A fat girl who likes being fat?1?!?



  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Trying to catch up on this post and it's just making me sad. So many of you are negative, mean, discriminating, flat out rude people, and the best part is that you all say it's because you care about someone's health. That's a lie. You don't care about health, you care about having to see people that you deem unattractive, wrong, lazy, disgusting, or whatever (which are all stereotypes that we've LEARNED based on prejudice and not at all on logic or experience) being happy with who they are, especially if you couldn't accept yourself in that state.

    If her post, looking for motivation and support on a journey of SELF-IMPROVEMENT, made you angry or disgusted, look within yourselves because you've got a personal problem and it has NOTHING to do with caring about someone else's health. Even if you think someone can't be obese and healthy, it gives you no right to treat people without dignity or respect. Each individual's health is their own business, and whether they chose to do things in life that improve their health or hurt it (and I'm not just talking about weight) that's THEIR business. It's not a license to treat them like they're sub-human.

    Not true! How is humanity going to progress if more and more people start to think that it's okay to be obese?
    Also, I think it's very important to treat your body as best as possible. We only have one body. It's our temple. There are people fighting for their lives due to diseases and conditions beyond their control yet we have people who selfishly decide they don't want to embrace and take care of their capable body. It's sickening. Then they create their own problems.
    Why is it so hard to just worry about your OWN body and your OWN health? Not to mention, the OP is coming here clearly looking for self-improvement. People are only getting upset because she is happy with her current size and doesn't have weight loss as a priority.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    earlier this year one of my internships as part of my masters program to become an occupational therapist was at a rehab hospital. most of the patients i dealt with were for orthopedic rehab post knee or hip replacement and many of them were obese. the obese patients had additional mobility issues and not only did i have to discuss ordering them bariatric grade durable medical equipment, i also had to instruct these patients on a piece of adaptive equipment called a "bottom buddy" for toilet hygiene. basically it's a long handled toilet paper/baby wipe holder. and i got to teach people how to use it and then supervise them while they tried it themselves.

    the moral of the story is: if you love and accept your body that's great, but someday i might be helping you wipe your *kitten* because you can't reach it. not fun for either of us, trust me.
    Denial is a terrible thing.....
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member

    So you say your goal isn't weight loss "or" changing the way you look...yet you want to feel better? There is a reason you don't "feel" well right now....and I'm sorry but there isn't much you can do that will "make you feel better" while not incurring "weight loss" or "changing the way you look".

    If you start eating healthy, odds are you won't consume as much as you'll be full more, thus you will lose weight....
    If you start exercising, it will most likely have some effect on how you look.....

    My suggestion to you is simple....quit lying to yourself. You know where your individual train is headed, regardless if it makes you feel better to try to type otherwise.

    If you want to feel better, I suggest using the MFP counter, ensuring you have a balanced macro intake like 40/30/30, and start walking each day. 10 minutes to start if it's all you can do, and try to up it as much as you can each time you take a walk.

    Even if you do this however, you'll probably have side effects that include "weight loss" or "changing the way you look"...nothing anyone can do about that.

    Um the point is that her goal isn't to do those things. She accepts that they may happen, but starting this is not about hating how she looks, like so many people on here.

    I find it offensive that you said 10 minutes to start if that's all you can do. Reminds me of a trainer that said that to me once. I responded with, can I play racquetball or get on the bike for an hour after that? He was completely surprised that I was physically able to do more than slough along. Us fatties are not all helpless slobs.

    I went to a doctor a few weeks ago who told me "You'll lose weight if you just walk 30 mins a day". I looked at him and asked if that was before or after my 3-4 mile runs. Dropped that dumb butt like a hot potatoe.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    So you say your goal isn't weight loss "or" changing the way you look...yet you want to feel better? There is a reason you don't "feel" well right now....and I'm sorry but there isn't much you can do that will "make you feel better" while not incurring "weight loss" or "changing the way you look".

    If you start eating healthy, odds are you won't consume as much as you'll be full more, thus you will lose weight....
    If you start exercising, it will most likely have some effect on how you look.....

    My suggestion to you is simple....quit lying to yourself. You know where your individual train is headed, regardless if it makes you feel better to try to type otherwise.

