Does anyone else NOT want kids?



  • munchlaxx
    munchlaxx Posts: 102 Member
    I love (most) kids. I have one. We are done.

    So I constantly get the "when are you having another?" "You can't just have one, that's not fair to him!"

    How is it not fair? He has friends he's grown up with since birth, cousins that he loves, classmates at daycare.. a large church family with tons of kids to interact with.. but at the end of the day, I don't lose my mind running after 2 or more children!

    We're young too. I'm 28, husband is 31. So people just assume we're going to continue to spit out kids.. nope, doesn't always work that way!

    I have the same issue! My dude and I are so stressed out by one child that I don't think we could handle 2. She's school age now, so the other school moms are always bugging me about having more kids. My kid's very much a social butterfly, so I think she will do fine as an only child.
  • My two kids (ages 7 and 2) and my husband are my WORLD. We are hoping to have at least two more kids in the VERY near future!! I love love LOVE being a mom and have not found gratification like it in ANYTHING else. However, I TOTALLY respect people who say they don't want kids or "know" that it's not right for them. There are WAY too many children born whose parents didn't want them, or were born by "mistake", etc. and I respect those couples who agree not to have kids because it best fits their lifestyle. My best friend and her husband both agreed before getting married that they were not going to have kids, and I totally respect them for their decision. Their family members (mostly their moms) are CONSTANTLY bugging them, though, on when they are going to have grandchildren ... it drives my best friend nuts!
  • krissagray
    krissagray Posts: 105 Member
    I'm allergic
    haha! Funny!
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    i just dont want YOUR kids....mine are fine:laugh:
  • Laurelaas
    Laurelaas Posts: 31 Member
    I'm with ya, i'm 22, and already decided a long time ago I never want kids :) So you are not alone!
  • At one time I thought I wanted kids. This was back when I had first met my boyfriend. He was the only one of his siblings that wasn't married and the fact that we were together well over 5 years kind of made sense. We spoke of family and marriage and i assumed that he would one day step up to the plate and take that next step. He didn't. His sister in 2008 had identical twin boys and he didn't want anything to do with them. We still weren't even married! So I was pissed and angry that he strung me along with a dream. If he couldn't be an uncle, he sure as hell couldn't be a dad.

    I ended up leaving him later that year. Since then, his sister has had another little girl and just recently a set of fraternal twins. So her count now is 5! I'm a very big part of their lives as Auntie but I'm already 31 going on 32, been single for close to 4 years now. I don't see it happening and as the years pass....I'm getting the feeling I don't want any of my own. I had a terrible childhood and missed out on so much. I want to live for myself. May seem selfish to some but message me and i can give you some details.

    I'm also very against people having kids very late in life. Its just not fair to the children and I don't want to be a burden when they are barely hitting their 20's etc. Not to mention that I cannot financially support them.

    So for the TLDR crowd:

    Do I love kids? Yes
    Am I good with kids? Yes
    Do I want my own? No
  • tbodega
    tbodega Posts: 186
    I decided a long time ago that I don't want kids. I find that the best children are the refundable kind that can go back to their parents once they get irritating.

    For some reason people find that they must try to convince me to join the kid-borg collective to the point where I have to make them feel like crap for disrespecting my personal choice.