A fat girl who likes being fat?1?!?



  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    If YOU are happy with your weight, then that is fine. However, just know that if you make certain changes in diet or activity you may lose the body shape you prefer. I think that when you make good changes to your lifestyle and you do feel a good difference in your health, that is truly the greatest reward. It is possible to be Fit and fat. I don't know if you have regular physicals or not, but I am sure your doctor will let you know if your blood sugar looks like it's going into a bad area, or your blood pressure, or cholesterol. I hope you acheieve what ever it is you set out to do here. May the force be with you.

    Thanks doll! The great thing about being so heavily into body acceptance is that no matter what my body looks like, I will ALWAYS adore it, because my body is a part of me and it deserves my love no matter what. I work in health, so I already know I have excellent blood sugar and blood pressure (which surprises many people, but what can you do?) I just want to work on my strength and my stamina and improve my energy level. Especially now that summer's coming! :)

    Thanks for the support, and for the Star Wars nod :)

    that's great that your levels are all healthy. for now. you look younger in your picture so i imagine some time down the road, that may not be the case anymore.
    and i hope you don't plan on wearing a bikini this summer
    good luck though with whatever your goals are

    What's that about not wearing a bikini?


    Sorry to offend your delicate sensibilities :(

    Sorry but on what planet do you think that is a positive body image? I was like you once, 18 months ago. In complete denial about my weight. I thought I looked so damn great. I really did. I even dressed like I was a skinny chick..... little did my brain tell me the truth. Till that photo was taken of myself.

    I don't know how you can think that being big like that (yeah I was 210lbs 18 months ago) and still think you are as healthy or as fit as what I am now (I weigh in at 130lbs and run 6 miles + a day). There is just no way on earth you are fit, healthy or a positive body image.

    You may think you have no problems, but what about fat on the inside? Around your organs. That will kill you no problems. Then there is the fact I'm betting you would take a lift instead of stairs, or even an escalator rather than stairs, perhaps even the ramp rather than that. I'm guessing you wont walk for more than 20 mins unless it's to shop? I'm guessing you don't eat right either..... I know I didnt.

    Be fat, who cares it is your life you are going to end with it. But do not come on here & try to tell us..... the ones who are/have made a change in order to live longer happier lives..... that being fat is better & you are healthy & fit. We work damn hard to get fit, not fat. We work extra hard to be able to know we can do anything & wear anything WITH PRIDE and yet know we do in fact look good doing it.

    . Just don't pretend like it's the best thing on earth...you could kill others just as much as those who have anorexia.
    On what planet does joining a fitness site with the goals of eating better and moving more equal wanting to kill people? Good for you for reaching your goals, but I feel like if you were truly happy with yourself you wouldn't be projecting so much.

    If someone thin made a post saying that they wanted to lose weight and did not care at all about how it affected their health, they'd be getting replies saying how wrong they are, that weight isn't important, it's nutrition and fitness that matter. And when a fat person makes a post saying that they don't care about their weight, they are looking to improve their nutrition and fitness, they get the opposite! It's all hypocritical!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    She is not saying she doesn't want to ever lose weight, just that its not her main goal. She is saying she wants to eat better and feel better and if she loses weight, she will be okay with it. Is no one capable of reading comprehension?

    She's saying she is okay with her body and okay with herself. Loving your body at any size =/= loving and wanting to be unhealthy like so many of you seem to think.
    You nailed it, I believe. That's what I extracted as well.

    yes she was trying to say that. along with being that much overweight and being healthy, and thinking that if she continues to be that much overweight she will stay healthy.
    go watch supersize v superskinny and see how healthy those people are 10 years later when they thought they were fine. they end up not being able to walk, possibly losing a foot, sleep apnea, diabetes, on a whole buttload of medications. yes, that sure is the definition of being healthy.
    there is not reason that she needs to become super thin, if she is happy with her size that is fine. it's the fact that she thinks she will continue to be healthy at that size. that is what i call shenanigans on.
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    Ok. Props to you first off on being confident enough to wear bikini because honestly, i don't have that confidence and probably never will.

    Secondly, a lot of people will judge you on here. I have been overweight all my life, and hit my heaviest 2 years ago at 243. I am now down to the upper 160's and am still fighting to get to an "acceptable" number. I know I will never be 125 like the standards say I should, but I will happy to reach 142. And most people will say that is bad, but excepting for the asthma that I have that will turn into copd (it runs in my mom's side of the family, and was a secondary cause of my mom's death, other then the massive heart attack she suffered), everything has come back fine.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Good luck.

