Girls wear certain clothes when they are looking



  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Uh, did I say it's solely about women sleeping around? No, I said it has a lot to do with women's sexuality.

    You're absolutely ridiculous when you attempt to argue. I'm not twisting ****, lady. You are.

    If you say so, but I'm pretty sure the majority of sane women in this world didn't see women putting their lives on the line for us to have a better life as a reason to sleep with as many men as possible.

    I can't even do anything but laugh at this.

    Laugh as much as you want. You're only making yourself look bad by replying with stupid comments about how everyone else is wrong, but you must be ultimately right. Grow up.

    Pretty sure I'm not. This is not about being right or wrong. This is about you treating women who choose to sleep with a lot of people like they are inferior because of their decisions. You may not agree with their habits, which I think is fine, but you can't just slander women for choosing to have an opinion and behaviors that YOU don't agree with.

    You have to be the biggest hypocrite on this thread!! your giving out about slander but yet YOUR slandering Emma just because she has a different opinion to you , typical feminist attitude!!

    hahaha I'm slandering because I don't want her to treat promiscuous women like they are lesser beings? that's rich.
    I love when people make their message board debuts just to defend a user who is usually saying something stupid...doesn't seem suspicious at all!

    Are you that self centered and paranoid? Get a life. That user joined almost a year ago. Anyone that agrees with me must be fake? You ladies think the world revolve around you, it is sad.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    The funniest thing from all of this is, I said I hate women who are *kitten*. Never said it directly to anyone of you.

    Yet you all jump in to defend yourselves from being one??

    Wow. That's all I will say.

    Maybe you mistook our pride with defence.


    Well, you said it not me.

    Looking back on this thread, I am sad to know such *****y, childish women exist. If you want to take pride in sleeping around, its all cool. Have fun with your unfulfilling life, where the only joy you have is needing a man to sexually make you feel important.

    That's a lot of anger and judgement you have there!
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    The funniest thing from all of this is, I said I hate women who are *kitten*. Never said it directly to anyone of you.

    Yet you all jump in to defend yourselves from being one??

    Wow. That's all I will say.

    Maybe you mistook our pride with defence.


    Well, you said it not me.

    Looking back on this thread, I am sad to know such *****y, childish women exist. If you want to take pride in sleeping around, its all cool. Have fun with your unfulfilling life, where the only joy you have is needing a man to sexually make you feel important.
    Oh woooowwww. Your life sounds so fulfilled though, not bitter at all!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I think it is certainly true that both women and men sometimes dress in a way which, consciously or unconsciously, signals sexual availability or openess However that does not mean to say they wish to attract indiscriminate sexual attention or says anything whatsoever about their moral code.Those assumptions are truly ridiculous.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    I think it is certainly true that both women and men sometimes dress in a way which, consciously or unconsciously, signals sexual availability or openess However that does not mean to say they wish to attract indiscriminate sexual attention or says anything whatsoever about their moral code.Those assumptions are truly ridiculous.

    :flowerforyou: Yes! And even if they do wish to attract sexual attention, I'm not sure why that's such a bad thing.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    [:flowerforyou: Yes! And even if they do wish to attract sexual attention, I'm not sure why that's such a bad thing.

    Sexual attention is not a bad thing as such. I just don't perceive that men or women wanted to be hassled because of it.

    This is a classic example of society feeling threatened by an overt display of female power. Female sexuality is fiercely kept in check by moral censure as it simply won't do to have women showing themselves to possess power.

    Consider the following scenario:

    A man is in a supermarket. He is well groomed and wearing an exquisitely tailored suit. He is holding the keys to his Aston Martin nonchalantly in his hands. How do most people perceive him? Positively I would suspect.

    Flip it round to a woman. She is wearing a figure hugging dress. Her styling and make up is immaculate. She is showing a little cleavage. How do people perceive her? Generally negatively I believe "Why is she wearing that to go shopping? What a slut!"

