
  • getninshape56
    getninshape56 Posts: 42 Member
    Ahhh, that makes sense now! Thank you for the explanation Sandhillsmom!
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Good Morning ladies,

    I have had a challenging week with meetings all week involving potluck meals. Although I made good choices it was difficult to figure out my calories and carbs. Monday starts back a "routine" so this weekend I will plan and shop. I am a creature of habit and usually do better with the structured approach.... I spoke to another nurse who teaches Jazzercise at the meetings and I think I will try to attend one or two of her classes a week. I also have that treadmill and will have to make peace with that machine!!! LOL!

    I thoroughly enjoy reading all the posts. I am honored to be a part of this support group; so much strength and courage!

    For all those new empty nesters- being a mom never ends so allow yourself to grieve for your loss but embrace the new beginnings! It takes time but your children will remember your love and life lessons and pass them on to their own children some day!!

    Take good care!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    Mimi and Amanda---about your weight loss ticker reflecting your real weight loss:

    :flowerforyou: try going to "tools" then " weight loss ticker" then "update your weight data"

    I think that's where you can change your starting weight.

    when I first started MFP in February 2009 I had already lost 4 pounds but when entered my weight I entered the weight the day I joined.......I felt the same way some of you do with big weight losses prior to MFP, so I changed the starting weight to reflect my total weigh loss.

    now it's time to walk the dogs

    :heart: Barbie
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Mimi and Amanda---about your weight loss ticker reflecting your real weight loss:

    :flowerforyou: try going to "tools" then " weight loss ticker" then "update your weight data"

    you can change your starting weight by clicking on the "Check-In" tab (from "Home") and "editing previous entries" if you choose "weight" there is a box at the top of the list to change starting weight.

    that being said I posted my actual weight again and made my ticker make me an honest women. :laugh:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    I love this group. So much to read my head is spinning!! :laugh:

    :glasses: Barbie – thanks for the info on how to adjust your ticker to reflect total weight lost. I think I may do that as well as it would be more convenient to show this year’s weight loss all in one place. And I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow regarding the line dance demonstration.

    :glasses: Carolyn – I am on board with you regarding structure. I do much better as well with things planned out and some habits like Greek yogurt for breakfast.

    :glasses: Flo – wow, what a wonderful weigh-in. I am over-the-moon happy for you. Yeah.

    :glasses: Mimi – actually Dr. Oz recently mentioned taking curcumin and I did order a bottle. It should arrive in the next week and I’m going to give it a try. I don’t take anything for my fibromyalgia or arthritis so I’m hoping this will work a bit. Although I must say I’ve had a number of recommendations for supplements over the years and I’ve tried a handful of things and have never found anything that I thought was really outstanding. I hope this is different.

    :glasses: Boomerangel – Welcome!

    :glasses: Jen – I was asking how often you play tennis. I love tennis---don’t play anymore but use to burn up countless hours on the court. I have a friend who asks me about once a year if I want to play but both the racket and my body aren’t in shape to consider it!

    :glasses: Jan – yep, that’s fine, see you August 2015…:laugh: :laugh: ……

    :glasses: GiseleEva – Stop by often. The ladies here are awesome (and I didn’t say that just because I happen to be one of them).

    :glasses: Micki – I love Leslie Sansone. That’s a lot of exercise on a sore foot. You are a trooper.

    :glasses: Lila – your gardening sounds great. I use to garden but now that just doesn’t work into my life. I’m in a suburban house now with a lot that apparently had much of the topsoil removed; the quality of what’s there is not good. Plus the lot is small and there’s a significant swale at the rear of the lot causing the backyard to flood when there’s a downpour. I purchase veggies and they are pretty good but not like homegrown.

    :glasses: Michele – did you finish the bookmark? And did figure out some type of pan to put in the crockpot? I have some smaller than normal loaf pans that fit in my small countertop oven (sometimes I don’t want to start up the big oven in the summer) or maybe several of those mini loaf pans?

    :glasses: Meg – your question is a great one. How do you bring joy and/or laughter into your life each day? I must admit I sort of skip that most days. When I think about it I try to do one thing that I really enjoy and would bring a smile to my face or I will pick out something totally goofy to watch on video or Netflix. The other day I played an old Godzilla movie while I was exercising. The guy in the rubber suit really cracked me up.

