???? for the ladies in long term relationships.



  • woo1324
    woo1324 Posts: 168 Member
    Drinking and driving!! lets just hope he doesnt run into some innocent person or family and kill them, easier said then done but if i knew someone doing that I would call the police on them no question even my own husband!!, also like others have said it shows that he is a very self centered person that only thinks of his needs and wants and sorry to say but people like this rarely change if you stay you will find it will most likley get worse and you will never be treated equally or fairly better to leave now and find someone that you can love and be loved by in a happy and healthy relationship
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    no. unacceptable.
  • hacker1234
    hacker1234 Posts: 225 Member
    Yeah, I don't think he is being fair to you or considerate of you at all. I think you should lay down the law and if if he wants to stay out every night leaving you with his family, it may be time to move on. Better while you're young, single and childless then to have this come up later on when it may be too late to act on it.
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    When I was in my late teens, I lived with a boyfriend like that. It didn't last and if I'd had any sense I would have ended it sooner because I knew better.

    Now am happily married (almost 17 years; together for 22) to a wonderful man who would never pull that kind of crap.
  • phynyxfyre
    phynyxfyre Posts: 145 Member
    I do not know the whole situation here. Do you work or is he the only one supporting you? Do you have kids together? Have you tried getting to know his family? Do you drive? Do you have friends you can go out with?

    Now, for the topic at hand with my limited information: My husband drinks in the evenings several nights of the week. He does this at home. He has cut back a lot since we first met. He says this is because family is important to him. He would NEVER drink and drive. That would just be foolish. And dangerous. He does go out with the guys some nights, when we have discussed it ahead of time.

    If I were in your shoes, I would look for work. Sometimes it is simply a matter of attitude that if he is the only one paying the bills, then he feels like he should be able to relax, and he does have the power in the relationship. The person who cares the least controls the relationship. The only way to take back that power so you can be on equal footing again is to work on you. You cannot fix his habits. You can choose what you will and will not put up with, though.

    A job is great divorce insurance. If you are living with relatives you don't know well, try to get to know them better. You have to live together, so why keep it awkward? Maybe they are feeling the same way you are. I am friends with my mother in law, and it helps to get her perspective on hubby's behavior because she watched him grow up. Sometimes there is an additional issue you are not seeing that plays a part in his behavior. I would start by helping one of them with a chore, like laundry or dishes so it isn't as uncomfortable. You can talk while you work and keeping your hands busy will fill any silences.

    Work on how you feel about yourself. Maybe this means exercising, maybe this means finding a hobby, getting a makeover, doing your hair differently, whatever makes you feel good about you. You could even volunteer somewhere so you know you are making a difference. This can also lead to having a support group of friends.

    I wish you all the best. I realize that not all of my suggestions will fit into your life at the same time, but I hope that at least one jumps out and strikes you as something worthwhile.
  • ajohn252
    Absolutely not, I couldn't deal with it.
    It's a waste of money, it's dangerous, and the list goes
    on and on.
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    I don't know what you should do.

    But personally I hope he gets caught.
    One of the most selfish things someone can do is drink and drive.
    I'd call the cops on him - granted I'm not in love with the dude.

  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    so you marry him
    he goes out a runs someone over or even just hits a few cars and gets sued
    he's drunk so insurance doesn't pay
    they get his assets and YOUR assets cos your married.

    that's even if you don't mind him not spending time with you, he also effectively steals everything you current own or earn into the future.

    how does this sound like a good arrangement?

    leave him, get a dog.
  • Marlo2012
    Marlo2012 Posts: 29 Member
    Been with my guy almost 4 years and while he does other things to piss me off ( don't they all???).....no, that is not something he would do....

    Maybe it's time to re-evaluate the relationship? From your posts, you seem really unhappy...Life is too short for that! :drinker:
  • Guines9
    Guines9 Posts: 137
    Never touch the stuff. I like to be free and in control of my life. I love to enjoy my life.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Step 1: Open door.
    Step 2: Have him stand in the doorway facing outward.
    Step 3: Kick him in the *kitten* as hard as possible (aim for the curb and kick swiftly).
    Step 4: Close door.
    Step 5: Move on with your life.

