Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~Welcome~~~~~Dec.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    Birdie you are so honest, but don't feel bad, I too have been eating and eating and eating. I think I have gained three pounds over this Christmas week. I am not going to beat myself up either, I will get back on track and lose these Christmas junk food pounds quickly. In all honestly, I will probably start back heavy after the New Year because I know that makes the most sense for me.
    I am not making excuses, well I guess I am, but with my husband not being able to do ANYTHING it is stressful and I get bored staying in the house all the time. I try to go downstairs to do the elliptical and he says he can't handle Daisy, if I take her down stairs she doesn't do well and sometimes has an accident. As long as I keep posting and reading I will get my act back together.
    You are all my inspiration and encouragement. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Phoebe, the snow is only pretty the first day as it is falling, after that it is a pain in the neck. :laugh: Sorry, about all those drivers and glad you are still employed and driving. When do you go out on the road again??

    Marie, you haven't checked in today, hope all is well with you.

    Going to read the paper and have my healthy cheerios and banana. :bigsmile:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I'm here Sandy. Just getting around kind of slow this morning.
    Today is football game day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It is still chilli here but the sun is out , We are surpose to have another chance of snow Tuesday.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good Morning everyone! Sounds like we're all enjoying the holidays! Marie - i LOVE your snow, and especially your pink flamingos! WAY cool!!!!!!!!

    Well, i made it to the gym this morning for the first time in awhile - i'm working hard at getting back on track. The holiday partying is done for a couple days, but then wednesday night it's out to eat with friends (the ones who helped me the MOST with the house) for their anniversary, then my son and dil (Dillon and Andi - the pg ones) come Friday so we can do OUR holiday (they were in NM with Andi's family this past week), plus Friday is a New Years/6 yr old b-day party with the same friends who helped with the house.......Too much partying!!!!!!! I'm going to try and be more careful - i have really packed the pounds back on. I need to get back to hot yoga as well.......

    Sounds like everyone is having a good holiday - Birdie - don't beat yourself up! You're doing GREAT! Phoebe - glad you're home for the holiday, also glad you don't drive for Arrow - how AWFUL!

    Sandy - i love the pic of you and your daughter! I sure hope your stepson gets the help he glad you have AlAnon!

    OK - gotta run - it's FINALLY a nice day here! I THINK i may be able to get my car out of the driveway! lol, been driving the big old pick up everywhere!

    :heart: elli
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Good Morning, I am so happy to be finished with holiday eating and back to normal. We had a fabulous time with our friends last night. The turkey, stuffing, and corn pudding were my big holiday splurge and my weight this morning reflects all the sodium. I ate salad and roasted vegetables but skipped the mashed potatoes and gravy. The girls made apples dipped in caramel, marshmallow, and chocolate and said that their feelings wouldn't be hurt if we didn't eat it. I sliced mine and just ate the apple......Jake at some of the coating. After dinner the dogs were allowed to come back into the regular part of the house so we could enjoy them while we talked. It was so much fun that we didn't get home until after 11 PM

    :flowerforyou: This morning Jake doesn't feel well so he went back to bed and the dogs are pestering me. We won't go to the dog park until about 1 PM.

    :flowerforyou: Today is a new day.........guilt or remorse or sadness or anything negative about food eaten or exercise undone is a thing of the past. Today is the day to eat and exercise the way that works and just keep on going.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, your new picture is fabulous

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I'm so glad you made it back to the gym

    :flowerforyou: Marie, we got a late start here, too. I didn't get out of bed until was nice walking the dogs in the daylight.....enjoy your football game.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, enjoy your lazy work hard, you deserve a break.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, you didn't go that far off the path and now you're back on it......the only difference between you and me is that you strayed with sweets and I strayed with stuffing and corn pudding.:laugh:

    no snow here but temperatures below freezing.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    A Sunday night "Hello" to all!:flowerforyou:
    Barbie hope your hubby is better! :frown:
    For all anyone who "slipped" over the holiday:angry: ....IT'S OVER!!!! :happy: As someone said (about life and problems in general)....we can GO through them....or GROW through them! I choose to GROW through them (In spirit ...that is..even though size may be TEMPORARILY affected too!!):laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    How we react to yesterday will determine our lets look to the future with hope!
    Today is all we have! It was a good one for me :bigsmile: and I hope it was a good one for ALL of us! :heart:
    God Bless!!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Sandy - i love the pic of you and your daughter!

