Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--Beginners



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Did L1D10 today. I'm going to do L1 for another 10 days before moving on.
  • I did a Google search on this video and came up with this thread. I decided to go ahead, sign up, and get on board this discussion, as I started this a week ago.. so tonight I finished up day 7 on Level 1. I've been aiming for daily, and only missed 2 days total...
    I've intro'd myself on the intro message board and thought I'd stop over here too..
    I've found that I can now do the lunges/anterior raises, which I couldn't complete until today. I can also do that stupid move that has you raising your weights then squatting. While I'm proud, I'm also sore as all get out :happy: . I still can't jump rope all the way through but I am managing to do the very last set in circuit 3.
    I'm thinking one more day on L1 then maybe trying L2? Not sure...
    So it seems a lot of you do cardio mixed with this..I haven't done that yet. Would most of you recommend that???
    I'm doing South Beach, Phase 1 (cheated twice but nothing too major--just some plain popcorn and leftover Christmas candy that I ate before I remembered I was dieting lol), and should be going into Phase 2 Wednesday. I do have hypothyroidism, so I'm hoping this Shred will help. It appears that I've lost a few pounds, maybe 6, since beginning South Beach and since doing the Shred, my arms and legs seem much tighter. I haven't measured a thing though..
    Anyway, happy to find a thread about this video. I have a lot of reading to do back through the whole thing..thanks for being here:smile:
  • I adore this DVD. It's amazing how sore you are the next day! My heart rate is high throughout the whole workout thanks to the killer combo strength moves. I will try my best to do it 30 days in a row, but my aching muscles might protest!
  • Yeah, it helps that they are there to massage, ice, and stretch them. I would imagine that having a camera in your face is decent motivation as well.
  • sheri3762
    sheri3762 Posts: 159
    Hi guys! is it ok if I join? I bought the DVD this past weekend and I did it Saturday night and I'm not kidding, felt like my arms were gonna fall off!!! I was sure I would be really sore this morning, but I wasn't too bad until I tried doing my daily excercises and my arms were killing me! Jillian is really tough. I also watched it first and didn't think it would be that bad, boy was I wrong! I had to pause a couple times too. I'm planning on doing it Mon, Wed. and Fri also. I'll post my measurements tomorrow. Good luck everyone!! I'f I'm to late to join, just let me know. I'm still gonna try this out!
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    Hi guys! is it ok if I join? I bought the DVD this past weekend and I did it Saturday night and I'm not kidding, felt like my arms were gonna fall off!!! I was sure I would be really sore this morning, but I wasn't too bad until I tried doing my daily excercises and my arms were killing me! Jillian is really tough. I also watched it first and didn't think it would be that bad, boy was I wrong! I had to pause a couple times too. I'm planning on doing it Mon, Wed. and Fri also. I'll post my measurements tomorrow. Good luck everyone!! I'f I'm to late to join, just let me know. I'm still gonna try this out!

    I think I speak for everyone when I say all are welcome: this is a pretty informal group and we just support one another. Welcome!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi to all and especially our newbies!:flowerforyou:

    I'm feeling really good today and am going to workout as soon as I've had my coffee :drinker: .

    I've been doing a 20 minute hatha yoga routine after my workouts as a cooldown. I think the stretching really helps with the soreness as I only experience mild discomfort.

    I am going to try doing this every morning for a while as I start work on Feb. 1 and want to get all the exercise in that I can before my schedule changes and I have to adjust things!:laugh:

    Of course, if I get one of the permanent jobs I've applied :smile: for I'll have to change my schedule sooner but that would be okay, too.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • RhaRha
    RhaRha Posts: 16
    I bought this for myself and must say that Jillian is hardcore!! Yes, I am sore after using it, but it just shows me that I needed to workout! "when it burns, it's changing" is what she said! Good luck, I hope you are still on it...
  • So, if you're not as sore, is that an indication you should move to the next level??? I'm finding I'm not sore at all the next day following a workout with this..
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    I have just completed my second day on level 1. I was not as sore as I was expecting to be... it makes me think I didn't try hard enough? But I don't know how I could have pushed any more. I completed day 2 today and had a really hard time getting through it. I also did 30 minutes on the elliptical today about an hour before I did the shred so maybe that made it harder to get through. The one thing that I am finding is that the butt kicks and jump rope hurt my shins. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? What helps it?
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    I completed Day 2 today. I was unable to do it yesterday. I was so sore from the 1rst day. Especially in my thighs. When I woke up this morning, I was still pretty sore but I did it anyway. About 10 minutes in to it, I did not fell as sore. So I will definitely be continuing the DVD. In a way, I look forward to the soreness. It reminds me of the reason I need to be active and I feel so good after. I feel so proud that I have began to exercise. I know we can do it!!! Lets continue to shred!!:flowerforyou:
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    I have just completed my second day on level 1. I was not as sore as I was expecting to be... it makes me think I didn't try hard enough? But I don't know how I could have pushed any more. I completed day 2 today and had a really hard time getting through it. I also did 30 minutes on the elliptical today about an hour before I did the shred so maybe that made it harder to get through. The one thing that I am finding is that the butt kicks and jump rope hurt my shins. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? What helps it?

    I do have the hurting in my shins so I just run in place. It seems to help. I hope it gets better as the days go by....good luck
  • Hello All!

    Sorry I've been gone for awhile - I got laid off from my job and spent a little while feeling sorry for myself :sad: - but I decided enough was enough, and I did my Shred today! :drinker: My husband bought me a new yoga mat and 5# weights for my birthday - man are my arms sore after today's workout!

    For those that are having problems with the shin pain, and fitness buff friend of mine taught me a great trick: put a towel on the floor in front of the chair you're sitting on, then with your bare feet, use your toes to scrunch up the towel. This may hurt a little at first, but if you just do it a few minutes each day that you work out, it really helps.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hello All!

    Sorry I've been gone for awhile - I got laid off from my job and spent a little while feeling sorry for myself :sad: - but I decided enough was enough, and I did my Shred today! :drinker:

    I'm sorry you got laid off--its not easy to deal with! One thing I did, after I'd finished feeling sorry for myself, was use the time to get some extra workouts in!:laugh: Being laid off needs to be good for SOMETHING!

    For those that are having problems with the shin pain, and fitness buff friend of mine taught me a great trick: put a towel on the floor in front of the chair you're sitting on, then with your bare feet, use your toes to scrunch up the towel. This may hurt a little at first, but if you just do it a few minutes each day that you work out, it really helps.

    :happy: Thanks for the tip--I'm gonna try that!
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    I did Cardio Kick box today, which is also a Jillian workout. It was TOUGH but I love kick boxing workouts so it was fun also. I sweat WAY more than I do with the Shred and that's saying a lot!
  • Have totally lost my motivation- eating and exercise- for the last 3 days. Very disappointed in myself but am getting back on track. Will be starting level 2 tomorrow because I am getting board with level 1!
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    That Cardio Kick Boxing sounds cool! I took a kick boxing class once and it killed for a week! It was the best work out I've ever had and I would have loved to join the gym, but I couldn't afford it and they were just a boxing gym with no child care.

    Anyway - I did Level 2 today. I'm on Day 14 of the Shred - day 4 of Level 2. My left knee KILLS after the work out. :ohwell: During it's okay, but I think all those lunge/lunge poses really are hard on my knees! I tend to follow Anita on the lunges just to be safe.

    I picked the weights up to 5# today -- I got through all except the military presses with leg kicks and squats w/v-raises. I can't do those with my 3# weights! I'm thinking of bringing my #1's into the room just for those!

    Tomorrow is day 15 and I'll be half way through this round of Shredding! :happy:

    Weight isn't going anywhere still - but still eating healthy, still staying away from processed/artificial foods and eating "Clean" and I'm sore so I know I'm doing my body good at the very latest!

    All I have to say - trying to lose weight in your 40's sucks! :frown:
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for the towel tip! I will give that a try tomorrow! :)
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    I completed Day 3 of the shed on level 1. I am still sore but not as sore as yesterday. Looking forward to tomorrow. :)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: I did L1D2 for the second time today.

    I have to admit to my limitations, I guess:grumble: . I cannot do the jumping jacks or jumprope without hurting my bad knee so I am having to modify them. Hopefully this will change when I've lost more weight but for now I will jog in place for the jumprope and just move one leg at a time for the jumping jacks. I do not want to injure my leg and doing jumping moves are just too much--I need to keep one foot on the ground!

    So, I'm continuing on but with the modified moves.

    I will say this--the arm movements have really helped my shoulders!:happy: I no longer have trouble sleeping on my side because of the pain in my shoulders!
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