A fat girl who likes being fat?1?!?



  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    I'm a bit of a misnomer on this site. I'm a fat girl, heavy into body positivity, who has no intentions of not being fat. What?! Crazy, I know!

    Lately I've realized just how physically not-so-great I feel, so I'm trying to honor my body by using intuitive eating and moving more. My goal isn't weight loss or changing the way my body looks. My goal is simply feeling better. If the habits I form cause me to lose weight, so be it, but it's not my intention or my goal.

    So just from those two paragraphs alone, you can see why I stick out like a sore thumb on a site like this, something that I'm totally aware of! But I still firmly believe that you do better at reaching your goals when you have support, so I figured I'd say hello and try to make some new friends! :) Nerds are a plus, but certainly not necessary!

    I read a great article once in a medial periodical about a study that showed that size did not necessarily correlate to healthy problems or lifespan. When they compared obese to thin, the obese group had more problems. But when they looked at 5 indicators of health (I think it was blood pressure, blood sugar/diabetes, smoking, more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day, and cholesterol), they found that the group of obese who has NONE of those 5 ranked exactly the SAME as the group of thin who had NONE of those 5. So bottom line.... we all have fat cells. The amount of fat cells is ultimately cosmetic and a personal decision. But EVERYONE can and should be healthy. So good for you for working on your health!

    I am also a "big girl" -- 5'8" and curvy. I am here for my health. Period. I'm here to lift heavy and get fit in terms of endurance, conditioning, flexibility and strength. I have reversed my diabetes and lowered my cholesterol by eating healthy. Any loss of fat is incidental and not my goal. I just want to be healthy, strong and energetic. In fact, if I start to lean out too much I'll eat more! I'm curvy and I want to stay that way (and my husband loves me best that way too). Kudos to you for doing what is right for you!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    You use your body as a political statement? America has an "obesity epidemic"? (note the use of "" implying it doesn't)

    Good luck getting healthier. That's a good thing.

    You honestly don't think America has an obesity epidemic? Have you ever walked around a large city and people watched? We do have an obesity epidemic, the children of today are much larger than when I was a child. Our nation is weaker, sicker, and fatter than ever before.

    You misread me. I was criticizing the OP for implying that it doesn't exist. You and I actually agree.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    Bingo, said it better than I. Guess I took it a little far.
    I think a drunk monkey would have said it better than you did.

    No need to insult a drunk monkey.
  • Thadreamer87
    Why would somebody want to be heavy? I'm heavy and i'm doing everything in my power to change it. I hate being heavy. I don't understand why someone would want and enjoy being heavy and unhealthy.
  • obeseandsassy
    obeseandsassy Posts: 118
    Welp, this thread went down the toilet, so I'll leave it with some parting thoughts:

    1) this was not meant as a troll post. If a fat person who wants to feel healthier but finds weight loss to be secondary to better physical health is trolling, I've got a lot to learn.

    2) Not 'fodder for my blog' or a 'social experiment.' I don't need a thread on MFP to know that most people are biased against fat people. Boring. My blog does not deal attempting to incense people by creating threads on a fitness site.

    3) Also, I was not pimping out my tumblr, because uh--if that were the case, wouldn't I have actually linked to it or revealed my username?

    4) apparently most of the people in this thread think they're the first person to EVER tell a fat person that fat is correlated (correlation does not equal causation, by the way) with certain diseases. And that THEY'RE going to be the person to make me say OH LORDY I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT!

    5) Body policing is indeed alive and well.

    6) There are some really fantastic people here, if you're willing to slog through the not-so-great ones!

    Thank you for the supportive people who came out of the woodwork, and the sweet messages I got, and the awesome people who I'm looking forward to the future with as we support each other in our goals! :)
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    Hi there OP. I started off as a happily fat woman too. i was about 230lbs (and 5'2), and was pretty happy with who I was and how I looked. But as the mother of 3 young kids I decided that premature death and sitting on the sidelines as my kids played sports was not the kind of role model I wanted to be. My intention was to get fitter- getting smaller was a side effect of getting fitter.
    Roll on 2 1/2 years- I now weigh about 175lbs. I'm still obese. My weight has been stuck here for about a year, which bugs me but it isn't a major issue. What is awesome is that I have run 8 half marathons and 2 full ones. I run with my kids. I eat better because it makes me feel better when I do. My kids see activity as a normal part of life.
    And to the person that said you can't be obese and healthy- not that true and made me angry!!!!! I'm obese and can run for 6 hours without stopping. I can squat 70kgs, deadlift 50kgs, and I AM the healthiest version of me I can be at the moment. And I'm far more active than a lot of other people I know. Just because I'm not thin does not mean I'm not healthy (although I do understand the correlations between weight and illness). Thin people are not necessarily more healthy than me, and that's a crappy assumption to make.

