A fat girl who likes being fat?1?!?



  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.

    You don't discriminate against obese people yet you assume they all have an unhealthy lifestyle. Glad we cleared that right up!

    The o.p. did not claim to have a healthy lifestyle, did she? On average, a person who is 200 pounds overweight is less likely to have a healthy lifestyle than a thin person. You disagree with this? If what I'm saying is false, then there wouldn't be so many diseases linked to obesity.

    I don't make assumptions about other people's lifestyles based in their weight. I know plenty of unhealthy people who are thin.

    sure there are unhealthy people who are thin, but if someone is overweight it is more likely for them to be unhealthy than the thin person. This is just a fact.

    I would like to see some peer reviewed studies that show overweight people are more unhealthy.

    I meant morbidly obese people, not overweight people.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    For the love of everything good in the world, STOP ARGUING! Can't you all see that you're in love with each other?

    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Why you gotta let the cat outta the bag?
  • badgerbabs
    badgerbabs Posts: 49 Member
    Just the other day I read a post on here about how people want to be a certain dress size (I HAVE to be a size 6, 4, 2, 0...). That, too, has nothing to do with being fit; those are utterly artificial parameters and don't have anything to do with being healthy. This lady has a stated goal of being fit, without regard to numbers imposed by societal consensus. There have been several studies showing that people who are 10 - 20 lbs OVER the "approved" weight are healthier than those actually AT the "approved" weight. And there studies showing that marathon runners are less healthy than standard-weight individuals. And, as Mark Twain told us, "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics." Numbers lie. Fitness and health exist over a wide range of body weights, and your dress size isn't going to prove that you're healthy.

    One of the best things you can do for yourself is to love yourself. I have no intention of glorifying obesity. We all know what it does. I just know that hating myself as much as I did had one inevitable result: Heading for the fridge. Beginning to love myself, even at 280, was the starting point for making myself healthy.

    Best of luck to you, O&S.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.
    Does anybody actually have a degree in psychology? I have one in behavioral science.....which is a branch of psychology that focuses on behaviors

    I am married to somebody that holds several advanced degrees in psychology and professional therapeutic techniques.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Hey, if you want a nerd-friendly, unbelievably positive support for people trying to improve their health and wellness (and for many but not all, to loose weight) you should check out nerdfitness.com. Its hella more supportive then the folks around here!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.
    Does anybody actually have a degree in psychology? I have one in behavioral science.....which is a branch of psychology that focuses on behaviors

    I am married to somebody that holds several advanced degrees in psychology and professional therapeutic techniques.

    My wife has a degree in comp sci, but that doesn't mean I know anything about Fortran.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.
    Does anybody actually have a degree in psychology? I have one in behavioral science.....which is a branch of psychology that focuses on behaviors

    I am married to somebody that holds several advanced degrees in psychology and professional therapeutic techniques.

    lol how does that make you an expert?
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.

    No I would have suggested that she has some mental health problems from the fact she thinks being obese is a great thing and that she does not have problems physically now (I mean internal). An anorexic person in denial about health problems has a mental problem....yet a fat person does not when they are in denial about it?

    My point exactly. Well said
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.
    Does anybody actually have a degree in psychology? I have one in behavioral science.....which is a branch of psychology that focuses on behaviors

    I am married to somebody that holds several advanced degrees in psychology and professional therapeutic techniques.

    My wife has a degree in comp sci, but that doesn't mean I know anything about Fortran.

    True enough, but let's not pretend like we don't have extensive conversation about these things.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.
    Does anybody actually have a degree in psychology? I have one in behavioral science.....which is a branch of psychology that focuses on behaviors

    I am married to somebody that holds several advanced degrees in psychology and professional therapeutic techniques.

    So.......... :huh:

    Is this that learning by osmosis thing I've read so much about?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.
    Does anybody actually have a degree in psychology? I have one in behavioral science.....which is a branch of psychology that focuses on behaviors

    I am married to somebody that holds several advanced degrees in psychology and professional therapeutic techniques.

    lol how does that make you an expert?

    I didn't realize when you get married your knowledge, degrees, abilities and such also become community property. [/sarcasm]

    But on a serious note, high five to your husband for his hard work and success :flowerforyou:
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.
    Does anybody actually have a degree in psychology? I have one in behavioral science.....which is a branch of psychology that focuses on behaviors

    I am married to somebody that holds several advanced degrees in psychology and professional therapeutic techniques.

    lol how does that make you an expert?

