A fat girl who likes being fat?1?!?



  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    I wrote this whole long thing & then deleted it before posting because... 19 pages already.

    Good luck.
  • klerato
    klerato Posts: 45
    If you already have it in your mind that you will fail than you will fail.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I also want to say: being obese, being fat, is not who you are. It's not your 'self'. It's just pounds and pounds of extra fat loaded onto your body due to an over consumption of food. Gluttony is not a personality trait. It's just a bad habit that has nothing to do with who you are; your personality, your spirit, your mind. Changing a bad habit does not mean you hate your body. Dropping all that extra fat no more means you hate your body...than quitting smoking means you hate your lungs. It's because I love myself and want a great quality of life that I chose to change my bad habits like gluttony. And guess what? I am still me, I am still happy. All that fat wasn't me, not at all, and letting it go only increased my happiness.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I also want to say: being obese, being fat, is not who you are. It's not your 'self'. It's just pounds and pounds of extra fat loaded onto your body due to an over consumption of food. Gluttony is not a personality trait. It's just a bad habit that has nothing to do with who you are; your personality, your spirit, your mind. Changing a bad habit does not mean you hate your body. Dropping all that extra fat no more means you hate your body...than quitting smoking means you hate your lungs. It's because I love myself and want a great quality of life that I chose to change my bad habits like gluttony. And guess what? I am still me, I am still happy. All that fat wasn't me, not at all, and letting it go only increased my happiness.

    Nicely said :flowerforyou:
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    I also want to say: being obese, being fat, is not who you are. It's not your 'self'. It's just pounds and pounds of extra fat loaded onto your body due to an over consumption of food. Gluttony is not a personality trait. It's just a bad habit that has nothing to do with who you are; your personality, your spirit, your mind. Changing a bad habit does not mean you hate your body. Dropping all that extra fat no more means you hate your body...than quitting smoking means you hate your lungs. It's because I love myself and want a great quality of life that I chose to change my bad habits like gluttony. And guess what? I am still me, I am still happy. All that fat wasn't me, not at all, and letting it go only increased my happiness.

    LOVE THIS !!!!!!!
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    I also want to say: being obese, being fat, is not who you are. It's not your 'self'. It's just pounds and pounds of extra fat loaded onto your body due to an over consumption of food. Gluttony is not a personality trait. It's just a bad habit that has nothing to do with who you are; your personality, your spirit, your mind. Changing a bad habit does not mean you hate your body. Dropping all that extra fat no more means you hate your body...than quitting smoking means you hate your lungs. It's because I love myself and want a great quality of life that I chose to change my bad habits like gluttony. And guess what? I am still me, I am still happy. All that fat wasn't me, not at all, and letting it go only increased my happiness.

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Um, guys. I gave the go ahead to let this thread die over an hour ago. Refusal to disperse peacefully will result in tear gas.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    I also want to say: being obese, being fat, is not who you are. It's not your 'self'. It's just pounds and pounds of extra fat loaded onto your body due to an over consumption of food. Gluttony is not a personality trait. It's just a bad habit that has nothing to do with who you are; your personality, your spirit, your mind. Changing a bad habit does not mean you hate your body. Dropping all that extra fat no more means you hate your body...than quitting smoking means you hate your lungs. It's because I love myself and want a great quality of life that I chose to change my bad habits like gluttony. And guess what? I am still me, I am still happy. All that fat wasn't me, not at all, and letting it go only increased my happiness.

    I want to print this out and look at it every morning.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I also want to say: being obese, being fat, is not who you are. It's not your 'self'. It's just pounds and pounds of extra fat loaded onto your body due to an over consumption of food. Gluttony is not a personality trait. It's just a bad habit that has nothing to do with who you are; your personality, your spirit, your mind. Changing a bad habit does not mean you hate your body. Dropping all that extra fat no more means you hate your body...than quitting smoking means you hate your lungs. It's because I love myself and want a great quality of life that I chose to change my bad habits like gluttony. And guess what? I am still me, I am still happy. All that fat wasn't me, not at all, and letting it go only increased my happiness.

