A fat girl who likes being fat?1?!?

I'm a bit of a misnomer on this site. I'm a fat girl, heavy into body positivity, who has no intentions of not being fat. What?! Crazy, I know!

Lately I've realized just how physically not-so-great I feel, so I'm trying to honor my body by using intuitive eating and moving more. My goal isn't weight loss or changing the way my body looks. My goal is simply feeling better. If the habits I form cause me to lose weight, so be it, but it's not my intention or my goal.

So just from those two paragraphs alone, you can see why I stick out like a sore thumb on a site like this, something that I'm totally aware of! But I still firmly believe that you do better at reaching your goals when you have support, so I figured I'd say hello and try to make some new friends! :) Nerds are a plus, but certainly not necessary!


  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    If YOU are happy with your weight, then that is fine. However, just know that if you make certain changes in diet or activity you may lose the body shape you prefer. I think that when you make good changes to your lifestyle and you do feel a good difference in your health, that is truly the greatest reward. It is possible to be Fit and fat. I don't know if you have regular physicals or not, but I am sure your doctor will let you know if your blood sugar looks like it's going into a bad area, or your blood pressure, or cholesterol. I hope you acheieve what ever it is you set out to do here. May the force be with you.
  • obeseandsassy
    obeseandsassy Posts: 118
    Its not about being comfortable being fat...Its more about trying to stay alive and not die from diabetes or heart disease. You can feel good about yourself but saying your comfortable being obese and fine with it is frankly a fall back on being lazy.

    Trolling or not this site is about motivation and losing or maintaining your fitness goals. Dropping by with "I'm fat and proud" is not something any of us care about. Find a site about being fat, exchange some recipes and sit back and wait to die prematurely. That is the site you're looking for.

    I feel like you didn't actually even read my post. Weight loss and better fitness are actually not interchangeable terms, but that's not a can of worms I intend to open in this thread. But more importantly, frankly I'm offended that you think I'm trolling just because I'm happy being fat. As you said, this site is about motivation. And that's what I'm looking for. Motivation to help me feel better physically. If you don't intend to help with that, there probably wasn't a point in replying.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    I feel like you didn't actually even read my post. Weight loss and better fitness are actually not interchangeable terms, but that's not a can of worms I intend to open in this thread. But more importantly, frankly I'm offended that you think I'm trolling just because I'm happy being fat. As you said, this site is about motivation. And that's what I'm looking for. Motivation to help me feel better physically. If you don't intend to help with that, there probably wasn't a point in replying.

    I am being honest, but you are you saying you are looking for people to motivate you to stay fat? Because if that is so, this thread is unfortunately going to go downhill very fast and I am afraid you probably won't find many people who encourage it. :/ Regardless, best of luck to you and your journey.
  • obeseandsassy
    obeseandsassy Posts: 118
    If YOU are happy with your weight, then that is fine. However, just know that if you make certain changes in diet or activity you may lose the body shape you prefer. I think that when you make good changes to your lifestyle and you do feel a good difference in your health, that is truly the greatest reward. It is possible to be Fit and fat. I don't know if you have regular physicals or not, but I am sure your doctor will let you know if your blood sugar looks like it's going into a bad area, or your blood pressure, or cholesterol. I hope you acheieve what ever it is you set out to do here. May the force be with you.

    Thanks doll! The great thing about being so heavily into body acceptance is that no matter what my body looks like, I will ALWAYS adore it, because my body is a part of me and it deserves my love no matter what. I work in health, so I already know I have excellent blood sugar and blood pressure (which surprises many people, but what can you do?) I just want to work on my strength and my stamina and improve my energy level. Especially now that summer's coming! :)

    Thanks for the support, and for the Star Wars nod :)
  • MissouriRose
    MissouriRose Posts: 6 Member
    Wow... there's a thing called respect I try to live by. I get tough love, but... no.