    No-one is judging her or saying she isn't pretty. People have a problem with her coming onto a site dedicated to physical fitness and saying 'hey, I'm really fat and it's great... I don't want to change one bit....'
    erm.... being that overweight from a fitness and health point of view is not great at all and just because she is young and not feeling the negative effects of it right now doesn't mean that this will always be the case. Being as overweight as she is will have repercussions for her heart, her joints, her fertility and god knows what else.... and I just don't get the point of the post in the first place unless it was just purely for attention.... it's mental... seriously weird
  • FlippinNora
    FlippinNora Posts: 41 Member
    Maybe you are feeling crap because you are not very healthy. The most obvious cause for not feeling good would, in your case, be your excess weight. It's inescapable really that, to feel a bit better, you are going to have to lose weight.
    I can't help but see all this self love as a bit of a smoke screen really.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    *I haven't read everything so just ignore me if this has already been said*

    If a girl weighing 120 at 5'5" came here saying she wanted to join this website to help herself become more physically active, be more aware of her food intake, make better choices, etc. everyone would welcome her for trying to improve her life.

    Why can't we welcome this woman for trying to improve her life, too? Maybe it doesn't match our own standards or goals but we can't deny this is a GOOD thing she's trying to do.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. My goals are largely focused in being more active, and while I've never been overweight, I'm not going to be so quick to judge!

    What do you think the reception would be to a 120# girl at 5'5" that came in here saying she wanted to get down to 85 lbs. Would she get much support? What if she claimed that she could be perfectly healthy at 85# despite massive amounts of evidence to the contrary?

    I'll answer that: No one would.

    She'd be told that doing so is very unhealthy and would increase her chances of underweight related diseases and ailments.

    I'm all for the OP getting healthier through increased activity and making some dietary changes. I'm not for her coming to a fitness site and telling everyone that there's nothing wrong with obesity and that it isn't a problem people should actively combat.

    This isn't about body shaming, this is health. I hope she gets healthier. I hope she doesn't convince anyone who's on the fence that it's perfectly healthy to be obese.
  • RedVelvetCurls
    RedVelvetCurls Posts: 304 Member
    Hey. I've seen you around on this site today, and I welcome friend requests. You helped me find a nice bathing suit! :D

    I'm also a total nerd, massive Final Fantasy, Silent Hill, Zelda, and Grandia fan right here. I also like My Little Pony. Always love a blast from my childhood.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    If YOU are happy with your weight, then that is fine. However, just know that if you make certain changes in diet or activity you may lose the body shape you prefer. I think that when you make good changes to your lifestyle and you do feel a good difference in your health, that is truly the greatest reward. It is possible to be Fit and fat. I don't know if you have regular physicals or not, but I am sure your doctor will let you know if your blood sugar looks like it's going into a bad area, or your blood pressure, or cholesterol. I hope you acheieve what ever it is you set out to do here. May the force be with you.

    Thanks doll! The great thing about being so heavily into body acceptance is that no matter what my body looks like, I will ALWAYS adore it, because my body is a part of me and it deserves my love no matter what. I work in health, so I already know I have excellent blood sugar and blood pressure (which surprises many people, but what can you do?) I just want to work on my strength and my stamina and improve my energy level. Especially now that summer's coming! :)

    Thanks for the support, and for the Star Wars nod :)

    that's great that your levels are all healthy. for now. you look younger in your picture so i imagine some time down the road, that may not be the case anymore.
    and i hope you don't plan on wearing a bikini this summer
    good luck though with whatever your goals are

    What's that about not wearing a bikini?


    Sorry to offend your delicate sensibilities :(

    thank you, you just posted exactly why a bikini should not be worn

    That was a ****ty comment. Talking about her potential future health issues is valid and caring. That last comment was just being horrible. It was unnecessary and it was unkind. You should apologise. Seriously.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Its not about being comfortable being fat...Its more about trying to stay alive and not die from diabetes or heart disease. You can feel good about yourself but saying your comfortable being obese and fine with it is frankly a fall back on being lazy.