    Both displays of power.

    Both viewed differently.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    [:flowerforyou: Yes! And even if they do wish to attract sexual attention, I'm not sure why that's such a bad thing.

    Sexual attention is not a bad thing as such. I just don't perceive that men or women wanted to be hassled because of it.

    This is a classic example of society feeling threatened by an overt display of female power. Female sexuality is fiercely kept in check by moral censure as it simply won't do to have women showing themselves to possess power.

    Consider the following scenario:

    A man is in a supermarket. He is well groomed and wearing an exquisitely tailored suit. He is holding the keys to his Aston Martin nonchalantly in his hands. How do most people perceive him? Positively I would suspect.

    Flip it round to a woman. She is wearing a figure hugging dress. Her styling and make up is immaculate. She is showing a little cleavage. How do people perceive her? Generally negatively I believe "Why is she wearing that to go shopping? What a slut!"

    Both displays of power.

    Both viewed differently.

    Kudos to you. :smile:
  • berserker18
    Uh, did I say it's solely about women sleeping around? No, I said it has a lot to do with women's sexuality.

    You're absolutely ridiculous when you attempt to argue. I'm not twisting ****, lady. You are.

    If you say so, but I'm pretty sure the majority of sane women in this world didn't see women putting their lives on the line for us to have a better life as a reason to sleep with as many men as possible.

    I can't even do anything but laugh at this.

    Laugh as much as you want. You're only making yourself look bad by replying with stupid comments about how everyone else is wrong, but you must be ultimately right. Grow up.

    Pretty sure I'm not. This is not about being right or wrong. This is about you treating women who choose to sleep with a lot of people like they are inferior because of their decisions. You may not agree with their habits, which I think is fine, but you can't just slander women for choosing to have an opinion and behaviors that YOU don't agree with.

    You have to be the biggest hypocrite on this thread!! your giving out about slander but yet YOUR slandering Emma just because she has a different opinion to you , typical feminist attitude!!

    hahaha I'm slandering because I don't want her to treat promiscuous women like they are lesser beings? that's rich.
    I love when people make their message board debuts just to defend a user who is usually saying something stupid...doesn't seem suspicious at all!

    hahahaha suspicious?? There is 7 billion people on the planet and just because someone doesn't agree with you, you think its some kinda of conspiracy it real is true what people say about Americans must be something in the drinking water over there!
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    I normally just wear a sign with my hourly rate on it? Isn't that what y'all do?

    I LOVE THIS!!!^^^

    I say wear what you want and sleep with who you want and why does everyone judge everyone else?
  • kf4vkp
    kf4vkp Posts: 164 Member
    I may or may not shave my legs when I go out... I'm not the type to take someone home the first time I meet them so it tends to be outfit dependent anyway. Too much trouble to do it every day and my hair doesn't grow that fast.

    I rarely wear high heels.

    But I do tend to try to dress in an outfit that makes me feel Sexy when I'm out and hope to meet a guy. If I'm going out with my friends I may want to look good but would be okay if the out fit was more cute than sexy.

    And when I go out dressed like I am in my profile picture I expect comments, cat calls, but don't intend to really truly consider anyone I meet dressed like that...all they can see is boobs anyway.

    That said, dressed Sexy, cute, or like my profile picture, I reserve the right to set straight anyone who sees the way I'm dressed as an invitation to touch anything they aren't invited to touch...

    No one is implying (at least I am not) that if you dress sexy, other people have a right to touch you inappropriately. I don't care if you walk down the street buck a** naked. If someone touches you in a wrong way, or worse, they belong in jail.

    I don't think anyone was either. To me I find it interesting that there are women saying they will dress in a way that tends to make people make comments (either to her or themselves) but get may when they say something. I've had women dress very sexy and then get mad at a compliment (one that wasn't even on the scale of offensive.)

