about your pedi..can you go at lunch tomorrow ??
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Check in early today...I want eveything done befoe BL is on tonite.

    Calories: under, but that is fine since i was way OVER yesterday
    exercise: 45 minutes treadmill, 40 minutes elliptical, and slow pace walking
    water: almost..hopefully all gulped down before i go to bed

    Proud: that i didn't let last night bad habit get the best of me today...got back on track and I feel GREAT!!

    600 challenge: done, I idid 718 calorie burn...making up for bad choices yesterday :(
    fiber: 25
    sodium: under

    Have a great evening girl!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Pos me- great job making up for yestrdsys bad choices!

    I'm at the gym right now waiting for bodypump .. Yea we have to wait in line it's that popular...blah
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, it makes me so happy to see your ticker across the halfway mark! Also gives me a ton of motivation to get mine there! Just 8 more pounds and my cherries will be sitting in the middle.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Well, I came home and went straight upstairs and exercised!! Two days in a row!! I chose to do BL Last Chance Workout. OMG!!! :noway: :noway: :noway: That was the hardest I have worked out in I don't know how long!! I was so dying afterwards. Well it has really only been 15 mins and I am SOOOOOO sore!!:sad: But sore is good, right?

    Cris - What is bodypump?

    Jess - Sorry you missed getting your pedi! Is there no where you can fit it in?

    lildeb - Thanks for the info. I did see a commercial for her new show, I might tune in.

    Check in:

    Calories: UNDER!!!!
    Water: 120 oz and counting
    Sodium: WAY over again. Need to really get a handle on this sodium thing!!:noway:
    Exercise: 30 mins of BL
    Proud: That I came home and exercised. I didn't even sit on the couch when I got home because I knew that I would just push it off for another night.

    Hope you ladies enjoy your BL finale!!
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    I was such a slacker this weekend and now I have 7 pages of thread to read. :noway:

    I haven't done cardio in over a WEEK! EEK! And after my BL stuff on Thursday, I had my one lambic beer on Thursday, then I had pizza on Friday, and on Saturday I had chicken fajitas and a box of peanut M&M's at the movies. At least I have limited the badness to 1 meal a day... my other meals I was ok. I had my normal cereal with fruit and PB toast for breakfast and then pita/hummus/carrots for lunch.

    Back to work tomorrow! I don't want to be too out of shape for next week. My BL trainer was not able to get me and one of the girls from my group into a 1 hour session, but she can squeeze us in from 7:30-8:00 AM, then I'll do some more strength after. Hopefully her schedule opens up in the earlier morning later on... she had 1 hour openings but later in the morning and the other girl works in an office and couldn't really swing it.
  • aandie
    aandie Posts: 3

    I am writing you because you have a little more to lose, just like I do. I have been doing this for several weeks and am not losing weight, how long did it take you to begin to see results? I have only lost one pound, I stay within calories and am exercising. Could use some thoughts on this from you. Cute children by the way.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Miranda-Hope you are able to get back on track. Sometimes we need to just take some time off and relax and then hit the ground running.

    raider-I love that DVD! OMG!! I kicks your *kitten*!!

    Thanks ladies. I may try and squeeze a pedi in at lunch tomorrow.

    I'm keeping it short, watching Biggest Loser


    Calories: 1497
    Water: 144 oz...I was thirsty!!
    Exercise: 60 minutes of spin and 10 minutes of walking up and down the stairs in my apartment. I hadn't hit my calorie goal of 600. Came home and ran up and down the stairs. I was NOT going to have a failed attempt on my hands!
    Calories Burned: 607
    Proud: That I came home and ran up and down the stairs to meet my goal! I'm dying!! My dog was following me up and down the stairs the whole time, then the cat joined it. Madness I tell you!!

    Be back later!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in -

    Cals - 1634
    Exercise - 33 minutes on Arc trainer 6 min bike (375 cals burned)
    Water - 82 oz (didn't reach my 100 but got a lot closer than usual)
    Proud - That i really made an effort on water today, and i am making a real effort to do this and i am staying on track.

    i made a dinner i don't know why i thought it would be good for me...it was good not good for me thought...was higher in cal than usually i eat and way way too much sodium ..oh well i still fell in my limits so it is all good.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    I am writing you because you have a little more to lose, just like I do. I have been doing this for several weeks and am not losing weight, how long did it take you to begin to see results? I have only lost one pound, I stay within calories and am exercising. Could use some thoughts on this from you. Cute children by the way.

    aandi - welcome !! best suggestion is to keep at it..it will come off. Are you eating all your calories?? If you are eating to little you may be going into starvation mode.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi aandie - When I started on here I saw results pretty quickly - like about five pounds in the first couple of weeks. If you go to the 'Message Board' home page there are some thumb tacked posts that have all sorts of GREAT POINTERS in them! If you haven't read them yet I really recommend them because they answer so many questions!

    Here are my suggestions:
    1. Eat enough calories and record every single bite, snitch, taste of food you eat!
    2. Don't over estimate your calories burned for exercise!
    3. Get plenty of sleep.
    4. Make sure you are eating high quality foods (limit junk food/sodas)
    5. Drink plenty of water.

    OK Girls! I watched the BL finalie! It was nice!

    Checking in for today-
    Calories - under by a couple hundred (might have a spoon full of peanut butter before bed!)
    Water - great!
    Exercise - uhm...

    Proud - I made smart food choices today! Tomorrow I'll be in meetings and training most of the day so no time for stalking AND bad foods - it will be a challenge!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Hey guys, I guess I should check in. I've been at school the past couple days and its been busy and overwhelming and the change is very...nervewracking...I helped my friend move last weekend and exausted myself and underate, so I've been fighing muscle aches, and then I got tosillitis from treating my body so badly, so I'm just now getting over that. On top of it all I even went up in weight and have only just now come back down to what I was two weeks ago. Hate this, hate this, hate this. I stay within my calories each day too. Ugh. I'll just have to be patient. It might be water, too... I'll check in for today.

    Calories: under
    Water: Under
    Exercise: Walking around campus, I guess
    Proud: No
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    check in for today
    calories - 1190
    water - 90+
    exercise - 40 mins walking

    proud that some friend came over for drinks after work and I drank water

    OMG, I just read all of todays posts and this thread has taken quite a different turn today, I know more about your nether regions than I ever thought I might :laugh: :blushing: :laugh:

    So I am super busy right now because I will basically be away for vacation & business for the whole month of June.
    I'll be able to stalk a bit on Thurs and Fri this week but then I'll be doing bare bones logging and check ins for most of June.I think there will only be 1 week when I can even access a scale as well so that will be rough ( I weigh every day)
    I'm really going to miss chatting with you all but I'll just enjoy these next few normal days and then stop by whenever I can.
    I'm going to be in 4 different time zones during the month as well so might check in at odd times of the day.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    awestfall - You are going from a WHOWHO to a WHOHOT! :laugh:
    jess - I am getting that tingling feeling in my toes now, too, when I am riding Old Bessie the half-bike. I was wondering why as well...???
    velvet - good for you for checking labels when you shopped!
    pos_me - your little boy is adorable!
    mstahl - I think there's some sort of law that bosses need to be arses and incompetent. I don't know, but from the looks of the people I have worked for, it sure fits the bill.
    COGirl - so sorry about your water issue. What a jerk to do that and not own up to it.

    Cris - you are so sweet to give me the rights to make the challenge this week. Thank you. I have only given one challenge here and that was the last week of 2009 (everyone ate Christmas cookies so my small % won! :laugh: ), but I will take this honor with pride and dignity. Challenge: I want everyone to get a Brazilian wax this week. :smokin: OK, just kidding.
    Let's go ZEN this week. Our challenge will be to stop everything for FIVE MINUTES out of each day and sit with eyes closed, lights out, and deep breathe. I want you to think about when you started this journey and remember all of the milestones along the way. Only five minutes a day to meditate on your journey. Make sure to take DEEP breaths - fill up your entire lung space. And starting tomorrow (Wed.) when you log in your check-in, you need to post the TIME of your ZEN moments. For example, see mine below.

    check in:
    cals: right to the top
    water: 90
    exercise: bike, arms, PT exercises
    ZEN: 10:00-10:05pm
    proud: That my weight loss sisters on this thread are the best people in the world! :heart:
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    so I just remembered, the weirdest thing happened to me when I was on the ellipical yesterday. My toes started to get all tingley like they were falling asleep. Anybody have this problem? Or know what causes it?
    My feet always go to sleep on the elliptical after about 30 or so min, sometimes sooner. I think it's because on the elliptical I never really take my weight off my feet, they are always connected to the foot thingys. I usually just pause the machine and shake my leg/foot off to the side on either side until they feel normal-ish and then I'm good to go for the rest of my workout.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1518 (goal was 1840... oops)
    Exercise: 30 minutes ellipitcal; 10 minutes spin bike; 10 minutes arc trainer; 5 minutes leg press; 5 minutes chest press (ouch)
    Water: Not sure. Have 12 cups logged. I think it's more.
    Proud: I worked 8.30-5 and then 5.30-8.30. And THEN, I went to the GYM (for the first time ever!). I FREAKING LOVED IT!!! So, I've never been on an elliptical in my life. I'm so used to hearing people say it's a hard workout so since it was my first time, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it for even 10 minutes. I got on & ran and ran, keeping my heart rate at a steady 170-180bpm. Was never out of breath but I did start sweating like a pig. 20 minutes passed, then 30 passed & I decided to stop so I could check out some of the other equipment. After 30 minutes I felt like I could easily go another 30 and I thought to myself "What's the big deal? This is a piece of cake!" Then I got off and tried to walk. Oh. :laugh: My legs nearly buckled. I sure will be feeling that one tomorrow! So yeah, I love the gym. There was hardly anyone there because I was there from 9-10pm. Will be going back again tomorrow if I get off work in time. Now that I know I like it and it's not as scary as I made it out to be in my head, I may actually be able to get up early & go. I still hate that it takes me 20 minutes to get there, but oh well.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Okay so everybody has been buzzing about this new subway chicken orchard sandwhich. It's only 660 mg of sodium! Where did this sandwhich come from!? NOT SUBWAY!
    Its good I had one the other day!! Very filling!