Modest Women?



  • DeckerDoll
    DeckerDoll Posts: 201
    When did not wearing pants become a standard for modesty?? I'm all in for this one...I effin' hate wearing pants. Sign me up for the knee highs and oversized t-shirts...or a leotard. Yup.
  • hkevans724
    hkevans724 Posts: 241 Member
    If I wouldn't wear it in front of my preacher then I won't wear it at all.. When I was younger I used to flaunt the girls but now , no way. It's mine and I don't want folks looking at it. Even if it was skinny and fabulous.. Even when I get hot I won't wear a two piece.... It's hard for me not to show a touch of cleavage sometimes as I am a DDD but i try hard to keep it controlled. You aren't alone
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I've found that after losing so much weight that I'm more modest, but not "MODEST" at all if that makes sense. I do not hardly show cleavage, I wear short dresses just above the knee but that is because I'm short and I don't like longer dresses. I think a lot of it is now that I have a decent body I don't have to show off my boobs anymore because I have other great aspects of me now that I can show off, but I do wear things that cling to show off my new found figure.
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    I'm mixed. I used to be seriously modest, and wore long sleeved shirts and long skirts or pants even in the summer. The exception in the past (for whatever reason) has been I would wear somewhat low cut tops -- not "intentionally" but I wouldn't rule out a somewhat low cut top if it looked good on me.

    For some reason these days I don't care so much. This summer when it got hot, I wore shorts in public which I've never really done much before. I even went running in running shorts! I'm not at the fittest I've been, I think I just think about my body less. I feel like if someone else is going to wig out about my cellulite and bat wings that's their problem, there are plenty of other places in the world for them to direct their eyes. I think some of the things that made a difference were: getting married, being hugely pregnant for a while (a magical but totally undignified state, IMO) and being more focused on my son and my various projects in life than worrying about how I look and how people take how I look. With that said, I definitely crave a cool climate in which I can wear cardigans and cords and boots all the time. And I would totally wear a victorian bathing costume to the beach if I could. (Well, I could and I would and maybe someday I will, but I am too lazy to sew one, so for now I settle.)
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I'd say that I'm somewhat modest. I don't show much cleavage, but I do wear very fitted shirts and very fitted jeans/pants. By fitted, I do not mean too tight, but they do show off my now-smaller figure. If I wear dresses, they are usually flowy maxi dresses that either have spaghetti straps or are strapless. That's the extent of me... I'm pretty casual.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I like to wear sexy clothing. Most of my shirts show at least a little bit of cleavage. My boobs are big and awesome, why not? Hahah. I wear shorty shorts, yoga pants, tight jeans with holes, skinny jeans/ straight leg jeans, and lots of tank tops. And sometimes I feel sexy. It makes me feel attractive, which I very much like.

    When I was bigger I wore baggy band tshirts and jeans, or I would wear sweatpants or pajama pants. I know, I know....pajama pants. :p But that was because I thought I was disgusting and did not want anyone to see my fat.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I think I'm a modest person. I don't necessarily dress modestly, though. I don't show cleavage because I don't have cleavage, but I like wearing form-fitting and flattering outfits. I love bright colors and things that shine. I think I dress nicely and look good, but I can't imagine the sight of me in a miniskirt with a sequins tank top will send anyone into a lust-filled frenzy.

    What irks me, though, and not pointing fingers at anyone in this thread, but something I've seen in others, is when people say, "I'm a good Christian and I love my husband, so I dress modestly." Because that implies that those who might wear a short skirt or a bikini aren't good people and don't love their husbands, etc. It sounds like, "I'm a better person than you," which is pretty much the exact opposite of modesty.