    Thanks for the compliment, but that is my grand daughter, my son's daughter. :laugh:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I saw the results of the Dallas game. Bet you were too busy doing the happy dance:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: to post tonight!!:laugh: :laugh:

  • Hazard
    Hazard Posts: 14
    Hi All,
    I'm new to you! Have read over your posts and think this is a good place for me to start. Here's MY dilemma. My body image is JUST FINE .. it's my BODY that isn't. Really - I'm about 25 # overweight, but I don't see it when I look in the mirror ... except for those moments of Truth (which actually ARE happening more often).

    So - I just CANNOT seem to get myself to "Anytime" - where we have a membership. I think about it, plan for it, and ...."Oh my gosh, look at the time ... I guess I can't go today"! (Little voice in head then says "heh ... heh...:wink: - outsmarted that other little voice.

    So - who's out there ... and how do I get the little weight chart under my post?

    Thanks much - your new best friend .... Mary Ann
  • Hazard
    Hazard Posts: 14
    Me - Hazard Again,

    Just started - as you can see above. I'm hoping it's OK ... I can see you are a tight, close knit group....

    Anyway - at our age, I'm just going to assume you all are very inclusive! Anyhow ... how do I find "the Senior Goldent Sneakers Club" when I go to the message board. Now, I'm find it - because some kind person told me about it and I keep going back to my "introductory message" to click that link...?

    Thanks ...
  • jeffrey71
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Sorry I have been away for a few days! It has been a nut house here! I want to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays! I will try to catch you all up on the happenings!

    On the 21st I had to go to Detroit for a while, work related. Waste of time but it was nice to get out. Sam got home on the 20th with no difficulties. Amanda got home on the 23rd experiencing a little car trouble enroute. The parts are ordered and we will deal with that later this week. On Christmas Eve we went to my mothers for Christmas. It was nice. My cousins were there and one of my Aunts and Uncles along with my sister, niece, great neice, and brother in law. Christmas Eve we had a mid night service at church. Amanda and Sam sang and it was stellar! When we got home from Church we worked on the Christmas dinner for my wifes family. We went to bed around 3 am. Up at 7! Sam and I made a rum cake that was to die for. We had turkey, ham, red potatoes, asparagus in phyllo wrap, cranberries, greenbeans, spinach salad, and rolls. Great meal! We had 12 for dinner. Everyone behaved! LOL No fights! It got close a couple of times but all in all a good day. The next day we went to our best friends. It was a better time! LOL Why is that? With all that we still had to do a little shopping and the normal stuff. We got about 4" of snow on the 23rd (and 6" yesterday), so we did have a white Christmas. Amanda's boy friend will be flying in today and they are going to Indianapolis to pick him up. We will have another Christmas tonight. Does it ever end? And that is the cliff note version!

    I have maintained my training pretty well. No weight gain. I have upped my training to a minimum of 2 hours daily at an "all out " pace. I have lost another 1/2" around the waist but no real weight loss. Still holding around 190. I am really getting excited about the senior triathlons for 2010. I just want to finish one. The left knee is still giving me some fits. Lots of pain at times. I am going to the doctor next week for it. I am starting to believe that may be arthritis. He will know. I am talking with a trainer for additional training 90 days before my first triathlon. I think it may help my weak areas. By the way, the young guys I was working out with seem to have given up. They were too sore they said. LOL The young ones today want it all right now. Weight loss and training are long term efforts that require a ton of committment. I hope they come back because it really made me work harder to push them.

    Hazard welcome! Nice to have you join us!

    I will try to catch up on all the post later today!

    I missed all of you!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning everyone - happy Monday - Jeffrey - sounds a little frantic around there! But in a good way!!!! You did awesome not gaining any weight! AND continuing to work out 2 hours a day. You amaze me. I finally made it back to the gym for about an hour yesterday.

    Hazard - welcome! We love new people and this is a great place to get motivation and support! Barbie and Jeffrey are our weight loss queen and king - they've both lost a whole person! Marie is right in there too. Sorry if i left anyone out. It's a journey - that's for sure. Just take 1 day at a time! You can do it!

    I'm ALMOST done with the cooking and the baking - i have 1 more holiday celebration coming up this weekend with my son and pg dil - they get here Friday - i have a birthday party that day and then we're doing our family thing on Saturday. Looking forward to time with all my kids!

