

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    It's Monday again!:smile: Time to get moving! I went to the pool for 2 back to back classes-105 minutes total! Knock on wood, my toe and knee are ok at the moment and I plan to start cleaning out the garage with DH next! The scale was down one more lb. today and I am so excited that even though it's coming off slow, I have more energy and I'm keeping it off!:bigsmile:

    DeeDee - That sounded like so much fun-playing with the new puppy!

    Barbie - Your cat grapic is soooo cute!:smile:

    JunerBooner - Congrats on the new grandbaby!

    Time to get off the couch and drink some more water!:drinker:

    Blessings to you all!

  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    I did it! I went to the aquacise this morning! I really wanted to sit with my cup of coffee and relax but I forced myself off my butt and made it to the pool. It was actually pretty good - still hate the drying off/dressing process, but I will survive! and am back on some structured/controlled eating again! Hooray for routine!
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Had a wonderful weekend with the quilt ladies but now I need to get back on track. I think I "rewarded" myself for dealing with my mother's failing memory and did not make good food choices the part of the time. Now I need to get the sugar back out of my system. I did sit next to mom over the weekend and realized just how bad her memory is. I have learned to accept that she is going downhill in that respect and that all I can do is support her best I can. Got quite a bit of handwork done, took a number of good walks and stayed up late with friends. Overall a good time was had by all.

    Candace & cjspensley - I live on the west side of Cleveland and we were at a church camp down in Amish country. We always hit the fabric stores on our way to camp.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for a job opportunity that came up over the weekend. I am working now, but unfortunately fall into the "under-employed" category.

    Zumba starts back up tonight and while I know I should go and will feel better afterwards, part of me would just like to go home and crash. I will go though because I am trying to adopt a new more active lifestyle and I told my DIL I would sign her in because I get there early and they are going to start limiting the class size. I laughed when someone else posted that even though their class was cancelled, they worked out anyhow because they had told us they were going
    to. Accountability is an awesome thing!

    Someone asked about acrylic nails - I had nais for about 15 years, the last three were gel nails which I found to be stronger. I LOVED my nails! But they were the first thing to go when my income was cut. Growing them out after all that time was difficult. I used nail strengtheners and still do, but they spilt regularly. I have to say that using and iphone is much easier without them!

    Off to Zumba now.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi All,
    would love to join this thread. I am getting my goals together for september - i refuse to let on more month go by sitting on my duff feeling sorry for myself. My knee and ankle feel good today so let it start right now! I'm not a teacher per se but teaching is an aspect of what i do. I'm 49, nicotine free for 2 yrs and 4 months but who's counting, and i will report at my highest weight ever. which i'm ball parking at 257 but weightwatcher will verify at the weigh in tonight. I am sick of my self and my lazy attitude - the change begins today., better late than never!
    My September goals:
    Go to weight watchers meeting and rejoin
    stay within food goal for next 7 days
    start out with 20 minutes of walking per day for next 7 days.
    drink 4 16.9oz bottles of water for next 7 days
    practice measuring food /protions for next 7 days
    check in everyday no matter what

    here goes!

  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    Loving the positivity on this thread and enjoying the catch-up.

    Capitulated to a candy craving on Friday night. Both my daughters were working and my husband had to stay overnight in another town--felt really gross later on and on Saturday morning, too. It really wasn't worth giving in to--so doing a little happy dance on a lesson learned.

    Had a happy time yesterday using the new digital scale that I purchased Saturday morning...if I'm going to log my food, then I may as well be accurate...and I'm seeing that some of the data in the data base is incorrect. At this point, with about 116 pounds to lose, I'm thinking that my smaller portion sizes and whole foods approach is such a positive change that worrying over one or two g. of fiber or 30 calories here/there isn't as big a deal as it will become. Doing the math is good for my brain, anyway!

    I'm feeling great keeping my water bottle with me--the downside is how far the nearest staff bathroom is from my classroom--I am certainly perfecting my power walking in between classes! LOL!