    :glasses: Kate – picking apples sounds like fun. Eating apples? Cooking apples? Maybe it doesn’t matter. I remember my grandma had particularly varieties she liked for making pie for example and others to eat. You can tell I am not an apple gourmet.

    :glasses: Deb A – congratulations on your results at your doctor’s visit. Great and inspiring.

    :glasses: Laura – so sorry to hear of the fires causing problems in the air quality in Colorado. If I can find a food that seems to cause a good result on the scale, I’ll eat it each and every week. Everyone, keep sending your suggestions!!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and of course a healthy weekend.

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Bye bye 180's!!!! :smile:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good morning everyone. It is absolutely beautiful here again today. Seems like fall already. Had a nice walk yesterday. Went 1.1 miles with the dog. Today was weigh in day; I lost 0.4 pounds from 2 weeks ago. I didn’t weigh in last week because of DH’s surgery and Benny’s vet visit. The previous time (right after vacation) I had gained 1/2 pound, so technically (according to the biggest loser boss) I lost a pound from last weigh in. Confusing isn’t it? Anyway, I’m down almost 13 pounds since starting. We are going to start a fall biggest loser and this time it will be with partners. That should be interesting.

    15 year old is back at school. The 19 year old is off college for 2 weeks now. It’s been interesting to watch our food usage with Tanya (19) working evenings and spending most of her time with her boyfriend. I have cut my groceries by almost ¼. That’s a nice little bonus. :bigsmile:

    Today is freshman orientation here at the college, so our halls are crawling with newbies!~ It’s kinda fun. I have to help facilitate some breakout sessions later today. I hope it’s nothing too complicated because I have no idea what I’m doing! :tongue:

    Tigress: I love to sit by myself or read with a good cup of Earl Gray tea. All the critters jump up on me and jostle for space on my lap. Sometimes one of the cats will lay on the dog’s back. And good for you to quit smoking! :flowerforyou:

    Michele: your life sounds as busy as always! They will get that pool done soon.

    Lila: I love to garden too. I always have trouble with split tomatoes, which supposedly is from inconsistent watering. They get the same amount each day, so do you know of any other reasons they split? Also you don’t look old enough to be doing anything in you “senior years” !!! :flowerforyou:

    Micki: your work day sounds like mine! I got to work today and my dress was covered with cat hair even though I did the lint roller twice before leaving home.

    Edraper: all those steps count!

    Jan: you are doing so well with not smoking! We are all proud of you!!! I love the dinner conversation starter…I’m going to try that! Sometimes we talk about “what do you like about yourself” or “what was the most important thing that happened today” but your idea will bring some laughing I’m sure. :laugh:

    Jen: thanks for the info on the bikes! We found a place in council bluffs, Iowa that has “some”. I am surprised no one in Omaha has them. I must have missed the story, but being bad and drinking wine often go together for me! :drinker:

    Gardengal: good for you getting that exercise in after all! And a little social time

    Boomerangel: yes we are over 50 mostly. I think there are a few who are close but not yet at 50. Feel free to join us!

    Dar1356: Your life sounds busy as well. My kids haven’t launched yet so I can’t offer you advice, but you have my best wishes and good thoughts! :ohwell:

    Barbie: your line dancing always sounds like so much fun! And today I am not jealous of your weather because it is grand here!

    Mimi: where do you live? We had about a month of 100+ but now has cooled off some
    Amanda: OMG I didn’t realize you have come so far. You have lost 200???!!! That is AWESOME. High fives all around for you! How long did that take and how did you do it? I am in awe of your accomplishment! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Getninshape: the site adds the calories back, but some people eat them and some don’t. If you have been eating them, you might try a month without and see what happens. I already allot 1900 cals a day so I don’t want to add more than that. Jen had some good advice too. Don’t be discouraged. Slow but sure wins the race. You will have an easier time keeping the weight off that someone who loses a ton quickly.

    Flo: congrats on the weight loss! :flowerforyou:

    Carolyn: I have stopped eating at the potlucks. I found the same as you, even if there are healthy choices, I really couldn’t figure out how to log what I ate. So now I just don’t join in.

    Lin: I love those old B movies! Last summer turner classic movies had “Drive in movie night” on Thursdays and each week it was some crazy old B horror movie like “The 50 foot woman” or some movie about a nuclear accident that led to giant crabs or lobsters that ate people. We have family night once a week and all summer we watched those movies. For my kids who are adopted from Russia, it was a real eye opener to them. Now they understand some cultural references they didn’t get before. Thanks for the input.

    Holy cow we are a chatty group! It is amazing to look at all we have done. Maybe at the end of the month we could tally up how much weight we have lost as a group! Wouldn’t that be cool? Well I need to actually accomplish something here at work LOL. Today is “free day” and we are going out to eat tonight if DH still feels up to it when I get home. Take care everyone! Meg
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Happy Friday to you all! Raining here this morning. Hope it gets it out of its system, we have an outdoor wedding for a good friend tomorrow. I have a new dress, long black sleeveless with a high waist. Sexy! I was hoping to be down a few more pounds so that I wouldn't have to wear a belly sucker inner thingy. We'll see when I put it on tomorrow...

    My new food plan with the carb cycling has been challenging. I'm actually up on the scale today, which they said could happen. Kinda of disappointing. I didn't really go shopping after I got the book, so I wasn't totally prepared food wise. Going to the grocery tonight and will have a good list in hand.

    On the subject of disappointing - my FitBit doesn't walk enough! Somehow I thought it was going to get my legs moving all on its own. I ended up jogging in place last night (HATE) to get to 6506 steps. Need to get to Zumba 2-3 times a week. My favorite instructor will be back on a twice a week schedule after Labor Day. Can't wait.

    Unexpected company for dinner last night, but I was making Butternut Squash Enchiladas so there was plenty. Nice to visit with her, but she's from my last job and it brings back bitter feelings. My position from my dream job was eliminated on the day they sold the company in November. It was a small family company, morally corrupt, but I loved what I was doing. The good news is that I didn't eat my way out of the resulting funk! I fluctuated a pound or two, but I am actually at a lower weight now than when I left. VICTORY!

    So good to read about all your victories in this thread. Be they large or small, each one is significant in some way. Relish in the fact that we are making changes and moving forward with our lives. Doesn't seem like that sometimes I know, but a little re-grouping and reflection is all it takes to get us going again.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: TGI Friday,

    Hoping everyone had a good Thursday and that you were successful in your daily goals. We had a great bike ride last night and then decided to drive around the Resevoir and there were deer everywhere. Mommas with their babies and some beautiful bucks with racks that really impressed us. When I get home late from work and then do a bike ride it seems that no sooner do we finish dinner and it's time for me to head to bed, so I'm soooo looking forward to the weekend...once I finish this stuff sitting on my desk:grumble: it's that time of the work month where I have to prepare all the reports for the boss to send to the lawyers for the Chapter 11...just more work that I really dislike doing:mad: of course he thinks there's nothing to it...but what does he know.

    I got an email from my realtor in Oregon and she said the escrow company would be contacting me for when I need to come in and sign the papers for the sale of Mom & Dad's place:bigsmile: Oh happy day:bigsmile: Once we have that done we will decided what our next phase in life will be and it's sure to be a big decision no matter what it is...unless hubby gets a job then we can postpone those major decisions for a little while but I'm not holding my breath:ohwell:

    Deb A- Congrats on your loss:drinker:

    Debbie- safe travels as you take your Grandson to College, I'm sure he's pretty excited:happy:

    Kate- good for you being able to "run" to the bus...even though you weren't scheduled for work:laugh: Sometimes we get so busy that we just don't know if we are coming or going.

    Meg- glad your hubbys foot is on the mend. I live in the Denver Metro area, in unincorporated Arapahoe County. Yep that Salmon worked again. I am a scale lurker:blushing: and when I got on this am it was #1 down, but I won't log it until my "official" weigh in day next Wednesday so I will have to see if it sticks...my weekends have a way of attacking me in a wrong way of course:wink: My husband is always saying and telling me things that make me laugh...he always says "at least I can still make you laugh" and he does at least once a day if not more:happy: When my boys left home for the military in 2002 it took me about 6 months to adjust my buying and cooking...hubby had to keep telling me he can't eat that much food:blushing: Congrats on that loss:drinker:

    Tirgress- just talking with the checker at the store and you can come away feeling like you have been talking to a friend:wink:

    Michele- I love reading about your "pool adventures" it's quite the process, hoping that there is a lot of progress over the next few days:drinker: Your lemon bread sounds interesting, I will watch to see what suggestions come in for you, if it works share the receipe I love anything lemon.:happy:

    Lila- I just had to smile :happy: when I read your "you've fallen and can't get up" picture....just change the face...so many times I wonder if that's gonna be me in my future:huh: I know that when I'm biking and I come close to crashing and falling that goes through my mind. You know you can correct your ticker to show how much you have lost or just keep going either way...great job on the #18 loss:drinker:

    Micki- do you have it marked for viewing by "friends only" Check your settings to see, when you set yourself up there are things there that you choose what you want to show and to who. Getting in your walking before work is ambious...I just can't get up that early:blushing:

    Jan- hoping your ankle is better by the time you read this:flowerforyou: I have found that since I've hit the 50's I just don't heal like I used to or as quickly:grumble: small scraches leave mini scars for months before fading...not liking that.

    Sherry- ahhhh love those grandchildren:flowerforyou:

    Jen- let us know how that tennis doubles goes with your brothers...I'm sure they will be more into the "beating each other" then just to have fun like you and your sister:wink:

    Dar1356-you will be in a new routine in no time. Yes it's part of the growing up process that we all go through when our "chicks" leave the nest, but I'm sure you will find yourself plenty busy with the foreign exchange students arriving.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie- are those fires in Washington affecting you? Glad you are always here to give us the encouragement and guidance we need.:flowerforyou:

    Mimi- enjoy your time away and let us know how that craft fair was:happy:

    Amanda- what an interesting B'day present for hubby....and who get to dig the hole and plant it:huh:

    Flo- congrats on the loss:flowerforyou:

    Carolyn- when I was in my early 30's I used to do jazzercise and I know that it works because after having Son #3 that's how I got back into shape:drinker:

    Wessecg- congrats on that loss:drinker:

    Gini-:laugh: fitbit getting your legs to move on it's own:laugh: :laugh: if you could find a way to market it you'd make a fortune. I find that since I have a sit at the desk kind of job that getting in 10,000 steps during the work week is really hard...but love those weekends:flowerforyou:

    I put it in my note to Meg...but just to let you all know yes my scale did move this morning after having my Salmon last night:love: , but since it's not my weigh in day I won't be logging it unless I'm able to hold it until next Wednesday. It's a good thing I love Salmon:wink:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newbies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: this is the BEST place for all the encouragment you will need.

    Everyone have a good day...if you eat it log it...if you move log it and don't forget to wash it all down with plenty of water:drinker:

  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    sorry everyone, it is a bad day for me. My scale went up 1, I am disappointed, discourage, angry etc, etc, etc.
    I just want to eat a donut.:explode: :mad: :sad: :grumble:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Laura - I'm defrosting some salmon right now!!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good afternoon ladies, just a quick message. Today is Frtiday and weigh in day....WOOOOHOOOO :happy: another 2 lbs. lost 22lbs in 11 weeks. I am doing the Happy Dance.....Have a great afternoon. :heart: Love ((((HUGS)))) and Prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Well, I may have over done it on the walk today. I have one hill I walk up, it is a tough one. I walked up and down it 4 times today, when I got home I had an upset tummy, but I kept drinking water. I had a totally wet shirt, yucky. I really pushed myself today. Made a taco salad for lunch, no shell and no beans, it was yummy and really hit the spot.
    Why is it when I find a great pair of shoes they stop making them. I bought a pair of New Balance 573's and I love them. Of course that was a couple of months ago. I went in to get a new pair and "those have been discontinue". TV works the same way for me, if I really enjoy the show---CANCELLED. Sorry ranting.
    Sugar readings are way down, so I had to adjust my meds. I have my appointment in OCT and I would like to be down 15 lbs with a lower A1C. Then down another 15-20 lbs in 6months when the next appointment is scheduled. With everybodies help and inspiration I know I can do it.

    Rose- Way to go on today's loss. I got up and did the happy dance too.

    Linder- I love salmon(no skin) too. So do the cats.

    Esther- Put the donut down, it's not that bad, it will come off, but not if you eat donuts. :noway: It could be any number of things, just keep going and it will work.

    Laura- I had a boss that thought I just sat around all day and I could cover some of his work. (Most of his work) Needless to say I retired and now he has to do it himself.:laugh: I retired in Jan and he is still calling me about things.

    Have a great health day all.

  • Yippie :love: ....several of you have confirmed I am in the right group, and after reading so many of the posts in this group, I am very excited to find my own "peeps"....all over the world! Very excited now that I have found a "community" online to share the up-down battles with weight.

    I just started MFP this week, but have been keeping a handwritten journal for months. This week, I feel frustrated because I am really working super hard, and keeping a clean diet, but stone-walled on weight loss AGAIN. I have about 12-14 more pounds to go, and they are ALL IN MY BELLY! :huh:

    I keep losing inches all over my body, but not in my lower belly area....where my pants button, which is why I am still in a Size 12, even after losing 14 pounds....seems crazy to me. I blame it all on menopause, since I never had a weight issue in my life before....always thin until after turning 50. Just venting....don't mind me. :noway:

    I am in Florida.....hot as hades here!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Esther: drop the donut! You will feel worse later on if you give in. Keep your chin up. Sometimes the scale moves in mysterious directions. All we can do is keep plugging away. We are all here to support you. Take care, Meg
  • I been smoke free for one year auguest 8now i trying to get my weight under control. I need to loose at lease 90 pounds .Im 58 as of august 15 add me as a freind i could use a the support i can get
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Yay! I got my stitches out today and no more gauze and ace bandages!:smile: I still have the pin in for two more weeks but at least it's the halfway point. The downside is that without all the protective covering over it, I will have to be very careful not to bump my toe or drop anything on it! I am very much a klutz and this will not be easy.:frown: I even managed to give myself a concussion hitting my head on my freezer door a few months back!

    On another positive note, I got my Zookinesis DVD I ordered yesterday, which is 55 min instead of the 7-8 clips from youtube so I can't wait to try it today or tomorrow! It's the perfect DVD to get me throught the next two weeks since it's all done in a chair.

    Sorry, I haven't caught up on everyone's posts yet since I was out and about all morning, but I will soon.

    Have a great weekend all!

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    this has been a pretty good day so far. it hasn't been so hot. I've been out mowing the grass. It is taking me forever with the electric push-mower DH thought was a good idea to buy. I know it is good that you don't have to use gas but oh worrying about keeping the electric cord out of the way is so frustrating mainly because you can't go as fast as with a gas mower that pulls for you. The only good thing is how many exercise calories you get for mowing the yard! 2hrs = 777. I know I won't eat that many back today and I hope the Gatorade I drank isn't too high in calories or sodium. But boy was I sweating. I'm getting ready to switch to water instead. The mower threw up a little rock that hit my ankle and boy was I cussing over that. I'm glad no one could hear me! I still have the side yard to do but I'm going to wait until it gets shaded later in the afternoon.

    Well just wanted to check in. I've read all the posts and am glad the weekend is here. I would comment but I am just too pooped.

    Maybe I'll check back later.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hello beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I don't have much time to chat, my 11 year old granddaughter is coming to spend the night tonight, she is the sweetest child:love::love: :love: , I aked her last night what she wanted for dinner, she said "whatever you want to make, you're a good cook", my daughter and I just cracked up laughing, I am so not a good cook:noway: , don't like to cook, don't like doing anything in the kitchen at all. I went to The Fresh Market and bought a chicken already cooked, mac and cheese already prepared(for her, not me), I will steam some broccoli and make a salad, that I can do. It's raining here now:angry: , I was going to teach her how to drive the golf cart this evening, according to the weather report it looks like its going to rain the rest of the evening:angry::cry: :angry: . Maybe tomorrow the sun will shine.:glasses:
    Laura, I had salmon last night and sure as ever this morning I was down a pound!!!!! Hmmmm....that's my favorite fish, maybe I should have it more often.

    Ladies, I hope you have a fabulous evening!!!! Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , and log your food!!!

  • purplefluffie
    purplefluffie Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, My name is Janice, I'm 55, and this is my first post. I just joined MyFitnessPal today and started logging in my food. I have quite a bit to lose, and am kind of worried if I can do it. I came to the forums hoping for support. Anyone want to be my buddy? :) Have a great day today everyone! :flowerforyou: