

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :happy: Good afternoon everyone and Happy New Year!

    :smile: I.m down 2 pounds since last week! I know it was mostly retained water from all the unfamiliar foods but I'm below my pre-Thanksgiving weight again so I'm happy!:smile:

    There is NO junk in my house as of right now. :laugh:

    I hope to keep it that way.:happy:

    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Yeah Kathy (pmjsmom)! I'm so looking forward to the scale going downward! I put on a pair of jeans today that I couldn't wear a short time ago. They are still just a little snug so I will use them as my goal pants for now. A few more pounds and I can wear them happily! The jeans that I normally like to wear are starting to get too loose but mostly in the b*tt area. What I want to shrink is my stomach! But really I'm not complaining because I am shrinking!

    We have had a quiet New Years Day. Hubby & I just got back from picking up a sewing machine for my daughters birthday (the 4th). It's a portable model for beginners and I hope she will enjoy it. She didn't like to sew on my machine because I think I made her nervous looking over her shoulder. I think she will do better by herself. She's a can "follow the instructions" person. Me I like for someone to just show me how,

    I did 35 minutes on the elliptical. 25 minutes on the manual setting and 10 on the cardio. The cardio wore me out! I hope to be better at this really soon.

    We had chicken & dumplings, blackeyed peas and collard greens (from my garden that I had frozen) for our New Year's lunch. Hubby had to buy some icecream at the store but he picked out Black Walnut which is my most unfavorite. I ate one spoonful and remembered, yep, I still don't like this flavor. So I won't have a hard time staying out of it. I'm not really an icecream fan. Cheese is what I like best.

    I hope you all have had a good day!

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you Barbie for the new thread. We all appreciate your commitment to the thread!!

    I am happy :happy: to report that my three days of whipping myself back into shape paid off. I started today off weighing what I weighed before my five day Christmas junk binge. So...up 7.4 pounds in five days (really four days and one evening)...down the same 7.4 pounds in three days of strict calorie control and exercise. However, I remain humbled :blushing: because I know how uncontrolled I was and am not proud of the lack of self-control, or even the will to turn it over to God...I just kept on eating and that was very, very bad. The thing I am most grateful for is this website and this group of ladies because I know they are the difference between this holiday season and previous ones. Usually I get off track and stay off track for months at a time which can easily lead to a backslide of monumental proportions. This time it was five days...how wonderful is that? So thank you to both the founders of this site and to all my MFP 50+ friends.

    My goals for January are:
    :heart: Keep things positive -- actions, thoughts, words.
    :heart: Maintain food and exercise journals.
    :heart: Get back to consistently exercising thirty minutes every day.
    :heart: Reintroduce weights/strength training 2x week.
    :heart: Stay in touch with weight loss buddies (here).
    :heart: Have two meatless meals (dinners) per week.
    :drinker: Drink more water...less caffiene.

    That's about it. I usually avoid pegging a number of pounds I want to lose because I become discouraged way to easily if I don't make it. I know if I practice healthy habits and make good food choices, the weight will come off in good time!

    Happy New Year everyone!!
    :heart: Terri :heart:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    .... I'm not really an ice cream fan. Cheese is what I like best.....

    Cindy, what you said is an important clue for me. I don't care for ice cream either and I like cheese as well.

    It occurred to me that I may want to make a list of things that are
    1. NOT tempting to me and
    2. make a list of things that I like to eat and are good for my health.

    I'll be thinking about this for a bit and let you know the motivating factor.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    '"That's about it. I usually avoid pegging a number of pounds I want to lose because I become discouraged way to easily if I don't make it. I know if I practice healthy habits and make good food choices, the weight will come off in good time!"

    Yeah Teri I like your thinking!

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Happy New Year to everyone.

    Congratulations to everyone who lost weight in 2009.

    My goal for January is simply get back on track. I was terrible during December.
    I want to lose maybe another 10 to 15 pounds this year.
    I plan on going to every class that I am signed up for. That means two strength classes and three of Zumba per week.

    My husband and I went to Cracker Barrel this morning for breakfast. Too many calories but it was so good. One good thing about him not having a job at this time...we will not be able to eat out like this very much.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :happy: Cindy--I LOVE cheese! I'm so glad it works into my eating plan so well!:happy:

    Ice cream doesn't like ME anymore so I seldom eat it. Which is good because my son's b-day is Sunday. He wants a healthy meal so it shouldn't be too bad and I'm only going to make a small cake--gonna look for a low-cal one--any suggestions?

    He had me get him a swimsuit (the head-to-toe kind that competitive swimmers wear) for his b-day and its a little tight so he says he's gonna eat the way I do! He's always been my biggest supporter here at home!:love:

    Haven't done any regular workout today yet--been undecorating the house! I'm gonna try to get on the bike later, though.

    Have a good evening everyone!

    Kathy (pmjsmom)

    (Had to correct my spelling! My kitty decided to get cuddly on the keyboard!:laugh: )
  • debieanne
    :yawn: well my dear friends just stopping in to say goodnight just got home from work finsh doing my logging and know going to spend some time with hubby and children and than settle down for the night its so nice to read all the post to all our new friends this is a nice place to be friends that are were we are at and know how we feel i thank everyone for the past year with our storys and al the motivation everyone have a save and peaceful night love debie and family
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Happy New Year! My goals for the New Year are:
    Record my meals
    Exercise 4 times per week
    Have more fun!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good evening all,

    Today was really quiet. My daughter has a mild case of seasonal flu and the doctor told us she can go skiing Monday if she feels up to it. I am now officially 2/3rds of the way finished shovelling the entire driveway! One more day for about an hour and it should all be done. Just in time for the next snow storm due here next Tuesday. My arms are sore, but I never got winded the way I use to.

    Several of you have recently mentioned the "Wii Fit's" and they are a lot of fun, but lower level as far as calorie burn goes. The yoga is very good and well rounded to give you a good stretch. The balance board is sensitive enough to keep you in the correct position. If you get one, think about joining the Wii group here in MFP and posting there too. Several of the popular fitness DVD are available for the Wii now too.

    Have a nice evening,

  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    My goals for January are to lose 5 lbs., maintain a regular, yes, regular exercise program, keep my calorie journal and read MFP daily. I have been home and able to meet these goals...my true test is when I begin working next week and apply this to my work week. I can do it if I log on with all you wonderful and supportive ladies. Barbie, thanks for staying committed to this thread. You truly are an inspiration.:bigsmile:
  • debieanne
    :laugh: good morning to all well the weather outside is frightful but mfp is delightful and since there no place to go let it snow let it snow so i am sitting here looking out the window and catching up on past post and yes it is snowing all weekend in new england i am having a nice start to the day woke up and got out of bed early for a change. that is a good start. i have had breadfasts and now i am having my tea water is all ready to start the day. did my wiifit body test i have been not on that either for awhile she still tells me i am obese wish i could reprogam her.today i have on my thought to dust of walking cds and do a walk. and if someonegives up the tv i want to do some wii active boxing i like that one. well hubby just came in he is plowing snow and would like a coffee so everyone have a peace morning and one step at a time love debbie and family
  • zanniew
    zanniew Posts: 26 Member
    Good morning, all--a happy new year post from mfp reminded me about the site, & here, as they say all the time somewhere or other, I am again. All surgeries are over and done with, hopefully, for a long long time, and I have two new breasts (made from the best cocoa butter money can buy); my tummy is unnaturally flat for a 57-year-old (but that's where the breast fat came from); now it's time to stop eating for comfort and start eating for energy and longevity. I'm feeling clear and focused after a couple of weeks of not binging. Glad to be back, and will try to keep up with this site more than with the cancer care chat rooms. All best to everyone, Z
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning all. I woke up once again to a new layer of snow. It is so pretty before anyone drives over it.

    :flowerforyou: zanniew, glad to have you here instead of the cancer chat rooms. You will get great advice for eating well.

    I have another goal for 2010: I vow to log in ALL my food. I have been lax in doing this. I will be more careful about serving sizes also.
  • arborsong
    Good golly!!!! I had not signed on since New Years Eve afternoon thinking no one would be here -- I absolutely could not believe all the posts!! Wow!! This thread is off to a roaring start in 2010!!!

    The next 3 1/2 months require very long hours at the office and I've always gained just by not paying attention. My top goal for 'tax season' will be to take time to figure out healthy food. Next I will make appointments in the front office scheduler for the gym. Water - that is so hard for me - it's so easy just to grab a Diet Coke. I'll work on a new system there.

    I did make it to the gym on Thursday and jumped on the treadmill at home Friday. Heading back to the treadmill now.

    Healthy New Year to all!!!

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Louise, I take along a water bottle everywhere I go. I am not tempted to purchase a soda and am saving money also. Lots of people buy bottled water but I think they are so tasteless and why spend money on something that I can get free from my tap. It is very important to drink lots of water. (I am speaking to myself here, also. :bigsmile: ) So...drink up !:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Morning All, Brisk -9 here this morning, definately no sunbathing or tennis today. Enjoyed reading all the new posts. Such a nice neighborhood. Have to run as they just told me one of our wells is frozen.:heart: Alice
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: This looks like an appropriate forum for me as I turn 50 tomorrow! I have enjoyed reading all of your motivational posts and look forward to getting to know you in this forum. I lost about 20 lbs last year and need to continue that journey. I am on the couch with foot in a cast (bunion and hammer toe surgery) and would like some recommendations for exercise.

    My goals for Jan. are to:
    Log food and exercise daily on MFP
    Commit to exercise daily
    Walk out of that kitchen when I am feeling the nightime nibbles coming on!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Renny, what's fun to you?
    What makes you smile and laugh?
    How can you link that to the process.

    Hubby bought us a Wii for Christmas. The Wii Fit Plus games are fun, not boring repetitious exercise.
    Maybe not the most time-efficient calorie burn, but at least I did it yesterday :0 , feel it today :wink:
    and want to do it again today:bigsmile:

    Thanks for the reminder that we all live In this moment.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :flowerforyou: ...My other exciting news is that Barb(Weaklink) and I may be able to schedule a face-to-face meeting in Vancouver later this month. We'll keep you posted. There were two face-to-face meetings by women on this thread back some months ago, and I was so envious of them.... Barbie

    Meeting someone face to face you've been chatting with is SO wonderful! :happy: Can't wait to hear how it goes.

    I just did my official beginning of the year weigh and measure. :happy: I'm starting this year wearing 4 sizes smaller than I did last year with abundantly more energy. I still have another 20 pounds to lose, but it seems doable now that I have established healthy habits like :drinker: drinking enough water, :drinker: daily exercise and eating right. I've learned its all about priorities, recognizing trigger foods and accountability. I have no doubt that without this thread my results would have been much different, and not in a good way. Thanks ladies! Your daily input makes a difference. :flowerforyou:

    I will enter my fifties in 38 days and I'm expecting it to be the BEST decade of my life! Healthy New Year to you all!