Lance Armstrong admits to cheating.



  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Thu 08/23/12 07:49 PM

    so if he's innocent hes going to let them strip him of everything he's won? nobody would do that. nobody would give you their legacy.
    this is probably what is happening. he knows the US anti doping agency has all the evidence it needs and that he will lose. so now he will just try to walk away to leave doubt in some people's minds.
    This is very plausible.
    To be very open, it is the first impression I get.
    I wish I felt and thought differently than that.
    But there is the benefit of the doubt, and that is all I can give him.
    Too bad!
    I hope he is exonerated if he is innocent!
  • Brandiberry77
    Brandiberry77 Posts: 49 Member
    I think his response is perfect. He is a free man and has the right to defend or not defend himself. Let them tag you as a drug user..who cares. He knows what he has done and his family. He has nothing to prove and he is not under any comand to "inspire" others through bicycling. Lets face it, records get broke all the time and eventually your body runs out. Athletes face this all the time. What matters is what you do now and to me it sounds like he has moved on to more noble work that helps others than a silly bike that got him titles and a medal. True acts that inspire others to better than themselves.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    I think his response is perfect. He is a free man and has the right to defend or not defend himself. Let them tag you as a drug user..who cares. He knows what he has done and his family. He has nothing to prove and he is not under any comand to "inspire" others through bicycling. Lets face it, records get broke all the time and eventually your body runs out. Athletes face this all the time. What matters is what you do now and to me it sounds like he has moved on to more noble work that helps others than a silly bike that got him titles and a medal. True acts that inspire others to better than themselves.

    Yes, it is a perfect response. He keeps most of his money, stays out of jail, and keeps a few shreds of dignity and the sympathy of some.
    Great tactical moves but I would't expect less than that from him. Like you say, he knows what he has done.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I never liked the guy and always had my suspicions.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I think his response is perfect. He is a free man and has the right to defend or not defend himself. Let them tag you as a drug user..who cares. He knows what he has done and his family. He has nothing to prove and he is not under any comand to "inspire" others through bicycling. Lets face it, records get broke all the time and eventually your body runs out. Athletes face this all the time. What matters is what you do now and to me it sounds like he has moved on to more noble work that helps others than a silly bike that got him titles and a medal. True acts that inspire others to better than themselves.
    He's free, but pursued.
    Sticks and stone may break my bones but names will never hurt me? No, not if the label sticks.
    The sport was NOT only about him and his personal satisfaction ( or even HE wouldn't find it interesting lol!)
    His cycling pursuit didn't matter anyway?? and it was a pointless pursuit??
    The sport was about MUCH MORE than a "silly bike that got him titles and a medal." That is an absurd thing to say.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    I also have to say I support Lance in his decision to focus on his organization rather than the "witch hunt". His organization has helped me and countless others, and for that I am grateful.

    I read a few years back how Greg LeMond was a big pusher in this alleged witch hunt. That, too disappoints me. Armstrong may be a cocky SOB ( I would be too if I could race like that), but I have looked at the big picture. USADA is obviously flawed in their drug testing if so many athletes can pass these drug tests. If they are so gung ho at outing people after the fact, why not "man up" and take care of it BEFORE the fact.

    just my 2 cents.

    ^^ agreed!

    it has been said several times the reason they dont always catch them before or while they are doing it is because they dont know what the athlete is doing to cheat. a company comes up with a new drug or masking agent and an athlete will start using it and at that time there is no way to detect it. its only later, sometimes after the athlete has retired, that they find out what they are doing and how to test for it.

    so just because Lance has retired, again, it doesnt mean he gets a free pass on cheating in the past.

    I guess this is where opinions are like butholes everyone has one :) I personally believe that it definitely DOES mean he gets a free pass. If they don't have good enough tests to identify the doping, then so be it, but don't automatically presume that he's cheating without the proof.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    Since there are only a select few who actually know the truth, this debate won't be settled on a weight loss forum. Even if he did use performance enhancers,so did a majority of other riders. That still makes him the best of the best 7 years in a row.

    true. he's the best cheater cycling has ever known.

    I guess all in all this is really a troll post but that being said, to the OP, I can only hope that someday your honor and integrity is put into question and you are given the same presumption of innocence that you so smugly promote here.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    GO Lance!! and wishing him great luck this weekend in Aspen!!! :happy:
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Not sure why you titled it "admits to cheating" when he never did & you even quoted it...How is sacrificing your own accomplishments to make your family & friends life more tolerable, wrong? The guy has been through SO much the past few years, he doesn't need excess stuff like that to make everything even worse. I say PROPS TO LANCE for standing up for his family & friends, even if it has negative consequences for himself. <3 GO LANCE!
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    Jesus Christ after not hundreds but thousands of tests for drugs, I think I would tell them FK yea I did it....
    Honestly you would think if he really doped up, and it took thousands of tests to find what????? still nothing... they havnt actually proved anything... He finally just said I give.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    Not sure why you titled it "admits to cheating" when he never did & you even quoted it...How is sacrificing your own accomplishments to make your family & friends life more tolerable, wrong? The guy has been through SO much the past few years, he doesn't need excess stuff like that to make everything even worse. I say PROPS TO LANCE for standing up for his family & friends, even if it has negative consequences for himself. <3 GO LANCE!

    really well stated!!!
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    oh in one of the articles I read, it stated he even Cheated on his cancer recovery, how the fk do yo do that?
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    Jesus Christ after not hundreds but thousands of tests for drugs, I think I would tell them FK yea I did it....
    Honestly you would think if he really doped up, and it took thousands of tests to find what????? still nothing... they havnt actually proved anything... He finally just said I give.

    this is awesomely stated!!! ^^^ fully agree
  • paint_it_black
    paint_it_black Posts: 208 Member
    Isn't what he said just a very polite way of him saying '*kitten* off and leave me alone'? That's how I interpret his statement, nothing more than exasperation after having the same argument rumble on for 7 years.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    Isn't what he said just a very polite way of him saying '*kitten* off and leave me alone'? That's how I interpret his statement, nothing more than exasperation after having the same argument rumble on for 7 years.

    pretty much! Heck I'd be tired of it as well after this many years!
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    Jesus Christ after not hundreds but thousands of tests for drugs, I think I would tell them FK yea I did it....
    Honestly you would think if he really doped up, and it took thousands of tests to find what????? still nothing... they havnt actually proved anything... He finally just said I give.

    They have evidence and the inquiry was set up to review the evidence. Lance refused to address the evidence.

    "Numerous witnesses provided evidence to USADA based on personal knowledge acquired, either through direct observation of doping activity by Armstrong or through Armstrong's admissions of doping to them that Armstrong used EPO, blood transfusions, testosterone and cortisone during the period from before 1998 through 2005, and that he had previously used EPO, testosterone and hGH through 1996. Witnesses also provided evidence that Lance Armstrong gave to them, encouraged them to use and administered doping products or methods, including EPO, blood transfusions, testosterone and cortisone during the period from 1999 through 2005. Additionally, scientific data showed Mr. Armstrong's use of blood manipulation including EPO or blood transfusions during Mr. Armstrong's comeback to cycling in the 2009 Tour de France."
  • PapaDunx
    PapaDunx Posts: 243
    If you take away his titles and give them to the second place guys, then 5 out of the 7 have been done for doping as well!

    I just think that he cant be bothered with it any more, and frankly, neither can I. He beat cancer, that's all that Im interested in, and then went on to race again.

    One of the Grand National (longest steeplechase in the world) horse races was jockeyed by a guy called Bob Champion who also beat cancer. Props to him

    I just read an article on the London Paralympics that detailed how Paralympians break small parts of their bodies so it will raise their blood pressure and allow them to train harder.

    Everyone cheats in one way or another, and everyone lies. Live with, and accept those facts and then just get on with it.

    LA was never tested positive and that's also important to remember. But all that means is that he found a way to beat the test (if he did dope)
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    yeah i definitely should have headed this wrong but it seems you cant edit the title.

    but any reasonable person can see he's guilty of cheating. mountains of evidence and now he's not even going to fight it.

    very disappoinnting. what will all the people he inspired think?

    What evidence do they have against him when he has never tested positive for a urinalysis?

    I don't see mountains of evidence.
  • The federal government cleared him of cheating. Several other bodies cleared him. This particular body keeps hounding him. After several long legal battles, (which he always won) he is sick of it. Wouldn't you be?
  • He has raised 500 million dollars for cancer research, nuff said.