

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Susan, Firetuck, I'm not liking your comments about losing weight when you were 50 (which is what I've just done) and then regaining! Oh I've worked to hard to think about this.....


    For me, it was my own fault. It took me 5 years to gain it back - but I kept it off until 2 years ago then it started. I didn't watch what I ate and didn't exercise. It got of hand -I should have remembered the rule - when you gain 5 pounds - get back on the plan. So now I am ready to re-commit. I intend to make a lifestyle change this time. I was also depressed the last 2 years over personal issues which have now ameliorated. All my own fault!!!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    swissmiss - thanks so much for the welcome. You know, as we get older not only do we get better, but it also is so much easier to put on the weight than to take it off. I'm TRYING (note the word) to listen to my body and eat only when I'm hungry. That doesn't work all the time, tho. At least I'm trying.....

    debieanne - I like the Ezekiel no salt added bread. Doesn't have HFCS, either. But I do have to admit that I've bought some Nature's Pride 100% Whole Wheat bread. It doesn't contain HFCS, either; but it appears to have more preservatives in it. See, when I go on a car trip, I usually will take my own snacks/sandwiches with me. The Nature's Pride will last longer outside of the freezer. I'm trying to stay away from HFCS, but it's almost impossible since it's in almost everything (even ketchup). I'm just not a big fan of putting something into my body that was manufactured in a laboratory.

    MacMadame - if you don't mind my asking, why did you leave Livestrong? A torn calf muscle...ouch!!! Hope it gets better soon.

    leggi002 - about the only good thing about exercising in the heat of the summer is that you tend to drink more water. I'm contemplating that it might be good to do a little yoga right as the sun comes up while I'm on my deck. Just not sure if I can see the TV from where I'd have to put my yoga mat since dh put his grill there (heaven forbid we miss watching a NASCAR race while grilling!)

    yea yea yippee for me!!!! ds has been using my car for the past week to see friends of his, and he just told me that he'll be leaving early in the afternoon tomorrow, so that means that I can take a water aerobics class since I'll be home by 11.

    committed - prayers

    msh0530 - doesn't it feel great the be wearing a smaller size clothes? I'm very proud of you.

    Have a great day tomorrow everyone!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I just found MFP to be easier to use. It's easier to find the foods I want and there is more customization here... I can set how much protein I want to get, for example, whereas Livestrong doesn't let you do that. (Or it didn't when I was there last.)
  • arborsong
    :love: Good morning to all!!! I have officially begun tax season at the office. Told my employees to bring their sleeping bags and toothbrushes - they were going to need them. But my new definition of tax season is::: lots and lots of water. I seem to get the food part and the trainer keeps me on track with exercise. So, here's to everyone on this thread - CHEERS!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • debieanne
    :drinker: good morning everyone wow the sun has come out and it has stop snowing.. i on a tea break had breakfast with hubby all children are off to school getting ready to do some sewing housework of couse.. havent been on the wii yet. yesterday was weigh in day went up a lb. hum my thoughts to are how much mocing the body i can do today. dont want to sit around anymore move move move. i love some of these weight watchers tv adds they make me laugh. i have been checking out lots of sites on learning how to move while i sit so when i am on the comp i can exercise or at the sewing table and doing my knitting..this is the mth i am going to move it move it.. today at breakfast i had the whole grain white bread has anyone had this one
    exermom what is hfcs and thinking of bread being made in a lab ugh think its time to make my own..
    ok tea break is done everyone have a peace ful day love debieanne and family
  • kjenks
    kjenks Posts: 2
    Today is the first day of my new life. I've never posted anything online. It feels uncomfortable sharing something so personal, but I'm determined to change my life. I haven't fully participated in life for a very long time. I've been so self conscious about my weight and suffered from such low self-esteem that I've avoided anything that might cause me embarrassment. I feel that I've spent my time watching other people live life. I'm so tired of feeling like life is passing me by. I must change.

    I look forward to reading the posts. I think this will help me and hopefully, I can encourage others along the way.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :love: Good morning to all!!! I have officially begun tax season at the office. Told my employees to bring their sleeping bags and toothbrushes - they were going to need them.

    I hear you, Louise!!! I am an the Office Manager in an Accounting Office and Tax Season is very hectic. :noway: :noway: I will be working 6 day a week (Sundays off) and between 48 - 60 hrs.! Yikes!:noway: But the overtime in great!!! :flowerforyou:
    So I may be MIA more than usual:laugh:

    My weekend was not perfect but was the best I could do, not feeling well, not being able to exercise and preparing for company yesterday:noway: I was a little sloppy but for the most part focused.:smile:
    It is hard to stay within the calories when you don't exercise because your choices are so much more limited. (Only low calorie foods so you can keep within the 1200 calories):ohwell:

    Today I went on my treadmill for an hour so I can get back on track and have a perfect food day!

    Welcome to all the new ladies on the thread. I pray it helps you all as much as it has helped me!

    Got to get ready for work...not sure when I'll have time to check in :laugh: but will try!:wink:

    Have a great day all!!!!
  • Davilee
    Davilee Posts: 13
    Hi~I am new here and look forward to making new friends with similiar goals. I am 51, out of shape and about 15 pounds overweight. I recently quit smoking and do not want to gain anymore, although my greatest challenge and most important goal right now is to remain smoke-free.

    My goals:

    -Remain Smoke-Free
    -Eat healthier
    -Exercise more
    -Drink 8 cups of water a day
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Today is the first day of my new life. I've never posted anything online. It feels uncomfortable sharing something so personal, but I'm determined to change my life. I haven't fully participated in life for a very long time. I've been so self conscious about my weight and suffered from such low self-esteem that I've avoided anything that might cause me embarrassment. I feel that I've spent my time watching other people live life. I'm so tired of feeling like life is passing me by. I must change.

    I look forward to reading the posts. I think this will help me and hopefully, I can encourage others along the way.
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    kjenks - thank you so much for your honesty.

    I think for many of us we have been in denial about our weight issues. It certainly doesn't help when almost everyone on T.V. is so skinny. For me, I just want to be healthy. I'm going to try to lose 1 lb a week until I get to my healthy weight goal. As the old saying goes, "life is a marathon, not a sprint".

    Don't give up, this is a great site and the ladies here are really wonderful. I think I can easily speak for everyone on this thread when I say that "everyone is here for you".

    Keep us posted on how things are going for you.

    Good luck, before you know it, you not only will be in the game but you'll be the star of the game.
  • dricotta1
    dricotta1 Posts: 63 Member
    Hey everyone,
    Been MIA for awhile. Actually had reached goal weight (yes it is possible!) but also had some health issues to resolve. Gained over the holidays so need to start logging food and exercise again.
    I did keep track of the posts while I was away, because I missed you all. Good to see all the familiar names as well as the new ones. l have the New Year motivation, now I have to keep it running through the dark and cold of upstate NY winter.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    My first weigh in of the year was good down 1.5 lbs.

    Welcome Davilee: It's good to have you with us. I know you will make it being smoke free. I've noticed some people have smokefree tickers that show how much money they are saving by not smoking. I really don't know where you get them but I would think it would be inspiring and helpful if you add that to your signature.

    Good to have you here too DebbieW.

    It's so nice to see all these new faces. Stick with us, let us get to know you, give you a shoulder when you need it and rejoice with you over your successes.

    Today is my daughters 27th birthday. She has her TOM and is feeling a little down because Mr Right hasn't shown up yet. She is a successful OR nurse and I am oh so happy with her. She will make one wonderful wife when the time is right!

    Well off to the kitchen to finish making bread.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Morning all! I'm entering day 8 of a 10 day detox. I awoke hungry and was extrememly tempted to chunk it all and make a big breakfast, but bit the bullet and ate almonds and fresh fruit instead. With only 3 days to go it does seem sorta foolish to stop now.

    Hubby is off today so making time to do strength training is gonna be a challenge. I'll let you know how it goes.
  • kjenks
    kjenks Posts: 2
    Thank you, DebbieW, for the kind words! I am motivated right now, but you've hit upon secret to success - sustaining that motivation to complete the marathon. My goal is 2 pounds a week until I reach my goal weight, but that may be unrealistic. In my experience, it's easy to lose 2 pounds per week for a few months, but then weight loss slows. I'm interested in making a life change here, so slow and steady is probably the best way to go. I'll post a ticker when I enter my second weigh-in info. Wishing you and everyone much success in the new year! :smile:
  • arborsong
    Cindy - tell your daughter that I am 56 years old and Mr. Right still hasn't shown up. No, don't tell her, no need to discourage her....but believe me....I'm discouraged.

    Well, normally, I eat lunch around 11:00 because I eat breakfast so very early. And, usually I'm "starved" for a morning snack. Here it is after noon, and food has not crossed my mind. YEAH!!!! Off to have a bite of lunch now.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi, all, and welcome to the newcomers :flowerforyou: !

    Have a busy day today so I'm just popping in to brag a bit. :happy:

    Yesterday I signed up at mapmywalk.com to find walking routes in my area. Part of the registration process was entering my resting heart rate. Now, I really did not want to check this because the last few times I did that it was really high and I didn't want to think about it (I am THE Queen of Denial!:laugh: ). Well, I checked it and my RHR is almost 40 bpm lower than it was before I started losing weight and exercising regularly!:happy:

  • bradybrookes
    Welcome to all the new posters . . so glad to have everyone posting and actively engaged!! Weighed in after all the holidays on Saturday morning. Up about 8!!! Totally amazing how fast it comes back on. But as of this morning, 3 of those were gone! Had a good weekend, got in a walk and watched my calories better. Today is the REAL start to by 2010 goal!!! I was up today at 5am, doing a step aerobics video in the garage!!!
    Terri: I liked your post, so I’m totally plagiarizing it!!! (highest form of flattery!)
    My goals for January are:
    :happy: Keep things positive -- actions, thoughts, words.
    :laugh: Maintain food and exercise journals.
    :happy: Get back to consistently exercising 60 minutes every day.
    :happy: Get back to weights/strength training 4x week.
    :happy: Stay in touch with weight loss buddies (here).

    :devil: Drink more water...less caffeine (I don’t drink coffee, but I do like Diet Pepsi!)
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Thank you Brady, I am flattered. I haven't read everyone's posts, but I will get back to that later today. Kind of slipped a little last night (failed on number one goal and did a little pitty party eating) and was up a pound this morning (official first of the year weigh in). But today is another new day. Isn't it wonderful how God keeps giving us a fresh new day for that fresh new start?

    Happy Monday everyone!:bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: Terri
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    :love: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:
    Glad to be back!
    This month my goals are to:
    Exercise 5 times per week
    Drink 6-8 glasses water per day
    Track my meals.
    I gained seven pounds over the holidays...however, this is a new year..the year of new beginnings.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member

    Sunset fit for a new year