    Trolling or not this site is about motivation and losing or maintaining your fitness goals. Dropping by with "I'm fat and proud" is not something any of us care about. Find a site about being fat, exchange some recipes and sit back and wait to die prematurely. That is the site you're looking for.

    Obesity and poor health are strongly correlated, there is little chance that you will be able to maintain your obese status and not have serious health problems down the road. This is not about psychology or you being ok with yourself, it is about health. Anyone who advises you that it is ok (from a health perspective) to be obese is wrong and you should seek other counsel.

  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Its not about being comfortable being fat...Its more about trying to stay alive and not die from diabetes or heart disease. You can feel good about yourself but saying your comfortable being obese and fine with it is frankly a fall back on being lazy.

    Trolling or not this site is about motivation and losing or maintaining your fitness goals. Dropping by with "I'm fat and proud" is not something any of us care about. Find a site about being fat, exchange some recipes and sit back and wait to die prematurely. That is the site you're looking for.

    I feel like you didn't actually even read my post. Weight loss and better fitness are actually not interchangeable terms, but that's not a can of worms I intend to open in this thread. But more importantly, frankly I'm offended that you think I'm trolling just because I'm happy being fat. As you said, this site is about motivation. And that's what I'm looking for. Motivation to help me feel better physically. If you don't intend to help with that, there probably wasn't a point in replying.

    You said that one can be overweight, obese AND healthy?
    Don't you think feeling lousy is a direct result from being overweight, obese or fat?

    Not necessarily. I'm far more fit and about 400X stronger than I was as a 110 pound 17 year old. If I weren't interested in weight loss, honestly I would eat at maintenance right now and just keep working out.

    I think it's great that OP is so comfortable in her own skin, frankly I'm a bit envious. I don't know why it bothers anyone here. The name of the site is "My Fitness Pal" not "My Weight Loss Pal." She is saying she wants to be more fit and feel better, it's a little odd that this bothers anyone. There are plenty of people here who weigh what the OP does, hate themselves, and also don't succeed in losing any weight and I don't see a big attack mob after them.

    OP: to answer your actual question, strength training is a great way to help your body feel better, keep your bones healthy, and support your joints. Definitely give some real strength training a try! A lot of people here recommend a book called New Rules of Lifting for Women. I started lifting about 10 years ago, and at that time I found this site really helpful:


    If you are looking for cardio that is easy on the joints for heavier people, I recommend starting with an elliptical trainer and/or a bike. There's a program called "Couch to 5 K" that you can also do on an elliptical if your joints aren't thrilled with the idea of running on a flat surface. Congrats on your new fitness journey!

    I simply asked a question-I wasn't attacking anyone. please don't insinuate otherwise
  • obeseandsassy
    obeseandsassy Posts: 118
    i've decided I'm just going to sit back and let these random internet folk try to psychoanalyze me. Clearly my own commentary isn't needed, because I couldn't possibly know what I want!

    Never fails to amaze me how upset people get to see a fat girl who doesn't hate her body.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Its not about being comfortable being fat...Its more about trying to stay alive and not die from diabetes or heart disease. You can feel good about yourself but saying your comfortable being obese and fine with it is frankly a fall back on being lazy.

    Trolling or not this site is about motivation and losing or maintaining your fitness goals. Dropping by with "I'm fat and proud" is not something any of us care about. Find a site about being fat, exchange some recipes and sit back and wait to die prematurely. That is the site you're looking for.

    I feel like you didn't actually even read my post. Weight loss and better fitness are actually not interchangeable terms, but that's not a can of worms I intend to open in this thread. But more importantly, frankly I'm offended that you think I'm trolling just because I'm happy being fat. As you said, this site is about motivation. And that's what I'm looking for. Motivation to help me feel better physically. If you don't intend to help with that, there probably wasn't a point in replying.

    Obesity and poor health are strongly correlated, there is little chance that you will be able to maintain your obese status and not have serious health problems down the road. This is not about psychology or you being ok with yourself, it is about health. Anyone who advises you that it is ok (from a health perspective) to be obese is wrong and you should seek other counsel.
    Mental health is an extremely important aspect of someone's overall health. And honestly, I'd take diabetes and self-esteem over perfect blood-work and self-loathing.

    That last sentence,all of that could change when you get older.I didn't have high blood pressure until I was 38 and I was only 40 pounds overweight.In the long run,you CANNOT be obese and healthy.

