A fat girl who likes being fat?1?!?



  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.

    You don't discriminate against obese people yet you assume they all have an unhealthy lifestyle. Glad we cleared that right up!
  • mustangmary11
    mustangmary11 Posts: 46 Member
    Oh man, I think I need to stop reading the replies to this thread... it's making me very frustrated.

    You CAN be overweight or even obese and be healthy, fit, and take care of your body. Fitness is not one size fits all. And even if you don't agree with that, it's not your place to come to someone's post looking for motivation and reply with a bunch of negativity. Just move it along.

    Bravo, for what you said. I have a friend who is a size 24 and is more fit than my friend who is a size 6. Being fit is getting your body to your peak performance and for me that is around 150 pounds. At 5 foot that is far from thin but it is perfect for me. I can run, jump, bike, climb and do all of that at that weight. I am not losing weight to look good to anyone. Screw that, if you dont like me don't. But I am very body positive, I am a pretty overweight woman. I have a man who loves me and please no telling me if he loved you he'd want you to lose weight. I am losing and go to the gym every other day and he supports me in every way. SO lets see what this woman does instead of condemning before she starts. As you said move along if you are just negative. Not all of you are and are trying to be helpful and that's always a good thing.
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.

    i do

    This x 101982731298731298731
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I didn't say you offered you opinion of her body, but was responding specifically to "I cannot say that I believe it's okay for someone to be severely overweight".

    The people encouraging her were basically saying that it's fine to be motivated by feeling better physically and not being thin or weighing some random weight. That's actually HEALTHY.
    Yes, I offered my opinion on that, just like other people did. You didn't reply to the ones whose opinions matched the OP's.
    Yes, it's great to be motivated by feeling better physically rather than shooting for a certain number on the scales. I definitely agree with that. It is also great to be aware of the risks involved in being a certain weight, or more specifically above a certain BF %.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I was in denial about my health for a long time also. The OP will work it out sooner or later.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.

    You don't discriminate against obese people yet you assume they all have an unhealthy lifestyle. Glad we cleared that right up!

    The o.p. did not claim to have a healthy lifestyle, did she? On average, a person who is 200 pounds overweight is less likely to have a healthy lifestyle than a thin person. You disagree with this? If what I'm saying is false, then there wouldn't be so many diseases linked to obesity.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Was just about to point that out..thank you..lol. Glad someone finally said it.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.
    Almost everything you've posted has been snarky and mean rather than encouraging or even helpful in the slightest. If YOU don't want to be 200 lbs overweight then don't be 200 lbs overweight, but don't shove your beliefs down anyone else's throat. If she's unhealthy, is it really going to affect you? What happened to if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all or do unto others as you want done unto you.....
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    Hey there OP: I'm actually quite happy being on the heavier side as long as I feel awesome and don't have any major health issues. Previous to a few months ago I was fine with being active, and being just shy of 200lbs. I had pretty much given up on diet/ exercise except to stay happy and control my depression symptoms (works quite well that way!) It wasn't until I gained a massive amount of weight out of nowhere that I started to become unhappy.

    You do you. Movement and eating better are good things, no matter what your size or goal :D
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I didn't say you offered you opinion of her body, but was responding specifically to "I cannot say that I believe it's okay for someone to be severely overweight".

    The people encouraging her were basically saying that it's fine to be motivated by feeling better physically and not being thin or weighing some random weight. That's actually HEALTHY.
    Yes, I offered my opinion on that, just like other people did. You didn't reply to the ones whose opinions matched the OP's.
    Yes, it's great to be motivated by feeling better physically rather than shooting for a certain number on the scales. I definitely agree with that. It is also great to be aware of the risks involved in being a certain weight, or more specifically above a certain BF %.

    I guess I am wondering why you don't think she knows the risks and that's apart of her decision to make some changes?
  • MarcPower
    MarcPower Posts: 67 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.

    i do

    This x 101982731298731298731
    0 x 101982731298731298731 = 0
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    Yeah, the same way people "discriminate" against smokers when they are told that smoking can increase your chances of lung cancer. The same way people "discriminate" against alcoholics when they are told that excessive alcohol intake can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. The same way people "discriminate" against meth addicts when they are told that using meth can ruin your life. So much discrimination in the world... when trying to explain that certain life choices can and most often are EXTREMELY damaging to your health.

    Pointing out that obesity increases the chances of developing a myriad of different diseases and health problems and is thus unhealthy is NOT discrimination. It's just stating the obvious.
  • badgerbabs
    badgerbabs Posts: 49 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.

    i do

    This x 101982731298731298731

    Congratulations. Shallow, superficial, and judgemental + fit = fantastic human being.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    Yeah, the same way people "discriminate" against smokers when they are told that smoking can increase your chances of lung cancer. The same way people "discriminate" against alcoholics when they are told that excessive alcohol intake can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. The same way people "discriminate" against meth addicts when they are told that using meth can ruin your life. So much discrimination in the world... when trying to explain that certain life choices can and most often are EXTREMELY damaging to your health.

    Pointing out that obesity increases the chances of developing a myriad of different diseases and health problems and is thus unhealthy is NOT discrimination. It's just stating the obvious.

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.

    You don't discriminate against obese people yet you assume they all have an unhealthy lifestyle. Glad we cleared that right up!

    The o.p. did not claim to have a healthy lifestyle, did she? On average, a person who is 200 pounds overweight is less likely to have a healthy lifestyle than a thin person. You disagree with this? If what I'm saying is false, then there wouldn't be so many diseases linked to obesity.

    I don't make assumptions about other people's lifestyles based in their weight. I know plenty of unhealthy people who are thin.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    When I was overweight my dr used to tell me I was like a mini car with about 50 clowns trying to sit in there comfortably..... sooner or later the axles are going to give out & the car will useless.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.
    Almost everything you've posted has been snarky and mean rather than encouraging or even helpful in the slightest. If YOU don't want to be 200 lbs overweight then don't be 200 lbs overweight, but don't shove your beliefs down anyone else's throat. If she's unhealthy, is it really going to affect you? What happened to if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all or do unto others as you want done unto you.....

    I don't think that pointing out that someone who is 200 pounds overweight is unhealthy is mean in any way. I don't think that anything I said was snarky or mean.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.