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*~*When did you meet your true love?*~*



  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I never have.
  • 14th July 1985, we were 16. Married at 23, still together at 43 :heart:
    He was my first proper boyfriend too :smile:

    1st love and only love! way2go!
  • AdrienneKaren
    AdrienneKaren Posts: 168 Member
    Ah, to believe in the concept of true love. After all, true love is the greatest thing in the world...except for a nice MLT: Mutton, lettuce, and tomato, especially when the mutton is nice and lean and the tomatoes are ripe. They're so perky, I love that!

    I think I just fell in love with you!
  • My first true love? The day I had my first ultrasound and got to see my baby boy (who is now 6years old). :wink: This boy taught me everything I needed to know about love and loving myself.

    I met my husband a few years later online (we started talking because we went to the same high school and I knew his sister).

    awesome story!
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    feb 2003 match.com so happy that my dad meet/ liked him before his passing. we married 2007.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    amending my last post to join others. I met my true loves when my daughters were born. They have been the loves of my life for the last 22 years.
  • SuzieMae78
    SuzieMae78 Posts: 52 Member
    we met sophmore year in high school (yep, high school sweet hearts!) he was playing hard to get, I asked him to the spree dance (girls ask guys) and he eventually said yes. we went to the dance together and that night is when we started dating. December 26th, 1994 and he asked me to marry him December 23rd, 1998 and we were married September 23rd, 2000 - 3 children later and almost 18 years later of being together and just about 12 years of those years being married - I still can't believe it...we are 33 years old now and been together since 16! ~ still in disbelf that we have made it this far, still amazing! There is no one else out there for me :)
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238
    It was May 2005... I went on a long weekend with my best friend (who I've been friends with for about 25 years now...) to London. The first they we were there (on Friday the 13th...) we met a guy at the sightseeing tour we were doing. He gave his number, and we met up the same evening. There was a whole group of guys working for the same company and we went out for dinner. At that moment in time I was more interested in the guy we met in the afternoon, so... You know what you do on holidays when you're young... Lol :blushing:
    The next evening we went out in Covent Garden en got talking to this really sweet guy (he was from the same company). So we exchanged phone numbers.

    A month later I was back in London, and a year later I moved here (I'm from the Netherlands). Another year later I got pregnant and now we have a 4 year old son who's going to school next week :happy:
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    True Love? Does it even exist?? My mind says no but my heart continues to try and believe (though its hard)

    To those who have found love..you are all lucky.
  • I started to talking to the love of my life about a year ago here on MFP!!! we then went to facebook, then phone, then met in person and it was the best thing that has ever happened to me!! We are getting married in October! Thank you MFP!

    YAY mfp!!!! XD
  • madblondebint
    madblondebint Posts: 17 Member
    14 Years ago, our eyes met across a crowded bar, and that was that. I felt like I’d known him for years.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Well, I don't buy in to the one true love business, but I do consider my husband a true love.

    I met him in a bar. He had just gotten off work and I was exceptionally inebriated. It was 16 or 17 years ago now.
  • I met my husband at BWI airport. We both worked there for the same company, but worked in two different locations. His team was short one day and asked for help, so I volunteered. When I got over there I noticed him right away. He was (and still is ;) ) so handsome - I didn't think he would be interested in me. Well, a few days later his friend (a girl who worked with my mom at a different station) came to me and said she knew someone who liked me. I was shocked! I asked if it was the guy with dark hair who worked for Airtran - and she said yes! I was soooo excited!!! We went on our first date to the Baltimore Inner Harbor and we talked for hours and hours! We hopped on the water taxi and planned on having dinner in Little Italy. Well, 2 1/2 hours later we realized we had missed our stop! We were so wrapped up in our conversation we completely lost track of time! I remember him asking me when my birthday was and I said "july 25th" and he said "no way! no it's not!". And i said "yes, it is! Why would I lie about that?" and he said "my birthday is july 24th!!!" He told me stories of when he was in the Marines, and he said being on the taxi reminded him of being on ship. Well, when the water taxi came back to the place we originally started from, we noticed little italy was only a block away. So we walked to it and had a very romantic dinner at Della Notte. We were two very poor people eating in a very fancy restaurant - we found so much humor in this. We both ordered side items as our main entree - he had a tiny spaghetti with 3 meatballs and I had a tiny caesar salad. He even picked a flower off of the centerpiece and gave it to me - I still have it, it's pressed in contact paper. When the night ended we came back to BWI's employee lot and sat in his car and talked for a long time. When it was time to say good night, he leaned in and we had our first kiss, and Tim McGraw's "I dont want to go to sleep tonight" was playing. This song was the last song we danced to at our wedding. Well, our first date was on May 14, 2003, we got engaged Feb 14, 2004, and got married May 14, 2005! And we are living happily ever after with a 4 year old girl and 1 year old boy - the two little loves of our lives. All three of them are my best friends :)
  • At the job that my husband at the time got me. O_o

    Not that I knew it at the time. He went through a divorce so I invited him to my circle to hang out. Then I went through my divorce and he decided to be there for me as I was there for him. It took me a few months to realize that he really was my true love.
  • Mamasota
    Mamasota Posts: 144
    maybe in my next life..............
  • *~*~ ATTENTION ~*~

    Some of you really have amazing stories!!

    Thank you all for sharing your stories, I love reading them and please share more! I have to go study for a bit but please continue writing in, I PROMISE I READ EVERY SINGLE POST:flowerforyou:

    If I haven't replied to your post yet it means I haven't read it yet and soon will... I don't think I've missed anyone, and if I did please let me know.

  • I met my true love at 47 years of age. He is 1.5 years younger. My car broke down in a La Quinta parking lot and he rescued me. He was with some girl at the time......nothing serious... and he took me home that night and we talked for hours in the car. that was It. hook line and sinker :) going on 6.5 years together today.
  • chicken2v
    chicken2v Posts: 68 Member
    6 years ago this December online (Yahoo)
    I had been unceremoniously dumped at the end of August by my boyfriend of one year and in October I did a free 3 month trial with Yahoo unsure about the whole thing. I kept seeing this guy come up in my searches that I thought was cute enough, but I wasn't swooning over him. I went on a few dates with different guys, but nothing special. Finally, right before my 3 months were up, I sent a message to this guy. He wrote back and we started IMing. The first IM chat was painful. He is a super sensitive over-sharer and that's not me at all. He was in a bit of funk and feeling kind of sorry for himself at the time and that really came through in the chatting. Normally, I would have politely begged off and gone on my way, but I just felt like I was supposed to keep going. After a week or two, we decided to meet for dinner and that was the best date I ever had. He was funny and engaging and kind and a great listener and it didn't hurt that his pictures did him no justice and he was much more handsome in person. I'm not typically one who believes in "meant to be", but I find it hard to find a reason why I felt I wasn't supposed to stop talking to him.
    We've been married for almost 4 years now and have a 1 year old son. And we are so very happy. :0)
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Autumn of 1999. My first time ever in an internet chat room. He saw where I was from and happened to be building a house out there. We chatted some and I thought he was full of *kitten*. He was too young to be doing the things with his life he said he was. Kept talking some more and we knew a whole bunch of the same people. It was strange that we hadn't met years before.

    He told his friend he talked to me and the friend got all excited and said we needed to get together, so the 3 of us went out for pizza and rented a movie. The friend was trying to make a move on me, but I was completely uninterested.

    I was dating other people here and there, but made my interest in "the one" known. Finally after about a year and a half of hanging out as friends, we were watching "Leprechauns in the Hood" and his friend was passed out in the recliner. We snuggled up under a blanked and we had our first kiss. It was magical :)

    The next weekend, my daughter wouldn't sleep and he wanted to hang out, so he got to meet her for the first time. She ran into his house, saw a ball and picked it and threw it. I was mortified. He said, "Don't worry about it. If I didn't want kids throwing balls in my house, I wouldn't have such high ceilings." That was it. I was done. Hook, line and sinker.

    We were married the day before our 2 year dating anniversary and will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary in April. It hasn't always been easy, but we are true partners in our relationship and everything always works out in the end. I love him more and more every day :)
  • jenypri
    jenypri Posts: 46
    I met mine on POF as well!!!