    Life is way too short to waste on people who just aren't worth your time no matter how long you've been together. Find a way to move on.

    Oh, and +1 more for calling the cops on his drunk driving *kitten*. He's a selfish turd for putting other innocent people at risk with his behavior.
  • blondie0942
    blondie0942 Posts: 146 Member
    I know this feeling. I've been there. You aren't happy because he treats you like *kitten*, but you don't want to leave because you love him and he might change back into the man you fell in love with. But my advice to you would just be to break up with him. A healthy, loving relationship should be effortless. It doesn't seem like your relationship with him is any of those things, and I do apologize for that.
    It's not meant to be...you WILL find someone better- trust me!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    My abusive first husband wasn't a drinker, but he certainly had the attitude that he was his own boss and I had no say in what he might do at any given time. If he deigned to do anything nice for me, I had better be the must frigging grateful person on the planet. ::eyeroll::

    My current (and final) husband likes to do things like go to baseball games or spend some time with his buddies, but he ALWAYS talks with me about it first. He often will go to the movies without me, but only after I have said I don't want to see the movie in question; otherwise, I would be invited to come along. If I tell him it's not a good time for whatever reason, he will abandon that plan or reschedule it for another day. He would NEVER just go do something, especially if I had said I wanted him not to. Generally, we each share our wants and needs and try to help each other get those things met if possible.
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    Being trapped in the middle of no-where with the in-laws (as nice as they are) 24/7 does not sound like a life. The only thing you have to look forward to is a drunk coming home late?

    Start developing your exit plan. Go when you're ready.
  • rhondawparker
    rhondawparker Posts: 26 Member
    NO My husband of 36 years would never drink and drive. At the age of 4 our grandaughter was paralyzed after the van she was riding in was hit by a drunk driver. Think of a 4 year old little girl being PARALYZED for the rest of her life because your boyfriend chose to drink and drive. Remember buzzed driving IS DRUNK DRIVING.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    So...why are you still with this dude again? Why again would your life not be exponentially better as a singleton, given the circumstances? He sounds like a real winner.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    It's time for you to do something about this....It sucks that he leaves you for the bar to sit at home by yourself...That is definetly something I couldn't do and I hope you see a "goodbye" in your future...
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Hell to the NAW!!! Been married 13 years, and there's no way I'd put up with that! My husband WANTS to come straight home and be with us after work! You deserve that too, IMO.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member

    I'd really like if my OH went & did stuff rather than work & come home. Not that I don't like spending time with him, I do. I just think he needs some time out to himself.

    I definitely wouldn't like it if he was doing it every day after work though.
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    You've posted a few times about this guy. Listen, I have been in a relationship just like yours before...you know how it ended? Divorce. I was stupid enough to marry the *kitten* in the first place. At first, our relationship started off fine....I guess it was the courting period, whatever. But about 6 months after we got married, he too started drinking every night. It got to the point where even our friends didn't want to hang out with us because they say how disrespectful he was to me. A few years later was when the verbal abuse started....then it got physical, especially when he was drinking.

    I was always that girl that was like, "why would you tolerate that?" But when I found myself in the same situation, I just kept telling myself that he would change, things would get better, but you know what? They didn't. It just got worse. I don't know what happened, if it was someone from above looking out for me, but one day, a light bulb just went off in my head, and I was like, I need to leave. That was almost 3 years ago. I hate myself for staying in that relationship for so long, but it was a learning experience. I learned that you always have to put yourself first, you are number one, don't let anyone treat you less than you should be treated. A real man will hold you on a pedestal and do anything for you, because you are HIS number one....get my point?

    OMG were we married to the same person?? My ex did the same stuff. He drank constantly and it let to his affair. Not worth it. Iam now in a wonderful marriage with a man who doesnt drink at all. And wants to spend his time with me rather than a bar. You need to walk away now before its too late and something bad happens. I wish you all the luck!!!