Blaming TOM (please stop)



  • LoViNlIFe0225
    Why is everyone so bothered by what other people are posting??? I come here to encourage myself and those around me to be healthy and fit...not to ridicule them for using TOM as an excuse (or anything else as an excuse) to treat themselves a couple days out of the month. Negative posts like this are not productive to an encouraging you encourage the people around you by putting them down and judging them? Seems like an odd approach but to each their own...:drinker:
  • mama4loca
    I keep doing this wrong- trying to reply to a reply- it just goes to the end and probably makes no sense.I was saying LOL to GauchoMarx! How do you quote and reply in the same box?
  • aprus5542

    On a side note, where are you finding tampons for $4, they're like $7 here. lol

    Bahahah, I get the generic CVS ones. Or shop at Costco/BJs/Sam's Club and stock up for, like, the year.

    hahaah thats classic <3
  • LoViNlIFe0225
    My will power during TOM is almost non-existent. I don't eat a lot, I just eat bad things. And you know what, why the hell not. I have to bleed for five days with cramps that make me feel like someone is churning butter in my gut, if I want a cinnabun, I will have a cinnabun dammit!!!!

    I wish I had a "like" Button for this! : ) I completely agreed!
  • KellyAlyssa84
    Read this somewhere and laughed. "TOM? How did the guy from Myspace make you eat 12 bars of chocolate?"

  • jericamom
    jericamom Posts: 49 Member
    NO. Your period didn't make you do a d*mn thing, except spend $4 on a box of tampons. Stop making women seem pathetic and incapable of rational thought.

  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    When I ovulate I am incapable of rational thought. Oh Lordy, give me ALL THE FOOD!

    Luckily my stomach rebels if I try to eat too much in one sitting. Sadly this has led to me sitting in the corner feeling sick and hungry at the same time.
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    ValRAAAAY Posts: 270 Member
    My will power during TOM is almost non-existent. I don't eat a lot, I just eat bad things. And you know what, why the hell not. I have to bleed for five days with cramps that make me feel like someone is churning butter in my gut, if I want a cinnabun, I will have a cinnabun dammit!!!!

    BAHAHAHAAHAA :laugh:

    I want CARBS. I carb load. Screw the bacon, turkey, chicken...give me carbs or give me death!!!
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    Question, does anyone else lose steadily while ON their TOM? This happens to me and I can almost count on it every single month happening.
    My favorite time to weigh myself is right after TOM leaves.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    I'm just as guilty as giving in to cravings, but you should NOT blame your period for your nutritional indiscretions. YOU made the choice to eat whatever you ate, and you make yourself (and all women) sound weak when you blame your body for a choice your mind made. I'm so sick of seeing people make excuses every other day for why they chose to forgo exercise or eat six large pizzas.

    Example: "TOM had me eating cinnamon buns, UGHHH guess I'll start over tomorrow."

    NO. Your period didn't make you do a d*mn thing, except spend $4 on a box of tampons. Stop making women seem pathetic and incapable of rational thought.
    my TOM would like to tell you to go _________ a choclate bar, mebbie youll be less cranky
  • sds76
    sds76 Posts: 215 Member
    Question, does anyone else lose steadily while ON their TOM? This happens to me and I can almost count on it every single month happening.

    I do not. I gain 3-5 lbs about 2 days before TOM but the day after it's over I drop that plus whatever I dropped that week anyway. I make sure to weigh in before my bloat adds its weight and then after so that TOM gain/loss is really never recorded. I don't really get cravings etc when TOM is here, if anything I lose my appetite. I do have to make a more concious(sp) effort to get up and exercise, but I do :)
  • Melonhead
    Wow! Girl on Girl verbal abuse. Thanks TOM
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    Why is everyone so bothered by what other people are posting??? I come here to encourage myself and those around me to be healthy and fit...not to ridicule them for using TOM as an excuse (or anything else as an excuse) to treat themselves a couple days out of the month. Negative posts like this are not productive to an encouraging you encourage the people around you by putting them down and judging them? Seems like an odd approach but to each their own...:drinker:

    Exactly! Leave everyone else alone and get off your high horse. The more judgemental people are, the less anyone else cares what they think anyway.
    I find that I'm more susceptible to bad eating habits when TOM visits because I'm more easily exhausted and stressed and looking for comfort. It's life. Nothing to scream at anyone about.
  • chezileigh
    well, I'm not a massive lover of resisting cravings at all costs whether I'm on or not, I just make up for it either with exercise or eating better the rest of the week. It doesn't stop me losing weight and I'm quite happy like that.

    I will say though, I really depends on what sorts of symptoms you get with your period, because the symptoms some people get are pretty severe and they perhaps feel like they have enough to deal with at that time. When they say TOM had me eating cake or whatever, I would guess they are making light of the situation. Maybe they just don't give a **** and know they only have to justify their actions to themselves, and not you.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Honestly, I thought the point of this post was to be EMPOWERING. To encourage us all to OWN our choices instead of blaming biology, genetics, the weather, the postman, whatever. If you want to eat a treat, great! What's wrong with OWNING that choice instead of acting like you had absolutely no control over it? I don't understand how that's a negative message, but some people can make anything negative.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I used to crave for really bad stuff, like french fries, and brownies. Now during the time I just feel hungry. I can eat double the portion of roasted turkey breast. Is that bad?
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    It was my period that murdered that bus full of tourists.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Honestly, I thought the point of this post was to be EMPOWERING. To encourage us all to OWN our choices instead of blaming biology, genetics, the weather, the postman, whatever. If you want to eat a treat, great! What's wrong with OWNING that choice instead of acting like you had absolutely no control over it? I don't understand how that's a negative message, but some people can make anything negative.

    You could see it that way and that's good for you. You know the same message could lead to totally opposite output if the carrier uses different way to express it.
  • SelenityJ
    SelenityJ Posts: 168 Member
    Question, does anyone else lose steadily while ON their TOM? This happens to me and I can almost count on it every single month happening.

    Yup I lose every time while on my TOM. I think some of my top weekly weight losses happened during that time. Then again I end up with alot of pain with mine so alot of showers are taken during it and I have to justify a shower so I usually exercise before one. So if my friends see a HUGE increase in exercise that lasts for 7-10 days (Because I'm one of those unlucky women that have LONG periods) it's that time... most of the time though, people can't tell when I'm on my period unless I mention it. I was taught at a young age to never blame my period for something i choose to do. My Mom was adamant about that and was one of the first rules about periods I was told when I was ten.