    OK - gotta run - i have an insurance physical - i've really been dreading the weight part as i know i've gained so much weight! Oh well - i feel like i'm finally getting back on track!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Welcome Hazard, we are happy to have you join us. :heart: The easiest way to get to our post is to click on community and then go to My Topics located near the top of the screen. If you go to my home, you can set your goals, go to profile if you want to include pictures and tools to put a ticker on your post. If you need more help just let us know. :love:

    You are the same age as I am and when I started I was 15 to 20 pounds over weight. No one thought I needed to lose weight except me. I have lost all but 3 pounds which by the way has increased since I have been eating all the Christmas goodies.
    I did it with keeping track of my calories on this site and by exercising to get more calories. Exercise and water are essential to this program and even though some of us do slack off now and then, keeping in touch with each other ,we get each other back on track. We have four exceptional weight loss people here, Jeffrey, Barbie, Jake and Birdie have all done a tremendous job and they are our inspiration. They are human though and do once in a blue moon, fall off the weight loss wagon. :laugh:

    Marie is our honorary queen of our posts!! :heart: :heart: She changes the posts each month to the current month, she is one of our elders and she works really hard on her diet. She will tell you all about her self and you will be honored to know her.

    With your degree in psychology, you will be welcome since we are a little crazy here. (just kidding people)

    Jeffrey, it sounds like a wonderful Christmas with more to follow. We have had all that snow also and although I love seeing it fall I am over it now. Your girls sound like they are very talented and with the way dad brags about them it shows.

    I bought myself the new Jenny Mc Carthy Wii Your Shape to motivate myself into some new exercises. It has a camera that corrects your form, detects your movements and creates a personalized workout. I just hope it doesn't bother my knees too much. :tongue: I will let you know later today. I think I gained about 4 extra pounds during these holidays but refuse to post it until after the first of the year. If I work hard enough this week maybe I won't have to change my ticker. :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a good Monday, keep smiling.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy - i gained 8 pounds! Why does it go ON so EASY and off so Hard?????????????:sad: Oh well - i did it to myself. And of COURSE that's your granddaughter! lol, i knew that!!!!!!!!!! That wii sounds AWESOME! Let us know about that ok?

    I managed to take the dogs for a walk today! Boy were THEY happy! It wasabetter workout than usual too cause the snow is still pretty deep.

    Now for salad! WHEW - it's GOOD to be back on track!!!!!!!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Hello Mary Ann. Welcome to our thread.......
    I love this bunch that we have and there is always room for more. So glad to have you here with us.
    First off if you Have a pet you must tells us about them.
    If not you can enjoy our stories about ours.

    Well I had a lovely Christmas and a lovely Christmas dinner wi th the squirrels. Yes My daughter still have them in the house in the dining room at that. But Ricky built a nice cage for them and they were fat little guys.

    I fell off of Gayla 's Bus and Got to get back on it. Hope you all be joining me. It'll be a long bus ride for me but I am going to make it.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    I sure am glad those squirrels have a nice cage now!!!!!!!! I wonder how tame they're going to be when they're set free????? This will be a good continuing saga!!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Elli, Kathy fed them some oranges and they love them . She also feeds them carrots and of course Pecans. We sent them 5 gallons of pecans for them to eat. Kathy said they will not eat already shelled pecans , wants them in the shell..

    We are in for some more snow tomorrow.

    Barbs, I was thrill that the Cowboys won there game yesterday.

    Gayla. How did you r Christmas go?

    Phoebe are you back on the road?

    Barbiecat and Jake, You two are our biggest loser Along with Jeffrey.

    Beth, been missing you. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.


    Nancy. How are you doing and your Mom?

    Birdie, You are doing so good. I remember when I was younger and going to WW I lost an average of 10 lbs a month. But as you get older its no that easy. And being on Insulin does not help any either.

    Barbs, I always thought the northwestern states always got real cold.And have snow all winter. But that is not the case.

    Mary Ann, Looking forward to getting to know you.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mary Ann, welcome to the group. We are delighted to have you join us. We look forward to getting to know you better. The best way to get started on this journey is to post your food and see what's going on with your eating. Then you can figure out how to change things so you get more food for fewer calories.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, your Christmas sounds like the lovely family Christmas that everyone hopes to have. Your continuing fitness routine is inspiring. Your consistency is fabulous. I wish you good news from the doctor about your knee. It must be very frustrating to you.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, With your new kitchen and all your family holiday events and stresses, I think you've done well and I know you'll get back on the weight loss track as soon as the festivities are over.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, how is Babe doing? Is there less pain yet? My weight went up after the great "sodium extravaganza" but I've decided not to take the scale seriously until I weigh in officially for another thread on Sunday. I'll be vigilant about my eating again so it should be OK.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I laughed so hard at the image of the squirrels in the dining room for Christmas Dinner.:laugh: :laugh: I too, am wondering what will happen when they return to being wild squirrels or will they live the rest of their lives in the cage? I'm sure you're already jumping back on the bus.....I know how much better you felt with your new eating plan.

