Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--Beginners



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    OMG! This is tougher than I thought but I did it!:tongue:

    I'll take my measurements later before I shower--I think I might get in another (different) workout to counter the food from the last few days!:grumble:

    I put the last of the goodies in my son's truck last night with instructions to leave them at work! Just too tempting to have them around.

    I weighed in this morning and am a half pound over my pre-holiday weight! :mad: ARRGGHH! I SO did not want to gain!
    Oh well, back to it and it WILL come off.

    (Added incentive--my BFF is coming to visit in a few weeks :happy: and I want to look GOOD for him! He has to relocate in April and I want him to have a good picture of me for a change!

    I'll post weight and measurements later. Good work, everyone!:flowerforyou:

    (BTW--how many times a week are we doing this? It sounds like Jillian expects us to do this every day but aren't we supposed to do something in between to give our muscles a chance to recover? I'm still new at this so any input would be greatly appreciated!)
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Well shred buddies, lol, I done the first workout. It is tough:noway: . I will probably be doing this about 3 days a week and something else in between. I don't think I can take Jillian 7 days in a row:huh: :laugh: , lol. I also walk 1 hr on the treadmill 6 days a week and do christian yoga as well as some free weights.
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    I just started the 30 Day Shred this morning. I'm happy to see others starting at the same time. My plan is to do it Mon-Wed-Fri, and do 30 minutes on my elliptical on Tue-Thur.
    SW 189
    GW 160 by July 1, 2010
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I think I'll be doing it Mon., Wed. and Fri. also--don't think I could take any more than that right now.
    Tues. and Thurs. I'll do my other workout videos and on weekends I'll be walking.
    Also want to get some recumbent biking in there somewhere but that might have to wait a week or so!

    :tongue: Okay--weight and measurements for the first day:


  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    I am in too! I just picked the video @ Wal Mart for $9...i figured it was worth it for that cheap. I will be trying to do it 3 days a week as well because I have a personal trainer who comes 3 days a week. I have tried some many things & this being heavy thing is getting so flippin' old! I would like to have this resolution actually work!
    SW 225
    GW 160 by July
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    I got my workout in today! Took 2 little 5 second breaks to catch my breath. other than that I made it all the way through. Tomorrow is elliptical
    Friday is next 30 day Shred workout.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Did my second day of this for this week. Made it through okay, though I have a little trouble with the jumping jacks! It will get better.

    Gonna get on the recumbent bike later for a while, too.

    Have a good day everyone!:flowerforyou:

  • I'm in! I am just about to start day 3 of the 30 day shred and have not measured (but will since that seems to be what most of you are thinking would be the best way to check progress). I did weigh this morning and although I did not lose, I did not gain over the holidays! I consider that a plus! My only concern... is there enough cardio in the video? I was thinking of adding in some additional cardio atleast 4 days a week through the wii fit. I think I will be frustrated to not show weight loss...
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Hi Melissa, and welcome!:flowerforyou:

    I'm doing this 3 days a week (to start, anyway) and doing mostly cardio on the other days. I try to get in some more cardio on the 3 days, too, as I also want to see some weight loss! I was going to get on the recumbent bike later but I need a few things from the store so I think a brisk walk is in order instead! :smile:
    glad to see you here!

  • I am totally in, I got this dvd for myself for christmas and two other dvds of jillian's online and just got them in yesterday, so I'm starting today!! I can't wait. Monday, Wednesday, Friday are shred days and whatever other dvds I want to do, and Tues Thurs and possibly Sundays are cardio days at the gym on the treadmill and elliptical!! Yay!
  • Hey all-
    I think I will try to fit in the 30 day shred about 5 days a week. I like it since it adds the strength training and abs and it goes fast! I also don't have a gym membership so I guess it is taking the place of that, which is where most people get the additional strength training in. If I do the 5 days of shred and add cardio in on the 2 off days and then 2 additional times along with the video I think I will be satisfied. I know you can't exercise TOO much, but I hope I am not setting my standard too high. Any thoughts?? Since I am just beginning MFP I am trying to go full force since most people say that once you start exercising and eating well you begin to crave it for your body. I just did a 25 minute walk/run and feel great! It's the getting-off-the-couch-to-begin-with that's difficult! I am going to measure myself first thing in the AM and post it. Here's to Jillian and the Shred!! :tongue:
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    May I join you all? I just did 30 Day Shred for the first time about 30 minutes ago and got on here to log my exercise. It was TOUGH!!! I have weighed but haven't taken my measurements. I'm scared to!!!

    Oh, and I hope to do this video three days a week and some Walk Away the Pounds on other days. I know it is recommended to do it daily for thirty days but I really don't think my 40-year-old body can take it!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi and Welcome to all!:flowerforyou:

    Missyjane--there's a number of us who are doing this 3x/week. I don't think I could take it everyday right now!:laugh:

    I'm doing cardio and other videos on the other days.

    I also use a VERY gentle yoga routine as my cooldown after working out. I read that doing yoga makes you more mindful of what you are eating and I think that, for me, anyway, this is true. I didn't do yoga much the past few weeks and did not eat very well, even though I was exercising every day.

  • I would like to join this group. I just bought the dvd today at Wal-Mart. I watched it this afternoon and I think that this dvd is going to get me where I need to be. It is going to kick my butt but that is ok with me. I have 95 lbs to lose. I will starting it tomorrow morning wish me luck. :)
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Hey there. Just checking in to say hi. I haven't done the shred for today because I've been at the hospital all day. Hope I can get home soon so I can do it. Glad to see everyone doing good.
  • FreeKatrina
    FreeKatrina Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all
    I was wondering if I could join you all. I actually just found myfitnesspal.com today and this board. I will be a few days behind you all but thought it may be fun to have a group that is doing the same workout.
  • I would also love to join! I just did Day 1 today, and I can feel it already. Like others have said, I don't think I'll be doing this everyday. I plan to do 30 day shred alternating with the C25K program on off days. I did my weight & measurements yesterday - I was very disappointed to see that I'M A RECTANGLE!!

    SW 167
    Bust 43
    Waist 43
    Hips 42
    Thigh 23

    Sure hope all this working out helps me get my hourglass shape back! I don't want my wedding day to be the skinniest my husband has ever seen me! Good luck, Ladies - Let's Shred!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hey there. Just checking in to say hi. I haven't done the shred for today because I've been at the hospital all day. Hope I can get home soon so I can do it. Glad to see everyone doing good.

    I hope everythings okay with you now.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I think I'll do the Shred today instead of tomorrow. Everyone will be here and I don't want to wake them! :tongue: (I like my quiet and exercise time in the mornings! :happy: )

    Welcome to the new gals.:flowerforyou:

    This is just a new thread for beginners so it really doesn't matter if we're a few days off--and some of us are doing this 5 days a week and some are doing it 3 days a week. This is mostly for support and encouragement for us to not give up! :happy:

  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    Good morning! Arms and abs are soooooooooooooooooo sore today after day 1 yesterday! I don't know how I could possibly do it again today: glad I had already decided to alternate with walk away the pounds!

    Be safe tonight, everyone! Happy New Year!
  • I completely agree - I could barely get out of bed this morning! I don't know how anyone could do that workout again today! But think of all the fabulous results after doing it 30 times! Have a great New Year's everyone!
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