Girls wear certain clothes when they are looking



  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Uh, did I say it's solely about women sleeping around? No, I said it has a lot to do with women's sexuality.

    You're absolutely ridiculous when you attempt to argue. I'm not twisting ****, lady. You are.

    If you say so, but I'm pretty sure the majority of sane women in this world didn't see women putting their lives on the line for us to have a better life as a reason to sleep with as many men as possible.

    I can't even do anything but laugh at this.

    Laugh as much as you want. You're only making yourself look bad by replying with stupid comments about how everyone else is wrong, but you must be ultimately right. Grow up.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member

    And I'm like: I don't share my ice cream. Also- this is a private residence and you are all trespassing!!!!

    WHERE IS 00SARAH?!?!? <3 haha
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member

    No one has said that, not even once. I'm married, for one, and I'm sure several other people who've been commenting are as well. Either way, not once has anyone said that all men are disgusting. Can you even read?

    Sarcasm really doesn't translate in text, does it.

    No, I cannot read, I am illiterate. Guess it's all the stupidity getting to my brain and impairing my function to read properly?
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member

    And I'm like: I don't share my ice cream. Also- this is a private residence and you are all trespassing!!!!

    WHERE IS 00SARAH?!?!? <3 haha

    Somehow, this just seem cruel to me! :heart:
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member

    And I'm like: I don't share my ice cream. Also- this is a private residence and you are all trespassing!!!!

    WHERE IS 00SARAH?!?!? <3 haha

    Somehow, this just seem cruel to me! :heart:

    Awww... I will share some ice cream. Dang. I'm such a softie.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member

    We obviously have very different views of the world. To me having sex is not "giving yourself". It's just two people enjoying something they both want.
    I was not asking you to praise or adopt such behavior for yourself. I was just saying that it's not your place to choose what's "normal" for other people, or to judge them for their choices. A woman who has slept with 25 guys is not less worthy than one who only had one partner.

    If you were born in '93, like your name suggests, your "later in life" didn't happen yet.

    Yes, and that's what is so great about society, not everyone has the same view on life. I never asked otherwise, rather, everyone else wants me to agree with their lifestyle.

    I gave you my personal definition of normal, everyone has a different once, do I need to clarify it anymore? Why take everything as a personal attack?

    No, but I assure you when it does, I can look back and say I treated myself fairly and regarded sex as a special thing. There's worse regrets to have than taking consideration for who you give yourself to, which is what sex essentially is, even if you call it something else. It's an important thing, but it has now been degraded to something common, because people take it so lightly as if it is nothing. In this society, you're looked down on for having respect for your sexuality.

    I assure you, I did not take it as a personal attack, as I don't even fit your definition for the word "*kitten*". I may fit your definition for "dressing like a *kitten*" occasionally.
    All I am saying is, sex is an important thing for you, you view it as a special thing, something you offer to the right partner. That's great, really, more power to you! That's your "normal". I will not judge you for it.

    Holding other people to your standards and belittling them for not meeting said standards, is where you're wrong. You talk about a society where you're looked down for having respect for your sexuality, yet you look down on those who choose a path different than yours when it comes to it.
    Agree with all of this so much!
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    Uh, did I say it's solely about women sleeping around? No, I said it has a lot to do with women's sexuality.

    You're absolutely ridiculous when you attempt to argue. I'm not twisting ****, lady. You are.

    If you say so, but I'm pretty sure the majority of sane women in this world didn't see women putting their lives on the line for us to have a better life as a reason to sleep with as many men as possible.

    I can't even do anything but laugh at this.

    Laugh as much as you want. You're only making yourself look bad by replying with stupid comments about how everyone else is wrong, but you must be ultimately right. Grow up.

