Question for all of our MFP Males



  • Jebbster007
    Jebbster007 Posts: 265 Member
    Ask the guys with all the hot bod profile pics......I'm pretty sure I don't qualify to answer this question.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I don't even think a lot of the guys are even thinking that hard. No offense!
    Huh....huh huh huh....You said "hard". Huh...huh huh huh.

    Haha exactly
  • hlp423
    hlp423 Posts: 41 Member
    This is a little off topic, but sometimes when either a guy or girl says something that I think is interesting and funny on the forums... and I think, Hmm maybe Ill friend request! I look at their page and see photo after photo of the hottest people on the planet and Im like... nevermind. lol I don't think I fit in with that crowd. haha.

    Do they screen the friends based on how hot they are or do hot people just gravitate towards other hot people? I guess if that theory is correct then my friends list should be populated with dorks.
  • silverbacktrainer
    silverbacktrainer Posts: 23 Member
    Thats exactly why i dont have any pix of myself on MFP. I guess im not conceited enough..... Lol
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    This is a little off topic, but sometimes when either a guy or girl says something that I think is interesting and funny on the forums... and I think, Hmm maybe Ill friend request! I look at their page and see photo after photo of the hottest people on the planet and Im like... nevermind. lol I don't think I fit in with that crowd. haha.

    Do they screen the friends based on how hot they are or do hot people just gravitate towards other hot people? I guess if that theory is correct then my friends list should be populated with dorks.

    I don't send out friend request, but I accept all of them. I'm not sure what others base their list off of but I keep mine cleaned up with those I either have common goals with or the ones who are supportive and active. I usually clean my list up every couple weeks or so. But I don't think I fall into the "hottest people" category, I can't even get some harassment or junk picture request :tongue:
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    This is a little off topic, but sometimes when either a guy or girl says something that I think is interesting and funny on the forums... and I think, Hmm maybe Ill friend request! I look at their page and see photo after photo of the hottest people on the planet and Im like... nevermind. lol I don't think I fit in with that crowd. haha.

    Do they screen the friends based on how hot they are or do hot people just gravitate towards other hot people? I guess if that theory is correct then my friends list should be populated with dorks.

    Some people really are just that shallow.

    But I think most keep their lists to people of similar interests or are genuinely working hard to get to their goals or otherwise good-hearted. But if I see someone who's stated goal is to lose weight, and they don't make an effort to change their habbits..well I'm not here to hold somebody's hand, you have to want it for yourself and if you do that IS something I can support. Otherwise, I accept everyone.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I get a bit of attention here and it is definitely odd compared to reality.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    This is a little off topic, but sometimes when either a guy or girl says something that I think is interesting and funny on the forums... and I think, Hmm maybe Ill friend request! I look at their page and see photo after photo of the hottest people on the planet and Im like... nevermind. lol I don't think I fit in with that crowd. haha.

    Do they screen the friends based on how hot they are or do hot people just gravitate towards other hot people? I guess if that theory is correct then my friends list should be populated with dorks.

    Some people really are just that shallow.

    But I think most keep their lists to people of similar interests or are genuinely working hard to get to their goals or otherwise good-hearted. But if I see someone who's stated goal is to lose weight, and they don't make an effort to change their habbits..well I'm not here to hold somebody's hand, you have to want it for yourself and if you do that IS something I can support. Otherwise, I accept everyone.

    I accept everyone as well. I always think its a bit odd when some people have such strict criteria that must be met for all their internet friends. I do delete people who update excessively or do other annoying things on my feed. I think that's understandable though.
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    Especially those of well devoloped muscles, boyish smiles, or sexy sexy brains.

    Is it ODD to be an attractive member of society on a site like this, which is mostly women?
    Sometimes I think you guys get more attention than a drunk prom queen after the dance.

    It's quite amusing to see the tables turned.

    No, it's not odd.
  • LOL. This is a HILARIOUS forum.

    I told my husband about it and the guy talking about women wanting to see his "Junk".

    He said... "I'd just send them a picture of the inside of the garage and tell them well, there's my junk"

    Love that man.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thats exactly why i dont have any pix of myself on MFP. I guess im not conceited enough..... Lol

    Why do you think actually having a picture of yourself makes you conceited....very odd perspective imo.
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    it's exciting cause a random girl in the street would never say "nice arms! or nice chest! or abs or legs"
    unless i was jogging shirtless which i don't do cause i hate jogging.
  • boy03727
    boy03727 Posts: 26 Member
    I don't know what this extra attention must feel like. I guess I need to work on my muscles, smile, and brains......
  • _EmmaStrong_
    _EmmaStrong_ Posts: 647 Member
    I'm not a male, but I don't think it's odd at all that the guys get so much attention. Hell, the women here are all a bunch of flirts, and they're good at it, too. A guy posts a comment or finishes his diary and in 1 minutes flat, he already has 10 comment from his women friends. It's like a mad frenzy to see who can post the fastest. They're like a bunch of hens jumping on a grasshopper. Well, we'd all definitely love that kind of attention, even if it is just interweb, as long as it's not eerie-icky kind of attention. It's a basic human need - attention. We all want it. We all crave it.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I get attention on here for my whimsical anecdotes and my quality food porn I frequently post. Not my body.

    Thank you.
  • I don't get any extra attention on here and that is not what I am looking for. I used MFP successfully late last year and have only recently got back into it to try to get back into shape following a lazy winter. Will look to be more active on the forums moving forward.

    Having said that, of course it is nice to receive attention and compliments. Any feedback from other members will only look to assist in support and motivation which often is the biggest hurdle to overcome.
  • Jerry1001
    Jerry1001 Posts: 43 Member
    Especially those of well developed muscles, boyish smiles, or sexy sexy brains.

    OK, now I see why a don't get FR .... mystery solved :sad:
  • penniemh
    penniemh Posts: 124 Member
    it's exciting cause a random girl in the street would never say "nice arms! or nice chest! or abs or legs"
    unless i was jogging shirtless which i don't do cause i hate jogging.

    You don't jog in my neighborhood/city...yeah, we do that.
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    I get about the same amount of attention in RL as I do on MFP. This probably has a lot to do with where I work, which is at a university - so yeah Im around college chicks a lot. lol
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I'll be honest.

    Everyone likes positive attention. It makes you feel good.

    In general:

    I'll tell ya one honest truth most women don't think about. Guys that are in great shape now, probably were not always that way, and their self image is what they were before, not what they are now. So the compliments and the flirting are the pat on the back we don't give ourselves.

    The odd part, is women on here will straight up say "hey you look great/sexy/etc" or "I bet you get all the ladies". To that I say, where the hell are you gals in real life!? Seriously, I'd rather a complete stranger come up to me and say something like "Hi, I think you look great" rather than eye rape me at the grocery store. I guess that's just the digital age for ya.

    For me personally, I want to get in shape for myself (read my profile). But would I mind it working to my advantage in real life just once? Of course, so the question I pose to you ladies (and pm me if you want since I doubt I'll read this again) why so shy in real life?

    That's a good question... For me, I never would feel confident enough to go up to a gorgeous guy and say "hey, you look great". Partly because I DON'T feel like someone that amazing looking would want someone like me. I was never one of the 'cool kids'... Hell, I'm lucky if I have enough courage to hold eye contact. :-)

    Here on MFP... By showing the abs, back, biceps, legs, etc... you are saying. "This is me, and I'm proud of who I am!". And for that, I will comment and say, "hey - you look amazing!" Or "wow!" Or even "OMG YOU LOOK INCREDIBLE!" That said, I'd NEVER say "send me a pic of your junk or I'll unfriend you". Yowsa!!

    [edit: oh and I'm over 6' tall... Most men seem to only want the "shorties"]