The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • m0m2three
    Hi all, I joined your group one day several weeks ago & I have not been back since. I had a MAJOR family emergency going on, so I appologize. I am ready to actually participate now, but can't remember what I need to do???
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Mom2three, There you are. It's ok. Life catches up with all of us, don't worry about it. The important thing is that you're BACK Yahoooo:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    ok, so all's you need to do is post your current weight (as of this Monday) and Allie will log it for us.
    Not only are we going against our own personal goals but we're also in a team challenge against 2-3 different groups on site.
    I've left 3PC down horribly this week with a 2lb gain. How messed up is that. But you know what?????The only thing you'll hear is the constant cheerleading of your team ringing in your ears....I love this group.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Christine: Way to go on the elliptical workout! You rock!

    Shredder: Great pic! It's so nice to put a face to the screen name. Pick up the pace this week and you'll lose those two pounds again. I have faith in you (and you haven't let us down because you're still here!)

    Mom2three: Welcome back! I hope all is okay with your family now and I'm glad you're going to join us in this weight loss journey.

    Stephanie, MPH: Hope you're having a great week. We can't wait to hear from you.

    Allie: Hope that scale is moving for you...

    Last night, I did my kickboxing video after Biggest Loser and stayed within my calories. Low and behold, the scale gave me a pleasant surprise of a 1 lb. loss from yesterday. That's right, I am now at 197.4! I wore my new size 12 jeans to work today, which is the first time I've worn them other than trying them on and they feel (a look) good! Yipee. It occurred to me that I might actually be able to get down to a 10 by my birthday (April 24th). That would be absolute heaven and I would treat myself to a shopping spree at the Horse Expo as my reward to myself. Sounds like a plan to me!

    I have my food planned and logged for today so that I should stay within my calories again, even if I don't find the time for exercising. However, my boyfriend and I are supposed to try out our new snowshoes tonight.

    Have a fantabulous Wednesday!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Where is everyone?!?

    I hope you're all busy exercising and that's why you haven't stopped in.

    Yesterday I went over my calories by 136, but I'm not too worried about it. The weather was very cold and windy, so we didn't go snowshoeing; I guess you could say I'm having a bit of cabin fever. I'm planning on running tonight on the treadmill and then have the difficult decision of whether I want to play volleyball tomorrow night or go to Zumba. Zumba burns more calories and is only an hour long and volleyball burns fewer calories but involves three hours of fun, social activity. Decisions, decisions.

    I'm pretty happy that even with the Dairy Queen sundae last night, my weight was still at 197.4 this morning. I'm hoping to see a drop tomorrow because I would LOVE to be at 190 by Valentine's Day but would settle for 195 by then.

    Have a great day!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    ok...this is starting to feel like the Heather and Shredder show!:bigsmile:
    You all better have really good excuses for the no-shows this week....kidding.
    Seriously...where are you hiding????

    Heather looks like your metabolism is kicking into high gear because of your consistency with eating and exercising. Isn't it
    awsome that you can still enjoy the simple stuff like a sundae and still maintain....I mean that's what life is really all and sweets:flowerforyou:
    I got to the gym today and burned 550 cals on the elliptical. I swear the ony reason I can stay on that long is because I bring a good book to read, otherwise I'd die of the monotony.
    I crack up when I read about the snow and cabin fever....I just can't imagine how cold it must be where you are. The sun is shining here in Cali. and we're all dressed in t-shirts....not bundled up as you must be. I LOVE the snow and envy the fun you must be having although I'm sure that sort of extreme weather is not without drawbacks.
    Ok...getting some housework done at the moment and then off to watch the kids at dance class.
    Will check in later and hopefully some our team mates will have resurfaced.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: Sounds like we're in need of a theme song! Way to go on the elliptical! I have to keep myself entertained in a few different ways when I'm running on the treadmill or I would die of boredom, too. It's amazing how much our bodies can handle when our minds don't get in the way!