    Pretty sure I'm not. This is not about being right or wrong. This is about you treating women who choose to sleep with a lot of people like they are inferior because of their decisions. You may not agree with their habits, which I think is fine, but you can't just slander women for choosing to have an opinion and behaviors that YOU don't agree with.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Pretty sure I'm not. This is not about being right or wrong. This is about you treating women who choose to sleep with a lot of people like they are inferior because of their decisions. You may not agree with their habits, which I think is fine, but you can't just slander women for choosing to have an opinion and behaviors that YOU don't agree with.

    It was ok for you to slander someone that didn't agree with you, though, so maybe we are both in the wrong??

    I came here with a conflicting opinion and was jumped on by a group of women acting like children, etc.

    It is YOUR opinion that I am saying some women are inferior, that doesn't mean you are right.

    Just because I used the word '*kitten*', you are dwelling on that, yet falsely saying you think it is fine not to agree. You are having a whole argument essentially over semantics. As far as I'm concerned, this argument is over, you have made yourself look childish with your clique-ish behaviour, and the one or two women that I disagreed with and still did not act like children in their replies are a credit to themselves when put beside people like you.

    I don't have to justify anything I say, just like you don't have to justify anything you do. No one asked you to, you took it upon yourself to tell me YOU aren't a *kitten* - well done.

    I stated my opinion, which wasn't subjective to any of you, you just chose to take it that way. That's not my problem. If you are going to be this sensitive in life, you're going to have a lot of conversations like this.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Uh, did I say it's solely about women sleeping around? No, I said it has a lot to do with women's sexuality.

    You're absolutely ridiculous when you attempt to argue. I'm not twisting ****, lady. You are.

    If you say so, but I'm pretty sure the majority of sane women in this world didn't see women putting their lives on the line for us to have a better life as a reason to sleep with as many men as possible.

    I can't even do anything but laugh at this.

    Laugh as much as you want. You're only making yourself look bad by replying with stupid comments about how everyone else is wrong, but you must be ultimately right. Grow up.

    Pretty sure I'm not. This is not about being right or wrong. This is about you treating women who choose to sleep with a lot of people like they are inferior because of their decisions. You may not agree with their habits, which I think is fine, but you can't just slander women for choosing to have an opinion and behaviors that YOU don't agree with.
    ^^ And that's the ONLY point that we've all been trying to argue. The conversation keeps getting derailed by a certain user who likes to twist everyone's words around while telling them to "grow up".
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member

    ^^ And that's the ONLY point that we've all been trying to argue. The conversation keeps getting derailed by a certain user who likes to twist everyone's words around while telling them to "grow up".

    As I said, everyone has their opinion and just because you think I'm treating a certain lifestyle as inferior doesn't make you right. You're contradicting yourself completely by saying that.

    Yeah, I will not take that back, the majority of people here do need to grow up, because you're like a group of hens, crowding around and pecking at one thing you dislike. If you honestly think everyone in the world is going to be fair and tolerant of what YOU think is ok, you're in for a bad time.
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    Pretty sure I'm not. This is not about being right or wrong. This is about you treating women who choose to sleep with a lot of people like they are inferior because of their decisions. You may not agree with their habits, which I think is fine, but you can't just slander women for choosing to have an opinion and behaviors that YOU don't agree with.

    It was ok for you to slander someone that didn't agree with you, though, so maybe we are both in the wrong??

    I came here with a conflicting opinion and was jumped on by a group of women acting like children, etc.

    It is YOUR opinion that I am saying some women are inferior, that doesn't mean you are right.

    Just because I used the word '*kitten*', you are dwelling on that, yet falsely saying you think it is fine not to agree. You are having a whole argument essentially over semantics. As far as I'm concerned, this argument is over, you have made yourself look childish with your clique-ish behaviour, and the one or two women that I disagreed with and still did not act like children in their replies are a credit to themselves when put beside people like you.

    I don't have to justify anything I say, just like you don't have to justify anything you do. No one asked you to, you took it upon yourself to tell me YOU aren't a *kitten* - well done.

    I stated my opinion, which wasn't subjective to any of you, you just chose to take it that way. That's not my problem. If you are going to be this sensitive in life, you're going to have a lot of conversations like this.

