

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Jammers!

    I had a great run/walk tonight...did 35 minutes on the treadmill, which is much less than I normally do, but it felt good to take it easy today! I've been pushing myself really hard the last few weeks, so I figured I could let up a bit tonight and just get in enough to make up for the calories I ate today!

    Tomorrow is CE Push 2...can't wait! I'll check in tomorrow AM.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning! I just love when I'm the last one at night and first one in the AM to post :laugh:

    I got up this morning (yep no sleeping in this time :wink: ) and did Push 2 and TJ Kickin Core. I love the 2 TJ ball workouts...something different and fun. Kickin Core is about 30 minutes of a regular TJ (think more TurboKick style than regular TJ) and then 10 minutes of core with the ball. It's pretty fun!

    Roberta, I got some oat bran (also got oatmeal, but like oat bran a little better, so starting with that), and put my protein in with that. So much better than the shake and much easier on my stomach :smile:

    Have a great day everyone. Last day of work for me this week:happy:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning!! Erika- the TJ Kickin Core sounds fun! I saw an ad for it on my CE DVDs I think...and I think I'll get it when we move to a little bigger place. It looks way fun though! I love workouts using the exercise ball and I love Chalene...so seems like a good combo!! :happy:

    Last night I did Turbo Kick Round 33, which is my favorite Round. And then I did CE Push 2. Good night it was hard! I only did my Turbo Kick workouts when I was home (without the gloves) and then I came back and have been really getting back into the CE...and it kicked my bum last night! My husband and I were both grunting and groaning...I couldn't believe how intense it was! I'm going to do another session tonight. I usually don't do them back-to-back...but I'm going to Arizona this weekend for the Fiesta Bowl...and so I won't be able to bring my CE with me! I'm definitely looking foward to getting back into my normal routine! But, I'm going to push pretty hard this week and then do some cardio on the trip.

    Looking forward to another night of super intense workouts!

    Also....wanted to say HELLO to all of the new members of this thread! I was so excited to come back and see more friends in the group!!! :smile: It's going to be a great 2010!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Girls! This AM I hit the gym for Elliptical time-did 65 minutes actually! Burned that machine up with a total 525 calorie burn! WOOTWOOT!:smokin: I spent some time talking with the boy..hehehe...before heading home for my breakfast and boy was i HANNNGRRYY! lol..I just finished my abs before lunch, and am about to make something equally yummy compared with my awesome usual pb/banana oats. I did add something though: My boy gave me a dark chocolate hersheys kiss this AM, and I promised to place it into my hot oatmeal and let it get all melty...it was delicious and very sweet!
    After lunch is CE, probably one of the Push workouts but I'm not sure yet:tongue: After that I've got things to do around the house since it's my day off, and then mom and I go to the TRANSSIBERIAN ORCHESTRA concert tonight!!!!!! So uber excited!
    Erika-YUM! I :heart: oatbran too! It makes for a much creamier breakfast:smooched: , so delicious! How did you like the protein powder mixed in? Personally add just the right amount of flavor for me!
    Dawna- I'm glad to hear your trip went so well! Also, good job getting back into CE-I know how hard it can be after putting the weights off for a few days-UGH! But great job pushing through girl! I definitely love being in my own usual routine as well, and the holidays make that VERY hard:grumble: ...
    Have a great afternoon all!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Girls! This AM I hit the gym for Elliptical time-did 65 minutes actually! Burned that machine up with a total 525 calorie burn! WOOTWOOT!:smokin: I spent some time talking with the boy..hehehe...before heading home for my breakfast and boy was i HANNNGRRYY! lol..I just finished my abs before lunch, and am about to make something equally yummy compared with my awesome usual pb/banana oats. I did add something though: My boy gave me a dark chocolate hersheys kiss this AM, and I promised to place it into my hot oatmeal and let it get all melty...it was delicious and very sweet!
    After lunch is CE, probably one of the Push workouts but I'm not sure yet:tongue: After that I've got things to do around the house since it's my day off, and then mom and I go to the TRANSSIBERIAN ORCHESTRA concert tonight!!!!!! So uber excited!
    Erika-YUM! I :heart: oatbran too! It makes for a much creamier breakfast:smooched: , so delicious! How did you like the protein powder mixed in? Personally add just the right amount of flavor for me!
    Dawna- I'm glad to hear your trip went so well! Also, good job getting back into CE-I know how hard it can be after putting the weights off for a few days-UGH! But great job pushing through girl! I definitely love being in my own usual routine as well, and the holidays make that VERY hard:grumble: ...
    Have a great afternoon all!

    I liked it! I actually stayed really full all morning, so only needed 1 morning snack vs. 2. I can't wait to have it again tomorrow!

    Have fun tonight!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy New Years Eve Jammers!

    I am off work today and home with my boys, and decided I was going to take avantage of their "choice" play time by getting my elliptical workout in. I burned 1000 calories...man did that feel good!!! Now, I can have some fun with my foods today :happy:

    Hope you all are having a great day and have fun ringing in the new year! We'll be up planning our Valentine's weekend trip...YAY!
  • healthworks
    Hey girls :smile:

    I am into my 4th day of CE ( Burn Phase- Burn Intervals & Ab Burner)... and I am loving it!!! I feel like I have two left feet and very uncoordinated!! Its difficult, watching them backwards on the TV... I'm not sure... CJ says left but she does her right ??? I'll have to watch BC3 before I start.... to get it straight.

    I hope to get here more in 2010.... Happy- Healthy New Year to you all!!!

    Erika THANK YOU for the FR!!! :smile: Wonderful new picture of you and your family!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Girls!

    Well, I'm starting off 2010 right...1000 calories burned again (had to make up for yesterday...I ate A LOT of food...not necessarily bad, but I allowed myself to have a drink and then ate more than I planned on during the evening hours. That's why I don't drink...makes me hungry, when I'm really not!

    But, I'm back on track and ready to start 2010 right. Hope you all are having a great New Years Day!
  • healthworks
    But, I'm back on track and ready to start 2010 right.

    Me also Erika!

    I did CE BC3... I think it might be my favorite so far :smile: I caught were she- CJ said to mirror her.. so I thought about that and it helped with getting the moves correct. Onto tomorrow, CJ is so motivating I look forward to the w/o!! ... :smile:

    You girls were right.....I :heart: Chalean Extreme!!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning Jammers!!!

    I'm in party prep mode for my youngest son's b-day tomorrow, so will probably get my workout in later when both the boys are off to b-day parties and I have my stuff ready for tomorrow! But, I think I need to do a light workout...Yoga definitely and maybe a low key walk! I have been really pushing it lately, and my body is feeling it! Plus, I decided it's time to up my calories again (going on 4 weeks of at least 250 cal defecits every day and no weight loss, so I looked back to when I did CE last time, and my net calories were much higher than they are now, so I think my body needs some extra fuel...not to mention I'm crazy hungry most of the day.

    Well, off to continue on party planning...going to make a yummy cake for the party tomorrow. I'm sure I'll try some tomorrow, but honestly, not really a cake person. I just love to bake!!!

    Have a great Saturday!

    Willow--We knew you'd like CE. Chalene is extremely motivating, and it makes a big difference having shorter workouts. I tried with another instructor doing hour long strength training sessions and I got really bored/lost interest.
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    hey guys sorry ive been mia. Been sick these couple of days. I think i have a stomach virus or somthing and really bad allergies. well today i feel better and hit my push circuit and did 20 min tj.
  • healthworks
    Hey TJ....ers

    I made it.. 1 week in, I did Burn It Off & Recharge this am... I'm sore so I really liked the stretching!

    Erika How many more cals did you eat while doing CE? Happy Birthday to your son, hope he has a fun one!! :smile:

    limestar Glad your feeling better!! :smile:

    My new sign- off I :heart: CE!!

    :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey TJ....ers

    I made it.. 1 week in, I did Burn It Off & Recharge this am... I'm sore so I really liked the stretching!

    Erika How many more cals did you eat while doing CE? Happy Birthday to your son, hope he has a fun one!! :smile:

    limestar Glad your feeling better!! :smile:

    My new sign- off I :heart: CE!!

    :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Willow, I had a base of 1500 I think, and then ate almost all my exercise calories as well. Most days, with including exercise calories, I was eating around 2200. I started out much lower, but my weight got stuck in a rut, and I was feeling really tired and not myself, and figured it might be because I wasn't getting in enough calories.
  • ktala24
    ktala24 Posts: 17 Member
    I love Turbo Jam, I did my Chalean this morning, and the 20 min. Turbo Jam this evening. LOVE IT!!! I was just telling my husband that the 20 min. Jam is getting much easier....guess I'll have to find more time for the 40 min. one.
    Good Luck everyone.
  • healthworks
    Hi girls

    Erika My bmr is at 1395.. but eating that is not enough w/ doing CE. I am waking up hungry all nite long. Think I'm bumping it 400-500 cals more and see how I feel. THANKS!!

    ktala Welcome and good luck to you!! :smile:

    I :heart: CE
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey there Jammers! Sorry I've been MIA! I spent New Year's Eve with my boy and pretty near the whole next day, so didn't get to track much until later this weekend. I haven't told him about my MFP obsession...do you think it even matters? He's a personal trainer, went to school for fitness nutrition but sometimes I feel too obsessed with all my measuring/calculating meals....:ohwell:
    I honestly thought about giving up tracking my food diary for awhile, but I really need to buckle back down..It was a rough weekend...I went to visit my family a few hours away on Friday night-Saturday, so eating was NOT clean except the snacks I packed. We went out to eat at a German restaurant, which was AMAZING but not a good eating example..and we had peanut butter pie/cake/ice cream/chips for dessert. Then yesterday afternoon us girls went shopping and out to Great Northern Pizza Kitchen-I got a mozz/pesto panini which was really yummy but probably not good either..I got home late after a long drive and just didn't feel like making anything so I heated up and ate too much pasta leftovers-I guess at least that was my clean foods..but still. I am feeling so guilty about the whole weekend mostly because I can't seem to control myself in situations like that. Plus I've been feeling extra hungry lately, and I'm not sure why, Probably because I need to get more sleep as well..
    So that's my food dilemma..needless to say I have stayed very active! Hit the gym with Danny Friday AM, and ran a record 7.5 miles for me!!!!!!!!!!! It felt so good..I know I was motivated by him:smooched: Afterward headed to visit family and as you know all that bad eating^^^^..but Saturday AM my mom, my brothers gf, and I hit a local gym she works at. I warmed up with a good 3 on the treadie and then we took an hour long Total Body Conditioning class. It was F-A-N-tastic! :laugh: It felt good burning alot of calories off because my guilt was taking over..:ohwell:
    Enough of my sob story though! Today is a brand new day! The holidays are OVER ladies! Let's get back on track! I am going to post a couple goals of mine on here for the week if you girls don't mind..and feel free to join me! I seriously need a kick in the butt and some motivation from you! Please keep me going-Thanks!
    1. NO desserts/extra sugary things this week, meaning: don't touch the cookies I baked before..if they go bad--TOO BAD!
    2. Push hard for my goals (never usually a problem, but just keeping this in mind).
    3. Keep the diet as clean as possible!- Lots of fruits/veggies/100% whole grains/wheats ONLY-No cheating after having waaay too much white breads this weekend.
    4. Measure accurately-No saying "it's close enough!"
    Okay, I think that completes a few things I need to watch this week..Keep up the great work girls, I feel I've fallen off the wagon a bit, but today I am jumping back on and going to drive that baby!:laugh:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Well, my son's b-day party is over, and I think I did pretty darn good! I measured out all my foods ahead of time and planned in to have a piece of cake I made. I stuck with my plan, and only ate what I planned on eating. I could have gone hog wild, but didn't. Helped that I had a diet coke first (I don't drink soda more than 1-2 times per month, but it fills me up, so I don't feel like I have to keep eating. Worked for today anyway!

    Roberta, I'm with you. I have a total obsession with MFP and my hubby gives me a hard time a lot because I'm always measuring and logging. I even got a food scale, so I'm even more annoying with it! But, I think if I stopped, I might lose sight of how many calories I consume each day. Afterall, I did lose 12 pounds by using MFP! I do have my bad days, but I am trying to not worry so much about those anymore or I'll drive myself crazy. Especially when absolutely no one around me eats clean...I just gotta do the best I can when I'm around family/friends.

    I don't really have goals set for 2010 (yes, I'm one of those people that doesn't set goals, but is easily motivated by just giving myself last minute daily/weekly/monthly goals). But, here are a couple I'm going to put in writing!

    1. Lose the last 2.5 pounds that I planned to lose. I haven't gained any, but haven't lost any over the last month either. We're going on a winter vacation in February, so I want to stay on track!

    2. Continue to eat clean, and remind myself that although something is organic, it still might be loaded with "good" sugar. I gotta work on limiting that stuff. It's kinda like when the lowfat/fatfree foods came out...I found myself eating more because they were lowfat/fat free, when in reality I was eating more than I would have eaten if they weren't that.

    3. Keep teaching my kids about good eating. I have my 6 year old on board...he's always asking what food would be good to put in his body when it's time to choose a snack. He watches and listens to my choices closer than I thought. But, my 5 year old is more like his dad, and doesn't understand the difference between "clean" and not clean foods.

    So, there you have it, I've got some goals for 2010! Thanks Roberta for getting me started!

    Willow-I had a really hard time understanding why I would want to increase calories when I was trying to lose a few pounds, but I was STARVING and finally realized I was not doing what was good for my body. Once I increased, my body started changing again (more fat burning) and I lost a couple stubborn pounds!

    WEll, off to play some Wii with the birthday boy!!!
  • healthworks
    Hi girls :smile:

    On real fast this am while I enjoy my coffee

    Roberta Welcome back... I know how you feel... I feel (((totally obsessed)) when I pull out the measuring cups, spoons, foodscale notebook to measure and calculate when the whole family is watching...but its the only way to go.. !!

    Erika I guess I didnt realize, how much I asked of my body this last week. I need to give it the fuel it needs !! But finding that ratio or correct balance is the ?? I am going to try to change it up... this week, eat my bmr 1395 on my rest days, 1795 on my w/o days and throw a few 1947 in the mix. But mainly listen to my body and add food when I feel I need to.:heart:

    Onto my girl Chalene!! Have a GREAT Monday!! ((BTW I like both lists of goals))
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!

    This morning was Mel B's kick butt workout...man that girl can make you feel the burn. She gives no breaks, and it's high reps...about 40 reps per exercise...makes 5 pound weights feel like 50's!

    Back to work...have a great one!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    haven't done turbo jam in about a week or two and I feel down and lazy.

    encouragement please!