    My DH and I did our contest weigh-in last night, and this time he lost also--but I'm still in the lead. I'm proud of him, though--he's come from being a man who removes the lettuce from his triple burger to eating--with enjoyment--a spinach and strawberry. Am I being wicked adding slivered almonds to his and not to my own? :laugh:
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    I did it! I went to the aquacise this morning! I really wanted to sit with my cup of coffee and relax but I forced myself off my butt and made it to the pool. It was actually pretty good - still hate the drying off/dressing process, but I will survive! and am back on some structured/controlled eating again! Hooray for routine!

    Way to go Glenda! getting there is the biggest part of the battle and you did it! :bigsmile:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    @Junerboomer--Congrats on New Grandbaby.:flowerforyou:
    @Dee--Not Footballl game try 3 games-- I enjoy 1 game I enjoy hanging out with my DH but after 1 I just check in to keep up with score and it encourages him. It was a good time catching up on my reading, emails etc..But still it is fun with it on.
    @Glenda yay for you on making it to class.:smile:

    Welcome everyone new I truly enjoy this thread very encouraging, supportive, and accepting group here.
    Today has been doing lots of errands and chores getting a lot of things done.

    Hope everyone has a nice day.

    Lots of good wishes to all.

    Liz:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi Hi Hi to everyone! Wow what a day. It was a clinical day, one student was in the emergency department and so I only had 6, but holy buckets we were busy! I am wondering how on earth to log that activity. I ran my butt off for 7 hours only sitting down for a 30 minute lunch. It is way more activity than I am used to, but have no idea what to do with it! I know I am starving! I am also exhausted and nearly couldn’t get home LOL. I took a long nap when I did get here!

    Kathy: someone else had a status update saying they had logged in for like 10 days or so and they had been here many more days than that….I think it was Linda. So maybe the site has its gremlins.

    Micki: great NSV!!!

    Lila: bad Mookers LOL. I have 3 cats that love to sit across my arms while I type.

    Teri: we did work on those darned taxes for a couple of hours yesterday LOL

    Cjspensley: I too was taken aback by my BMI rating. I have supervised students taking care of bariatric patients and never thought I was that size….fat yes, but obese???? That was a real shocker.

    Jan: yay for the continuing victory over smoking!

    Michele: I gotta agree with you about football pants YUM LOL My daughters are scandalized when I mention it! Can’t wait to try the muffins!

    Gail: sometimes the measurements changing is all you get, but it’s all good!

    Barbie: that crazy cat is hilarious! Is he doing my taxes or bothering Lila???

    DeeDee: so glad you are doing better…sounds like you are nearly back to normal

    Well ladies my mouse is acting up thanks to the old cat (he’s 18 so I can’t be too mad) and plus I am so tired all your posts are blurring together. The good news is that it is a good tired and I enjoyed my day in the ICU! Take care, Meg
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Welcom junerbooner! I have found that in time I really don't care for processed food, and you will get there too. Congrats on the weight loss!

    Doni - I think we all have problems with being patient. I know that I do.

    Gail - congrts on the NSV - endurance and lifting heavier weights. That's something to be proud of. I, too, like to do most (if not all) of my cooking on Sundays or some other day on the weekend so that I only have to heat things up. I do have to cook a potato. But I'll put that in the microwave.

    barbie - love the cat using the keyboard! Our one cat likes to sit on my processor

    DeeDee - for two of those minidonuts it's only 144 calories. They're baked, not deep fried. Basically, I would say that its more like a chocolate cake in the shape of a small donut

    junerbooner - congrats on the addition!

    kathy - you're really on a roll. Sounds great!

    glendalight - When I go to the water classes, I use the girl/family locker room. There is almost never anyone in there and I can get dressed so much faster. I can lay out my clothes which I can't do in the women's locker room.