    Merely trying to inform people that they shouldn't treat people like you are. Obviously a lost cause on you. And I know what I've said. It all makes sense.
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member

    ^^ And that's the ONLY point that we've all been trying to argue. The conversation keeps getting derailed by a certain user who likes to twist everyone's words around while telling them to "grow up".

    As I said, everyone has their opinion and just because you think I'm treating a certain lifestyle as inferior doesn't make you right. You're contradicting yourself completely by saying that.

    Yeah, I will not take that back, the majority of people here do need to grow up, because you're like a group of hens, crowding around and pecking at one thing you dislike. If you honestly think everyone in the world is going to be fair and tolerant of what YOU think is ok, you're in for a bad time.

    Sorry you've been brainwashed by society to think women who sleep around are below you, your highness.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member

    Merely trying to inform people that they shouldn't treat people like you are. Obviously a lost cause on you. And I know what I've said. It all makes sense.

    I TREAT people perfectly fine. That doesn't automatically mean I have to agree with their lifestyle.

    You're right, it is a lost cause, it's stupid to think it was ever otherwise. Why would I change my whole opinion based on what a stranger said on a forum? Please.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member

    Sorry you've been brainwashed by society to think women who sleep around are below you.

    It's nice to see anyone who doesn't agree automatically with you is brainwashed. How totalitarian of you.
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member

    Merely trying to inform people that they shouldn't treat people like you are. Obviously a lost cause on you. And I know what I've said. It all makes sense.

    I TREAT people perfectly fine. That doesn't automatically mean I have to agree with their lifestyle.

    You're right, it is a lost cause, it's stupid to think it was ever otherwise. Why would I change my whole opinion based on what a stranger said on a forum? Please.

    Hahaha, because conversations in person and essays are SOOOOO much more valid?

    You just pretty much said you don't respect sluts as much as "non-sluts." You also OBVIOUSLY offended a lot of women.

    Check yoself for you reck yoself.
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member

    Sorry you've been brainwashed by society to think women who sleep around are below you.

    It's nice to see anyone who doesn't agree automatically with you is brainwashed. How totalitarian of you.

    This is not about your opinion, it's how you're slandering women BECAUSE of your opinion. You can have it and still be decent to people.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Whoa whoa.
    Too much ad hominem in this thread for my liking. I'm out.

    Last thing I have to say. Sleep with however many or few people you want. Sleep with girls, sleep with boys. Sleep with girls and boys. It's your choice, and I shall not judge you for it.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member

    You just pretty much said you don't respect sluts as much as "non-sluts." You also OBVIOUSLY offended a lot of women.

    Big deal? A lot of people get offended in life. That's not my problem. If you don't want to be offended by what people think, keep it to yourself.

    The ultimate question is, women that sleep with a lot of men and are judged for it obviously are proud of the fact and spread word of their sex life. If you don't want to be judged, keep your sex life private.

    Have I had people close to me engage in this behaviour? Yes. I didn't treat them any less from before, but that doesn't mean I approved of what they were doing, or thought it was right.

    If you think everyone is going to agree with everything you do all the time, and you fight otherwise, I'm sorry for all the conflict you are going to come across.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member

    This is not about your opinion, it's how you're slandering women BECAUSE of your opinion. You can have it and still be decent to people.

    No. Not women. Certain women. This is not a gender issue, as I have mentioned men aswell. I have not been indecent to anyone, I have just said what I personally do not like about certain things. As have you. When can you accept that everyone can have an opinion and not just you?
  • obeseandsassy
    obeseandsassy Posts: 118

    This is not about your opinion, it's how you're slandering women BECAUSE of your opinion. You can have it and still be decent to people.

    No. Not women. Certain women. This is not a gender issue, as I have mentioned men aswell. I have not been indecent to anyone, I have just said what I personally do not like about certain things. As have you. When can you accept that everyone can have an opinion and not just you?

    you have to be trolling. you just. . .have to be.