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Meat eater, vegetarian or vegan?? Which are you?



  • SaraRhiannon421
    SaraRhiannon421 Posts: 34 Member
    I identify as a vegetarian, however I try to have fish once in a while to get vitamins and proteins I wouldn't otherwise get. I choose to eat this way for moral/ethical reasons, and have been looking into veganism but I don't believe I am ready to commit to that and am not sure I ever will be. That being said, choosing to be vegetarian has been a great thing for me personally and healthily in the sense that it makes it easier to steer away from fast foods, burgers, etc.

    I honestly think that it is really up to the person what is best for them. If I were to eat meat I would stick with chicken/turkey and fish... White meats are less fat and better for you, and I might have lean red meats maybe once a month...
  • Omnivore.
  • Vegan. 100%. Won't even eat honey,
    Lost four inches in my waist.
    Lost a total of 13 lb (so far and the total will be 20 all said).
    Cut my cholesterol in half.
    Perfect blood pressure and heart rate.
    My doctor is furious because she wants me to be ill enough to need prescription drugs.

    I'm 45. Spent the first half of my life trying to kill myself and the second half making up for it.

    Meat causes cancer. They can actually turn cancer on and off in labs by introducing meat proteins.
    Meat causes heart disease. Veggies clear your bloodstream unlike any other substance.
    Meat causes erectile dysfunction. I do NOT want that.
    I also don't want a heart attack or a stroke or to be chained to a shopping cart full of drugs for the rest of my life.

    Eat meat! Love it! I sure did for 45 years. But not anymore.

    All of the above is how GREAT being vegan is for ME ... imagine how wonderful it is for all those animals!

    The Reluctant Vegan
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    I'm seeing a bit of a negative vegan/vegetarian conversation going on... but just to add my views, i'm vegan (been vegetarian since birth, vegan for over 3 years) and happy! I make sure to try and hit all of my goals (calories, protein, vitamin B12, calcium, as well as taking iron supplements)- I believe that a lot of vegans, in fact most vegans, are more healthy than those who eat meat (more referring to those not on MFP!) because living the vegan lifestyle makes you aware of what you're eating and what your choices are.
    I've never been a militant vegan, and don't want to be. I get a little frustrated when I have non vegan friends waving chicken wings about in my face saying 'go on eat it!' or being told that people can't stand listening to vegan 'propaganda' when us vegans are surrounded by meat and dairy... I went shopping in a real supermarket for the first time in a long time (I normally get my food shop delivered) and there are just aisles after aisles of meat, fish, dairy.
    I also don't like people who say things like 'humans are supposed to eat meat, because of -insert popular wrong belief here- 'just eat some steak' 'but bacon tastes so good' blah blah blah. It's plain disrespectful. For me, being vegan isn't a taste based decision!
    However I do LOVE people who are interested in finding out about veganism... I turned vegan when I was 16 and had a lot of people who thought I was 'weird' or 'stupid' at college for doing it. However I appreciate when people want to educate themselves about why i'm vegan or learn about vegan products- if meat eaters take the time to just check out some documentaries (like Earthlings!), or read an article about it, then they're becoming more informed of the facts (because it is fact based, not opinion based). I'm not asking everyone in the world to go vegan, just to be open minded about it (:

    Also, vegan food can be SO good. My boyfriend eats meat and loves a lot of the food I make.

    edit: sorry for such a long post! :3
    Do you not think saying meat eaters are promoting cruelty as being negative towards us?

    I'm a bit confused by this question... but, I think it's important to note that a lot of meat eaters are ignorant to the facts of what goes on in the meat and dairy industry- others who are aware decide that they are morally ok with that, and that's their decision. it's obviously one that I don't agree with, but eg. my boyfriend was brought up as vegan as a child, and started eating meat and dairy when he was 13. He loves chicken and cheese and pepperoni, however he never asks me to cook it for him, so he eats vegan 90% now too (he usually adds cheese on top of whatever i've cooked). I've also had omni friends who have not eaten their lunches in front of me/ordered vegetarian/vegan food around me just because they 'feel bad for eating meat in front of me'. I think that's a little crazy because I don't mind if they eat meat in front of me as long as they don't wave it about in my face or purposely tell me how good meat is... but I appreciate it when they are at least aware.

    I'm only 19, i've still got a lot to learn in life, but i've already learnt that being pushy towards people- be it through pushing opinions or facts, very rarely if ever gets you anywhere, and just creates unnecessary hostility. Instead of lecturing people on their contribution to animal cruelty, I bake vegan cupcakes and share them around, or tell them about this great vegan cafe in my city or take them there. I've had three friends that don't drink real milk and have switched to soy and almond milk, even though they still eat meat, and I really appreciate that. I'm not going to change the world, but I can make little positive changes.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    OP: stop trolling. If you want to ask this, ask about them separately. When you combine something meat/paleo/primal with the words vegan/vegetarianism, you are just starting a war. And one side has to be more "right" than the other.
  • HannahK08
    HannahK08 Posts: 35 Member
    It was not my intention at all to get everyone so worked up.. I do apologize.. I was just wanting some info and peoples opinions on them. I like vegan and vegetarian food..

    So I wasnt "trolling" I was just asking a simple question.

    Again I am sorry if anyone has been offended.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    don't forget even range free animals suffer when they are in captivity and are slaughtered so don't try consoling yourselves with that. YES free range is better for you but if you are eating or drinking from free range thinking it's better for the animals..there are a couple of documentaries I could send you to.

    nobody is ever gonna agree on this meat/ no meat cruelty to animals stuff. I HATE what the world has become that we rely so heavily on animals for EVERYTHING...but we do. If you are carrying around a leather purse...an animal died for that. It's a no win situation. I would LOVE to be a vegan but just can't do it...and I can't sit around and feel guilty about every time I put a piece of meat in my mouth.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm sorry, but to say animals are killed in the production of harvesting grains is the same thing as eating meat is just plain stupid.

    What you're referring to are small mice or insects that might die accidentally here and there during production VS.

    27 MILLION animals are killed EVERY DAY for food in the US alone.

    Doing your best to alleviate suffering is a lot different than doing nothing.
    If you noticed I did not claim they are exactly the same. I said we simply draw the line in a different place indicating you choose to allow Less animals to die for your food consumption than I do, but they still die. I honestly do respect your efforts, but when someone posts I'm promoting cruelty expect me to point out if you have any hipocrisy. If you truly want to be humane stay away from anything produced by large farms and grow everything yourself.

    Gosh, no. Killing and then eating the corpse is not cruelty! My God, who could ever think that!!!
    You will catch more flies with honey. Think about that. Talking down to people will not get you what you apparently want. People will shut down and not listen to you. A word to the wise.
  • joannaorgovan
    joannaorgovan Posts: 71 Member
    I love meat!!!! LOVE IT! Its delicious!!!!!

    Ive heard different things.. meat is good for you.. meat is bad for you...


    I stopped eating meat a year ago because I saw how Cargill kills and skins the animals and it grossed me out. I don't care if others eat meat though.

    I feel much better since I stopped eating it.

    I watched some shows on how they grind up the baby chicks and what they do to some of the other animals lately that made me cringe. I don't see myself going back.

    I think it's important to know what you're eating whether it be meat or fruits or vegetables.

    Farms have been forced into practices that they, themselves don't like just so they can make a living for their families. This includes produce growers.

    I think if you're aware of what you're putting in your body, you'll be fine.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I'm not going to change the world, but I can make little positive changes.

    that right there is wisdom!!!! thank you!!

    I was trying to get everybody I knew to think like me and do like me when I tried to go vegan and then when I hit the roadblock (also known as sick and lethargic from lack of meat)..I had to apologize to a lot of people for making them feel guilty about eating meat. I have stopped buying leather purses and am trying to find other ways I can help the animal kingdom even though I still consume meat..but a lot less of it than before.
  • VegesaurusRex
    VegesaurusRex Posts: 1,018
    OP: stop trolling. If you want to ask this, ask about them separately. When you combine something meat/paleo/primal with the words vegan/vegetarianism, you are just starting a war. And one side has to be more "right" than the other.

    OP,you are not a troll despite what this one says. People are entitled to ask questions they want answers to, without having to compartmentalize their questions to such an absurd extent that absolutely no one will be offended. As we vegans say, you can't make wine without crushing grapes.
  • VegesaurusRex
    VegesaurusRex Posts: 1,018
    It was not my intention at all to get everyone so worked up.. I do apologize.. I was just wanting some info and peoples opinions on them. I like vegan and vegetarian food..

    So I wasnt "trolling" I was just asking a simple question.

    Again I am sorry if anyone has been offended.

    If anyone has skin that thin, you are going to offend them no matter what you say. Don't worry about it.
  • srslycolette
    srslycolette Posts: 40 Member
    and SEAFOOD

    But I'm from the south... that's just how we're raised.
  • VegesaurusRex
    VegesaurusRex Posts: 1,018
    I'm sorry, but to say animals are killed in the production of harvesting grains is the same thing as eating meat is just plain stupid.

    What you're referring to are small mice or insects that might die accidentally here and there during production VS.

    27 MILLION animals are killed EVERY DAY for food in the US alone.

    Doing your best to alleviate suffering is a lot different than doing nothing.
    If you noticed I did not claim they are exactly the same. I said we simply draw the line in a different place indicating you choose to allow Less animals to die for your food consumption than I do, but they still die. I honestly do respect your efforts, but when someone posts I'm promoting cruelty expect me to point out if you have any hipocrisy. If you truly want to be humane stay away from anything produced by large farms and grow everything yourself.

    Gosh, no. Killing and then eating the corpse is not cruelty! My God, who could ever think that!!!
    You will catch more flies with honey. Think about that. Talking down to people will not get you what you apparently want. People will shut down and not listen to you. A word to the wise.

    I wasn't aware that presenting scientific studies was talking down to anyone. I assume a certain level of sophistication, and if it is not there, it is not my fault. You just cannot intelligently talk about some subjects without using science.
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    I'm an Omm-nom-nom-nivore!
  • I eat meat, but I don't eat large portions of meat, cuz it's just not my favorite part of a meal.
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    that right there is wisdom!!!! thank you!!

    I was trying to get everybody I knew to think like me and do like me when I tried to go vegan and then when I hit the roadblock (also known as sick and lethargic from lack of meat)..I had to apologize to a lot of people for making them feel guilty about eating meat. I have stopped buying leather purses and am trying to find other ways I can help the animal kingdom even though I still consume meat..but a lot less of it than before.

    I think that's great that you're trying to reduce your contribution to that industry, even if it's only smaller things! I guess for me i've had a different experience to a lot of people because I grew up in the middle of the countryside with farms all around us, we lived near a slaughterhouse and could hear the noises coming from it every week, it was horrible :/ And when I was a child the lambs in the fields opposite would always come up to the fence and want to play, and then they'd all get dragged off to the slaughter house, so from like 5 or 6 I understood what was going on and it was really unsettling. Even though it was a farm where they had 'good lives', the outcome still seems unacceptable to me. (My dad, after 59 years of eating meat, has just become a vegetarian for moral reasons, even though it's taken him that long i'm so proud of him!)
    Awareness is an important thing.
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    the problem with this topic is that it is impossible to debate the dietary benefits of eating meat ,or not, without people coming in with ulterior motives. with all due respect to vegans who choose the lifestyle for ethical and not primarily health reasons thats not what this thread was asking. I do respect your point of view but i don't share it. personally i am only interested in improving my health and living the healthiest way i can, and if i truly believed giving up meat would get me there i would do it, but i don't believe guys like vegasauras would care what way is healthiest ,because that doesn't come off as his main concern.He just uses the health argument as a weapon. listing to health arguments from someone so prejudiced agains meat consumption is like listening to Rush limbough to get you information on president Obama.
  • Stephanie_Autry
    Stephanie_Autry Posts: 228 Member
    transitioned to vegan today- trying my best :) add me if u are vegan or vegetarians!
  • nneka86
    nneka86 Posts: 11
    I am a meat eater. I believe meat is VERY healthy....but it depends where your meat comes from. If you go out into a forest and shoot a deer/elk/moose...and get that meat cut up, then its very healthy and lean.

    while if its the processed **** where farmers feed the animals growth hormones (chicken) and unnatural meals to cows...well...thats unhealthy.

    Meat it healthy depending on where it comes from and the animals history of food and treatment.

    I'm most definitely a meat eater - almost exclusively carnivore. Everyone's different, but eating a high-protein, moderate-fat, low-carb diet works best for me. Anything else, and I balloon up pretty darn quickly.