Concealing & carrying pistols while running/working out



  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    the question was about how to conceal carry while running or working out, not if you think it is right or wrong. Some people have jobs or requirements that may require different needs than you and others and to tell them they are wrong for that is foolish and ignorant.

    That's because some of us, American's included can't fathom why you would need a gun to run. There are treadmills in the gym, there are tracks at the local park or high school, there are well-lit and populated trails. If an area makes you question your safety to the point where you need a gun, maybe you should avoid jogging in that area.

    You clearly skipped over my account of a teacher abducted and killed. For thrills. In a small, safe town.

    Having a gun may not have changed that. Crime happens, no one is acting like it doesn't. But a teacher being abducted and killed for thrills isn't a common occurrence in a small U.S. town or large American city. The reason why they make the news is because they are rare. Unless you have to worry about wildlife or are a attack victim yourself, I just can't see the logic behind needing a gun to protect yourself on a running trail. Even if someone did try to rob you, are you ready to take their life. Because you just might. Are you okay with shooting a teen dead who just wanted your IPOD. That could be your kid that was on the wrong track and instead of having a second chance, he's dead. Are you prepared to have your own personal stereotypes and preconceived notions put to the test. While all the facts of case aren't out, its safe to say If George Zimmerman didn't have a gun, both him and Trayvon Martin would be alive.

    If I can jog around the projects without a weapon, then I'm sure most of you can handle a trail. Street smarts and common sense go far if you insist on running outside. I'm sure every town has a track, usually lit with bright lights well into the evening and there is always the gym. There really is no excuse to put yourself in what you already consider a compromising position. If you feel that area isn't safe enough for you to jog without a gun, don't jog there. Exercise should be a battle of the bulge, not a battle for real.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    As far as statistics, as I stated earlier, approximately 80 million guns in the US and close to 9000 gun deaths. Of the number of guns in relation to the number of deaths where a gun was used, that's about .0001%.

    Comparing gun deaths or even murders in general in England and the U.S. is like comparing Apples to's not the same, at all, so there is no comparison in reality. The culture is different and the laws are different.

    Another interesting "fact" for the UK:
    (according to wikipedia )

    In the year Apr 2010 to Mar 2011 there were 11,227 recorded offences involving firearms

    Violence against the person:
    Homicide = 60
    Attempted murder/GBH with intent = 757

    It's not that those in the UK don't use guns to try and kill's just that they are a terrible shot.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    the question was about how to conceal carry while running or working out, not if you think it is right or wrong. Some people have jobs or requirements that may require different needs than you and others and to tell them they are wrong for that is foolish and ignorant.

    That's because some of us, American's included can't fathom why you would need a gun to run. There are treadmills in the gym, there are tracks at the local park or high school, there are well-lit and populated trails. If an area makes you question your safety to the point where you need a gun, maybe you should avoid jogging in that area.

    please be my guest...come show me where I can run my 14 mile run on Sat Id love for you to show me all the safe havens of exercise you speak of. I think running 14 miles on a tread mill while training for a marathon will be AMAZING. not to mention ill be Ill prepared for running outdoors. Again you leave in a highly populated metropolitan area to ASSUME that every one has access to everything you do....

    I do live in a highly populated area, but I have lived all over the country, and there are parks all over the country. There are neighborhoods all over the country. There are tracks all over the country. So don't say you have to run in the woods by yourself at night because there is no other option. If you must, you can run in the daylight, run with a partner or a dog like many have already suggested. You can get a reflector jacked and run on the side of the road, instead of worrying about attackers you just need to worry about cars. First Europeans and Canadians don't get it, now us city folk don't get it. Don't try to make this sound like every American is packing while they are running, because the concept is quite foreign to many in this country.
  • _LilPowerHouse
    _LilPowerHouse Posts: 365 Member
    It makes me feel like this tho..


  • gracefulotus
    Does anyone carry a pistol with them when they run or bike? I live in a neighborhood that is not the greatest. There is a lake block from my house that has a wonderful trail. Years ago there were several assaults, some of them sexual against women. Two years ago a cop was killed a block from lake. Nothing has happened since then, at least not in the abudance it had been happening but I think I would feel safer if I got a conceal and carry permit (legal here in Minnesota). So here are my questions.

