Single at 33..why?



  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    You're single, hooray! You have freedom to do whatever you want! Honestly, relationships bring on a lot of stress and pain. It's not easy making it work. You, on the other hand, can focus you energy wherever you want to. That is a huge blessing! If you look in scripture, it's clear that a single woman should consider herself fortunate to able to be completely devoted to the Lord and not be tied down by family commitments.

    Be thankful. And do NOT ever settle. It's better to be single and fabulous than to be in a mediocre relationship.
  • Solisci
    Solisci Posts: 63 Member
    i am 27, never married, single with two kids!! It is a lot harder when there are kids involved...But i am enjoying the single life and my two little boys. :)
  • Solisci
    Solisci Posts: 63 Member
    You're single, hooray! You have freedom to do whatever you want! Honestly, relationships bring on a lot of stress and pain. It's not easy making it work. You, on the other hand, can focus you energy wherever you want to. That is a huge blessing! If you look in scripture, it's clear that a single woman should consider herself fortunate to able to be completely devoted to the Lord and not be tied down by family commitments.

    Be thankful. And do NOT ever settle. It's better to be single and fabulous than to be in a mediocre relationship.

    Amen sista!!
  • Trying to hard to find someone makes its harder, chill out people :)
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    When the hubby and I were married, I was 32 and he was 33. He is my second husband, but I am his first wife (and only!). Not a darn thing wrong with him, and I know well enough because I have known him since I was 18 (38 now). He just hadn't founf the right one, and neither have you. Don't sweat it sweetie!! Good things come to those who wait :heart: :love:
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    At 33, if you are still single, you have to change the way you are doing things. Change surroundings and the type of person you're dating. Get in better shape. There are many things that any 33 year old single could do differently. I don't believe we are meant to be single after 25.

    Are you serious?!?! WOW. :noway:
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Your man or mom? I totally got confused. I thought you were single :embarassed:

    It'll happen eventually. You're obviously dating the wrong 'type.' You might have met him already and just don't know it. My hubby and I were friends for over 5 years before we started dating. Since I was barely 15. We dated for another 5 then got married. We have two kids now. Never know until you give it a shot.
  • Heather1899
    Heather1899 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm single, never married or no kids at 26...
    Yes, sometimes I think there is something wrong with me...well alot of things.
    But I grew up the young kid and when my sister moved out I was all alone. We lived in the country and I played alot by myself so I really enjoy just being alone and being independent.
    Like, what if I meet someone and I want to go out somewhere, like exercise and he doesn't?
    I love to go skating. I love to read. I don't watch much tv...I like to exercise.
    I don't want anyone to tell me I can't do those things!!
    So I often really like that I am still single and can make my own choices!!
  • im 38 never married. i do have twin (almost) 19yos... dont settle. I chose a hard life to have but i also haven't had to pay for divorce...
  • Like most things in life, what you want will come when you are ready. Knowing if you are ready however, isn't a miraculous realization, rather a state of mind of existing in. If you believe in it, live it and know it you will become it. In other words, become who you want to be instead of waiting to become it. It's the power of attraction. The secret of success. It will come to you, not by wanting, but by being.

    I know what I said was repetitive, but hopefully I made my point. There isn't anything wrong with YOU, you are just in a stage of your life that may be different than others and that's ok. Think about the things you have to offer a person, and own them, eventually someone worthwhile will notice.

    Besides, would the person you live the rest of your life with be worth waiting for? You already have much experience with relationships, use the knowledge to your advantage.

    Don't mean to preach, I worked as a romance consultant for two years and was asked this question often. Seems like what I said helps.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I'm single, never married or no kids at 26...
    Yes, sometimes I think there is something wrong with me...well alot of things.
    But I grew up the young kid and when my sister moved out I was all alone. We lived in the country and I played alot by myself so I really enjoy just being alone and being independent.
    Like, what if I meet someone and I want to go out somewhere, like exercise and he doesn't?
    I love to go skating. I love to read. I don't watch much tv...I like to exercise.
    I don't want anyone to tell me I can't do those things!!
    So I often really like that I am still single and can make my own choices!!

    So see about meeting someone while out skating? Really... a good guy isn't going to tell you that you can't do those things!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I struggle to understand why so many people define themselves as by whom they are attached to. Be the best and happiest version of yourself and the rest will work itself out.

    I'm 28, single and it really doesn't phase me. I don't live my life according to someone else's definition of what the "norm" is. I worry about finding happiness with my career, my family and friends and my running first and foremost.

    I have found that the people that usually are worried about being single (you know the chronic daters) are struggling to find their own true identity. Figure out what makes you happy and go for that. Relationships come and go, and spending time worrying about it is just a waste of your life. One life is all we have, your best bet is to live it and not worry about the "what ifs".
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    ah, try being freshly single @ the tender age of 43, its a trip. Don't worry you'll meet someone when you least expect.
  • I am kids or boyfriend and this has been the best time of my life. Why? Because when I was younger I was so focused on finding mr.right . Now I am focused on becoming a better me :)
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    I gotta be all cliche and say the grass is greener on the other side. There are pros and cons to being married, just as there are with being single. I'm married and sometimes envy the freedom that comes with the single life. Try to be patient and just wait for love to come along and it will when you are least expecting it :)
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member

    The sexiest curve on your body is your smile. Flaunt it!

    Love this!
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    I got married AT 33. Had I not met my husband, I'd still be single. I'm very picky. You should never just settle for someone. There is nothing wrong with being single in your 30's.
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    I married at age 40! Now we've got a beautiful boy who just turned 4. You've got all the time in the world!
  • If it can cheer you up, I am 40, single, never been asked out on a date, never had a boyfriend, only some guys that stopped by and left almost right away...
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm single, never married or no kids at 26...
    Yes, sometimes I think there is something wrong with me...well alot of things.
    But I grew up the young kid and when my sister moved out I was all alone. We lived in the country and I played alot by myself so I really enjoy just being alone and being independent.
    Like, what if I meet someone and I want to go out somewhere, like exercise and he doesn't?
    I love to go skating. I love to read. I don't watch much tv...I like to exercise.
    I don't want anyone to tell me I can't do those things!!
    So I often really like that I am still single and can make my own choices!!

    So see about meeting someone while out skating? Really... a good guy isn't going to tell you that you can't do those things!

    Yeah, a guy that's worth it will let you have your time to yourself and you let him do the same. Trust is the biggest thing in a relationship and if there's no trust, you might as well just end it.