What/Who annoys you at the gym



  • chicky26
    chicky26 Posts: 127 Member
    girls wearing makeup @ the gym .

    Awwwwwwwwww I wear make up (not heavy) but only cos I have low self esteem . . . . . . . .

    I work out hard
  • PatrissiaLu
    girls wearing makeup @ the gym .

    Awwwwwwwwww I wear make up (not heavy) but only cos I have low self esteem . . . . . . . .

    I work out hard

    I wear makeup at the gym too, but not very heavy. Most of the time it's because I go to the gym straight after work, but by the end of my workout it's most likely smeared and I'm dripping sweat....haha.
  • ksemien
    ksemien Posts: 133 Member
    The who does a set puts them down, walks the entire gym looking at his arms in every mirror, at every angle, then returns to his weights, does another set and repeats the process.
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    People who talk on cell phones loudly the whole time they are next to you on the elliptical/treatmill... I don't want to hear their conversation. I bet they do that in stores and check out lines too.
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    Curlbros mirin' their mirror muscles

    Dudes doing angled-leaning squats in the smith rack with 1/2 ROM (I don't know wtf these moves are called but these guys look ridiculous)

    People walking on the treadmill at 1.4mph and gripping the side rails

    Curls in the squat rack (this is a given for anybody that actually lifts)

    1/4 ROM squats in the squat rack

    People that only run on the treadmill when it's a beautiful day outside and there's a nice path less than 1/10 mile down the road

    I may post more later...

    There's more?
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    The who does a set puts them down, walks the entire gym looking at his arms in every mirror, at every angle, then returns to his weights, does another set and repeats the process.

    Mirror mirror on the wall, whose the most annoying person of 'em all. LOL
  • amtru2015
    amtru2015 Posts: 179 Member
    Dudes who stare like they have never seen a female before. or guys who show off because im walking by. Oh brother, such a turn off. For real.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Old men that try to steal my under pants.
    Girls who refuse to sweat during a workout and constantly fix there hair ffs just run and get messy and sweaty.
    Girls who sit on machines talking rather than using them.
    Men that talk to my **** while in the shower.
    People who smell.
    People who wee on the floor and toilet seats.

    Wow...that is a weird gym you go to.

    ^^^BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! thanks dude I needed a laugh today. ;)
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    girls wearing makeup @ the gym

    Hey just because we lift heavy doesn't mean we can't be cute. :smokin: haters gonna hate :laugh:
  • ksemien
    ksemien Posts: 133 Member
    The who does a set puts them down, walks the entire gym looking at his arms in every mirror, at every angle, then returns to his weights, does another set and repeats the process.

    Mirror mirror on the wall, whose the most annoying person of 'em all. LOL

    ^^^Exactly. I mean does he really see results that quickly in a once around the gym.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    The lady that spends the first 30-40 minutes in the gym talking. I actually asked once why she would come in at 5 in the morning and not start working out until 5:30. Answer "I'm putting it off because of my bursitis". I would spend the extra 1/2 hr in bed, but that's me.
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    Girls that pack on the make up and only lightly do cardio. You're there to work out. If you're just going to walk at an olds man pace on the treadmil, go home.
  • GBOGH_5
    GBOGH_5 Posts: 174 Member
    The older woman who saw all my tattoos when I was naked in the locker room and immediately began to tell me that I need to find Jesus and he does not agree with my lifestyle. She's probably right, I just don't want to listen to it while naked in the locker room. Or at the gym for that matter. If I am in need of finding Jesus, I will seek him out in a church like normal people. In the meantime, I can promise you that Jesus cares far less about my tattoos than my drinking and promiscuity.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    The women at the gym the thinks she has to talk to every guy in there. I'm there to workout not trying to get picked up.

    ^ everyone always says "hey maybe you'll meet someone at the gym". this is precisely why i never say anything haha :ohwell:
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Dude camping out on a bench. Making his whole routine about different weights on that one bench. One less bench available for the duration.

    Dropping weights. Saw it this morning. Man, it was only 30lbs! If you have to drop it, don't pick it up!
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    The gym I use is very small and rarely crowded so not too many complaints. The few I can think up:

    1. Wipe down the machine after you are done.
    2. Put back the dumbbells.
    3. Using horrible form when lifting For example, a teenage boy started doing leg presses on the shoulder press machine! I mean, he was laying, upside down, with his feet where you put your hands and his neck where you sit and pressing upwards with his legs). Ironically, the leg press machine was the next one over. Now, I didn't want to be all "Parental" but I had to go over and stop him from hurting himself or damaging the machine.
    4. People who hold on to the sides of the treadmill while walking and then talk on the phone about how hard they are working out.(you are getting little to no benefit from being on the treadmill if you are holding on to it)
    5. Letting the stack fall after your final rep on a machine. No one needs to hear the stack slam down. Plus you can hurt yourself or damage the machine.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    grunting pigs
  • johnnys30
    johnnys30 Posts: 64 Member
    Being there early in the morning and there are only 2 people using weight equipment. I go to the machine I'm going to use next after what I was doing and change the settings so it is ready and the only other person in the gym goes to it and does 1 set only and changes everything.
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    I got irritated today for the first time.
    I was on the treadmill and there was a pretty large guy working the dumbbells in front of the mirror.
    We have all seen this guy. He was lifting heavy, grunting, dropping the weights and then, he would flex.
    I had to admit he had BEAUTIFUL long hair that he obviously did not forget to condition.
    But I digress.
    As I was leaving, he was standing by the reception counter and he was *****ing about the music. This gym plays "pop" music. Not my favorite but, it is a good mix for the mixed crowd there.
    He was INSISTING that they play something "harder".
    I stopped, looked at him, and said "You know, your phone doubles as an ipod, right?"
    He said that the headphones get caught up in the weights (I can see that), so I suggested that maybe he hum a tune in his head.

    That's why you get an arm-band and run the headphones in the arm hole of your shirt and out the back of the neck hole.....

    ^^ HA! I never thought to do that! Makes life WAY easier! Thanks for the headphone tip! :drinker:
  • Mnm1983
    Mnm1983 Posts: 52 Member
    When 1 person is taking up 2 machines... There was a guy switching between back extensions and crunches... pick one and let someone else use the other!
    Hate that!!!UGH!!!