    OP, I'm all about body positivity, and I have huge respect for loving yourself no matter what size you are. I think it's great that you're starting to think about your health, that's the best motivator for lifestyle changes in my opinion. I love what you say about honouring your body, but it IS important to remember that, whether they're consequences you can see/feel right now, there ARE consequences to carrying around extra weight itself, regardless of diet, from a drastic increase in the number of blood vessels your heart has to pump blood through (more blood vessels are created for more adipose or fat tissue) to a greater resistance to pump against adipose tissue, to wear and tear on the joints. So losing SOME weight might be a next step for you to consider on your health approach. Now, that doesn't mean you have to get skinny, there's a healthy middle ground. And that's just food for thought.

    As you adopt a healthier diet and lifestyle you probably WILL lose a little, and you might find that as you feel better you're more motivated to do it. And I hope you keep your positive attitude no matter what, all the way through. Loving your body and having it be the healthiest it can be is a great place to be, and making changes for the better only means you get to love your body even longer, no mater how you choose to do it. :)
  • jshinoff
    jshinoff Posts: 25 Member
    Its not about being comfortable being fat...Its more about trying to stay alive and not die from diabetes or heart disease. You can feel good about yourself but saying your comfortable being obese and fine with it is frankly a fall back on being lazy.

    Trolling or not this site is about motivation and losing or maintaining your fitness goals. Dropping by with "I'm fat and proud" is not something any of us care about. Find a site about being fat, exchange some recipes and sit back and wait to die prematurely. That is the site you're looking for.

    I feel like you didn't actually even read my post. Weight loss and better fitness are actually not interchangeable terms, but that's not a can of worms I intend to open in this thread. But more importantly, frankly I'm offended that you think I'm trolling just because I'm happy being fat. As you said, this site is about motivation. And that's what I'm looking for. Motivation to help me feel better physically. If you don't intend to help with that, there probably wasn't a point in replying.

    Obesity and poor health are strongly correlated, there is little chance that you will be able to maintain your obese status and not have serious health problems down the road. This is not about psychology or you being ok with yourself, it is about health. Anyone who advises you that it is ok (from a health perspective) to be obese is wrong and you should seek other counsel.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    Based on your profile picture, you appear to be around 200 pounds overweight. There is no way that could be healthy in the long run. Maybe you're young and it hasn't caught up to you yet. good luck with that though.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Welcome.. We all have different goals. I don't think you necessarily have to have your eyes on some big "weight loss prize" in order to become healthier. There are many health goals that we can set for ourselves that have absolutely nothing to do with the scale!

    I wish you much success on your journey.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Its not about being comfortable being fat...Its more about trying to stay alive and not die from diabetes or heart disease. You can feel good about yourself but saying your comfortable being obese and fine with it is frankly a fall back on being lazy.

    Trolling or not this site is about motivation and losing or maintaining your fitness goals. Dropping by with "I'm fat and proud" is not something any of us care about. Find a site about being fat, exchange some recipes and sit back and wait to die prematurely. That is the site you're looking for.
    Ignore this guy.
    Welcome to myfitnesspal, hopefully it'll help you reach your goals! Feel free to add me, my goal is weight loss but I think it's perfectly okay to be healthy and happy at any size! We're not all like the person I quoted!
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    I respect and honor you for seeking health rather than vanity! It's very encouraging to see women/people of different shapes and sizes loving who they are and not trying to fit into a pinhole size that may or may not be right for them. That being said, of course, always air on the side of health. I'd rather see someone that was 200 lbs that was healthy than someone that was 120 and anorexic or doing unhealthy things to maintain that weight. Of course, consume healthy foods, try to be active daily, and engage in some sort of vigorous workout at least 3 times a week. More importantly, love yourself at every stage of life and NEVER let bullies push or pull you in a direction to which you don't want to go.

