Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America?



  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Women have always 'ran' the relationship, the good ones just know how to make a man think he does.. hahah
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    There def is one. Guys dont have manly role models anymore. Men are doing what women were doing back in the say with have small dogs, small cars, eating salads instead of fries, skinny jeans, purses, opting for frees-by instead of throwing a football, reading books at the pool instead of swimming, drinking fruity drinks, listening to boy groups like One Direction instead of man music, going with other guys to watch romantic comedies, wearing makeup, talking about feelings, and opting for pink instead of other colors.

    Guys being like this are weak and easy for women to take control over them. I dont know one guy who wears the pants in the relationship. I dont get it. The other day, two gay guys were talking in the bar about how straight guys act more gay than they do and it was a turn off for them.

    well, in the 80's it was men with long frizzed out hair, earrings, make up and listening to New Kids on the Block or something.

    If you want to pick out things from every generation, you can. It's not that difficult.

    (for the record, I'm not sure why reading is an example of non-manliness. that just seems silly - real men don't read? really?)
  • dkelley81
    dkelley81 Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, there is. Manliness is getting more rare.

    ^^^ Agreed!

    Totally agreed! Some women still want REAL men! :)
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    After reading a guys post from yesterday "needing advice not related to fitness" I I would say yes. This was a 30 yr old man asking for advice on how to get himself to love again and how he doesn't know if he'll ever find it again.

    I wanted to pull his man card............yes there is a masculinity crisis! Grow a pair and start acting like men again. Sweep a woman off her feet...........treat her like a queen............and reap the rewards!!! There's a few details to work in the middle too but c'mon guy's!!!!

    He was looking for a whole bunch of women here to friend request him. You know, the sympathy vote.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    I blame plastic playground equipment. You're not a real man until you've gone down a metal slide in the middle of summer in Phoenix.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Honestly: Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America? Are more men allowing women to dominate relationships?

    When I think masculinity crisis I think skinny jeans and shaving everything everywhere..........When I read your post I think chauvinistic a$$hat.....just saying......
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    Actually, I personally think the media would like us to believe men are beoming more 'imasculated", but most men I know are still masculine while working at supporting women for the individual they are and can be. The odd thing for me, is I think some women have almost gone too far and become too 'masculine' sometimes. My idea of feminism is to have two partners who are willing to work together towards one goal, supporting and helping their partner to accomplish and be whatever they want and are capable of. It's less of "me" and more of "we". I think I may be an odd ball though. :-)
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Honestly: Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America? Are more men allowing women to dominate relationships?

    When I think masculinity crisis I think skinny jeans and shaving everything everywhere..........When I read your post I think chauvinistic a$$hat.....just saying......
    glad to know it's not just women reading it that way.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Women 'dominating' relationships?

    How about women becoming EQUALS to men instead of servants?

    How about women becoming just as strong as men and they're projecting that women and men will be competing against each other in the Olympics in about 50 years?

    If you don't like it, move to the Middle East. I'm sure the women there will be more to your liking - subservient, forced to stay at home, jailed if raped, no voting power, etc. And if you don't like their attitude, just throw acid on her face.
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    Masculinity declined when men stopped being gentlemen.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Honestly: Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America? Are more men allowing women to dominate relationships?

    Says the man who was deleted from my FL because he whined all day long and said things just to make the ladies either swoon or feel bad for him? Intentional or not, it's not very masculine to cry for attention.
  • happythermia

    that's all.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    Honestly: Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America? Are more men allowing women to dominate relationships?

    THAT'S how you measure masculinity???? Whether a man 'dominates' a woman????

    How about you measure masculinity by courage, respect, ambition, responsibility, character and THEN ask the question.

    but yeah.... I suspect you be trollin'... good luck :drinker:
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I think both/all genders need to get over themselves and be accepting but...


    ...I'm just gonna wait for the fireworks.

    You beat me to it! Have another:

  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    There def is one. Guys dont have manly role models anymore. Men are doing what women were doing back in the say with have small dogs, small cars, eating salads instead of fries, skinny jeans, purses, opting for frees-by instead of throwing a football, reading books at the pool instead of swimming, drinking fruity drinks, listening to boy groups like One Direction instead of man music, going with other guys to watch romantic comedies, wearing makeup, talking about feelings, and opting for pink instead of other colors.

    W...T...F??? This has got to be the most asinine thing I've ever read on here, unless someone can explain to me how having a small dog and eating salad = decreased masculinity.
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    I hope all these women posting are using their laptops in the kitchen...or there will be hell to pay. :drinker:
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Honestly: what does masculinity even mean?

    Hey, I know. Let's take all the qualities humans have ever had: personality, strengths, weaknessess, everything. THEN let's split all that into two groups, let's call it human-1 and human-2. Then all we have to do is make sure everybody only chooses from one group.

    You want to deadlift 2x your weight AND wear lipstick? NO.
    You want a chihuahua AND an automatic weapon? NO.
    Maybe talk about your feelings with your partner while you're playing Team Fortress 2? DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.

    This is great fun for the whole human race.
  • KristysLosing
    I wanted to pull his man card............yes there is a masculinity crisis! Grow a pair and start acting like men again. Sweep a woman off her feet...........treat her like a queen............and reap the rewards!!! There's a few details to work in the middle too but c'mon guy's!!!!

    I love you!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 795 Member
    Yes. But not just in America.

    It's fed by popular media - just try to find a husband/dad on most TV shows that isn't some kind of an imbecile.

    And, what DominiqueSmall said. And 2muchsauce.

    But you should drop the "dominate relationships" part of your question, because that's just going to get you into a mess. ;o) And it's also a different subject entirely.