    If you want to feel better, I suggest using the MFP counter, ensuring you have a balanced macro intake like 40/30/30, and start walking each day. 10 minutes to start if it's all you can do, and try to up it as much as you can each time you take a walk.

    Even if you do this however, you'll probably have side effects that include "weight loss" or "changing the way you look"...nothing anyone can do about that.

    Um the point is that her goal isn't to do those things. She accepts that they may happen, but starting this is not about hating how she looks, like so many people on here.

    I find it offensive that you said 10 minutes to start if that's all you can do. Reminds me of a trainer that said that to me once. I responded with, can I play racquetball or get on the bike for an hour after that? He was completely surprised that I was physically able to do more than slough along. Us fatties are not all helpless slobs.

    I went to a doctor a few weeks ago who told me "You'll lose weight if you just walk 30 mins a day". I looked at him and asked if that was before or after my 3-4 mile runs. Dropped that dumb butt like a hot potatoe.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    So you say your goal isn't weight loss "or" changing the way you look...yet you want to feel better? There is a reason you don't "feel" well right now....and I'm sorry but there isn't much you can do that will "make you feel better" while not incurring "weight loss" or "changing the way you look".

    If you start eating healthy, odds are you won't consume as much as you'll be full more, thus you will lose weight....
    If you start exercising, it will most likely have some effect on how you look.....

    My suggestion to you is simple....quit lying to yourself. You know where your individual train is headed, regardless if it makes you feel better to try to type otherwise.

    If you want to feel better, I suggest using the MFP counter, ensuring you have a balanced macro intake like 40/30/30, and start walking each day. 10 minutes to start if it's all you can do, and try to up it as much as you can each time you take a walk.

    Even if you do this however, you'll probably have side effects that include "weight loss" or "changing the way you look"...nothing anyone can do about that.

    Um the point is that her goal isn't to do those things. She accepts that they may happen, but starting this is not about hating how she looks, like so many people on here.

    I find it offensive that you said 10 minutes to start if that's all you can do. Reminds me of a trainer that said that to me once. I responded with, can I play racquetball or get on the bike for an hour after that? He was completely surprised that I was physically able to do more than slough along. Us fatties are not all helpless slobs.

    Why would that offend you? After reading the OP opening, I have to assume she hasn't been doing exercise. Would you rather me said, hey OP you need to run 3 miles a day to start?

    Get off your horse hun...the truth is the majority of people that are obese are NOT able to do those things. Anyone should be able to see I was inferring to do what you can, and slowly increase it as you are able.

    I'm on a horse? Wow!

    The person said get off YOUR horse..not that you were a horse..just pointing that out.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    Trying to catch up on this post and it's just making me sad. So many of you are negative, mean, discriminating, flat out rude people, and the best part is that you all say it's because you care about someone's health. That's a lie. You don't care about health, you care about having to see people that you deem unattractive, wrong, lazy, disgusting, or whatever (which are all stereotypes that we've LEARNED based on prejudice and not at all on logic or experience) being happy with who they are, especially if you couldn't accept yourself in that state.

    If her post, looking for motivation and support on a journey of SELF-IMPROVEMENT, made you angry or disgusted, look within yourselves because you've got a personal problem and it has NOTHING to do with caring about someone else's health. Even if you think someone can't be obese and healthy, it gives you no right to treat people without dignity or respect. Each individual's health is their own business, and whether they chose to do things in life that improve their health or hurt it (and I'm not just talking about weight) that's THEIR business. It's not a license to treat them like they're sub-human.

    Not true! How is humanity going to progress if more and more people start to think that it's okay to be obese?
    Also, I think it's very important to treat your body as best as possible. We only have one body. It's our temple. There are people fighting for their lives due to diseases and conditions beyond their control yet we have people who selfishly decide they don't want to embrace and take care of their capable body. It's sickening. Then they create their own problems.
    Why is it so hard to just worry about your OWN body and your OWN health? Not to mention, the OP is coming here clearly looking for self-improvement. People are only getting upset because she is happy with her current size and doesn't have weight loss as a priority.

    That's not why I'm upset so quit assuming.
    I'm an environmentalist and I strongly care about the betterment of humanity and its future.
    So I'm going to worry about my own body and health as well as others.
    I STRIVE to help others and I acknowledge that she wants to change but some people here have the wrong idea.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Hi there OP. I started off as a happily fat woman too. i was about 230lbs (and 5'2), and was pretty happy with who I was and how I looked. But as the mother of 3 young kids I decided that premature death and sitting on the sidelines as my kids played sports was not the kind of role model I wanted to be. My intention was to get fitter- getting smaller was a side effect of getting fitter.
    Roll on 2 1/2 years- I now weigh about 175lbs. I'm still obese. My weight has been stuck here for about a year, which bugs me but it isn't a major issue. What is awesome is that I have run 8 half marathons and 2 full ones. I run with my kids. I eat better because it makes me feel better when I do. My kids see activity as a normal part of life.
    And to the person that said you can't be obese and healthy- not that true and made me angry!!!!! I'm obese and can run for 6 hours without stopping. I can squat 70kgs, deadlift 50kgs, and I AM the healthiest version of me I can be at the moment. And I'm far more active than a lot of other people I know. Just because I'm not thin does not mean I'm not healthy (although I do understand the correlations between weight and illness). Thin people are not necessarily more healthy than me, and that's a crappy assumption to make.

    ETA i also didn't read all of the responses before, but i do agree that we all only have one life and need to live it as we see fit.

    Looking at the weight that the o.p. is, she does not appear to be healthy. Is she running 8 half marathons at her weight? I highly doubt it.

    I wasn't saying that she could or should. All I was saying is that I started off fatter than I am now, focused on getting fitter and those are my results. And OP is joining here to get healthier. For some of us being thin isn't a goal or an ideal we aspire to, but getting healthy is something more achievable.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member

    So you say your goal isn't weight loss "or" changing the way you look...yet you want to feel better? There is a reason you don't "feel" well right now....and I'm sorry but there isn't much you can do that will "make you feel better" while not incurring "weight loss" or "changing the way you look".

    If you start eating healthy, odds are you won't consume as much as you'll be full more, thus you will lose weight....
    If you start exercising, it will most likely have some effect on how you look.....

    My suggestion to you is simple....quit lying to yourself. You know where your individual train is headed, regardless if it makes you feel better to try to type otherwise.

    If you want to feel better, I suggest using the MFP counter, ensuring you have a balanced macro intake like 40/30/30, and start walking each day. 10 minutes to start if it's all you can do, and try to up it as much as you can each time you take a walk.

    Even if you do this however, you'll probably have side effects that include "weight loss" or "changing the way you look"...nothing anyone can do about that.

    Um the point is that her goal isn't to do those things. She accepts that they may happen, but starting this is not about hating how she looks, like so many people on here.

    I find it offensive that you said 10 minutes to start if that's all you can do. Reminds me of a trainer that said that to me once. I responded with, can I play racquetball or get on the bike for an hour after that? He was completely surprised that I was physically able to do more than slough along. Us fatties are not all helpless slobs.

    Why would that offend you? After reading the OP opening, I have to assume she hasn't been doing exercise. Would you rather me said, hey OP you need to run 3 miles a day to start?

    Get off your horse hun...the truth is the majority of people that are obese are NOT able to do those things. Anyone should be able to see I was inferring to do what you can, and slowly increase it as you are able.

    I'm on a horse? Wow!

    The person said get off YOUR horse..not that you were a horse..just pointing that out.

    Uh... Re-read? I said I was ON a horse... WOW! I couldn't even get on a horse when I was at prime weight...
  • BeyondThePixels
    BeyondThePixels Posts: 91 Member
    I can totally relate. January 2012, I felt the same way. I didn't set any goals for myself or obsessed over losing weight. I just wanted to feel good and run faster! :) My numbers were in a healthy range, I was light on my feet. Running helped me have more energy and release stress.

    Sometimes I feel I was more confident in my old body than my new body. :-s I admire your confidence.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    ...So many of you are negative, mean, discriminating, flat out rude people, and the best part is that you all say it's because you care about someone's health. That's a lie. You don't care about health, you care about having to see people that you deem unattractive, wrong, lazy, disgusting, or whatever...

    ...It's not a license to treat them like they're sub-human.

    I honest to goodness have not interpreted many posts like this ^^. And I'm usually a person who is a bit sensitive to mean & rude.

    Interesting how interpretations can vary.
    there have been a lot of supportive people on here, but I've also seen some really mean comments that I'd rather have not read.

    Yea, I've seen a couple of mean comments too, no doubt. But that seems kinda common on message boards, the occasional mean comment, no? I see that in almost every long thread, no matter the topic.

    I mean in general the majority didn't come across "mean, flat out rude" nor treating the OP as "subhuman" or "disgusting". I just find it interesting to read a few responses that have focused on the rare (IMO) rude comments when truth is most were not. Most came across welcoming & supportive, even those that mentioned obesity & health issues too.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member

    So you say your goal isn't weight loss "or" changing the way you look...yet you want to feel better? There is a reason you don't "feel" well right now....and I'm sorry but there isn't much you can do that will "make you feel better" while not incurring "weight loss" or "changing the way you look".

    If you start eating healthy, odds are you won't consume as much as you'll be full more, thus you will lose weight....
    If you start exercising, it will most likely have some effect on how you look.....

    My suggestion to you is simple....quit lying to yourself. You know where your individual train is headed, regardless if it makes you feel better to try to type otherwise.

    If you want to feel better, I suggest using the MFP counter, ensuring you have a balanced macro intake like 40/30/30, and start walking each day. 10 minutes to start if it's all you can do, and try to up it as much as you can each time you take a walk.

    Even if you do this however, you'll probably have side effects that include "weight loss" or "changing the way you look"...nothing anyone can do about that.

    Um the point is that her goal isn't to do those things. She accepts that they may happen, but starting this is not about hating how she looks, like so many people on here.

    I find it offensive that you said 10 minutes to start if that's all you can do. Reminds me of a trainer that said that to me once. I responded with, can I play racquetball or get on the bike for an hour after that? He was completely surprised that I was physically able to do more than slough along. Us fatties are not all helpless slobs.

    I went to a doctor a few weeks ago who told me "You'll lose weight if you just walk 30 mins a day". I looked at him and asked if that was before or after my 3-4 mile runs. Dropped that dumb butt like a hot potatoe.


    Why, hello, typo police. Good to see you're out in force today.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    So you say your goal isn't weight loss "or" changing the way you look...yet you want to feel better? There is a reason you don't "feel" well right now....and I'm sorry but there isn't much you can do that will "make you feel better" while not incurring "weight loss" or "changing the way you look".

    If you start eating healthy, odds are you won't consume as much as you'll be full more, thus you will lose weight....
    If you start exercising, it will most likely have some effect on how you look.....

    My suggestion to you is simple....quit lying to yourself. You know where your individual train is headed, regardless if it makes you feel better to try to type otherwise.

    If you want to feel better, I suggest using the MFP counter, ensuring you have a balanced macro intake like 40/30/30, and start walking each day. 10 minutes to start if it's all you can do, and try to up it as much as you can each time you take a walk.

    Even if you do this however, you'll probably have side effects that include "weight loss" or "changing the way you look"...nothing anyone can do about that.

    Um the point is that her goal isn't to do those things. She accepts that they may happen, but starting this is not about hating how she looks, like so many people on here.

    I find it offensive that you said 10 minutes to start if that's all you can do. Reminds me of a trainer that said that to me once. I responded with, can I play racquetball or get on the bike for an hour after that? He was completely surprised that I was physically able to do more than slough along. Us fatties are not all helpless slobs.

    Why would that offend you? After reading the OP opening, I have to assume she hasn't been doing exercise. Would you rather me said, hey OP you need to run 3 miles a day to start?

    Get off your horse hun...the truth is the majority of people that are obese are NOT able to do those things. Anyone should be able to see I was inferring to do what you can, and slowly increase it as you are able.

    I'm on a horse? Wow!

    The person said get off YOUR horse..not that you were a horse..just pointing that out.

    Uh... Re-read? I said I was ON a horse... WOW! I couldn't even get on a horse when I was at prime weight...

    You're right. My bad. Misread.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    I'm a fat girl, heavy into body positivity, who has no intentions of not being fat.

    I think this is what people may be bothered with most from the OP - not that she is happy with her body image (that is great! positivity is good ) , and not that feeling better is her goal rather than losing weight.