    Gini - Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    dragonfly - welcome and congrats on being smoke free for so long. That's great. Your goals are great. Check in every day and you'll get lots of motivation

    Got up, had a clementine, then did 20 min of yoga, bought gas, then went to the Extremepump class. They've started having another class right before it which can be a problem since it takes us a while to set up. Stopped at a vege stand only they didn't have the tomatoes I wanted (but I did get some apples, what I like is that about 2 apples is a pound, so you don't have to buy a large quantity). Gave Loki his med. Went to Aldi's to get some things I needed (forgot Vince's turkey, oh well....), came home and you won't believe this but I started stringing the popcorn for our Christmas tree. See, I like to do it on the deck since the pieces of popcorn that break off can blow away and I don't have to clean up. It was cool today, but not very breezy. Nothing happened with the pool guys today, but we did check out some of the tiles. He's supposed to be here tomorrow with the guy who is going to do the retaining wall, we'll talk about the wall. Still waiting for the bonding inspection for the spa and then that'll be backfilled.

    Going to do Denise Austin's bootcamp DVD tomorrow, then probably talk with the guys and string some more popcorn, it's supposed to be a nice day.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Michele "I love Christmas and always start early but you have me beat. "Stringing your popcorn already wow and it doesn't dry out this early?

  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Good evening lovely ladies--

    Went to the chiro today. My neck was really messed up and my right leg was 3/4" shorter than the other. No wonder I was in pain. The doctor said it was probably from my 6 mile walk followed by sitting for the 16 hr. drive home the next day. As I'm typing, I'm sitting here with ice on my back. Hopefully I will be able to walk in the morning. It sometimes takes a couple of days to feel better. I can't believe I'm saying this but I really missed being able to walk. :wink: We'll see how I feel in the morning.

    Barbie-- love the cat. You always have the neatest graphics.

    Tomorrow is weigh day. I know I've lost since my last post but for some reason on "official weigh day" the scale seems to go up. :huh:

    Welcome all the newbies. This is a great place to be.

    Have a great night and Tuesday.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    What a wonderful group of ladies!! Everyone has something interesting to share. I love to read everything but seem to get pulled away from them all the time or my internet connection gives up on me! (See, just got another phone call....) Found some pull on slacks for my dad the other day. Today I tried to find several cardigan sweaters for him. He will only wear brown, white and burgundy---no patterns or anything. Went to Target and JC Penney. Found one red/burgundy sweater at Penney's. Came home and shopped online for quite a while and found a brown sweater at Kohl's (online only) and ordered that. Picked up a short-sleeved shirt for him on sale while I was out. I hear the laundry uses only hot water so I wanted some new durable things for him to wear.

    Tomorrow is a trip to Trader Joes. I've eaten my way through most of my Greek yogurt. I apparently didn't eat what my stomach thought was good yesterday so I had several cartons of Greek yogurt today and one of my favorite smoothies. Guess I'm too stressed to digest properly. Hopefully I'll find a way to cope!!

    @DeeDee - I love puppies. That sounds like great fun!

    @Laura - sorting things is so tiring. I think it's always the memories and emotions that wear me down.

    @Michele - I'm interested in the popcorn stringing as well. Is it for decoration? To feed the birds? Both. Sorry if you said and I missed it.

    @Barbie - I ADORE the cat & keyboard. I love all the animations you put up but this one really has me smiling.

    @Liz - my ex-hubby would always make a day of watching football. One game = appetizer. Ha.

    @Meg - thank you for the info on c. diff. They put my dad on about a month's worth of flagyl (?). Left him in the toe to toe room, no precautions except gloves for the people helping him toilet. They don't seem to think it's a big deal. His surgical staples come out Thursday but his surgeon is out of town so one of the nurses is to remove them. I'm nervous about that. I'm going with him to a follow up appt w/internist (who is also on vacation and has a fill-in for this week). I wish he was removing the staples and I'm not sure why they didn't ask him to do it.