    And the phrase, "leave something to the imagination" is pretty strange. Certainly some bodies are more pleasant to look at naked than others, but there really isn't that great a variety in the naked body and genitalia department. Seen one, seen 'em all.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I wear very simple clothes. I go for comfort and simplicity, rather than sexiness. However, for me, comfort doesn't preclude tightness - a tight hugging top or leggings can be very comfortable. I don't like clothes where cleavage is showing (either breasts or bum!) because that feels uncomfortable, as if the item of clothing is falling off. I don't like that feeling. I like to feel my clothes are fitting me properly and won't fall off. I like to feel comfortable. It has nothing to do with modesty. I have a hard time understanding what modesty even means in this context. I simply have no interest in sexiness or impressing people - not because I'm modest or virtuous, but because this just doesn't interest me in the slightest.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    <<~~~~~~~ummmm, I guess not.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Not me. To work, yeah of course I wear appropriate work clothes.
    But wearing full length (practically) body suits does NOT sound fun. Especially in the summer! Shorts and a tank for me. When I have to wear dress pants to work in the summer, waiting for the bus is the worst, soooo hot! How do you stand it?
    Do you ever go to parties? Feel like you just look different? I don't know, parties are about having fun, dancing, etc. and usually it is hard to do that while wearing restrictive clothes.
    And why not wear PANTS? lol what is wrong with PANTS?
    I do know many religious people who dress like you though.
    But yeah, I love my style. I wear flattering clothes. I don't see why I should hide myself from everyone out there.
  • Iceman1800
    Iceman1800 Posts: 476
    To each his own I guess. I have a higher opinion of a woman competing in a wet t-shirt contest than a prude afraid to show her ankles. Self confidence is sexy. Just because a woman shows some cleavage doesn't mean she's sleeping with every guy at the bar.
  • Iceman1800
    Iceman1800 Posts: 476
    I wear very simple clothes. I go for comfort and simplicity, rather than sexiness. However, for me, comfort doesn't preclude tightness - a tight hugging top or leggings can be very comfortable. I don't like clothes where cleavage is showing (either breasts or bum!) because that feels uncomfortable, as if the item of clothing is falling off. I don't like that feeling. I like to feel my clothes are fitting me properly and won't fall off. I like to feel comfortable. It has nothing to do with modesty. I have a hard time understanding what modesty even means in this context. I simply have no interest in sexiness or impressing people - not because I'm modest or virtuous, but because this just doesn't interest me in the slightest.
    yeah but you're a tree frog so....
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I'm extremely modest. I even cover my boobs when I go out now... MOST of the time. You're welcome.
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    I'm extremely modest. I even cover my boobs when I go out now... MOST of the time. You're welcome.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thanks for that.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I wear very simple clothes. I go for comfort and simplicity, rather than sexiness. However, for me, comfort doesn't preclude tightness - a tight hugging top or leggings can be very comfortable. I don't like clothes where cleavage is showing (either breasts or bum!) because that feels uncomfortable, as if the item of clothing is falling off. I don't like that feeling. I like to feel my clothes are fitting me properly and won't fall off. I like to feel comfortable. It has nothing to do with modesty. I have a hard time understanding what modesty even means in this context. I simply have no interest in sexiness or impressing people - not because I'm modest or virtuous, but because this just doesn't interest me in the slightest.
    yeah but you're a tree frog so....

    Ha - true. :tongue:
  • wcjcjplourde
    wcjcjplourde Posts: 21 Member
    I'm all for the long skirts. But, not out of modestly. I have no problem with showing a little cleavage. I actually think the long skirts are quite sexy, depending on how they're cut.
  • i hate skirts and dresses unless its for church or something. i wear jeans almost always and t-shirts. they are not tight but some are fitted. i wear shorts too,but not short ones. dont wear tank tops or sleeveless shirts either because im embarrassed. :)
  • Just a simple observation...... the dress in your profile.... is it not sleeveless.....
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    Just a simple observation...... the dress in your profile.... is it not sleeveless.....

    Thank you! This as the most recent post means I won't bother with the other pages!
  • I noticed a few people mentioning insecurity and it made me want to comment.

    I started dating my boyfriend about 2 months ago and he commented how all my clothes are too big on me and always very baggy. He asked if I was shy about my body.

    I'm a personal trainer and I motivate others to be proud of their bodies and it wasn't until he brought it up that I realized I was shy about my body and didn't want to show it off.

    With his encouragement that changed. I don't think you need to dress like a hoochie but you can look presentable and classy and still show off your curves. it's not about getting attention, it's about loving yourself and dressing to flatter your body to make yourself feel better.

    Just my two cents from personal experiences :)