    I think what I was trying to say is that there is a line between acceptable behavior and freedom. Yes, I have the right to dress in my corset and have half my boobs hanging out so long as I'm within the nudity laws of the area I'm in, and someone has the right to talk about it, make cat calls, even call me certain names. Their right ends when it comes to unwanted touching. But as a female who normally dresses highly conservative due to the jobs I work, I have no problem reminding anyone, male or female that it's not okay to touch if not invited...

    But yes, I do think if a woman is going out to hunt for a guy she will dress in a way she feels will attract the kind of guy she is looking for. I also think this doesn't mean that every woman wearing what I would wear is looking for a guy. And I think that we have taken the first statement, turned it into the second and then moved from that to interpretting it as someone saying a girl was asking to be raped if she wore that type of clothing, which I don't think was meant by the initial statements.
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    And I still bet no one has read the material on how opinions such as that have A LOT to do with sexual abuse.

    It's not my fault people have not read up on this subject. I have been for a few years.

  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    Wear whatever you want...but don't get pissy when you get hit on if it is sexy and appealing to the opposite sex. If it looks like you are "flaunting what you have", we're probably gonna want to see if you want more!

    How about women can wear whatever the hell they like and it doesn't mean you or any other man is entitled to claim us.

    It is not your god given right to 'hit on' women, and frankly it sounds like the kind of mentality that rape victim blamers have: 'she was dressed this way...she was asking for it'.


    Ok, look and make your comments but I also reserve my right to kick you in the nuts for being a sexist pig.

    I can't help but find this hilarious. So you kick guys in the balls when you look hot and they are trying to "hit" on you?

    Why wouldn't you simply just say "Not interested"? I think we're talking about two different things.

    If you look good, you are more attractive to the opposite sex. I love it when a woman wears clothes that make her look good. I don't see a reason why I couldn't or "shouldn't" approach her with the intent of creating some kind of connection...I see no reason why I "shouldn't" stare at her with my jaw open..she looks hot.

    You people that immediately take this to some extreme that goes past attraction, yea, neither I or anyone else advocates being "out of line"...

    "Hitting" on you, isn't being "out of line" is simply approaching you with the hope that you are or will be interested as well.

    Why all these weird conditions on being attracted to someone? I usually leave my "read your mind" glasses at home, and I honestly don't know whether or not you "want" to be approached until I approach you. But I guess, that warrants a kick in the nuts?

    All I've said this whole thread is "wear what you want, just don't have this idea that dudes aren't going to take notice". Please don't get all upset just because someone saw you, you looked good, and they noticed...there's nothing sexist about it.

    And yes, I reserve the right to hit on anyone, just as I believe you have that same right. I think we have a different fundamental view on what "hitting" on someone is.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I think more than clothes, it's attitude. Single women have a more free-spirited attitude about life...which attracts all you creepers...I mean, men...
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    And I still bet no one has read the material on how opinions such as that have A LOT to do with sexual abuse.

    It's not my fault people have not read up on this subject. I have been for a few years.


    This is why i don't participate in the forums. This had potential to be an enlightening and eye-opening discussion about how these types of opinions and stigmas only furthers rape culture, etc, and instead devolved into petty and immature barbs being thrown at one another over a message board. What does that accomplish??? You made some great points and I was disappointed that my earlier post didn't get more responses because again, those types of contributions (including yours) can create awareness and change. Unfortunately the general maturity level of this website is about 8 years old. Well, that's not true. The 8 year olds i babysit are much kinder, smarter, and interesting than what people have displayed here.
  • BernardPumpkin
    Wear whatever you want...but don't get pissy when you get hit on if it is sexy and appealing to the opposite sex. If it looks like you are "flaunting what you have", we're probably gonna want to see if you want more!

    How about women can wear whatever the hell they like and it doesn't mean you or any other man is entitled to claim us.

    It is not your god given right to 'hit on' women, and frankly it sounds like the kind of mentality that rape victim blamers have: 'she was dressed this way...she was asking for it'.


    Ok, look and make your comments but I also reserve my right to kick you in the nuts for being a sexist pig.

    I can't help but find this hilarious. So you kick guys in the balls when you look hot and they are trying to "hit" on you?

    Why wouldn't you simply just say "Not interested"? I think we're talking about two different things.

    If you look good, you are more attractive to the opposite sex. I love it when a woman wears clothes that make her look good. I don't see a reason why I couldn't or "shouldn't" approach her with the intent of creating some kind of connection...I see no reason why I "shouldn't" stare at her with my jaw open..she looks hot.

    You people that immediately take this to some extreme that goes past attraction, yea, neither I or anyone else advocates being "out of line"...

    "Hitting" on you, isn't being "out of line" is simply approaching you with the hope that you are or will be interested as well.

    Why all these weird conditions on being attracted to someone? I usually leave my "read your mind" glasses at home, and I honestly don't know whether or not you "want" to be approached until I approach you. But I guess, that warrants a kick in the nuts?

    All I've said this whole thread is "wear what you want, just don't have this idea that dudes aren't going to take notice". Please don't get all upset just because someone saw you, you looked good, and they noticed...there's nothing sexist about it.

    And yes, I reserve the right to hit on anyone, just as I believe you have that same right. I think we have a different fundamental view on what "hitting" on someone is.

    these women r wacked out of there minds. they think hitting on someone iz tha same as raping/sexual assault. WTF?? :laugh: they r mostly likely dealing with past trauma, that makez them so angry at the thought of some guy lookin at them. :indifferent:
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    i absolutely want attention when i shave my legs and wear heels. i want to feel sexy, and i know the attention i get from packaging myself that way will do the trick. btw the best kind of 'attention' in this scenario is the kind that is played out mostly in the eyes and faces, not so much in the words or actions. ('attention' =/= comments, grab@ss, etc.) this is fun and good for a lark but 'keeping up appearances' is not *really* my thing so i don't put too much stock in it... conversely i don't give a fk if my legs are hairy or my shoes aint high--i'm still going to look good and feel good. so, meh. my legs are always covered with bruises and scrapes anyway. i wear a lot of opaque tights, leggings, and stockings.

    that having been said, i never feel sexier than when i am earning those bruises and scrapes: covered with sweat, dirt on my hands and face, snot running out of my nose, hair fked up, in my dirty sk8 clothes toting around the 'big stick' i have. that is when i have the most power--if i had to trade the razor and heels for the board the the road, i'd do it in a heartbeat and never ever ever look back. if u do not find me sexy then, u do not want to know me, trust!!
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    And I still bet no one has read the material on how opinions such as that have A LOT to do with sexual abuse.

    It's not my fault people have not read up on this subject. I have been for a few years.


    This is why i don't participate in the forums. This had potential to be an enlightening and eye-opening discussion about how these types of opinions and stigmas only furthers rape culture, etc, and instead devolved into petty and immature barbs being thrown at one another over a message board. What does that accomplish??? You made some great points and I was disappointed that my earlier post didn't get more responses because again, those types of contributions (including yours) can create awareness and change. Unfortunately the general maturity level of this website is about 8 years old. Well, that's not true. The 8 year olds i babysit are much kinder, smarter, and interesting than what people have displayed here.

    Thank you! I've learned so much online from others, I find it so odd people can't take 10 minutes out of their day to read up on the subject they are attempting to argue about.

    OH the glories of the internet, hahaha.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    There's classy then there's trashy, you can clearly spot the dfference.

    It's like with other 'styles' of dress. I hate seeing people not exercising/going to the gym wearing in sweats especially grey ones. Also leggings - yuck, should not be worn by anyone no matter what size, especially when we can see what you are wearing underneath. The should be worn under a dress, skirt or with a long top to definitely cover the butt! Oh and please don't go to the shops in your night wear!

    These are just my opinions, most people with disagree.