    1) If you do conceal and carry while running, have you ever had any situations? i.e. causing pain because it is secured awkwardly, falling out, etc
    2) If I am a jogging, how would I secure it in the best way? What piece of equipment for holstering?

    I have had training with pistols, assault rifles and shotguns beyond a little personal experience so I am not a total novice with guns.

    Hey there, just wanted to say that I've been following your forum question. Boy, did you start something with this topic!

    Bet you'll think twice to start a forum question on guns ever again (unless its a gun members forum of some kind).

    Have you figured out an answer to your question tho?
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    the question was about how to conceal carry while running or working out, not if you think it is right or wrong. Some people have jobs or requirements that may require different needs than you and others and to tell them they are wrong for that is foolish and ignorant.

    That's because some of us, American's included can't fathom why you would need a gun to run. There are treadmills in the gym, there are tracks at the local park or high school, there are well-lit and populated trails. If an area makes you question your safety to the point where you need a gun, maybe you should avoid jogging in that area.

    You clearly skipped over my account of a teacher abducted and killed. For thrills. In a small, safe town.

    Having a gun may not have changed that. Crime happens, no one is acting like it doesn't. But a teacher being abducted and killed for thrills isn't a common occurrence in a small U.S. town or large American city. The reason why they make the news is because they are rare. Unless you have to worry about wildlife or are a attack victim yourself, I just can't see the logic behind needing a gun to protect yourself on a running trail. Even if someone did try to rob you, are you ready to take their life. Because you just might. Are you okay with shooting a teen dead who just wanted your IPOD. That could be your kid that was on the wrong track and instead of having a second chance, he's dead. Are you prepared to have your own personal stereotypes and preconceived notions put to the test. While all the facts of case aren't out, its safe to say If George Zimmerman didn't have a gun, both him and Trayvon Martin would be alive.

    If I can jog around the projects without a weapon, then I'm sure most of you can handle a trail. Street smarts and common sense go far if you insist on running outside. I'm sure every town has a track, usually lit with bright lights well into the evening and there is always the gym. There really is no excuse to put yourself in what you already consider a compromising position. If you feel that area isn't safe enough for you to jog without a gun, don't jog there. Exercise should be a battle of the bulge, not a battle for real.

    She was jogging in daylight. On a well used jogging trail. With no fear for her safety. And it still happened. Of course it may not have changed anything. But is there a chance it could have? Absolutely. So why not give yourself that chance, with the hope and prayers that you never have to find out?
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member

    The point is glaring...American (gun owners) dont feel the need for a government entity to provide them with protection. Nor do we trust them to provide us with the personal protection we need for our self and our family. The congested urban areas do. That's why highly populated metropolitan areas tend to vote democrat because they need the government to provide services for them instead of providing them on their own. Democrats are dependent on outside entity. Relying on some one else to provide that for you is a recipe for failure. If you Europeans, Australians and Canadians want to sit back and enjoy the psuedo comfort of your government supplying you with a false sense of protection you are more than welcome.

    We are glad you live over there too :)
    Stay over their and keep your European ideas to yourself. :)

    Eventually your government will fail as ALL governments have in history. Who will protect you then? Do you think those gunless bobbies will give two hoots about weather or not you are protected when **** falls apart? Keep telling yourself that you have no need and you will be safe. You live in a dream land of false safety. You think that you are protected but when it actually comes down to it, No one is looking out for you and your family except you. In America, gun owners not criminals, have a sense of responsibility for themselves, their family, and their property. We dont expect anyone to come to our rescue. We are self sufficient and dont need a government to help us. If you trust your government congratulations. I hope that works out well for you. I hope on your life that you never have to experience it. As for me and my family well we will be protected.

    So your local police department has failed you? Your local District Attorney's office has failed you? Your local fire department has failed you? Your state police department has failed you? Your state legislators and locally elected officials have failed you? Your states National Guard and our Armed Forces have failed you? What a patriot. What you are saying makes absolutely no sense. Your tax dollars pay police, fire and government salaries, they damn well better protect you. That is their job. Someone better be on the other end if I need to call 911 and an officer should respond. We live in a civilized society, where vigilante justice is not the law of the land and if you understood the constitution then you would respect law and order. We are the UNITED States of America, one nation.