    Unfortunately for you, this site probably isn't going to give you the exact response you're looking for. Like another poster said, it's more for people who are looking to lose or maintain a socially acceptable and healthy weight. However, I've found a handful of people who are motivational and loving no matter what the goal is. I happen to be one of those people, so I'd be happy to motivate you on your journey of health and happiness.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I hope that everyone can recognize the fact that this may the beginning of something none of us can predict. I think a start is a start. If someone wants to make lifestyle changes for the better, all sorts of wonderful things can and will follow. Judge not folks.
  • obeseandsassy
    obeseandsassy Posts: 118
    I respect and honor you for seeking health rather than vanity! It's very encouraging to see women/people of different shapes and sizes loving who they are and not trying to fit into a pinhole size that may or may not be right for them. That being said, of course, always air on the side of health. I'd rather see someone that was 200 lbs that was healthy than someone that was 120 and anorexic or doing unhealthy things to maintain that weight. Of course, consume healthy foods, try to be active daily, and engage in some sort of vigorous workout at least 3 times a week. More importantly, love yourself at every stage of life and NEVER let bullies push or pull you in a direction to which you don't want to go.

    Unfortunately for you, this site probably isn't going to give you the exact response you're looking for. Like another poster said, it's more for people who are looking to lose or maintain a socially acceptable and healthy weight. However, I've found a handful of people who are motivational and loving no matter what the goal is. I happen to be one of those people, so I'd be happy to motivate you on your journey of health and happiness.

    Well don't worry, I'm an expert at tunnel vision when it comes to the internet. People feel more able to say things they would never say in person, and it's something I'm used to. I run a fat acceptance blog and use my body as a political statement, so I'm 100% accustomed to negative feedback.

    You said there's only a handful of people who might be into what I'm looking for, and that's just fine with me! I only need a handful. In my experience, anything that the majority tends to think is something I like to run in the opposite direction from. I knew when I posted what I did, on a site like this, that most people would take issue with it. I'm looking for the few who don't! And look at that, you won the prize :) Thanks for the kind reply!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Oh man, I think I need to stop reading the replies to this thread... it's making me very frustrated.

    You CAN be overweight or even obese and be healthy, fit, and take care of your body. Fitness is not one size fits all. And even if you don't agree with that, it's not your place to come to someone's post looking for motivation and reply with a bunch of negativity. Just move it along.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Its not about being comfortable being fat...Its more about trying to stay alive and not die from diabetes or heart disease. You can feel good about yourself but saying your comfortable being obese and fine with it is frankly a fall back on being lazy.

    Trolling or not this site is about motivation and losing or maintaining your fitness goals. Dropping by with "I'm fat and proud" is not something any of us care about. Find a site about being fat, exchange some recipes and sit back and wait to die prematurely. That is the site you're looking for.

    I feel like you didn't actually even read my post. Weight loss and better fitness are actually not interchangeable terms, but that's not a can of worms I intend to open in this thread. But more importantly, frankly I'm offended that you think I'm trolling just because I'm happy being fat. As you said, this site is about motivation. And that's what I'm looking for. Motivation to help me feel better physically. If you don't intend to help with that, there probably wasn't a point in replying.

    Obesity and poor health are strongly correlated, there is little chance that you will be able to maintain your obese status and not have serious health problems down the road. This is not about psychology or you being ok with yourself, it is about health. Anyone who advises you that it is ok (from a health perspective) to be obese is wrong and you should seek other counsel.
    Mental health is an extremely important aspect of someone's overall health. And honestly, I'd take diabetes and self-esteem over perfect blood-work and self-loathing.
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    I hope that everyone can recognize the fact that this may the beginning of something none of us can predict. I think a start is a start. If someone wants to make lifestyle changes for the better, all sorts of wonderful things can and will follow. Judge not folks.

    I totally agree. The OP is gorgeous and, seemingly, more happy, self-assured and positive than other people that I've met or seen on this site that have the 'ideal' body. Who cares what her ultimate goal is. She's here to make a change so we should support the forward movement.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    She is not saying she doesn't want to ever lose weight, just that its not her main goal. She is saying she wants to eat better and feel better and if she loses weight, she will be okay with it. Is no one capable of reading comprehension?

    She's saying she is okay with her body and okay with herself. Loving your body at any size =/= loving and wanting to be unhealthy like so many of you seem to think.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I'm a bit of a misnomer on this site. I'm a fat girl, heavy into body positivity, who has no intentions of not being fat. What?! Crazy, I know!

    Lately I've realized just how physically not-so-great I feel, so I'm trying to honor my body by using intuitive eating and moving more. My goal isn't weight loss or changing the way my body looks. My goal is simply feeling better. If the habits I form cause me to lose weight, so be it, but it's not my intention or my goal.

