really bad home issues... could use some help

fair warning this might be a little long, its more about what my issues are and not so much about weight loss

i live with my husband and in laws there is 6 people here total. January this year i lost my job (Mcdonalds) and a week after that my mother in law passed away. after all of that we had no income so my sister in law had her boyfriend ( now husband) move in to help out.. (he does nothing around the house but he does work 4 days a week) he gives my father in law enough money to pay the bills ( we have not paid rent in several months, the landlord knows what we are going thru and hasnt forced us to pay anything but i dont know how much longer that will happen) about a month later my sister in law comes up with this great idea that shes going to try and get pregnant. ( her excuse is that its going to help the family out because she will be able to get food stamps and cash assistance) she is about 2 months pregnant now. ( she tried saying that welfare said that she had to be pregnant or in school to get food stamps which is a LIE because im not pregnant, i dont have any kids and im not in school ) ( me and her are both 25 years old)

my sister in law has no respect for ANYONE. is always causing problems with everyone that lives here. she wont help out with any house work unless shes threatened that her internet will be shut off ( the bill was in my name and is now in my husbands name) ( we both figure that if you wont help with anything around the house that you dont need internet either) and trust me there is a lot im leaving out of this

i started trying to lose weight two months ago... ive just been watching how much i eat and exercising. we are only getting food stamps and have to last a month with that amount only. so its really hard for me to cut out things that i know are not good for me. i have cut back on soda a lot. right after i started i switched to diet soda.... i can hardly stand the taste of it anymore... i still have a problem with caffeine and drinking sweet tea ( homemade) im stuck eating what everyone else eats for dinner except for a few little things..they will have cream of chicken soup with noodles in it.... i never cared for the way it tastes to i will eat chicken and brown rice with seasonings. its hard to even think of what to make for a meal that everyone would eat.... it seems like no matter whats cooked someone does not like it. i know we tend to eat a lot of pasta and hamburger

everyone here is overweight except my sister in law's husband... im the only one trying ( my father in law said that he has lost at least 60lbs since his wife passed away on the 30th of Jan, he has no appetite anymore and half the time just wants junk food) im glad hes losing weight also but just dont really like how its happening

my sister in law pretty much lives on junk food and fast food.... every time she gets something new shes always trying to get me to eat some ( i dont want any because i know she will throw it up to me later on) and she knows that im trying to avoid that kind of stuff as much as possible... im around it all the time because their dad always wants junk food and it dosent last very long in the house anyhow they all eat about twice as much as i do and that was even before i started watching what i was eating. with him always wanting junk food and soda it takes up a good bit of our food stamps that we could use towards having better meals and or in their case bigger meals....its even hard for me to get things for just me that would be healthier... if anyone else would like anything i got it would be gone instantly.

i want to start being able to eat better but living here there is no way possible to do it... i am starting a job tomorrow its not going to be much (at most 20 hours a week) but i have bills that need caught up on and i have to start paying on the phone bill ( my little brother has been paying it for my since Jan) and i have to help pay for the house bills or rent and things we need for the house..

i just need some advice or anything that would help... and dont even try to tell me to move out or anything like that because right now its is NOT possible.


  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    i just need some advice or anything that would help... and dont even try to tell me to move out or anything like that because right now its is NOT possible.

    That is a shame because that is exactly what I was going to tell you.
  • MadGodsBlessing
    MadGodsBlessing Posts: 14 Member
    i want to, i need to, but im not able to afford anything and my mom does not have the room to let me (and my husband) move in with her and my brother (she lives 6 hours away) and i forget why my dad said that he didnt want us moving in with him when he has plenty of room ( he lives about 7 hours away)
  • calitravelingal
    I'm so sorry that your in that situation. I can't even begin to imagine. The only thing I can offer to help is to tell you to take a walk. I don't mean move out, but litereally take a walk. Everytime you get furstrated or need a little peace, talk a walk. 20 min here 30 min there. Getting outside and away will help your stress level and the benifits of walking to weight loss should be obvious. Its also FREE!
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    i just need some advice or anything that would help... and dont even try to tell me to move out or anything like that because right now its is NOT possible.

    That is a shame because that is exactly what I was going to tell you.

    Me too, sorry O.P. I got nothing more to offer.
  • arickim
    arickim Posts: 137
    Is it your foodstamps or hers? If it is yours, then you buy the groceries and get the things you and your hubby wll eat only. If they want junk, they can go buy their on food. Quit buying soda and junk and you will have better food.
  • While fresh veggies are always best, you can many times find really great deals on frozen veggies. I know Krogers has a lot of 10 for $10 specials on different bagged frozen vegetables such as broccoli, lima beans, peas, etc.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a vegetarian or anything but when money is tight, which it is for me a lot being a single dad with little to no support, these can be a cheaper, healthier option.