    ETA i also didn't read all of the responses before, but i do agree that we all only have one life and need to live it as we see fit.

    Looking at the weight that the o.p. is, she does not appear to be healthy. Is she running 8 half marathons at her weight? I highly doubt it.
  • kishkoway
    kishkoway Posts: 19
    Next has come a wonderful marriage to a man who loves me for me too. He doesn't see how overweight I am, just how beautiful I am to him. He loves my body the way it is, but as he said he loves me to be me as long as I don't lose my butt haha :)

    Heh. Sounds like my boyfriend. He thinks I'm the sexiest woman he's ever known with my big ol' curvaceous body. Hell, he thinks I'm tiny! (Probably because his ex-wife outweighs me by about 50 lbs and is a major size-acceptance advocate.) He supports my desire to lose a few pounds because it's what I want. All he asks is that I not lose my butt or breasts. I told him that I didn't have much control over that, but that I would do what I could.

    My husband is going to the gym with me and eats what I cook, so he's participating. He's got pounds to lose too, but overall he is being supportive and it is super awesome to go to gym with him and look for healthier foods. :D he is truly dazzling! Your boyfriend sounds like a great guy!!!
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    Why would somebody want to be heavy? I'm heavy and i'm doing everything in my power to change it. I hate being heavy. I don't understand why someone would want and enjoy being heavy and unhealthy.

  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    If YOU are happy with your weight, then that is fine. However, just know that if you make certain changes in diet or activity you may lose the body shape you prefer. I think that when you make good changes to your lifestyle and you do feel a good difference in your health, that is truly the greatest reward. It is possible to be Fit and fat. I don't know if you have regular physicals or not, but I am sure your doctor will let you know if your blood sugar looks like it's going into a bad area, or your blood pressure, or cholesterol. I hope you acheieve what ever it is you set out to do here. May the force be with you.

    Thanks doll! The great thing about being so heavily into body acceptance is that no matter what my body looks like, I will ALWAYS adore it, because my body is a part of me and it deserves my love no matter what. I work in health, so I already know I have excellent blood sugar and blood pressure (which surprises many people, but what can you do?) I just want to work on my strength and my stamina and improve my energy level. Especially now that summer's coming! :)

    Thanks for the support, and for the Star Wars nod :)

    that's great that your levels are all healthy. for now. you look younger in your picture so i imagine some time down the road, that may not be the case anymore.
    and i hope you don't plan on wearing a bikini this summer
    good luck though with whatever your goals are

    Since this thread is already at 7 pages or so, I have a feeling this has already been addressed so sorry everyone else for this but how dare you tell someone what they should or shouldn't wear? Who do you think you are? She can wear whatever the eff she wants this summer.

    ETA: 10 pages. sorry
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    I like her attitude and the fact that she loves her body as it is! I wish I had her self esteem!
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    I am not here to tell you what to do with your body, but I will speak to my own experience.

    Is dieting a feminist action? Not always. The diet/fashion/etc ethos can be degrading and damaging to women. Bodily pressures are profound, and I think you're right to work against that.

    Is working for a healthy body a feminist action? YES. 'Our Bodies, Ourselves' is a foundational feminist text for a reason. You say your body is a political statement (whose isn't?), I say my body is a political tool, a vehicle for my political self. If I'm going to tear down the patriarchy, I'll need strength, stamina, and an unshakeable confidence in my own abilities.

    The fact is, that for me a 300 pound body could not affect change. I was too tired, my head hurt, I had a stomach ache. I needed a nap. I'm only 35 pounds down, but it's only taken 35 pounds to feel amazing, and be amazed by what my body is capable of doing, that it can walk run lift play.

    Fat or not, **** the patriarchy, be strong and healthy.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Why would somebody want to be heavy? I'm heavy and i'm doing everything in my power to change it. I hate being heavy. I don't understand why someone would want and enjoy being heavy and unhealthy.


    No, not exactly. Is believing that you have intrinsic value, outside of your weight, really something you're arguing against? She obviously is experiencing some physical discomfort that is prompting her to make some changes. Why does she need to hate herself on top of that?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    OP, I am glad you are happy with your body. That's wonderful, it really is.
    However, just as I would not encourage a 5'8'' 90 pounds girl to stay at that weight, I cannot say that I believe it's okay for someone to be severely overweight. You may not have health issues now, but why not decrease the odds that you will experience such issues in the future?
    I honestly do not understand how everyone is so encouraging of you staying at this weight. If i start a thread right now about how I want to be 80 pounds I'm going to get (rightfully) hundreds of responses about how that is unhealthy. This is no different.

