what did you eat for breakfast?



  • sodaisy
    sodaisy Posts: 69 Member
    I had a glass of orange juice (2 oranges freshly squeezed), 2 crumpets toasted, topped with greek yogurt, honey and strawberries.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 472 Member
    Protein Shake:
    1 Scoop Optimum Nutrition 100% Natural Whey Chocolate
    1 Scoop Optimum Nutrition 100% Casein Cookies and Cream
    1/4 cup frozen strawberries
    1/4 cup frozen mango
    6 oz Chobani Vanilla Greek Yogurt with:
    4 tbs of PB2 Powered Peanut Butter
    1/2 cup of Quaker Natural Granola
    1 Banana

    810 calories, 104g carbs, 10g fat, 80g protein.

    Shooting for 3,800 calories today.
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    1 hardboiled egg
    2 cups of coffee
    0.5 cup oats with almond milk, cinnamon and truvia
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    This might be weird...but every other friday I let myself have a donut if I really want one (my favorite thing ever). Today was the day so I got an old fashioned. It was awesome. Just gotta do some extra exercise after work!!
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Oatmeal with a couple sweeteners and a cup and a half of frozen raspberries mixed in, followed by a giant cup of delicious percolator coffee and french vanilla creamer.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Two scrambled eggs, 5 grapes, and smart and delicious low carb high fiber whole wheat tortilla, and a cup of black esspresso
  • 1 egg white and 1 whole egg scrambled, a pinch of deli turkey, and a half cup of milk- under 200 cal!
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    Cup of coffee - don't always feel hungry in the mornings, so I don't always eat :smile:

    But some mornings I iwll have a banana, or an Alpen "breakfast" bar or a bowl of cereal - depends on how I feel
  • Fictionista
    Fictionista Posts: 23 Member
    A low-fat apple cinnamon muffin and this awesome fruit I just discovered called a pluot. Hybrid of plums and apricots - so good!

    And coffee of course. Dark roast with just a tablespoon of half and half. No sugar.
  • hunkycanuck
    hunkycanuck Posts: 60 Member
    wildroots organic berry bliss cereal, 1/2 blueberries and 1 cup of 1% milk. I also drink green tea with mint that I brew every morning. 272 calories, 55 carbs, 5 fat, 13 protein
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Peanut butter and jam on multigrain toast. Less than 250cals and delicious!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    My day started with coffee and heavy whipping cream, as usual.

    I went off around lunchtime and did the grocery shopping, when I got back I made a huge pile of spicy bacon and spinach cooked in 100% animal fat to mix in with some leafy greens.

    I am rarely hungry in the morning so this suits me fine.
  • Aunt Jemima Oatmeal Pancakes with sugar free Syrup.
    Coke Zero

    Calories: 238
  • Golden Crisp with 1% milk and a cup of black coffee :tongue:

    Edit: Calories: 154
  • ashleen7
    ashleen7 Posts: 258 Member
    Was hiking this morning so had Greek yogurt with rhubarb, oats with banana and peanut butter, all came in around 570. I love breakfast, sets me up for the day if I have at least 450 cals.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    An O Yeah Cookies and Cream protein shake, 220 calories. I usually make a healthy protein smoothy (almond milk, frozen berries and protein powder) but was running late and that's my grab and go alternative.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I break up my breakfast into 2 parts :love:

    Part one at home before work:
    - Protein Shake made with protien powder, almond milk, 1/2 frozen banana, water, ice and 2 splenda
    - coffee with soy milk

    Part two at work:
    - fage 0%
    - low fat granola
    - honey
    - small apple

    Total for both 538 (my daily calorie goal is 1962)
    74 Carbs 7 fat 54 protein and 77% of my daily calcium req.
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    A Luna bar (Nutz Over Chocolate). scrambled egg whites, and skillet potatoes (approx. 500 cals).
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    1/2 cup oat bran cooked in about 2 seconds!! My favorite breakfast and easy when I am running late!!

    Edit: Calories- 150
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    Yesterday (I'm in New Zealand and it's 2am right now) I had baked potato wedges, small bit of grated cheese and salsa, not the ideal breakfast but I needed to do groceries & I stayed under my calories for the day, :tongue: .
    Normally I have greek yoghurt with a tablespoon of protein shake mixed into it, or porridge (oatmeal).