    And since you are so self- sufficient and need absolutely nothing from the government, then I'm sure you have enough cash to pay for your kids tuition outright, no financial aid, you have no plans of ever getting social security, medicaid or medicare, you don't drive on roads and bridges, you fly over them because you don't need those roads the government built, you use well water instead of municipal water, don't drink that government stuff and your gun is illegal because you wouldn't bother going to to the government to get a concealed carry permit. You really should read what you write before you post, because you can't be serious
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    the question was about how to conceal carry while running or working out, not if you think it is right or wrong. Some people have jobs or requirements that may require different needs than you and others and to tell them they are wrong for that is foolish and ignorant.

    That's because some of us, American's included can't fathom why you would need a gun to run. There are treadmills in the gym, there are tracks at the local park or high school, there are well-lit and populated trails. If an area makes you question your safety to the point where you need a gun, maybe you should avoid jogging in that area.

    You clearly skipped over my account of a teacher abducted and killed. For thrills. In a small, safe town.

    I'm sure every town has a track, usually lit with bright lights well into the evening.

    Wrong..that's pretty general.

    I carry something with me because I don't know what I could run into, when it comes to animals. Wild animals can mosey into town (even the burbs of Minneapolis), so personally, even on a lit trail I never know what I could run into.
  • ilovemaisy
    Dear God, running with knives and guns?!?!? What?!?

    I am very glad I live in Europe!

    I had the same reaction to this post!!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Dear God, running with knives and guns?!?!? What?!?

    I am very glad I live in Europe!

    I had the same reaction to this post!!

    Ya, I had my life threatened in Europe for being an American....pretty sweet.
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    the police here don't carry guns but they do have tazer training, because its small and square it fits in most packs but a holster looks tw best thing. (the armed police are a special unit and I don't think running is thier thing.)
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    So your local police department has failed you? Your local District Attorney's office has failed you? Your local fire department has failed you? Your state police department has failed you? Your state legislators and locally elected officials have failed you? Your states National Guard and our Armed Forces have failed you? What a patriot. What you are saying makes absolutely no sense. Your tax dollars pay police, fire and government salaries, they damn well better protect you. That is their job. Someone better be on the other end if I need to call 911 and an officer should respond. We live in a civilized society, where vigilante justice is not the law of the land and if you understood the constitution then you would respect law and order. We are the UNITED States of America, one nation.

    And since you are so self- sufficient and need absolutely nothing from the government, then I'm sure you have enough cash to pay for your kids tuition outright, no financial aid, you have no plans of ever getting social security, medicaid or medicare, you don't drive on roads and bridges, you fly over them because you don't need those roads the government built, you use well water instead of municipal water, don't drink that government stuff and your gun is illegal because you wouldn't bother going to to the government to get a concealed carry permit. You really should read what you write before you post, because you can't be serious

    Actually, the police do NOT have a duty to protect you as an individual. The Supreme Court rendered a decision to that effect several years ago. The duty of the police is to protect society at large. They are not bound to protect individuals.

    I fully plan to call 911 if I need police assistance - when I am able to do so. I also don't have any plans on sitting and waiting for the police to show up and hope nothing bad happens during that time.

    It's trite but more often that not true - when seconds count the police are only minutes away.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    the police here don't carry guns but they do have tazer training, because its small and square it fits in most packs but a holster looks tw best thing. (the armed police are a special unit and I don't think running is thier thing.)

    The "special units" usually do more running than the "regular" cops. Their gear is designed to handle it.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    This is a divissive issue.

    It is interesting to see the differences between those that feel safe, and those that don't. Not saying anyone is more safe than anyone else, but having a sense of feeling safe is probably enlightening. Living in the city, I've never had it. I always feel like danger is around the corner. I am always fearful that someone will abduct my kids and sell them to child slavery in some country where I will never find them, I always worry that someone will just walk into my home and kill us, I never know when a homeless man approches me, if he is going to rip my guts out. Seriously. I do not feel safe ever, so I do side with carrying a weapon and having the right to own and use weapons when necessary. But, I understand the other side. People that do not experience those feelings at all just can't understand how it feels to constantly live in fear.
    DREXENDELSANGRE Posts: 23 Member
    Aside from picking the kids up at school, or going to work. I am almost always carying. However, since all of my cardio is done on a treadmill or elliptical, I have not needed to carry while jogging. But, If i were regularly jogging in public, I would most certainly be carrying. I know that was of no help to you, but figured id add it regardless.
  • downhomedixie13
    I've seen spandex shorts with a special built in holster for a gun! Here is the link.... It's for women but maybe they make some for men too?
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    So your local police department has failed you? Your local District Attorney's office has failed you? Your local fire department has failed you? Your state police department has failed you? Your state legislators and locally elected officials have failed you? Your states National Guard and our Armed Forces have failed you? What a patriot. What you are saying makes absolutely no sense. Your tax dollars pay police, fire and government salaries, they damn well better protect you. That is their job. Someone better be on the other end if I need to call 911 and an officer should respond. We live in a civilized society, where vigilante justice is not the law of the land and if you understood the constitution then you would respect law and order. We are the UNITED States of America, one nation.

    And since you are so self- sufficient and need absolutely nothing from the government, then I'm sure you have enough cash to pay for your kids tuition outright, no financial aid, you have no plans of ever getting social security, medicaid or medicare, you don't drive on roads and bridges, you fly over them because you don't need those roads the government built, you use well water instead of municipal water, don't drink that government stuff and your gun is illegal because you wouldn't bother going to to the government to get a concealed carry permit. You really should read what you write before you post, because you can't be serious

    Actually, the police do NOT have a duty to protect you as an individual. The Supreme Court rendered a decision to that effect several years ago. The duty of the police is to protect society at large. They are not bound to protect individuals.

    I fully plan to call 911 if I need police assistance - when I am able to do so. I also don't have any plans on sitting and waiting for the police to show up and hope nothing bad happens during that time.

    It's trite but more often that not true - when seconds count the police are only minutes away.

    The case you are referring to was Washington D.C supreme court, not the supreme court. Police departments have been successfully sued when they failed to protect individuals due to negligence. Besides you are are man, so from the looks of your picture you look like you are in great shape. You are not a likely target of an attacker. No one is going to try to rape you. Someone may want to steal what your IPOD or jewelry if you are wearing any, but you can make yourself less of a target by not wearing any. Even if you had something someone wanted to steal, being a man and your size is usually enough of a deterrent. I am a big believer in street smarts and common sense. There was a trail near my home in Brooklyn, it was very busy in the morning and early evening, but pretty desolate in the working hours and at night. If I ran the trail, I used it in the popular hours, otherwise, I ran around my neighborhood, went to the track or went to the gym. Yes I lived in a city, but I have seen high school tracks in even small hick towns. If an environment makes you uncomfortable, avoid that area. Even where you feel safe, keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings. Guns and jogging just seem extreme, especially from men who are unlikely targets. You aren't jogging through Syria.

    BTW, my previous remarks were directed to the poster who says he/she is completely self-sufficient and only city folks rely on government, when all Americans rely on government services. Remember there is state, local, and federal and you have to basically live under a rock to not need something from the government. Maybe this poster wasn't aware of that since all schools are either government run or receive government funds, he/she must not have attended
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
    So your local police department has failed you? Your local District Attorney's office has failed you? Your local fire department has failed you? Your state police department has failed you? Your state legislators and locally elected officials have failed you? Your states National Guard and our Armed Forces have failed you? What a patriot. What you are saying makes absolutely no sense. Your tax dollars pay police, fire and government salaries, they damn well better protect you. That is their job. Someone better be on the other end if I need to call 911 and an officer should respond. We live in a civilized society, where vigilante justice is not the law of the land and if you understood the constitution then you would respect law and order. We are the UNITED States of America, one nation.

    And since you are so self- sufficient and need absolutely nothing from the government, then I'm sure you have enough cash to pay for your kids tuition outright, no financial aid, you have no plans of ever getting social security, medicaid or medicare, you don't drive on roads and bridges, you fly over them because you don't need those roads the government built, you use well water instead of municipal water, don't drink that government stuff and your gun is illegal because you wouldn't bother going to to the government to get a concealed carry permit. You really should read what you write before you post, because you can't be serious

    Actually, the police do NOT have a duty to protect you as an individual. The Supreme Court rendered a decision to that effect several years ago. The duty of the police is to protect society at large. They are not bound to protect individuals.

    I fully plan to call 911 if I need police assistance - when I am able to do so. I also don't have any plans on sitting and waiting for the police to show up and hope nothing bad happens during that time.

    It's trite but more often that not true - when seconds count the police are only minutes away.

    The case you are referring to was Washington D.C supreme court, not the supreme court. Police departments have been successfully sued when they failed to protect individuals due to negligence. Besides you are are man, so from the looks of your picture you look like you are in great shape. You are not a likely target of an attacker. No one is going to try to rape you. Someone may want to steal what your IPOD or jewelry if you are wearing any, but you can make yourself less of a target by not wearing any. Even if you had something someone wanted to steal, being a man and your size is usually enough of a deterrent. I am a big believer in street smarts and common sense. There was a trail near my home in Brooklyn, it was very busy in the morning and early evening, but pretty desolate in the working hours and at night. If I ran the trail, I used it in the popular hours, otherwise, I ran around my neighborhood, went to the track or went to the gym. Yes I lived in a city, but I have seen high school tracks in even small hick towns. If an environment makes you uncomfortable, avoid that area. Even where you feel safe, keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings. Guns and jogging just seem extreme, especially from men who are unlikely targets. You aren't jogging through Syria.

    BTW, my previous remarks were directed to the poster who says he/she is completely self-sufficient and only city folks rely on government, when all Americans rely on government services. Remember there is state, local, and federal and you have to basically live under a rock to not need something from the government. Maybe this poster wasn't aware of that since all schools are either government run or receive government funds, he/she must not have attended

    Even with a Concealed weapon permit you can't shoot someone for "Taking your IPOD" they have to be threatening your life BIG DIFFERENCE. This is why the uneducated (on gun laws) should not give an uninformed opinion. Example I am a Man and know NOTHING about Tampons therefore I don't weigh in on "TOM" threads. If you don't even know what the laws are regarding LEGAL gun ownership maybe you should not weigh in either.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    the question was about how to conceal carry while running or working out, not if you think it is right or wrong. Some people have jobs or requirements that may require different needs than you and others and to tell them they are wrong for that is foolish and ignorant.

    That's because some of us, American's included can't fathom why you would need a gun to run. There are treadmills in the gym, there are tracks at the local park or high school, there are well-lit and populated trails. If an area makes you question your safety to the point where you need a gun, maybe you should avoid jogging in that area.

    please be my guest...come show me where I can run my 14 mile run on Sat Id love for you to show me all the safe havens of exercise you speak of. I think running 14 miles on a tread mill while training for a marathon will be AMAZING. not to mention ill be Ill prepared for running outdoors. Again you leave in a highly populated metropolitan area to ASSUME that every one has access to everything you do....

    I do live in a highly populated area, but I have lived all over the country, and there are parks all over the country. There are neighborhoods all over the country. There are tracks all over the country. So don't say you have to run in the woods by yourself at night because there is no other option. If you must, you can run in the daylight, run with a partner or a dog like many have already suggested. You can get a reflector jacked and run on the side of the road, instead of worrying about attackers you just need to worry about cars. First Europeans and Canadians don't get it, now us city folk don't get it. Don't try to make this sound like every American is packing while they are running, because the concept is quite foreign to many in this country.

    Because you dont get it. I have three running trails available to me... One is 20 miles long but 15 miles away. The other two are separated by 4 miles of city 1 is 2.1 miles long and the other is 1.9 miles long. Again my long run is 14 miles on Sat. I will probably run the 20 mile Bike trail that is secluded in the woods where Ill be vulnerable to animal attack. Im employed so I dont get to choose between running in the day or running in the Predawn and Dusk time frames. How many people do you know that are willing and capable (including a dog) to run 14 miles and have a similar schedule to you. Im not trying to make it sound liek every american is packing. Im saying mind your own business and dont tell others what they need when you dont have a clue about their lifestyle or the area they live in. You seem to know my neighborhood better then me. Im telling you when I run streets instead of trails I run through some areas that are dangerous. I DONT CARRY, but Im scared to death in one mile long section. Its low income housing that is notorious for Meth labs and I really dont want to run through a meth deal gone bad some night and wish my pepper spray was enough to stop a tweaking meth head