    I wish you luck in your situation.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    What's stopping you from getting another job?
  • APawli1224
    APawli1224 Posts: 80 Member
    Well not to seem like a b**** but if you guys dont have the money for rent etc how do you have the money for internet or anything that isnt needed.. "fast food" etc.. Anyways advice would be get a job and move out.. If you are the one getting food stamps no matter what anyone says you go out and buy the stuff you want, cook what you want, and serve what you want.. They dont eat? Who cares?.. Not me.. That is how it happens with me.. I cook what I want for my ex and I (since we live together right now until after my sons birthday then I am going back home with my son and I) and if he eats it he eats it, if he dont, he dont...
  • MadGodsBlessing
    MadGodsBlessing Posts: 14 Member
    i knew that was going to come up a lot. i know how some people can be and just say to move out like it would be that easy, if it was going to be that easy i would of done it by now.

    i have one person in this town ( besides my husband and father in law) that i can go to for help/advice.

    its already been said by the rest of the family that if my sister in law would move out it would make most of the stress and 99% of our problems go away, but that still wouldnt help the food situation much
  • krawl78
    krawl78 Posts: 113 Member
    The most obvious answer of all... get a job. Start earning an income that will allow you to move out and make your own food choices. Why can't your husband get a job? I know times are tough, but you came from a fast food environment... I'm sure those establishments are still hiring. Trying to succeed at anything starts with hard work. Go find some. You didn't indicate you were disabled in any fashion, or that any of your family are, so I'm not understanding why only 1 member of the household works?
  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    Agree with the above. I know a lot of people that have had food stamps that are able to buy healthy foods. You also want to try and start walking at least a few times a week to just get some exercise. Maybe your husband will want to walk with you? Maybe explain to the whole family why you are doing what you are doing and they will start being supportive? I know how hard it can be, good luck! I hope things work out!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Consider this a free consultation with your friendly Social Worker:

    The catalyst for change is you.
    Start there. The rest will follow.

    The only person you can ever change is yourself. Stop focusing on the others in your home and start thinking about what you can do.

    Money is a problem - get a job. Any job. Any time night or day. Can't find one? Look into Network Marketing and work for yourself - Usborne Books and More (my personal favorite), Mary Kay, Tupperware, Nerium, Pampered Chef... There are a whole host of them and any good consultant will help you do what you need to build your own business.

    Research foods that you can make yourself. Try, look for vegetarian recipes and think of meat as a seasoning rather than a main component. Dry beans are easy to fix, good on nutrients, and cheap.

    And yes, talk a walk. Lots of walks. Use the time to envision your future, think of who you want to become, then plan how you can live to make that happen. And with all the drama, take hubby on at least half of them to give you two time to communicate.
  • stephmo86
    I'm sorry about your situation.

    I'm a big fan of whole wheat pasta, it goes on sale 10/$10 sometimes (don't buy all 10 if you can't), and then getting veggies and adding a little olive oil and spices. Sometimes you can get veggies that are just about going bad for really cheap. They're def. okay for that day's meal, but you can't wait a week to use them.

    Frozen vegetables are also good and they go on sale often. You can do a lot with frozen vegetables! Google recipes and see what comes up.

    Tuna fish and light mayo are decent options, you can always add celery and onions if you feel like getting crazy.

    And crystal light (or the generics) are my go-to for flavor. I stopped drinking soda a while ago, and I feel much better. If I want something sweet for a beverage, I make crystal light.

    Good luck!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    i knew that was going to come up a lot. i know how some people can be and just say to move out like it would be that easy, if it was going to be that easy i would of done it by now.

    i have one person in this town ( besides my husband and father in law) that i can go to for help/advice.

    its already been said by the rest of the family that if my sister in law would move out it would make most of the stress and 99% of our problems go away, but that still wouldnt help the food situation much

    That's the thing though. We know it's not going to be easy. Some of us have been in similar situations.

    The best option isn't necessarily the easiest option. Do you want to have an easy solution, or do you want to save your sanity?
  • asprague917
    get a mini fridge off craigslist if you can and keep it in your room with a lock on it....get the food you like and keep it in there stop providing for every one else. the food stamps are for you and your hubby if hes on the case with you. theres no reason to be buying food for everyone unless they are on your stamps with you.

    keep your food in your room with a lock either on your room or your fridge and tell everyone to keep out. you have no obligation to provide for everyone else except your hubby.
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    i just need some advice or anything that would help... and dont even try to tell me to move out or anything like that because right now its is NOT possible.

    That is a shame because that is exactly what I was going to tell you.

    Me too, sorry O.P. I got nothing more to offer.

    Me, also. Stuck in a rut. Will be a nasty circle of same-old, same-old, for years and probably generations, until YOU take control. Of your diet, your housing arrangements, your life.
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    I may be hard hearted, but your food stamps buy what you want. If they don't like it they can complain all they want and fend for themselves.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    I'm so sorry that your in that situation. I can't even begin to imagine. The only thing I can offer to help is to tell you to take a walk. I don't mean move out, but litereally take a walk. Everytime you get furstrated or need a little peace, talk a walk. 20 min here 30 min there. Getting outside and away will help your stress level and the benifits of walking to weight loss should be obvious. Its also FREE!

    That's exactly what I was going to suggest: spend as little time in that house as you possibly can. Take on another job, volunteer somewhere (animal shelter? hospital?), go to the library, but get out and get moving. Also, just don't eat large portions of anything. Small portions, and try to get some fresh veggies and fruits into your diet. Vegetables aren't expensive, as a general rule. They're some of the cheapest things on my grocery list.
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    Try checking local churches and groups to see if you qualify for free food boxes, the rest of the family may qualify as well.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Why does your husband not get a job, then you get a job and get yourselves a place of your own?! If he has to shovel dirt he should be doing that to make a life for you both. You need to excise yourself from that family/house, girl getting pregnant for assistance and eating mostly fast food even though she's pregnant, everyone overweight...sorry but you need to get out of there! It sounds like a Jeremy Kyle-esque nightmare.