    LOVE THIS !!!!!!!
    I love it too. And I like the comparison to smoking. I've been a heavy smoker and I've been obese... simultaneously. And I liked myself... and I was stilll "healthy" but I was getting more uncomfortable and more miserable everyday. Now, after quitting smoking and losing 100lbs, I feel so much better. I never realized how difficult it was to be so overweight and always short of breath and never able to do anything. You get used to hell, (and even learn to like it) if you're in it long enough. I think some people need to be honest to themselves about their health issues and not hide behind the fact that they like themselves and are self confident. That's great, but what does that have to do with the fact that you are slowly killing yourself with your bad habits?
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I also want to say: being obese, being fat, is not who you are. It's not your 'self'. It's just pounds and pounds of extra fat loaded onto your body due to an over consumption of food. Gluttony is not a personality trait. It's just a bad habit that has nothing to do with who you are; your personality, your spirit, your mind. Changing a bad habit does not mean you hate your body. Dropping all that extra fat no more means you hate your body...than quitting smoking means you hate your lungs. It's because I love myself and want a great quality of life that I chose to change my bad habits like gluttony. And guess what? I am still me, I am still happy. All that fat wasn't me, not at all, and letting it go only increased my happiness.

    Except that not everyone is big because of an over consumption of food.... It's a misconception that many people hold.
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    Don't worry. That's how I started out. I started to eat healthy because I have diabetes and really high blood pressure. I didn't want to take insulting. I have lost about 50 lbs. I didn't know I was going to lose weight. Now that I have I feel much better. Thats why im going to lose 60 more lbs. Be healthy and the rest will come naturally. Good luck
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I'd make a supportive comment, but I don't appreciate being lured in by someone who just wants blog fodder.
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    I also want to say: being obese, being fat, is not who you are. It's not your 'self'. It's just pounds and pounds of extra fat loaded onto your body due to an over consumption of food. Gluttony is not a personality trait. It's just a bad habit that has nothing to do with who you are; your personality, your spirit, your mind. Changing a bad habit does not mean you hate your body. Dropping all that extra fat no more means you hate your body...than quitting smoking means you hate your lungs. It's because I love myself and want a great quality of life that I chose to change my bad habits like gluttony. And guess what? I am still me, I am still happy. All that fat wasn't me, not at all, and letting it go only increased my happiness.

    Well said! I think the things she said came more from a place of fear of judgement from others and being worried she is going to fail. I can't imagine how difficult and uncomfortable it must be to lug around hundreds of extra pounds and all eyes on you all the time. My guess is she has a lot of mobility and breathing issues, unfortunately.

    The body positivity though is a really good thing! That's wonderful! I'm a firm believer in "fake it till you make it" and when she loses a lot of that weight she will REALLY feel the way she says she does which is even more wonderful.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    Um, guys. I gave the go ahead to let this thread die over an hour ago. Refusal to disperse peacefully will result in tear gas.

    I was cool with letting it die.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I also want to say: being obese, being fat, is not who you are. It's not your 'self'. It's just pounds and pounds of extra fat loaded onto your body due to an over consumption of food. Gluttony is not a personality trait. It's just a bad habit that has nothing to do with who you are; your personality, your spirit, your mind. Changing a bad habit does not mean you hate your body. Dropping all that extra fat no more means you hate your body...than quitting smoking means you hate your lungs. It's because I love myself and want a great quality of life that I chose to change my bad habits like gluttony. And guess what? I am still me, I am still happy. All that fat wasn't me, not at all, and letting it go only increased my happiness.

    Except that not everyone is big because of an over consumption of food.... It's a misconception that many people hold.

    I'll buy into the idea that being *big* isn't necessarily from an over consumption of food...

    ...but being *fat* is...

    ...isn't it?

    ETA: Barring a medical condition, of course...(and that this needs to be said every time is a little tiresome).
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I also want to say: being obese, being fat, is not who you are. It's not your 'self'. It's just pounds and pounds of extra fat loaded onto your body due to an over consumption of food. Gluttony is not a personality trait. It's just a bad habit that has nothing to do with who you are; your personality, your spirit, your mind. Changing a bad habit does not mean you hate your body. Dropping all that extra fat no more means you hate your body...than quitting smoking means you hate your lungs. It's because I love myself and want a great quality of life that I chose to change my bad habits like gluttony. And guess what? I am still me, I am still happy. All that fat wasn't me, not at all, and letting it go only increased my happiness.

    Except that not everyone is big because of an over consumption of food.... It's a misconception that many people hold.

    I'll buy into the idea that being *big* isn't necessarily from an over consumption of food...