    That last sentence just proves she has no idea what she's taking about.. Don't understand how MFP allows people to post utter nonsense! Diabetis is really not nice, I suggest you go learn about it before writing about it loosely..!!

    The OP IS fat and proud, that is evident... If she wants to incur all these health issues while she's nice and happy in her bubble then so be it, Mfp'ers can only try and advise you to ditch the fat so you stay healthy for longer... I really hope you turn it round.. Good Luck!
    Is depression, self-loathing, hating your body, or suffering from a mental illness any "nicer?" That was my only point. Obviously I'm not saying that I WANT diabetes.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    No one said that you or anyone should not be happy being who you are. We all do what we do to be happy or we would not do it. People do a lot of stuff for happiness but when they "get there or get it" they find that they are STILL NOT happy...what does that tell you? Do you know how many "slim" and Healthy people who are Unhappy or suffer from NON-Clinical Depression...surely Millions, they want what you have. BUT many of them have something you either do not have or will not have when you reach middle age or your fifties...GOOD HEALTH!

    I know this from Living Experience...when you have your GOOD HEALTH, EVERYTHING else IS Possible; and if you do NOT have good health. you spend the rest of your Life trying to attain it in order to "move on". You saying this NOW means NOTHING, it's just talk...some "Chubby Admirers" help boost you up for THEIR enjoyment, BUT when you hit 40, 45, 50 y.o. and can not walk a block because of the pain or need a walker to get from your kitchen to bathroom, that ain't cute and they go on to the next "Fat Girl". Talk THIS talk when you are 40+, and if you feel this way and still fat, I will be VERY surprised.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    i've decided I'm just going to sit back and let these random internet folk try to psychoanalyze me. Clearly my own commentary isn't needed, because I couldn't possibly know what I want!

    Never fails to amaze me how upset people get to see a fat girl who doesn't hate her body.

    No one is upset that you don't hate your body. Stop being so melodramatic.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    If YOU are happy with your weight, then that is fine. However, just know that if you make certain changes in diet or activity you may lose the body shape you prefer. I think that when you make good changes to your lifestyle and you do feel a good difference in your health, that is truly the greatest reward. It is possible to be Fit and fat. I don't know if you have regular physicals or not, but I am sure your doctor will let you know if your blood sugar looks like it's going into a bad area, or your blood pressure, or cholesterol. I hope you acheieve what ever it is you set out to do here. May the force be with you.

    Thanks doll! The great thing about being so heavily into body acceptance is that no matter what my body looks like, I will ALWAYS adore it, because my body is a part of me and it deserves my love no matter what. I work in health, so I already know I have excellent blood sugar and blood pressure (which surprises many people, but what can you do?) I just want to work on my strength and my stamina and improve my energy level. Especially now that summer's coming! :)

    Thanks for the support, and for the Star Wars nod :)

    that's great that your levels are all healthy. for now. you look younger in your picture so i imagine some time down the road, that may not be the case anymore.
    and i hope you don't plan on wearing a bikini this summer
    good luck though with whatever your goals are

    What an absolute awful thing to say. What a snide, arrogant little b**ch you are. This woman is obviously far happier with her life than you are with yours. You're a total *kitten*. This girl will grow older and with her awesome attitude she will adapt and become healthier. You will always be a punk.
    Your response is not okay either. You don't have to bully someone to support someone else. What she said wasn't nice, we all know that, but it doesn't make your reply any more okay.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Good on you for wanting to be fit and healthy, I hope you achieve your goals :flowerforyou:
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    I personally think its fantastic that you have such a high love for yourself. Many people come on this site, with low self esteems and think loosing weight is going to make it ALL better. It's wonderful that you love yourself, and it's even better that you love yourself enough to know when somethings not right as far as the way you feel.
    Good on you (:
    Feel free to add me if you'd like, I'd love to have friends like you (:
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    Ok. Props to you first off on being confident enough to wear bikini because honestly, i don't have that confidence and probably never will.

    Secondly, a lot of people will judge you on here. I have been overweight all my life, and hit my heaviest 2 years ago at 243. I am now down to the upper 160's and am still fighting to get to an "acceptable" number. I know I will never be 125 like the standards say I should, but I will happy to reach 142. And most people will say that is bad, but excepting for the asthma that I have that will turn into copd (it runs in my mom's side of the family, and was a secondary cause of my mom's death, other then the massive heart attack she suffered), everything has come back fine.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Good luck.