    But it's not for YOU to say anyone else's body is okay or not. She wasn't asking for your support -- she was saying that she felt out of place because she wasn't focused on weight or looking a certain way because she already accepts herself as she is.

    But it is not for YOU to call anyone out for giving their opinion on this matter.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    OP, I am glad you are happy with your body. That's wonderful, it really is.
    However, just as I would not encourage a 5'8'' 90 pounds girl to stay at that weight, I cannot say that I believe it's okay for someone to be severely overweight. You may not have health issues now, but why not decrease the odds that you will experience such issues in the future?
    I honestly do not understand how everyone is so encouraging of you staying at this weight. If i start a thread right now about how I want to be 80 pounds I'm going to get (rightfully) hundreds of responses about how that is unhealthy. This is no different.

    But it's not for YOU to say anyone else's body is okay or not. She wasn't asking for your support -- she was saying that she felt out of place because she wasn't focused on weight or looking a certain way because she already accepts herself as she is.
    Let's not kid ourselves. I fully believe OP realized before posting that it will lead to such a discussion. And I did not offer my opinion on the way her body looks. I don't care what she looks like, what you look like, honestly i don't care what anyone but me looks like.
    The only reason I replied to this post was because I was surprised at how encouraging people were of being severely overweight, while being underweight gets blasted on this site all the time. Why the difference?
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    OP, I am glad you are happy with your body. That's wonderful, it really is.
    However, just as I would not encourage a 5'8'' 90 pounds girl to stay at that weight, I cannot say that I believe it's okay for someone to be severely overweight. You may not have health issues now, but why not decrease the odds that you will experience such issues in the future?
    I honestly do not understand how everyone is so encouraging of you staying at this weight. If i start a thread right now about how I want to be 80 pounds I'm going to get (rightfully) hundreds of responses about how that is unhealthy. This is no different.

    But it's not for YOU to say anyone else's body is okay or not. She wasn't asking for your support -- she was saying that she felt out of place because she wasn't focused on weight or looking a certain way because she already accepts herself as she is.

    But it is not for YOU to call anyone out for giving their opinion on this matter.

    Just like you interjecting yourself at this juncture?
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I read the entire thread, and it simply looks like the OP sought out and received drama. It's just another day on the interwebz.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    OP, I am glad you are happy with your body. That's wonderful, it really is.
    However, just as I would not encourage a 5'8'' 90 pounds girl to stay at that weight, I cannot say that I believe it's okay for someone to be severely overweight. You may not have health issues now, but why not decrease the odds that you will experience such issues in the future?
    I honestly do not understand how everyone is so encouraging of you staying at this weight. If i start a thread right now about how I want to be 80 pounds I'm going to get (rightfully) hundreds of responses about how that is unhealthy. This is no different.

    But it's not for YOU to say anyone else's body is okay or not. She wasn't asking for your support -- she was saying that she felt out of place because she wasn't focused on weight or looking a certain way because she already accepts herself as she is.
    Let's not kid ourselves. I fully believe OP realized before posting that it will lead to such a discussion. And I did not offer my opinion on the way her body looks. I don't care what she looks like, what you look like, honestly i don't care what anyone but me looks like.
    The only reason I replied to this post was because I was surprised at how encouraging people were of being severely overweight, while being underweight gets blasted on this site all the time. Why the difference?


    That's absolutely right! If the OP had come on here saying, I'm severely underweight and I don't care, I love myself...how many would have said.."Uh no." and screamed pro-ana? Yet, someone comes on here severely overweight and says that and it's all high fives, kudos, and ignore the haters?

    Sorry, what was that about people being fat biased again?
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    Why would somebody want to be heavy? I'm heavy and i'm doing everything in my power to change it. I hate being heavy. I don't understand why someone would want and enjoy being heavy and unhealthy.


    No, not exactly. Is believing that you have intrinsic value, outside of your weight, really something you're arguing against? She obviously is experiencing some physical discomfort that is prompting her to make some changes. Why does she need to hate herself on top of that?

    Who said she has to hate herself? It's possible to hate being overweight without hating yourself. I'm glad she's confident and all and wants to change.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Why would somebody want to be heavy? I'm heavy and i'm doing everything in my power to change it. I hate being heavy. I don't understand why someone would want and enjoy being heavy and unhealthy.


    No, not exactly. Is believing that you have intrinsic value, outside of your weight, really something you're arguing against? She obviously is experiencing some physical discomfort that is prompting her to make some changes. Why does she need to hate herself on top of that?

    You are very presumptuous. I am incredibly happy that the OP loves herself the way she is. That is awesome and I love it.

    However, there are major health risks when you are very overweight, and THAT is what she should be concerned with above and beyond her appearance. No one is telling her to hate herself or that her worth is detemined by her weight.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????