    ...but being *fat* is...

    ...isn't it?

    I believe he's referring to certain metabolic disorders.
  • AnnaMarieDinVa
    AnnaMarieDinVa Posts: 162 Member
    Its not about being comfortable being fat...Its more about trying to stay alive and not die from diabetes or heart disease. You can feel good about yourself but saying your comfortable being obese and fine with it is frankly a fall back on being lazy.

    Trolling or not this site is about motivation and losing or maintaining your fitness goals. Dropping by with "I'm fat and proud" is not something any of us care about. Find a site about being fat, exchange some recipes and sit back and wait to die prematurely. That is the site you're looking for.
    Obesity and poor health are strongly correlated, there is little chance that you will be able to maintain your obese status and not have serious health problems down the road. This is not about psychology or you being ok with yourself, it is about health. Anyone who advises you that it is ok (from a health perspective) to be obese is wrong and you should seek other counsel.
    This!!! I don't know how old you are (I'm 49) but you will not be in great health forever. You will likely have major health problems by the time you reach my age...I work hard at staying healthy, and I only need to lose 10 to 15 lbs to be within a healthy weight range, but my doctor is encouraging me to do that. I exercise, but my doctor is encouraging me to exercise more. I just had a GREAT doctor's checkup with great blood values, heart in good shape, no blood sugar issues. My doctor knows what I eat, approves it, but encourages me to eat more broccoli and spinach. When I am able to accomplish everything she wants, in terms of health habits, the weight will be gone. SOoooo, I don't see how you can possibly be obese and healthy...for much longer. I wish you well, but I strongly encourage you to re-consider your desire to remain obese.
    I feel like you didn't actually even read my post. Weight loss and better fitness are actually not interchangeable terms, but that's not a can of worms I intend to open in this thread. But more importantly, frankly I'm offended that you think I'm trolling just because I'm happy being fat. As you said, this site is about motivation. And that's what I'm looking for. Motivation to help me feel better physically. If you don't intend to help with that, there probably wasn't a point in replying.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I also want to say: being obese, being fat, is not who you are. It's not your 'self'. It's just pounds and pounds of extra fat loaded onto your body due to an over consumption of food. Gluttony is not a personality trait. It's just a bad habit that has nothing to do with who you are; your personality, your spirit, your mind. Changing a bad habit does not mean you hate your body. Dropping all that extra fat no more means you hate your body...than quitting smoking means you hate your lungs. It's because I love myself and want a great quality of life that I chose to change my bad habits like gluttony. And guess what? I am still me, I am still happy. All that fat wasn't me, not at all, and letting it go only increased my happiness.

    Except that not everyone is big because of an over consumption of food.... It's a misconception that many people hold.

    I'll buy into the idea that being *big* isn't necessarily from an over consumption of food...

    ...but being *fat* is...

    ...isn't it?

    ETA: Barring a medical condition, of course...(and that this needs to be said every time is a little tiresome).

    Of course, barring a diagnosed medical condition, consistently eating over your TDEE is how you gain weight. Doesn't matter if you are a bodybuilder or just a regular joe. Consistently eating over your TDEE is an over consumption of food/drink.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I also want to say: being obese, being fat, is not who you are. It's not your 'self'. It's just pounds and pounds of extra fat loaded onto your body due to an over consumption of food. Gluttony is not a personality trait. It's just a bad habit that has nothing to do with who you are; your personality, your spirit, your mind. Changing a bad habit does not mean you hate your body. Dropping all that extra fat no more means you hate your body...than quitting smoking means you hate your lungs. It's because I love myself and want a great quality of life that I chose to change my bad habits like gluttony. And guess what? I am still me, I am still happy. All that fat wasn't me, not at all, and letting it go only increased my happiness.

    Except that not everyone is big because of an over consumption of food.... It's a misconception that many people hold.

    I'll buy into the idea that being *big* isn't necessarily from an over consumption of food...

    ...but being *fat* is...

    ...isn't it?

    ETA: Barring a medical condition, of course...(and that this needs to be said every time is a little tiresome).

    Of course, barring a diagnosed medical condition, consistently eating over your TDEE is how you gain weight. Doesn't matter if you are a bodybuilder or just a regular joe. Consistently eating over your TDEE is an over consumption of food/drink.

    I think that post was making it obvious that he was talking about medical conditions. But whatever.