

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I spent this morning at the hairdressers, as they were doing another "practice run" on my daughter's hairstyle for her wedding. We tried a half up-half down variation today, which I liked much better than the more formal updo that they did last week. We're going to have another practice session next week, when they are going to practice on me as well! Hmmmm.

    I try hard to only look at my scale once a week, as it makes me crazy. When I've lost, I feel like I have some leeway to cheat a little. When I've gained, I get discouraged and feel like cheating since it doesn't matter anyway. Either way, looking at the scale isn't conducive to my success. Am I just strange that way?

    I wanted so badly to have chips and guacamole last night, but I'd already eaten my calories for the day. I managed to not have it, but I wasn't a happy camper. I was sitting thinking what an awful thing dieting is, but then I decided that I should think of it as a lifestyle instead of a diet. I know that I can have some of these things and still lose weight, if I just plan them into my daily program.

    I enjoy reading all of the posts. You're an amazing group of women, and I admire you!

    @kathyzoo: So glad the stitches are out and you're progressing on schedule -- that's great!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I ate my serving of salmon. :wink:

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    I had boiled and broiled chicken wings tonight with spicy black beans, french style green beans and a salad. I love my chicken wings, Fridays is chicken wing night, they used to be cheap but now every place serves chicken wings.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Glad to be home tonight. The boss was so cranky today - an unusual thing, but golly I was glad to leave the office! (Each day I get his lunch for him and he wanted Arby's roast beef today. Their 'good mood' food slogan definitely did NOT deliver!) When I left work I went to the Y and walked 1.5 mi on the treadmill. Maybe kickboxing would have been more therapeutic.

    DH and I got to have lunch together today (after delivering the Arby's) at a place that has fried green beans. We shared some - so good, but now I must do penance.

    Tomorrow I'm going to Folk Fest (in the Atlanta area) with one of my best friends - I'm looking forward to it. All sorts of folk art, so it should be fun. Just happened to have seen a promo on a local morning TV program before I went to work.

    Janice - welcome. This is a fun group to follow.

    Cindy - Gatorade has G2, sugar free, which my husband will have as he is diabetic.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    BoomerAngel- I have the same problem. I have only a few stubborn pounds left to lose to get to my goal, but are they ever hanging on !! I finally went down some after 2 weeks of watching the carbs closely. (Doctor's suggestion.) Don't know if that would help you or not, but it was an easy change to try. Good luck!
    Deb A
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    @Kathyzoo. Yay on the stitches being removed.
    @Dee have fun with your granddaughter. WTG on that pound. I am adding salmon to my grocery list. ;-)
    @Dar1356 its understanding taking time with our families are important. How cool about you hosting the 2 students from. China.
    @tiarapants have fun with those grand twins. That is a wonderful achievement reaching under 200lbs and should be celebrated. I can't wait for that milestone.
    @Barbie. It is wonderful that you have found a plan that works for you at whatever age. I know I am happy to be doing something its working looking so far my plan is mfp.
    @Laura sorry about your breathing issues in Colorado.

    Here in Idaho it is still warm 92 but that's better than our 100 degree days. The fires are really burning. Praying for rain. They are
    Expect to reach the areas. Of pine and featherville. People are being evactuate. Praying for there and the firecrews safety. The air quality here in the treasure valley area is better than it has been. All blessing.

    My this has become way too long. All have a good night.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Lizmil - is that picture your newly adopted dog? CUTE!!

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I'm sitting here eating my grilled chicken with peanut sauce and butternut squash while catching up with you all.

    Tigress - I was reading along and said “yes” out loud when I read what you wrote about liking a product and having it immediately discontinued. :grumble:

    I had the same experience with New Balance shoes except this time I got on-line and found 3 pair in my size and snatched them up. Maybe you can find yours in-line too. Google is your friend! Amazon prime rocks too. :bigsmile:

    Kathy – Glad your stitches are out. I feel your pain about being a klutz. I've rammed into my share of furniture corners as well.

    We have the DGGS for the weekend and just got him in the bed a bit ago. He is 17 months now and getting into everything!

    I'm getting a great pile of stuff located for the trek out west. I'm really looking forward to it except for the first bit I already mentioned – driving the truck and trailer by myself to meet DH in Indiana. I'll just have to put on my big girl panties and deal. I got comfortable with his truck when we were in Alaska and he left me to fend for myself for 10 days while he was off hunting. Hopefully by the time I get to Indiana I will be more comfortable with the trailer as well.