    To me this sentence I quoted sounds like the OP does not want to do anything to try to improve her health. I think it somewhat contradicts what comes later in the post.

    My two cents.
  • QuinceyBethx3
    Here is a list of some things your weight could possibly or probably does prevent you from doing:

    Riding roller coasters
    Sky diving
    Purchasing one airline seat (on some airlines if you are morbidly obese you have to purchase two)
    Becoming pregnant
    or if you do....giving birth to a healthy child
    Rock Climbing
    Getting out of a burning building QUICKLY
    Shopping for a variety of different clothes

    Just think,,, if something ever happened to you, EMT's have to CARRY YOU to safety. Also, if eventually you have health problems (which you will) due to your weight, that will be the tax payers dollars being spent to help you.

    I would think of more but I'm about to go for a RUN.
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    I accually was more comfortable in my body before I lost 50 lbs... all the extra skin hanging makes me feel more flabby than I did before and I am more self conscious of it now... shrug. Good luck with feeling more healthy and hope you find what you're looking for here!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    So you say your goal isn't weight loss "or" changing the way you look...yet you want to feel better? There is a reason you don't "feel" well right now....and I'm sorry but there isn't much you can do that will "make you feel better" while not incurring "weight loss" or "changing the way you look".

    If you start eating healthy, odds are you won't consume as much as you'll be full more, thus you will lose weight....
    If you start exercising, it will most likely have some effect on how you look.....

    My suggestion to you is simple....quit lying to yourself. You know where your individual train is headed, regardless if it makes you feel better to try to type otherwise.

    If you want to feel better, I suggest using the MFP counter, ensuring you have a balanced macro intake like 40/30/30, and start walking each day. 10 minutes to start if it's all you can do, and try to up it as much as you can each time you take a walk.

    Even if you do this however, you'll probably have side effects that include "weight loss" or "changing the way you look"...nothing anyone can do about that.

    Um the point is that her goal isn't to do those things. She accepts that they may happen, but starting this is not about hating how she looks, like so many people on here.

    I find it offensive that you said 10 minutes to start if that's all you can do. Reminds me of a trainer that said that to me once. I responded with, can I play racquetball or get on the bike for an hour after that? He was completely surprised that I was physically able to do more than slough along. Us fatties are not all helpless slobs.

    I went to a doctor a few weeks ago who told me "You'll lose weight if you just walk 30 mins a day". I looked at him and asked if that was before or after my 3-4 mile runs. Dropped that dumb butt like a hot potatoe.


    Why, hello, typo police. Good to see you're out in force today.

    glad to help out a fellow mudder
  • chasero
    chasero Posts: 70 Member
    •So let me get this straight, basically you're saying that you're going to view your body with a positive outlook throughout your journey.
    •You're doing this for health reasons and to feel more energized etc etc, not with a final weight in mind.

    Your post doesn't come across that you "like" being fat because it doesn't seem like you're actively trying to stay fat, you're just accepting of whatever weight you end up as a result of a more health conscious lifestyle..

    I commend you for viewing yourself so positively yet still able to have a mindset that you're wanting to change something through dieting and/or working out. Keep that mindset and get ready to earn what you put in. Like everyone says, you'll lose some inches and weight regardless, provided that you do it healthily.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Its not about being comfortable being fat...Its more about trying to stay alive and not die from diabetes or heart disease. You can feel good about yourself but saying your comfortable being obese and fine with it is frankly a fall back on being lazy.

    Trolling or not this site is about motivation and losing or maintaining your fitness goals. Dropping by with "I'm fat and proud" is not something any of us care about. Find a site about being fat, exchange some recipes and sit back and wait to die prematurely. That is the site you're looking for.

    ^^This. I must agree. It was an obesity-induced health scare that finally pushed me into getting excess fat off. You really need to STOP playing.
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    I know a beautiful girl just like you.... actually I know several! They are very strong in who they are and are very proud of who they are and their weight does not matter at all. That is great! I am thankful that you have this amazing sense of self! This quality will take you far! You have a good out look, just wanted to move and eat better so you feel better. Sounds like you have a great plan going! Keep it up girl! Blessings to you!