    I'm learning to appreciate the snow because of the snowshoeing, but it's no fun when the temperature is 0 degrees and the wind is blowing 30 mph, making it feel like -15 degrees! If it could be 20-30 degrees, sunny and snowy I'd be thrilled! Right about now is when all of us Minnesotans are trying to fight boredom and daydream about sunny warm weather!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Ok Heather this is getting wierd....should we be worried about the crew?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Looks like we should file a missing persons report...for all of them!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    IM HERE!! Sorry about being MIA for pretty much the entire week...Ive been crazy busy at work!

    I've been doing really good all week...but Im too nervous to get on the scale. Ive decided to go on a raw food cleanse this weekend...eating only raw fruits and veggies! I did it a couple weeks ago and felt amazing after so I figured Id give it another shot!

    Heather: Which did you decide...volleyball or zumba?? Im jealous you ate a sundae...that sounds amazing! I feel your in Chicago its quite chilly...I'm really looking forward to spring, I cant wait to run outside again! So how far along are in you in the C25K??

    Shredder: I agree...I cant do the elliptical for more than 15 min without a book...its wayy too boring! send some sunshine and warmth my way!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    If I could I would put in a bottle and mail it express:love:
    No workout for me today...I'm ok with that. Did a load around the house, got my nails done and now getting ready for an evening with the girls. Have pinot breathing and all the candles I can get my hands on lighting...looks a bit like a roman catholic church in here at the moment.
    I'll have to get in a session tomorrow as my friend from LA is coming for the weekend I just know what that will bring....lotsa partying.
    I have eaten pretty well today and need to maintain that throughout the weekend if I want the scales to mo\ve down.
    Allie, let me know how your clense goes, sounds totally doable and may be the kick start into another realm.
    How's your abstenence from booze going? Will you be good this weekend???:drinker:
    I LOVE Fridays, don't you guys? I dunno, just ready to relax after yet another hectic week.
    What do you guys think about throwing out those challenges per week again? They really keep me on track.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Allie: On Friday, I actually ended up choosing shopping with my mom over volleyball or Zumba. I'm glad I didn't go to volleyball because my sister went and said it was only really competitive people, so it wasn't nearly as fun as the previous week. I know I should have gone to Zumba, but I was in a spending mood. I didn't do any exercising this weekend other than shopping and snowshoeing, so I need to get back on track. I'm supposed to be starting Week 7 for Couch to 5K but am lacking motivation to run. The treadmill is just so boring!

    Shredder: Hope your wine was delicious! I didn't end up drinking at all this weekend, but am looking forward to a few beers during the Super Bowl this coming weekend. We'll be doing a lot of snowshoeing, so everything should work out fine.

    I did a good job with my calories this weekend but am slightly up on the scale due to the sodium intake this weekend. I need to get in lots of water today to flush it all out or I'll see an increase on the scale for the official weigh-in tonight. Grr. All week I've stayed at the exact same weight until this morning; I think my body is taking a bit to adjust again, so I need to get busy to convince it to let go of a few more pounds!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend. Unfortunately it's Monday again, but here's to hoping it goes fast so the weekend gets here!!

  • allie5199
    Shopping can be cardio too...esp if you do a lot of trying on and end up carrying a lot of bags :laugh:

    Shredder: How was your weekend w your friend in town?

    I had a good weekend! I went to the gym every day...and with the exception of some hot coco I ate only raw foods! I'm going to weigh in tomorrow. Proud to say I still havent had any beer since last weekend...only 6 more days until the superbowl!

    Some one I work with is dating a guy who owns a salon and he selected me to get a full makeover!! A cut, color, and makeover next sunday! My only request was that the color is work appropriate and the length not shorter than my shoulders...hopefully that works for him! So thats become my feel amazing by sunday so I can go out and take full advantage of the makeover!

    How was everyone elses weekend!

    Sorry I havent posted the chart lately...Ive been soo busy lately...I'll be sure to do it tomorrow or Wednesday (depending on when we get all of our weights in)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie: The makeover sounds so exciting! You'll have to post a picture of the "new" you!

    I hope you guys don't mind, but I am going to weigh in tomorrow morning. Allie, I'll try to get the number posted on here around 7:30am tomorrow so it doesn't hinder your charting. I'm working on flushing out the sodium from the weekend!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Oh Look! There's Shredder... I like the pic.

    Sorry I've been MIA, we won a big client at work and I've been assigned as the project manager, so needless to say, things have been a little crazy for me as we get ramped up on the project.

    I'll need to read the posts to catch up, looks like there some new people. Welcome.

    Today's weigh it is pissing me off a little. Last week was TOM, and this week should be my good week. I weighed in Saturday 208, Sunday 208, today 210!!! GRRRRrrrrrrrrr

    And I have excercised every day last week (Zumba) and drank water, water, water. Tomorrow's probably going to be 208 again, so don't take my 210 as final Allie, I'll weigh in again tomorrow.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    The makeover sounds aewsome, I'm with Heather- you HAVE to do a before and after to post here.

    Sounds like we are all putting off the weigh in until tomorrow....I whole heartedly agree. My read sucks oranges this morning:explode: so I'm not logging it till Tues. I know I'm premenstrual also cause I feel so bloated and look like I could challenge a balloon to a race. The week before TOM is when I pack it on, not the week during so I'm putting it down to that. Enough of my rant.. how was everyone's weekend?
    I had a lovely time with my girlfriends. Ate a hearty Irish stew on Sat. night and shared some fine wine. It's nice not to overindulge so your next day is not wasted nursing a headache.:sick:
    Just walked my dog and did arm weights...that will have to do today as I can't make it to the gym today.I worked up a good sweat so I feel ok with that.
    Stephanie, Hi we missed you! Congrats on scoring the client and the project lead. That must put a feather in your cap even though you sound swamped at work.
    Allie- you're such a stud refraning from beer- good for you. How's the raw diet going?
    Christine- yooohoooo, where are you!!!
    Have a killer Monday everyone.:smooched:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Allie: I'm sorry I failed to leave my weight earlier today. It's been snowing since yesterday morning, so the commute was SLOW! Which means I got to work late and had to dive into my projects.

    CW: 197.2

    I stayed within my calories yesterday but managed to go over on the sodium again. They just sneak it in everything so you can't get away from it!! No exercise yesterday, but at least I'm down a tiny bit. The weigh-in for the Biggest Loser competition went very well last night, showing a 3 lb. weight loss. It will be interesting next week to see if I've moved up in the ranks.

    Not too much exciting to report for today. Have a good one!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hey Hey!

    Im sooo sorry ive been mia as well, ive been so busy and my little one has been sick, then i got so drunk sat. night at a card party and had lots of fun but when i woke up sunday I swear I was in HELL!!!!!!

    My weigh in today IIIISSS ! 244.8 I lostr 4 lbs yippee, Ive been going to the gym and eating right, staying within calories :smile:

    Ill have to go back and catch up with the posts, sorry.

    Ill never let this team down,if im missing for awhile Ill always show up on weigh in day, k? k!

    Ill be back
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    :bigsmile: Down 4 lbs!!!!! That's so awesome...atta girl!
    Keep up the great work've obviously tapped into a winning routine...we'll just sit back and enjoy the show as you keep dropping those pounds:flowerforyou:

    Got to the gym today and did 1hr on the elliptical-600 cals. Lord have mercy but I wanna shoot myself after the first 10m.:sad:
    Will have to mix up my cardio this week or I can see me getting discouraged and quitting the gym....again...!
    It's so true what they say about eating right throughout the day and increased energy after a good old sweat session.
    I did pop 5 hershey kisses this afternoon :tongue: hey a girl's gotta have her chocolate fix once in a while right?
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Wow 4lbs loss! I'm so jealous :)

    So my ugly scale decided to stay at 210 ugh. I think it needs new batteries or something....and by something I mean a lighter me!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Christine: You rock! Way to go!!

    So last night I stayed with in my calories (48 to spare), but went way over on the sodium again. I've decided pasta is my enemy because it's showing a 2 lb. weight gain from yesterday morning. Since I stayed within my calories, I KNOW I didn't eat an extra 7000 calories, so I'm at the conclusion that pasta makes me bloated.

    I did manage to get a workout done before dinner and Biggest Loser last night, which was the Couch to 5K, Week 7 Day 1. It was 25 minutes of running and I did it and felt good, too! I ran a bit slower than usual, but right now it's all about getting the time in.

    Have a great day,