    One benefit of digging around for camping stuff, I got together a big pile of stuff to take to the Salvation Army and took a load of stuff to a local school. I had mostly gotten rid of things when we sold our business but I had around 60 big binders and 5,000 labels that I didn't have the heart to toss. The school was glad to get them.

    Has anyone heard from msh0530 (Mary) lately? She was supposed to be back from their Alaska trip the first week in August.

    Do any of you live in Idaho around Idaho Falls or near Yellowstone? I know there are bad fires out west but don't know if they are close to where we will be.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Lila - you don't need to tell me about long distance phone. How I wish that Bryan was at least on the same continent as me! Congrats on the fantastic weight loss!

    Micki - to make your diary public, go to your homepage, in the upper right you will find the word "settings", click on that (it's above the tabs). When you get to the settings page, click on "diary settings". You will need to scroll down, but you will see where you can change from private to public.

    GiseleEve - you've posted and are now part of this group!!! Welcome :)

    Well, we started putting water in the pool, then it rained so even Mother Nature was cooperating! They let Jessica drive the Bobcat around the backyard. Look out North Carolina and Virginia....lol They also started backfilling the pool. Tomorrow they'll come here to make sure it's still level and then backfill more and add more water. They brought the slide out by the pool just to see where the pipe for the water should be, but, of course, it can't be installed. Honestly, I was surprised they put it together by the garage and not at the pool site, but they certainly know what they're doing.

    Did 45 minutes of a deep water aerobics class today. The gal who was supposed to teach it never showed up, so another gal filled in. Boy! Did they ever hear about it. I'm sure I told you all about how they fired the gal who used to teach the deep water class, which, to me, was a stupid move. She'd been with the Y for something like 27 years. She knew the members, they knew her. As a matter of fact, someone in the next class ordered a bathing suit and it didn't fit. Sheryl (the gal who was at the Y) asked me my size, let me try it on and sold it to me. I wasn't even in the class but because she taught the classes she knew that I might fit into it. She also many times would be an extra set of eyes in other classes telling people the correct way to do things. How I miss her! Tomorrow is the farmer's market and then yoga then I need to stop at a food store to get ice for the guys and butter (it's $1.99)

    Love reading about everyone's NSV. They mean so much

    Esther - don't eat that donut!!!! Find something else, like maybe a bit of fruit or air popped popcorn. But NOT a donut!

    Rose - congrats on the loss! That's awesome

    tigress - I hear ya about good shoes being discontinued. I had this really really comfortable pair of sandals from Keds. Only they've been discontinued. I have a really nice pair of shoes that I wear when I go to the water aerobics. They're light yet waterproof. And they've been discontinued.

    Meg - I wonder if Amazon sells recumbant bikes. If you make a purchase over $25 the shipping is free

    BoomerAngel - you certainly are in the right place! What part of FL are you in?

    mimi - have a great trip! We'll be thinking of you

    Lin - I finished the bookmark last night. I'm thinking about starting a crochet blanket for another gal for Christmas (it'll be that long before I finish it). I never thought about a mini-loaf pan! Thanks for the idea. I really like Fugi apples. Can't wait for apple season to be here!

    Meg - I used to buy that cheaper parmesan cheese, but now that it's just the two of us, I splurge and get the better cheese. Today Jessica made herself some spaghetti and commented that she prefers the cheaper cheese. I guess it's because that's what she's gotten used to -- especially now that she's on her own and paying for her own food...lol

    Today was a pretty easy day. Went to the Humane Society to drop off our aluminum and give them the coupons, then to the water aerobics class, then a little food shopping, then home. Tonight I made cookies that I'll freeze for when we play Bunco here Tuesday. Oh, after the workers left I went to Aldi to get more water for them. We only have about 8 more bottles and 12 in the cooler for tomorrow.

    Kathy - awesome that you got your stitches out. You're getting there, that's for sure!

    Janice - you CAN lose the weight. Welcome! Come in here every day, and log your food, every little bit, that's so important. If you go over one day, don't beat yourself up, just don't let it be a constant thing.

    Decided on things that I'll make for the workers. Then went to Aldi's to buy some of the things. Now home, will take a shower and then maybe look for the crochet pattern. Have a great evening everyone

  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Evening ladies!!

    Are you ready for the crazy thing of the day for me?? I missed the first day back to school for teachers today. I thought we started Monday. THIS year they made it a Friday start. Thankfully I have a great Principal was was surprised I wasn't there. and is very forgiving of me. How I missed it I'll never figure out. What a way to start the school year. LOL

    On the up side I did get in an hour of mowing grass and I'll finish it tomorrow. I haven't been able to mow grass by myself in years between health and weight. At least i can do it 30 minutes at a time and do it more than once now! WOOHOO!

    Heading off to bed and some sleep dreams.

    Jan - 18 days smoke free!!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Lin yes that our adopted dog she is 2 1/2 yes old. My daughter pick her name Bella Jo she seems to be accepting it. We are all enjoying her. Need a little training but so do I. :laugh:
    I am with you I hope I can find that special food.

  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Good evening lovely ladies--

    Barbie, Lin and everyone else, thanks for the info on my food dairy. I think everything is working fine now.

    My foot was a better this morning so I got my walk in before work. :smile:

    Got to get to bed soon. Tomorrow we go see our son, d-i-l and the best part our grandsons, ages 8 and 10. We get up early for the 3 hr. drive, spend 5-7 hrs. with them and make the 3 hr. drive home so probably won't get much if any exercise in. :grumble:
    We try to see them every 4-6 weeks but sometimes our schedules make it hard. :brokenheart:

    Our Sunday is pretty busy, as usual.

    Hope you all have a great Saturday!!!

    Always :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: it feels like every time I sit down at the computer the phone rings or the dogs want to go out

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: do not be discouraged by the scale.....i have weighed myself morning andt night every day for several years and what I've seen is that my weight varies by as much as three pounds usually based on high sodium. If getting on the scale causes you to be too elated or too discouraged, don't weigh yourself so often

    :smile: I haven't noticed anything from the fires but I tend to be oblivious:laugh: :laugh:

    :glasses: maybe after the line dance performance I'll have more time for posting

    :yawn: :yawn: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good evening to all you great ladies...

    Michele - I hear you - my daughter is heading off to U of Leiden in Netherlands in less than a month. She spent most of the summer on a fellowship in Nuremberg Germany so I guess this stint coming up will just be an elongated version. Thank Apple and Google for Facetime and video chat - I need to see her even if I can't hug.

    Thanks to all who posted advice about adjusting the weight ticker. I just feel so much better seeing all my hard work visually and I need all the motivation I can get.

    Dee - did the salmon, just made my usual .2 or .4 pound loss but in the interest of science, I had salmon again tonight (hey - you never know, maybe it takes 2 days - lol).

    We're expecting a very hot few days coming up here in beautiful BC (Kootenays). It's supposed to be 35 to 37 Celsius - for those of you south of the 49th parallel, that's 95 to 99 F which is pretty hot for us up here. Liz in Idaho, I hear you about the fires, I worry that a lightning strike will start one here and we're in the mountains surrounded by forests like you.

    I think I'll spend part of tomorrow in the hammock reading and sipping on cucumber and mint infused ice water (after some exercising that is).

    Have a good evening and I look forward to all your posts tomorrow.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies, :tongue: :tongue:

    Just a quick note, today the 17th was my 55th birthday! My SIL advised me that I can now get senior discounts! Lol- thanks SIL for that info! :laugh: :laugh:
    I feel very blessed as all of my preventative tests - mammo , pap, bone density and pelvic ultra sound came back normal!! :drinker: :drinker:

    So my day was busy with getting the car washed, grocery store and then home, and back out again to get school supplies for the girls. Then home to work for 4 hours!:f rown: :frown:
    My daughter made me Buddy Velastro's red velvet cake for my b day. When she cooks she doesn't always read the recipe thoroughly. When she was done , I said it looks a little flat, and later she said oh yea, I forgot the vinegar and baking powder or soda thing! Lol It tasted just fine, was a little dense. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I have been married 18 year and my DH did not remember my b- day at all. When the girls reminded him , he said I didnt forget, aren't we going to dinner or something? I told him, umh I have to work tonight. Who ever knew marriage would be so frustrating. For those of you have wonderful husbands- you are lucky!:sad: :sad: I think my husband is going through mid-life crisis or a moderate depression at 52. He can retire in 4 years. So, he should be happy! :huh: :huh:

    Any way, had 1 slice of red velvet cake and 1/2 cup of ice cream and it was yummy. Felt good to not be eating like crazy or sweets, just because it was my birthday. I gave myself a great present today- to have another day of feeding my body nutritiously and with self love! :heart: :heart:
    Thanks to all of you that are on this bog and make each day better and help to make me successful! :drinker: :drinker:

    Blessings, Linda Sundance:heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Happy birthday Linda!

    I'm going to get back on later to write more, but just wanted to let you know that I did what Barbie suggested and went back into my ticker setting and put my actual start weight in - so it shows more realistically how much I've lost. It took me about two years and I have been roughly maintaining for the last year. There are few things in my life that I am particularly proud of, but this is one of them.

    Back when I've done a bit of work (I'm at the gallery today).

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • getninshape56
    getninshape56 Posts: 42 Member
    Happy to see the scale moving in the right direction this morning! 1.2 pounds gone :) Oh how I love seeing a new number and I always have to get on and off the scale a few times before believing it!

    Going to be a beautiful weekend, so I have many things planned outdoors that should keep me moving. My first love is walking...so my favorite pup and I do alot of it. Keeps us both healthy :)

    I struggle with the thought of joining our local gym. Not sure what the block has been, but it seems so outside my comfort zone. Years ago I lost almost 50 pounds doing Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds videos ( HIGHLY recommend by the way ) but think I need the variety a gym offers. Not exactly sure why I keep procrastinating.

    Love reading the posts here. Help encourage and propel me to move forward. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Amanda:smile: wow, I'm so impressed with your weight loss. Have you found it to be easy to maintain this past year?

    LindaSundanceB:flowerforyou: Happy birthday to you!!!!! That sounds like a cake I would make,oops forgot a few things, hope it's okay:laugh: . I think it's very sweet of your daughter to make you a cake. Red velvet is my favorite cake, my mom used to make me one for my birthday every year, I miss it:sad: .

    Lila:smile: hammock and reading, sounds like my kind of afternoon!!! I've not had one of those afternoons in a looooong time.

    Barbie :smile: I weigh myself everyday, I think it's so interesting to see how my body reacts to different foods. I can always count on a gain if I've had too much sodium. I don't let the numbers bother me, I go more by how my clothes are feeling. I had been playing with 2 pounds over the past two weeks, they just didn't want to budge, I just say my body was adjusting to this new weight and eventually if I just stay on track the calories will have to come off, am happy to say this morning those two pounds are gone and they took a friend with them!!!!! Hope you have fun with your line dancing!!!!!

    Micki:smile: so glad your foot is feeling better. My knee has been acting up, but I've been pushing through the pain. I usually get my walk in early in the mornings, however today it will have to be later!

    Would love to respond to more, however, is almost 6am and I need to find something to make for my granddaughters breakfast, she's still asleep, although she is an early riser like me, so I'm sure she will be up soon. We had a great time last night, the rain cleared up and we got to take the golf cart out, she had a blast driving it, and I had a blast being the passenger. We played outside almost until dark, I was very thankful dinner was already made and only needed to be heated up!!! She wants to go to Starbucks today and then come home and drive again, I will take videos today!!!!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous Saturday!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , log your food!!!!

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good Morning Everyone, First Happy Birthday Linda! Don't let DH make you crazy, mine like to go camping with his buddy's on our anniversary. I don't care, I let him go, and tell him he was there on the day it was important. :laugh: He remembers cards and things like that, where I don't
    Having my morning Tea, I used to drink coffee, just don't feel like it right now. Today is a recovery day, going to hang out with my friend at the mall, she is feeling very low. She's a teacher and has an awful class this year. Just listening to her I was shocked at the level of the kids in her class. She used to teach gifted, and this must be a real let down. I'll still get some steps in just not the speed I do when exercising.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Good morning ladies! Quick note today...haves much to do...thought we would be home this weekend but dh is delivering a dishwasher to someone up at the lake...you'd think he would come home early today..but I am sure it will be the normal time...oh well one can always hope!:grumble:

    Will be getting my exercise in the garden today...I love to work in the flowers in the spring but come July and August I ignore it and boy oh boy can you tell! At last Saturday's lunch with mom I told her not even to look...she said I already did...I felt like the 8 year old that didn't clean her room!!:laugh:

    I am sosorry to hear about the fires out west...living in NYS it is not something we usually experience...at least where I am....I am reading a book (fluff...fiction) where everything centers around fire jumpers...I know it is fiction but pretty amazing and dedicated people are out there battling those conditions...I applaud them!:flowerforyou:

    I may also change my ticker to account for the pre-mfp weight loss...not as much as many but a lot to me...I still seem to remainpretty steady and should be losing more but I am obviously not ready to commit to more new changes so am happy with status quo for now but staying active...some of that is new (tennis) but my consistency and frequency is more than it was...I too work in an office aka drive a desk.so being relatively inactive 40 hours a week is hard to overcome. To all the teachers out there...sorry for the run on(and on) sentence!:wink:

    Enough rambling..have a great Saturday...good luck and enjoy the line dance performance, Barbie! :flowerforyou:

    Ps...no word from ds lately ...so going with no news is good news! :ohwell: