Lets hear it, who are you related to?



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I'm related to Adam and Eve.
  • thedancingleper
    thedancingleper Posts: 158 Member
    I'm related to some past governor of Virginia who drank himself out of office. Supposedly there were also some Swedish ladies in waiting on my mother's side but I'm skeptical of that.
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    My mum and dad are really into this ancestry thing but I have never had time for it until I started reading this interesting thread. I decided to text her and this is what she has told me:
    On my mum's side she has gone back to 1140. I am related to Sir William Espileman, Lord of Brokenhurst, Hampshire, UK and more recently to Sir Henry Spelman of Norfolk, UK. The Spelmans were knights who fought in the 4th crusade and were then rich merchants in the 14th and 15th century and then ropemakers in the 16th to 17th century. That's where the wealth ended :smile:

    We are also related to Sir John Spelman, a judge who was involved in Anne Boleyn's trial.

    Mum also says we are related to a poet who is buried in Westminster Abbey and a historian who wrote about Alfred the Great and a high judge. I guess that makes me, a mum, homemaker and part time tutor a bit of a let down :laugh:

    She has just sent another text to say there are Spelmans in the US who married into the Rockerfeller family.

    Also related, on my dad's side, to the pilot of the British Airways Boeing that crash landed at Heathrow in 2008 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8505163.stm
  • nonstopjamhen
    Oliver Cromwell...
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    My aunt and uncle were famous painters. Jack Levine and Ruth Gikow. Google them to see their work.
  • kittyconni
    I am, for a fact through geneology records, related to the most bad-*kitten* pirate of all time...The Pirate Jean Laffite!!!
  • kalwi
    kalwi Posts: 10
    Shumacher- on my mom's side :)
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    Billy Connolly......just!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I'm related to the family that started L.L. Bean.

    I'm also legitimately related to Hilter's family, though I think it's pretty distantly.
  • thisisjl
    thisisjl Posts: 1,074 Member
    My family tree leads back to Governer William Bradshaw who came over on the mayflower and became the govn'r of Plymouth Colony.
  • Spitbubblr
    Barrack Obama.

    We must be cousins or something ^__^
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    I do volunteer transcribing of documents for genealogical databases, primarily records from 1400-1900 in Spanish and Portuguese with an occasional French or Catalonian. It's fascinating reading and it makes me feel good when I can help someone find that missing link in their family tree.

    It's also being a journey for myself as I'm mixed Portuguese/German on my maternal side and Spanish/Mayan on my paternal. Obviously on the indigenous branch there would be a dead end eventually but did manage to research back to late 1600's thanks to very good record keeping my the RC Church.

    The furthest branch has been my maternal grandmothers line and so far that has been traced to Alfonso Henriques I, I'm still not done but trying to be meticulous and make sure to have documents for every entry into the tree takes time.
  • chloebarge
    chloebarge Posts: 53 Member
    My uncles step mother is Robert Pattinsons grandmother!
  • hawaii86442
    It does--I have a BF who worked on Elvis's teeth!!
  • blacksheepwhitecrow
    On my birth father's side I'm descended from King Olof Skötkonung of Sweden, Yaroslav the Wise - Grand Prince of Rus, and Anne of Kiev and King Henri I of France. I always told my mother I was a princess. :laugh:

    It still counts even if it was 1000 years ago, right? Thank you ancestry.com for validating my existence and wasting countless hours of my time.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    My Mom took care of Michael Jackson in the hospital when his hair caught on fire in the 80s...does that count? lol
  • cchapman89
    cchapman89 Posts: 68 Member
    My great great grandad was one of the first all blacks :)
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Sir Walter Scott is my great-great-great-great-grandfather on my Dad's side.
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    Rex Harrison was my great, great uncle! Not a massive claim to fame because unless you mention audry hepburn no one seems to know who he was, that and he was a horrid specimin of a human being
  • mirandamayhem
    Rex Harrison was my great, great uncle! Not a massive claim to fame because unless you mention audry hepburn no one seems to know who he was, that and he was a horrid specimin of a human being

    I did hear he wasn't a nice man, but I also love his films!