    And wow, that was a GREAT men's tennis match. Congrats to Murray!!

    Everyone thanks for being here each and every time I come back. Wishing everyone well.

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello everyone. Happy Monday to all. It has been a good day for me as well. Not only did I shed another pound but I gained a new Grandbaby girl.:smile: Mother and baby Addalee are doing great. Even more reason to keep up my new life-style change. :bigsmile:
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome and congratulation on your new grandbaby -- AND your #s lost since your first post. You are doing great. Stick to your goals and you'll get there.

    NSV for today -- I managed to drink 4 glasses of water before dinner which, for me, is monumental. Yay for me!

    So many other great comments and accomplishments posted over the past few days but unfortunately I don't have enough time to reply indivdually. If you've logged your food, taken an extra walk or a longer bike ride, eaten some extra veggies, or said "no" to any food item that isn't on your plan, good for you!

    @ Michelle -- You asked someone about their salmon recipe so I thought I'd share mine because it's really easy and fast. I sprinkle the top with Lemon Pepper (McCormick's) and slide it under the broiler on HI for about 8-10 minutes depending on how big and/or thick the piece of fish is. Mostly, I go by the smell to know when it's done. It comes out moist and flaky in the middle, and the edges are just a little crusty. And it's so fast and easy. I can have dinner on the table in 15 minutes -- just enough time to throw together a salad and a frozen vege or two, and set the table.

    Question: I need a shoe suggestion. A flat or low heel to wear with a skirt that will work okay with an orthotic, in wide width. The teachers at my new school wear more skirts and dresses instead of pants. My comfortable shoes with great support that I've been wearing with pants won't cut it with skirts. I've worn skirts/dresses with flat sandals this past week but as the weather turns colder I'll need something else. Also, the sandals don't give enough support for standing all day. With so many other teachers and nurses, any ideas?

    Stay positive and stick to your plan. If you get off track, take a deep breath and get back on again. Hugs to all.:flowerforyou:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Just got home from a wonder getaway to the Oregon Coast. I ate too much cheese and crackers and had too much wine but hiked in a lot of hilly beautiful scenery so I think it will be a wash.

    Funny story on the way down. GPS hosed us up something fierce. It has us going thru back roads all the way thru Portland. we ended up on a streach of road for 15 miles that was all gravel (my poor little 350z was not too happy) I am afraid I watch too much TV including Grimm and my mind was racing with awful notions as we were seemingly in the middle of nowhere with the river 100 down a straight cliff. Needless to say, Doug was exhausted by the time we got to the hotel. A bit of a drink seemed to be the only cure followed by Karioke with the locals at a little po dunk bar.

    Now that we are home it was too late to pick up the "kids" So we will get them tomorrow. I am missing my fur kids so much. The house is way too quiet and it doesn't seem right without hair flying and water dripped all over the floor:laugh:

    Tomorrow it is back on the wagon and digging in before the holidays.

    Robin (Missing Bodi and Ritter):cry:
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    @jj (dragonfly11) I LOVE the strong committed sound of your voice! And I love your goals - they are specific, measurable, achievable and timed. If you can stay smoke free for 2 years (and 4 months), you can for sure do this! :wink: You said it -
    "The change begins today!"
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
  • mzlatina59
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    How come everyone thinks they need to be a teacher for this board?? I think the original post addressed those who were going back to work simply because it was September 1st, not because the board is supposed to be all teachers, or am I wrong?
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    This group is for women over or or close to 50. Welcome. It helps to have others who can relate to your issues. Most of us aren't teachers it is just that time of year so Barbie used that graphic. (She was a teacher) On this thread you will find entertainers, accountants, moms, grandmas, translators, merchants, cooks, many retirees and almost anything else you would think a group of talented, strong motivational women might do. *******It the best thread on the sight ********

    If you are new to computer forums you should know that all caps can be conveyed as shouting. So I respectfully ask that you use your indoor voice here. :wink: Thanks.