    :flowerforyou: Jake is feeling much better today. He slept late and took it easy but did some calls for his business and plans to go out with me in a few minutes to see some friends. He feels pretty sure that he felt bad because of overeating and now that he's back to eating right again, he's feeling better.

    Now snow here but it's getting colder again. The northwest is cold and snowy except closer to the coast where Barb and I are. I can see the snow covered mountains from town and they get more snow every time it rains here.
    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I think I am done cooking and entertaining for awhile and I am going to rest and watch the World Junior Hockey on TV. It is being held here but I won't be going to any games. My son went to a game yesterday and enjoyed it.
    Christmas was wonderful with all the family here. It was busy cooking for everyone but as you know I do love doing that as well. We have leftovers to last the week and then it will be time to jump back on this crazy wagon.

    Welcome, Hazard. It is always nice to have new folks join us. I wish you success getting rid of those 25 pounds.

    To everyone else, you have been in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Mary Ann/ AKA "Hazard"--Welcome!!!:flowerforyou:
    This is a great site and has lots of tools and support to help you reach your goals. I read your profile, and you will fit right in to this group. There is also another thread under Support and motivation called the 50+ women's group. We start a new thread each month, just like this one. Barbiecat and I and a few others post on both threads. Feel free to jump in if you wish, or you can "lurk"--that's where you read but don't post. This website has lots of "lurkers," and occasional posters.

    EDIT: Well, duh. I just went over to the 50+ thread and I see you already found it, so good for you!!:wink:

    Marie,:flowerforyou: I am glad you are climbing back on the bus. At least it was not because you were being chased by a squirrel!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Jeffrey,:flowerforyou: It sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation, but I am glad you had a good time with your family and friends. We had green beans as part of our Christmas dinner too.

    I took the doggies to the doggy park today as it was a sunny day with no wind. They all seemed to enjoy themselves. Pepper met a little Papillon that he didn't want to stop playing with:heart: He ended up on a leash so we could continue our walk, or he would have stayed all day!!:laugh: Mai Li woke up in a good mood this morning, and came to the side of the bed demanding attention, so I stuck my foot outside the covers and she allowed herself to have a good back rub and rewarded me with multiple doggie kisses on my ankle and calf. She is a character. (Mary Ann--I have 3 dogs, Pepper is a Shih tzu; Mai Li is a Lhasa Apso, and Bradley is a Yorkshire Terror---errr I mean Terrier:laugh: Collectively, they are known as "the three little pigs"--a nickname they earned as a result of Bradley's propensity for getting into cupboards and other places he doesn't belong and finding food, which he then "shares" with the other two.)

    Well, I am in recovery mode today, as I went to Spaghetti Factory for dinner last night and should have brought half my dinner home for today's lunch, but ate everything at once instead:grumble: I have been sleepier than usual all day...I think more carbs than I am used to is the cause.

    Have a good evening, all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Good morning, I am up early this morning. Its all Sammy fault. Jerry must not have shut the bedroom door good and about 3:00 am Sammy discover it. And in he came, jump right in the middle of the bed and woke us up. We have never let him sleep with us And I could not go back to sleep.So I just got up made coffee and turn TV on. With Sammy on my lap and both of us cover up with my blanket.

    They said our snow will be here around noon today. Jerry and I will go grocery shopping early this morning. I have a docter appt in the morning so hope it is not bad.

    I bought me 2 muffin tops pan online. I really do like them. I have been making my own flax buns. with herbs and caraway seeds they are so good. So much better than store bought .. Best of all no white or wheat flour in them. I make a flax muffin with fruit in it for breakfast.

    Gayla, Neil will be going in the hospital soon for some test?

    Phoebe Thanks for the Christmas e-mail card. That was nice. Thank you.

    Elli, we got to get back on our plan. I don't know what happen to me, I ate the forbidden fruit [chocolate cake] Christmas and now i just want to eat all the time. Got to get doen to the basic.

    Barbiecat, Thanks for the weather report from Washington. That part of the country I know nothing about. I think you said last spring you all really had some hot weather. Into the 100degree or did I just deam that.

    Jeffrey, So I guess you are shoveling the snow again this year. You Christmas sounds so nice. Glad the girls can still make it home.

    Good morning Mary Ann, Whats up with you?

    Sandy, Our GO GO Gal. Don't fence her In.

    Beth, How is your weather?

    Nancy. Hope all is well with you.

    Birdie, I know you are doing just fine,

    Jake hope you are feeling better by now.

    Barbs, You have a good time with your crew.

    Got to get up and get ready for the day.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday
