Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    The weekend didn't go well for me in terms of food. I feel like instead of saying something to my bf about how I feel like he still isn't being supportive or understanding to what I am trying to do that I just give in and eat what he is eating. I don't like confrontation and I love my bf so much. I think I just need to get over it and eat healthy around him and not care about his sighs and eye rolling and weird looks. Not like he cooks anyways.


    Lana, I know what you mean, not because my bf is un-supportive, but there are many others in my life who aren't. What I have learned is to keep repeating this mantra "I am doing this for me, myself, and I; and everyone else can just get over it." Since he doesn't do the cooking when you're around, you could try talking to him about setting some ground rules in regards to food. Take snacks as an example. When you go to the store with him, he gets to pick one thing he wants, and you get to pick one thing you want (which will be a healthy option). He doesn't have to eat your stuff, and you don't have to eat his.
  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    Just a quick check in, work is busy today! I have lost 10lbs so far since starting this journey on 8/1/12. Go me!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Tuesdays goals
    Well my doctor said i can start exercising again ! So i am going to exercise to Just Dance on the wii when i get home !
    Also i am going to get my water in too !
  • Can anybody join this? I need to lose about 160-170 pounds and I need motivation and support. What are the guidelines for being part of this group?

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I was thinking a neat September goal would be to try something we were afraid to try before we started on our journeys, just a thought.


    oh, that's a really cool idea. but i can't think of anything right now. that i would do at this point, anyway. :laugh: i'll have to think on that one.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Just a quick check in, work is busy today! I have lost 10lbs so far since starting this journey on 8/1/12. Go me!

    Awesome loss!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Can anybody join this? I need to lose about 160-170 pounds and I need motivation and support. What are the guidelines for being part of this group?


    Shari, of course you can join. This group is for those having to lose 100 lbs or more. Robin is our group facilitator and on the 1st page of the thread has posted an outline which is a guide for sharing. Welcome to our group, you will find it accepting, caring, supportive and motivating.

  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Tuesday Goals:

    ~ To enjoy this weather before the hurricane hits late tonight and go do my jog outside.
    ~ Get everything squared away...grades included
    ~ Make sure my family is handled.
    ~ Check on my friend in the hospital. (She is 32 weeks pregnant and they are admitting her for either toxemia or preeclampsya (sp?) and they are worried they may have to take the baby this week.)

    Have a great day. Will check in when I can. :)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I'm trying to catch up on post reading. I have been busy.

    Hope everyone is getting healthier!
    Be back as soon as I can to read the rest of theposts
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Tuesday goal: I've been a little off the past two days. I need to get the motivation back! I can't seem to stay out of the banana bread I made, so I need to get it out of the house. Had three slices Sunday. Two slices yesterday and today. No more! I have not been doing terrible, just so-so. I can do better than this! So my goal is to STAY OUT OF THE BANANA BREAD!
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Tuesday goals - early to bed early to rise. Be on time.

  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    Day 2 of inpatient....only a 13 hour a 40ish minute drive each way! Needless to say, not working out today.

    "Remembered" the water bottle today. Didn't get a full liter in. Did so some gatorade and a diet tea at lunch. It was so sweet - even though it was zero calories it was just gross b/c it was so sweet.

    Must remember to get a better lunch/snacks. So far I have noticed getting really hungry around 5pm which leads to no patience and cranky. Only 3.5 more weeks!

    I really need to work out this month. I hope once I get used to the schedule, I can fit in 30 mins 3x/week.

    Oh and on top of it all, I have a horrible sore throat today! YUCK!

    Hope you are doing well and keeping on track of your goals! We can do this!
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Bump. . . Trying not to get lost
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Well my trainer fooled me again. I was expecting an all out workout where I would be pushed so I could prove him wrong. Instead we went back the basics on the different movements. This is a long slow workout since the focus is on form. It was fine but in a way disappointing. At least we separated tonight on speaking terms. I hope to kick butt when I meet with him again.

    Christine- I love the goal of trying something new for September. I am going to try Tap Dancing as it will work with my weekly schedule.

