A fat girl who likes being fat?1?!?



  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.

    You don't discriminate against obese people yet you assume they all have an unhealthy lifestyle. Glad we cleared that right up!
    Did you actually read what you just wrote. Next thing you'll be arguing that bears don't do their business in the woods. Obese people lead unhealthy lives otherwise to state the obvious they wouldn't be obese. People don't just wake up one day and have become obese over night.
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.

    i do

    This x 101982731298731298731

    Congratulations. Shallow, superficial, and judgemental + fit = fantastic human being.

  • soniadavisbey
    soniadavisbey Posts: 33 Member
  • CarolElaine25
    CarolElaine25 Posts: 102
    Next has come a wonderful marriage to a man who loves me for me too. He doesn't see how overweight I am, just how beautiful I am to him. He loves my body the way it is, but as he said he loves me to be me as long as I don't lose my butt haha :)

    Heh. Sounds like my boyfriend. He thinks I'm the sexiest woman he's ever known with my big ol' curvaceous body. Hell, he thinks I'm tiny! (Probably because his ex-wife outweighs me by about 50 lbs and is a major size-acceptance advocate.) He supports my desire to lose a few pounds because it's what I want. All he asks is that I not lose my butt or breasts. I told him that I didn't have much control over that, but that I would do what I could.

    My husband is going to the gym with me and eats what I cook, so he's participating. He's got pounds to lose too, but overall he is being supportive and it is super awesome to go to gym with him and look for healthier foods. :D he is truly dazzling! Your boyfriend sounds like a great guy!!!
    He is a great guy, thanks! Sounds like your husband is also awesome!

    My BF is in his late 30s and has been one of those "tall, super skinny, can eat anything he wants and not gain a pound" guy for most of his life. Age has finally caught up with him and he's developed a bit of a tummy, which has sort of thrown him for for a loop. He thinks I'm kind of crazy with all the exercising I do and asked me recently if I was putting him on a diet because I cooked a smaller meal for us than I used to. I said, "No, I've chosen to relearn portion sizes, but that's my choice. What I've cooked will give you the same amount of food that you're used to, but cuts my portion in half." Since I'm not forcing my views on him, he's relaxed a bit (we both love good food).

    As I continue my own journey, he may or may not take it with me. I'd be happy if he did, but if not, I'm fine with that, too. He gets a good amount of exercise walking to and from work (three miles round trip), so I'm not worried that he doesn't exercise.

    Huzzah to awesome, supportive significant others!
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.

    You don't discriminate against obese people yet you assume they all have an unhealthy lifestyle. Glad we cleared that right up!

    The o.p. did not claim to have a healthy lifestyle, did she? On average, a person who is 200 pounds overweight is less likely to have a healthy lifestyle than a thin person. You disagree with this? If what I'm saying is false, then there wouldn't be so many diseases linked to obesity.

    I don't make assumptions about other people's lifestyles based in their weight. I know plenty of unhealthy people who are thin.

    sure there are unhealthy people who are thin, but if someone is overweight it is more likely for them to be unhealthy than the thin person. This is just a fact.
  • africanbashie
    africanbashie Posts: 10 Member
    What an honest and self affirming attitude you shared with us. I thank you for being bold. Feeling better is a goal for me, too. I started to loose weight 5 years ago. Currently I am 5 pounds away from my goal and I feel so good. I hope you share again with us your joys and struggles into feeling better. Having support is the key to reaching your goals.:smile:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...because 11 pages means it *must* be good.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    Hey there OP: I'm actually quite happy being on the heavier side as long as I feel awesome and don't have any major health issues. Previous to a few months ago I was fine with being active, and being just shy of 200lbs. I had pretty much given up on diet/ exercise except to stay happy and control my depression symptoms (works quite well that way!) It wasn't until I gained a massive amount of weight out of nowhere that I started to become unhappy.

    You do you. Movement and eating better are good things, no matter what your size or goal :D
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.

    You don't discriminate against obese people yet you assume they all have an unhealthy lifestyle. Glad we cleared that right up!

    The o.p. did not claim to have a healthy lifestyle, did she? On average, a person who is 200 pounds overweight is less likely to have a healthy lifestyle than a thin person. You disagree with this? If what I'm saying is false, then there wouldn't be so many diseases linked to obesity.

    I don't make assumptions about other people's lifestyles based in their weight. I know plenty of unhealthy people who are thin.

    sure there are unhealthy people who are thin, but if someone is overweight it is more likely for them to be unhealthy than the thin person. This is just a fact.

    I would like to see some peer reviewed studies that show overweight people are more unhealthy.
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.
    Does anybody actually have a degree in psychology? I have one in behavioral science.....which is a branch of psychology that focuses on behaviors
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I didn't say you offered you opinion of her body, but was responding specifically to "I cannot say that I believe it's okay for someone to be severely overweight".

    The people encouraging her were basically saying that it's fine to be motivated by feeling better physically and not being thin or weighing some random weight. That's actually HEALTHY.
    Yes, I offered my opinion on that, just like other people did. You didn't reply to the ones whose opinions matched the OP's.
    Yes, it's great to be motivated by feeling better physically rather than shooting for a certain number on the scales. I definitely agree with that. It is also great to be aware of the risks involved in being a certain weight, or more specifically above a certain BF %.