    Doens't make me an expert, it means I have access to one.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    OP, I am glad you are happy with your body. That's wonderful, it really is.
    However, just as I would not encourage a 5'8'' 90 pounds girl to stay at that weight, I cannot say that I believe it's okay for someone to be severely overweight. You may not have health issues now, but why not decrease the odds that you will experience such issues in the future?
    I honestly do not understand how everyone is so encouraging of you staying at this weight. If i start a thread right now about how I want to be 80 pounds I'm going to get (rightfully) hundreds of responses about how that is unhealthy. This is no different.

    But it's not for YOU to say anyone else's body is okay or not. She wasn't asking for your support -- she was saying that she felt out of place because she wasn't focused on weight or looking a certain way because she already accepts herself as she is.

    But it is not for YOU to call anyone out for giving their opinion on this matter.

    Just like you interjecting yourself at this juncture?

    Hooray!! I -think- you may have understood the point!!! Good for you!! :flowerforyou:

    I think you should probably keep your flower.

    Yeah, probably best not to waste it. You really did miss the point.
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member

    lol how does that make you an expert?
    It definitely doesn't make me an expert but at least there's validity and some sort of education backed by what I'm saying in terms of anything related to behaviors. What makes you an expert on what the operational definitions of being unhealthy is when your only defense for your stance is, "Well look at her; she's 200lbs overweight?" What's your degree in? Noting the obvious?
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.
    Does anybody actually have a degree in psychology? I have one in behavioral science.....which is a branch of psychology that focuses on behaviors

    I am married to somebody that holds several advanced degrees in psychology and professional therapeutic techniques.

    lol how does that make you an expert?

    I didn't realize when you get married your knowledge, degrees, abilities and such also become community property. [/sarcasm]

    But on a serious note, high five to your husband for his hard work and success :flowerforyou:

    Eh, they kind of do. He knows a lot more about English Literature and photography now. I was pretty much saying I have access to a clinical expert and his resources. Plus we both belong to this community so we talk about these issues extensively.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.
    Does anybody actually have a degree in psychology? I have one in behavioral science.....which is a branch of psychology that focuses on behaviors

    I am married to somebody that holds several advanced degrees in psychology and professional therapeutic techniques.

    lol how does that make you an expert?

    Doens't make me an expert, it means I have access to one.

    Lol. "My husband told me."
  • ubkz_2
    ubkz_2 Posts: 16
    Wow if the OP's blog is half as controversial as this post has been for her she must be a real hit.

    However I find that MFP might not be the best place to try and get potential readers for your blog. Just my opinion.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.
    Does anybody actually have a degree in psychology? I have one in behavioral science.....which is a branch of psychology that focuses on behaviors

    I am married to somebody that holds several advanced degrees in psychology and professional therapeutic techniques.

    My wife has a degree in comp sci, but that doesn't mean I know anything about Fortran.

    True enough, but let's not pretend like we don't have extensive conversation about these things.

    Exposure to =/= knowledge of...

    ...but whatever you do, don't backtrack or acknowledge you misspoke or overstated something...

    ...double down and press on...

    ... because you're on quite a roll today.

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    OP, I am glad you are happy with your body. That's wonderful, it really is.
    However, just as I would not encourage a 5'8'' 90 pounds girl to stay at that weight, I cannot say that I believe it's okay for someone to be severely overweight. You may not have health issues now, but why not decrease the odds that you will experience such issues in the future?
    I honestly do not understand how everyone is so encouraging of you staying at this weight. If i start a thread right now about how I want to be 80 pounds I'm going to get (rightfully) hundreds of responses about how that is unhealthy. This is no different.

    But it's not for YOU to say anyone else's body is okay or not. She wasn't asking for your support -- she was saying that she felt out of place because she wasn't focused on weight or looking a certain way because she already accepts herself as she is.

    But it is not for YOU to call anyone out for giving their opinion on this matter.

    Just like you interjecting yourself at this juncture?

    Hooray!! I -think- you may have understood the point!!! Good for you!! :flowerforyou:

    I think you should probably keep your flower.

    Yeah, probably best not to waste it. You really did miss the point.

    No, I really didn't.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    that last messed up quoted post is impossible to requote. I'm not an expert about the health risks of being morbidly obese. I'm sure I can google up a study about it if people really disagree with the obvious.