    So just from those two paragraphs alone, you can see why I stick out like a sore thumb on a site like this, something that I'm totally aware of! But I still firmly believe that you do better at reaching your goals when you have support, so I figured I'd say hello and try to make some new friends! :) Nerds are a plus, but certainly not necessary!

    I guess you would say I'm an "intuitive" eater too but, I must say,since I've cleaned out the majority of the junk I ate before I lost weight,it's alot easier to differentiate between what I need and what I want. Yesterday I knew I needed a lot of veggies,today my dinner was a piece of cake I wanted.

    I am trying to maintain my weight loss.If you intend to keep an open diary,you can add me.

    I'm curious to see your progress.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Oh man, I think I need to stop reading the replies to this thread... it's making me very frustrated.

    You CAN be overweight or even obese and be healthy, fit, and take care of your body. Fitness is not one size fits all. And even if you don't agree with that, it's not your place to come to someone's post looking for motivation and reply with a bunch of negativity. Just move it along.

    Actually seems to me most of the replies have been welcoming ~ I'm not seeing the bunch of negativity.

    To the OP: Welcome, I trust you'll find plenty of support and comradery here ~ best to you!
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    I respect and honor you for seeking health rather than vanity! It's very encouraging to see women/people of different shapes and sizes loving who they are and not trying to fit into a pinhole size that may or may not be right for them. That being said, of course, always air on the side of health. I'd rather see someone that was 200 lbs that was healthy than someone that was 120 and anorexic or doing unhealthy things to maintain that weight. Of course, consume healthy foods, try to be active daily, and engage in some sort of vigorous workout at least 3 times a week. More importantly, love yourself at every stage of life and NEVER let bullies push or pull you in a direction to which you don't want to go.

    Unfortunately for you, this site probably isn't going to give you the exact response you're looking for. Like another poster said, it's more for people who are looking to lose or maintain a socially acceptable and healthy weight. However, I've found a handful of people who are motivational and loving no matter what the goal is. I happen to be one of those people, so I'd be happy to motivate you on your journey of health and happiness.

    Well don't worry, I'm an expert at tunnel vision when it comes to the internet. People feel more able to say things they would never say in person, and it's something I'm used to. I run a fat acceptance blog and use my body as a political statement, so I'm 100% accustomed to negative feedback.

    You said there's only a handful of people who might be into what I'm looking for, and that's just fine with me! I only need a handful. In my experience, anything that the majority tends to think is something I like to run in the opposite direction from. I knew when I posted what I did, on a site like this, that most people would take issue with it. I'm looking for the few who don't! And look at that, you won the prize :) Thanks for the kind reply!

    Well, you have a friend in me! I support loving people who don't shame themselves. I come from African-American culture where a curvy girl is always put on a pedestal. Look at any rap or r&b music video! lol. Some people would look at those girls and call them 'fat', but I've grown up thinking that that's beautiful! As I've grown, I've learned that there are different body types and all should be celebrated. I could care less what you look like. If you're trying to be healthy and happy, I support you. You're gorgeous with loads of confidence. Go girl!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Its not about being comfortable being fat...Its more about trying to stay alive and not die from diabetes or heart disease. You can feel good about yourself but saying your comfortable being obese and fine with it is frankly a fall back on being lazy.

    Trolling or not this site is about motivation and losing or maintaining your fitness goals. Dropping by with "I'm fat and proud" is not something any of us care about. Find a site about being fat, exchange some recipes and sit back and wait to die prematurely. That is the site you're looking for.

    I feel like you didn't actually even read my post. Weight loss and better fitness are actually not interchangeable terms, but that's not a can of worms I intend to open in this thread. But more importantly, frankly I'm offended that you think I'm trolling just because I'm happy being fat. As you said, this site is about motivation. And that's what I'm looking for. Motivation to help me feel better physically. If you don't intend to help with that, there probably wasn't a point in replying.

    You said that one can be overweight, obese AND healthy?
    Don't you think feeling lousy is a direct result from being overweight, obese or fat?