    No-one is judging her or saying she isn't pretty. People have a problem with her coming onto a site dedicated to physical fitness and saying 'hey, I'm really fat and it's great... I don't want to change one bit....'
    erm.... being that overweight from a fitness and health point of view is not great at all and just because she is young and not feeling the negative effects of it right now doesn't mean that this will always be the case. Being as overweight as she is will have repercussions for her heart, her joints, her fertility and god knows what else.... and I just don't get the point of the post in the first place unless it was just purely for attention.... it's mental... seriously weird

    This pretty much sums it up.OP has a great attitude as far as loving herself.That's fabulous. I admire that.

    But the fact is,being obese ( as opposed to overweight) cannot be healthy in the long run.There will be health issues.

    And it would really be a shame for somebody who so obviously loves life to cut it short.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    I respect and honor you for seeking health rather than vanity! It's very encouraging to see women/people of different shapes and sizes loving who they are and not trying to fit into a pinhole size that may or may not be right for them. That being said, of course, always air on the side of health. I'd rather see someone that was 200 lbs that was healthy than someone that was 120 and anorexic or doing unhealthy things to maintain that weight. Of course, consume healthy foods, try to be active daily, and engage in some sort of vigorous workout at least 3 times a week. More importantly, love yourself at every stage of life and NEVER let bullies push or pull you in a direction to which you don't want to go.

    Unfortunately for you, this site probably isn't going to give you the exact response you're looking for. Like another poster said, it's more for people who are looking to lose or maintain a socially acceptable and healthy weight. However, I've found a handful of people who are motivational and loving no matter what the goal is. I happen to be one of those people, so I'd be happy to motivate you on your journey of health and happiness.

    That doesn't even make any sense. By definition, being overweight by 200lbs isn't healthy.

    By what definition? The BMI?

    Top 10 Reasons Why The BMI is Bogus by Keith Devlin

    People that are 200 lbs can and are healthy, because the operational definitions of health isn't a specific size or weight.

    In looking at that girl, she looks to be around 200 pounds overweight. She is not just 200 pounds. A little overweight can still be healthy if you look at body fat percentage instead of weight. Just looking at her, I'm sure that her body fat percentage is extremely unhealthy. You disagree with this??? If she isn't at an unhealthy body fat percentage, nobody is. This just seems like common sense to me. That list of top 10 reasons why BMI is bogus doesn't negate this fact at all.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    i've decided I'm just going to sit back and let these random internet folk try to psychoanalyze me. Clearly my own commentary isn't needed, because I couldn't possibly know what I want!

    Never fails to amaze me how upset people get to see a fat girl who doesn't hate her body.

    :laugh: Totally. I took a look at the blog post you linked to and I loved this part, I thought it was quite appropriate:
    The entire concept of ‘glorifying obesity’ is utter crap. This is usually said when a picture of a happy fat person is seen. No one is glorifying or encouraging anything but refusing to hate your body no matter what it looks like. Even the parts that don’t work, even the parts you’d like to change. It’s realizing that, even if the media would like you to think differently, fat is NOT a death sentence and NOT the worst thing a person can be.


    ALL bodies are good bodies, ALL bodies deserve respect. There is NO WRONG WAY to have a body.
    URL: http://adiposeactivist.wordpress.com/2011/07/07/what-is-fat-acceptance/
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    She is not saying she doesn't want to ever lose weight, just that its not her main goal. She is saying she wants to eat better and feel better and if she loses weight, she will be okay with it. Is no one capable of reading comprehension?

    She's saying she is okay with her body and okay with herself. Loving your body at any size =/= loving and wanting to be unhealthy like so many of you seem to think.
    You nailed it, I believe. That's what I extracted as well.

    Yeah, that's what I thought she was saying. She said weight loss was not her goal. Getting healthy and feeling better are. And if that leads to weight loss she will be happy with that as well. She said she will love her body whatever it looks like....meaning...even if she loses weight. But, she is not making the weight loss be her goal, just the health and feeling good. Probably she will lose weight and be happy with whatever the outcome of that is. Because that's just the kind of happy, content person that she is. Let her give it a go, and see how she feels. She's just starting out on here. But with that said I am fine about reading everyone's honest thoughts on this. I am a fish out of water reading all of this.