    I guess I am wondering why you don't think she knows the risks and that's apart of her decision to make some changes?
    I am wondering why you think it's okay for people to be all "Yaaay you go OP" but not okay for someone to point out the risks. Support is not always about agreeing with someone.
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    Scanning through a few of the comments here, it's obvious that this site has a large number of people that think numbers are more important than a healthy lifestyle. I would love to have someone as positive as you as a mfp friend.

    how could someone who is over 200 pounds overweight have a healthy lifestyle????

    So, are you sitting there with a list of "typical things people say when discriminating against obese people?" when you respond? It's sad and hilarious.

    what? I don't discrminate against obese people. It's sad and hilarious that I'm pointing out the obvoious that being over 200 pounds overweight is not healthy? not following why that's sad and hilarious.

    You don't discriminate against obese people yet you assume they all have an unhealthy lifestyle. Glad we cleared that right up!

    The o.p. did not claim to have a healthy lifestyle, did she? On average, a person who is 200 pounds overweight is less likely to have a healthy lifestyle than a thin person. You disagree with this? If what I'm saying is false, then there wouldn't be so many diseases linked to obesity.

    I don't make assumptions about other people's lifestyles based in their weight. I know plenty of unhealthy people who are thin.

    sure there are unhealthy people who are thin, but if someone is overweight it is more likely for them to be unhealthy than the thin person. This is just a fact.

    I would like to see some peer reviewed studies that show overweight people are more unhealthy.

    HAHAHA I basically said the same thing! Opinions are soooooo meaningless when creating a theory....
  • FineJustHogEveryName
    I'm actually here for the same reason! I'm not here particularly to lose weight, but more to shape up, and simply be more active. My diet has been horrendous as of late, and I haven't done much exercise aside from my job, so I figured it was time to get moving. You're not alone!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.

    No I would have suggested that she has some mental health problems from the fact she thinks being obese is a great thing and that she does not have problems physically now (I mean internal). An anorexic person in denial about health problems has a mental problem....yet a fat person does not when they are in denial about it?
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I didn't say you offered you opinion of her body, but was responding specifically to "I cannot say that I believe it's okay for someone to be severely overweight".

    The people encouraging her were basically saying that it's fine to be motivated by feeling better physically and not being thin or weighing some random weight. That's actually HEALTHY.
    Yes, I offered my opinion on that, just like other people did. You didn't reply to the ones whose opinions matched the OP's.
    Yes, it's great to be motivated by feeling better physically rather than shooting for a certain number on the scales. I definitely agree with that. It is also great to be aware of the risks involved in being a certain weight, or more specifically above a certain BF %.

    I guess I am wondering why you don't think she knows the risks and that's apart of her decision to make some changes?
    I am wondering why you think it's okay for people to be all "Yaaay you go OP" but not okay for someone to point out the risks. Support is not always about agreeing with someone.

    They are saying "go OP" because she's making what sounds like healthy, sustainable changes to take charge of her health without focusing on vanity reasons -- why the need to point out the risks of obesity she's probably aware of? That's my point.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    For the love of everything good in the world, STOP ARGUING! Can't you all see that you're in love with each other?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that anyone LIKES being morbidly obese. Surely there's a deeper issue going on that needs to be addressed

    Yes, everyone needs a good dose of self loathing to be healthy. What's she thinking?

    You make no sense. Instead of scrolling through the thread attempting to pick fights with every poster with whom you disagree, how about you find something better to do with your time?

    Explain how I don't make sense?

    Explain how you do... I'll wait.

    You suggested she had some deep psychological issue that needs resolved because she loves and accepts herself. I suggested that the alternative, being full of self loathing, isn't exactly healthy from a mental health prospective.

    No I would have suggested that she has some mental health problems from the fact she thinks being obese is a great thing and that she does not have problems physically now (I mean internal). An anorexic person in denial about health problems has a mental problem....yet a fat person does not when they are in denial about it?

    Body dysmorphia and eating disorders work both ways. Just putting it out there.
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    ITT: An obese woman signs up on a fitness website and projects "Being fat is okay and I'm proud of it" mentality. Others respond in the correct manner by informing her that she is unhealthy and should consider a life style change, while some back up the Obese woman justifying obesity as Okay.

    Bottom line is, OP is Obese and can't commit to a real lifestyle change so decides to half-*kitten* it and tell everyone.

    12 pages. Summed up.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    Its not about being comfortable being fat...Its more about trying to stay alive and not die from diabetes or heart disease. You can feel good about yourself but saying your comfortable being obese and fine with it is frankly a fall back on being lazy.

    Trolling or not this site is about motivation and losing or maintaining your fitness goals. Dropping by with "I'm fat and proud" is not something any of us care about. Find a site about being fat, exchange some recipes and sit back and wait to die prematurely. That is the site you're looking for.

    Ignore this guy.
    Welcome to myfitnesspal, hopefully it'll help you reach your goals! Feel free to add me, my goal is weight loss but I think it's perfectly okay to be healthy and happy at any size! We're not all like the person I quoted!

    Exactly ignore this guy! He is speaking as if he speaks for all of us on this site! I applaud any step in the right direction! You can aim for health and weight loss might end up being a side effect as they usually compliment each other but weight loss does not have to be your goal! There are plenty of thin people dying of the same things that he mentioned (diabetes and heart disease) A lot more go into these diseases than weight and genetics is the main contributor! Keep your head up always and keep doing what is best for you! :flowerforyou: