Which food(s) have you given up completely?



  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
  • Jalare
    Jalare Posts: 103
    Regular soda, that's it.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    None. I like pretty much all food, and the ones I know I shouldn't have on a daily basis are still a part of my diet, just far less frequently than before. If there's something I absolutely love that's "bad", I won't cut it out for good. I let my healthy choices guide my body the majority of the time, which cuts down the cravings for the junk. But, if there's a day that I'm absolutely craving crispy, fried chicken or more than one cupcake, I don't feel bad about it. I eat it. I move on. I never feel like I'm depriving myself of anything.

    The only thing I completely give up for nay amount of time is alcohol during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. It's been 16 months since I had a drink and I don't miss it one bit. But, I'll still have a drink once in a while if I'm out at a nice restaurant or something.
  • Jackieonappy
    Jackieonappy Posts: 92 Member
    Animal products. Team vegan....
  • ltkasmala
    ltkasmala Posts: 109 Member
    I have not eaten any meat (except fish) in past 10 weeks or so. I also consume chocolate (which I love) minimally; once every couple of weeks, maybe!
  • bmqn33
    bmqn33 Posts: 1
    None. I just eat less of everything I want to eat. This works for me because when I tried to give up eating certain foods, I ended up craving them more, and it was counterproductive for me.
  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    Pop, thats really the only thing ive given up completely.. everything else I have once in a while in moderation.
  • Kehnj
    Kehnj Posts: 33

    I just can't drink it anymore... .__. Makes me feel sick it's too sweet
  • ScottCadi
    Mountain Dew (Throwback)....

    I drank about 6-8 cans through out the last school year at work.

    I will allow myself one on occasion, but I'm just over a couple weeks into this.
  • lilgemforgets
    Fizzy drinks (soda)
    Chinese take outs
    Full fat cheese
    Regular chocolate (except Shapers bars)
    Mince (eat Quorn)
  • cannibaldoll
    cannibaldoll Posts: 50 Member
    Soda, juice, sugary drinks, and coffee

    It's mainly water 99% of the time- and occasionally I'll have a diet soda or a Starbucks.

    I also have gone vegetarian, so I don't drink milk, have cut back on cheese, and eggs.
  • echo87xo
    echo87xo Posts: 5 Member
    nothing , i just east in moderation
  • pinkpolkadots25
    pinkpolkadots25 Posts: 101 Member
    French fries, donuts, everything Little Debbie, milkshakes. Just aren't worth the calories to me.
  • Jishmeister
    I haven't really "given up anything" per se, there are foods I just don't eat as much, but will occasionally have.

    Breaded chicken
    Hot cocoa
    Sushi (I'm never completely giving up sushi. That's just crazy talk)
    Sweets (cake, brownies, donuts)
  • wildrosejmj
    wildrosejmj Posts: 26 Member
    Things I shouldn't be eating anyway - cheese (love it but my tummy doesn't) and eat as little other dairy as possible, and chocolate. I've been a terrible chocoholic all my life so when I was able to break free from it I did. Now I don't want to have any because I'm afraid of starting the addiction back up again. To satisfy the occasional craving I have chocolate non-dairy coffee creamer. MUCH less calories and still yummy.

    Deo Juante, Jen
  • Jishmeister
    Oh yea, and anything deep fried I try to stay away from but will occasionally have.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Peanuts and am probably going to have to give up cashews too.
  • UnleashingLovely
    Taco Casa's sweet tea.
    Regular soda.
  • elizmelone
    I have given up take aways, but this is because I really don't enjoy them anymore. I prefer to eat home cooked foods - I know what is in them, and can accurately count the calories which is really important for me at this moment in time :o)
  • anticheer101
    I don't drink anything with a calorie. If its a smoothie, it becomes a meal not a drink.
    No junk food, only dark chocolate.

    I cook a lot so I enjoy whole foods with lots of flavours. I feel less full when I eat out now, and am almost to the point of not even enjoying it.