    Jana- Hope you weather the hurricane okay. Hopefully you will not lose power or experience any flooding.
    To get into an exercise routine that involves different types of activities.
    -Swim two days a week (once on the weekend and then one night if I leave work early enough) :bigsmile:
    -Rock climb at least once a week (Fridays) I love the full body workout I get with it.:heart:
    -Trainer dropping to one day a week unless we can make it work. :ohwell:
    -Tap Dancing 1 day a week with some practice time. :bigsmile: This will involve eating out once a week but it could be worth it for the exercise and using a different muscle group.
    - Make it to the gym at least twice a week.

    Okay I am not sure how I will fit it all in but I will do my best to make it happen without wearing myself out. Since I still need to plan for classes. The Rock climbing and Tap Dancing will give me some additional time after school to get the planning done and grading caught up so that will help.

    I think that is plenty of goals for now.
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    This weekend went ok till Sunday afternoon. I was at evening church service just start when I got so dizzy. Had to sit down. Got thinking had a good breakfast but a really lite lunch and forgot to grab a snack. So after went with friends to dinner felt ok react to all the sodium in meal but that's not new.

    Today had an ok breakfast took daughter to the mall remember feeling hungry so mention we need to get lunch soon. We were at food court in a hour. I am standing in line samething but this time a woman brought me a chair to sit in recall I pack a healthy snack so ate that and had lunch felt ok. We went on our way about. An hour and half. Samething. Had snack ok. Came home fix a really good dinner
    question. In the process of your weight loss journey have any of you experienced?

    Hey Lin - these are not normal side effects of weight loss. You really need to make an appointment and go talk to you doctor about these issues. I'm not trying to scare you or give you medical advice, but just echoing what Robin said. This really would warrant a conversation with your doctor.
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    More of a Tuesday check in, but a HUGE NSV!!!! Everyone I'm sure saw my post about finally jogging a few feet. Well...Today, I did the first workout for C25K, and did the whole thing!!!! I couldn't believe it! I'll probably be on week 1 for a few more than 1 week, but that's WAY more than I thought I'd be able to do!!!

    Scale update...I have a 3lb hand weight, so I thought I'd put it on each scale and see which one was more acurate. The one downstairs that I've been using didn't even register the weight. I put another 14lbs on it and it still didn't register. Went upstairs and put the weight on the old one, and it said 3.2. I think I'll be weighing upstairs from now on. And that also means I've actually lost a lb, not gained. woot woot!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! The social butterfly in me wants to do personals despite my vow to spend less time responding, so I'm giving in to just a few:

    @christine--I love the idea of trying something new, but (like toots) I'm gonna have to think about this one!

    @nichols--your schedule sounds crazy, but I know you'll make it work! Hope that sore throat goes away quickly--the last thing you need is to get sick!

    @kris--glad your doc gave you the go ahead--have fun dancing!

    @drivendiva--glad you found us again!!

    @alison--the stairmaster machine at my gym doesn't have the ability to do down the stairs. Not sure I would use it if it did--I have a phobia about going down stairs b/c I used to fall down the stairs all the time as a little kid. :embarassed: At school, it makes me nervous to walk down the stairs carrying my laptop and stuff b/c I can't hold the railing.

    @karenleona--Marsha (grammywhammy) did a quick check in here a couple of days ago. She's still around--I think she said she's in a funk and just laying low for now. Hope your family's move goes well.

    @holly--hope all went well with the inspection today! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all of the newlings!!! :happy:

    Tuesday Goals:
    To continue to make it to the gym/work out regularly. I went today :bigsmile: but now I'm starting to stress about all of the grading I need to finish--it's already piling up. :cry:

    Tomorrow I have plans to go to a fundraiser for the dog shelter where I got Gunner. I'm going with a friend from work, but since it's not until 5 pm, I'm going to try to get a lot of grading done after school. Right now, I need to sign off and go do grading goal #4.

    1. x/58 Junior universal screeners for writing (I did some more of these, but I'm not sure how many)
    2. x/24 Parts of speech pre-tests
    3. x/49 "Columber" essays
    4. Read/annotate Nabokov essay
  • vbohrer
    vbohrer Posts: 1
    Good luck to you......I also need to lose 100 lbs. I suffer from bipolar II and depression. The depression makes me want to sooth myself with food. Very frustrating. I have also been trying to walk but my legs are killing me.