Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Cris, Julie just got her first dress. A brazilian might be a step too far. :wink: :laugh: :wink:

    You guys are too funny. Since you all seem to want to know, I am NOT untamed *down there.* :wink: :laugh:
    I've tried the brazillian look on before (NOT with a wax, ouch) and... I don't care for it -- makes me feel like a creepy little girl. My fiance doesn't care for it, either. But I do keep up the "landscaping" as Heather so delicately put it. And yeah, so that's that. :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Glad we got it all cleared up for everybody! :laugh: :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    pos me- look how cute your lil baby is! awwwwww
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so everybody has been buzzing about this new subway chicken orchard sandwhich. It's only 660 mg of sodium! Where did this sandwhich come from!? NOT SUBWAY!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Biggest Loser FInale! WOOOHOOO!!! I'm excited!! I gotta rush to spin class and then home. I love DVR! What did I ever do without it!?

    I can't wait...been looking forward to it all DAY!!!!

    i can't wait to see shay too..subway was giving her thatn $$$ for every lb she lost...
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    pos me- look how cute your lil baby is! awwwwww

    Thanks Cris :-) your is cute too..Your whole family is beautiful:flowerforyou:

    Well he is not a baby anymore..more like 4...LOL
    I was looking at old pictures of the family and this one is so cute so I had to add it to my profile pic.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Okay so everybody has been buzzing about this new subway chicken orchard sandwhich. It's only 660 mg of sodium! Where did this sandwhich come from!? NOT SUBWAY!

    Jess, I think it is subway, but for a limited time. It recently came out so maybe check your local Subway to see if they are offering it.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    pos me- look how cute your lil baby is! awwwwww

    Thanks Cris :-) your is cute too..Your whole family is beautiful:flowerforyou:

    Well he is not a baby anymore..more like 4...LOL
    I was looking at old pictures of the family and this one is so cute so I had to add it to my profile pic.

    aww what a precious lil one!
    It is Subway. I am just stunned. Their sandwhiches are normally loaded with sodium!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi girls .... been busy, busy at work and home ... so I haven't been tracking, and having been exercising as much as normal either. I've been trying to watch what I'm eating ... but I'm afraid the scale isn't going to like me this week unless I can get back to tracking soon. I'll try.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    aww what a precious lil one!
    It is Subway. I am just stunned. Their sandwhiches are normally loaded with sodium!

    Thanks Jess for the sweet comment!

    Enjoy the sandwich while it last.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Well with all the buzz about BL, maybe next season I should see what it is all about! Hope you Season Finale is great!!

    I haven't heard that much about the new Subway sandwich. I might have to look into that! :bigsmile:

    Istpaul - Glad to hear from you! Hopefully the scale won't be too bad to you this week if you have been watching things even if you haven't been tracking. Hope to see/hear from you soon!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Raiderape: once you start watching BL you have to keep watching..can't stop..LOL
    Tune in next season the show is very motivational.

    Ispaul: Glad your back. when things become too stressful in my life the first thing I start slacking off is the way I eat. So it happens to all of us. Hopefully the scale won't be too burtal :-)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lstpaul-Hope the scale is kind to you! We miss hearing from ya!!

    raider-You definitely have to check it out next season. I never watched it till this year and it is awesome! Really motivational for me! Espeically after last weeks marathon run. OMG!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I have TWO WEEKS LEFT at this job! I have two projects I need to complete before I go. I would want to complete these audits no matter what because I hate leaving things half finished... but my boss called me in for a meeting and managed to so totally pi$$ me off that at the moment I could not possible care less about finishing up one dang thing!

    He is the master of demotivation. The master.:explode:

    I would like to think that I can't be motivated to become someone I'm not... so I imagine I'll rally and get the work done in spite of him... but :explode: :mad: :explode:

    On the up side it's been a great food day so far! I have Greek yogurt at home again (Ken calls it "GEEK" yogurt since he's a geek) and I had some with maple syrup for breakfast (and caramel Fiber One), and an apple, a hard boiled egg and a tsp of peanut butter for lunch YUM!!!! :love: I've been doing great with the green tea and water today too! I found another Stash tea that I love almost as much as their Green Chai, their 'Lemon Ginger Green Tea' - oh so good!:heart:

    I got an email from Ken that he, George and Mrs. Fig were all napping in the living room near our one air conditioner. I'm sure all three were snoring!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    When does the next BL season start? I am sure all the BL Fanantics will know! :bigsmile:

    mstahl - Sorry that your boss is an *kitten*!! I hate people like that! You are the better person and will do what needs to be done. Sometimes that is a good thing and sometimes not but just think you will be outta there in 2 weeks!! That countdown has begun!!! The guys and Mrs. Fig sound cute napping all together. It is the only time that they are all quiet! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I have TWO WEEKS LEFT at this job! I have two projects I need to complete before I go. I would want to complete these audits no matter what because I hate leaving things half finished... but my boss called me in for a meeting and managed to so totally pi$$ me off that at the moment I could not possible care less about finishing up one dang thing!

    He is the master of demotivation. The master.:explode:

    I would like to think that I can't be motivated to become someone I'm not... so I imagine I'll rally and get the work done in spite of him... but :explode: :mad: :explode:

    On the up side it's been a great food day so far! I have Greek yogurt at home again (Ken calls it "GEEK" yogurt since he's a geek) and I had some with maple syrup for breakfast (and caramel Fiber One), and an apple, a hard boiled egg and a tsp of peanut butter for lunch YUM!!!! :love: I've been doing great with the green tea and water today too! I found another Stash tea that I love almost as much as their Green Chai, their 'Lemon Ginger Green Tea' - oh so good!:heart:

    I got an email from Ken that he, George and Mrs. Fig were all napping in the living room near our one air conditioner. I'm sure all three were snoring!

    Sorry to hear you had a bad day. On the bright side, less than 14 days you will be in your new job. I say screw the project(s). I know it's mean to say, but by the way you describe him, he is not worth it..My opinion...

    As for the yogurt, I have to make so more today. I ran out yesterday and I wanted yogurt and fruit today and forgot I had none..
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    Sorry to hear you had a bad day. On the bright side, less than 14 days you will be in your new job. I say screw the project(s). I know it's mean to say, but by the way you describe him, he is not worth it..My opinion...

    As for the yogurt, I have to make so more today. I ran out yesterday and I wanted yogurt and fruit today and forgot I had none..

    Positively_Me - have you ever made yogurt from goats milk? I'm thinking about getting a nanny goat :smile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    Sorry to hear you had a bad day. On the bright side, less than 14 days you will be in your new job. I say screw the project(s). I know it's mean to say, but by the way you describe him, he is not worth it..My opinion...

    As for the yogurt, I have to make so more today. I ran out yesterday and I wanted yogurt and fruit today and forgot I had none..

    Positively_Me - have you ever made yogurt from goats milk? I'm thinking about getting a nanny goat :smile:

    No, sorry. But I bet it will taste good. I've only made it with cow's milk.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I just got home from work and I am less than happy. So, I am just going to vent a little. I finally got done at work.. going to go and get some plants moved but our well water (for our yard) is off. Some MORON running a four wheeler spraying weeds in the open space behind our house hit the irrigation line and thousands of gallons of water were gushing out. So, what does the guy do.. ignore it.. I had to call the HOA and get someone out here to fix it. So, for now the outside (yard water) water is off. GRRR.. :grumble:

    As far as the "Brazilian" wax goes, yes.. they do hurt but, for those people who have a high pain tolerance with time it does not bother them. I personally wax people all the time and I wax my own legs and under arms. It took me until about time 3 before it did not bother me at all. Now if someone waxes my legs I could actually fall asleep. So, it is really not as bad as it sounds and for some people it works great! I love only needing to wax my under arms about 1 every 3 weeks and legs 1 every 4 weeks!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I use what I call my "hair ripper-outter" on my legs and more recently on my under arms. My under arms took a little getting used to! But like Colarado Girl says - you get used to it. I remember the first time I plucked my eye brows I teared up! Now I hardly notice it at all!

    The office is empty - it's just after five and I'm heading for home!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I also planted some basil and sage...
    Does basil grow every year like sage? because for me I have to plant new seeds every year..

    to the best of my knowledge Basil is a tender plant and is more like an annual than a perennial. Here in Colorado we have to plant it every year to unless you plant it in a container and bring it in during the colder months.