What's the most polite insult you've recieved?



  • amp187
    amp187 Posts: 374
    "You're a pretentious douche, you think you're so cool, and so smart. Well..."
  • xiofett
    xiofett Posts: 138 Member
    The mother of one of my friends back in college was the queen of back handed compliments. I think the best one she said to her daughter about me was "One of these days, he's going to be really good looking"

    Thanks, I think...
  • Cillamail
    Cillamail Posts: 21 Member
    "The difference between you and other big girls is that you're in proportion..."
    Oh great... so I'm big all over, instead of just one fat leg... thanks! LOL.
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    Mine was either, you're fluffy! not fat or amanda you look puffy, stop eating so much sugar ( that was my grandma ) lol
  • KRaemondH
    KRaemondH Posts: 120 Member
    'See, you have real woman breasts! They fall to your sides and almost vanish when you are laying down! So great to see real woman these days."
    .... I have pretty saggy tits... thanks
  • Cillamail
    Cillamail Posts: 21 Member
    oh! There is one guy at work who is really bad at talking to women, or people in general. He always says things and I don't think he realises how insulting they can be.

    Below are a few of my favorites:

    To me when I wore my hair out for once "oh you actually did your hair today!"
    To my co worker who works downstairs "I could have come down and got that, I'm younger than you... It's ok I can wait while you catch your breath."
    To my boss "You wear the same shirt everyday." (he replied - "You're in accounts, do the figures so I can afford a new one")
    When helping on of the girls get a bandaid out for a blister on her toe. "Those shoes look too small for your feet." and "I don't know if the bandaid is big enough."
    When he saw me eating a salad for lunch "Are you trying to be healthy? if you need any tips on nutrition, I'm the man."
  • RockinBooty89
    A guy in a parking lot of a gas station comes over to hit on me while my boyfriend is inside. He made 3 attempts at hitting on me really and each line got worse and worse.

    "Hey beautiful lady, (wait for it...) you are gorgeous, you know, (wait for it...) I'm sure you don't hear that very often." WTF?!?!
    "Actually I hear it all the time, but thank you."
    "I know you big girls don't get enough love." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
    "Actually, I get plenty of love thank you very much."
    And here is the line that really made the rest pale in comparison ...
    "Yeah, but I know most other guys only probably hit on you because they know fat girls are easier, I just want to get to know you."

    This ruined my whole week.
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    Well.. my aunt's always had a way to make me feel worse... like one time she'd bought a very good looking pair of pants - it was size 24. She gave it to me on my birthday, and when I didn't put it on right away, she commented that I didn't like them - she thought they were perfect for me. When I told her I really liked the pants, but they were 6 sizes too big, she was actually mad at me - "You're not THAT small!" Not really a polite insult maybe but she really did mean that she'd given me the perfect gift and really did see me that big and could not believe that I was so full of myself that I believed me to be smaller than I was... yeah.... thanks..
  • seshchick2
    While thinking of having another baby out loud with my mom she says "You looked the healthiest you have in years while you were pregnant!"
    A favorite~ you only look bigger in the front because you have no butt.
  • ChelseaYepThatsMe
    "You look really good for someone that had a kid."

    What, i can't just look good?
  • arellolson
    arellolson Posts: 129 Member
    After many years together, my first husband rarely told me I was pretty or looked good. But this one day, he said, "You look good to me for some reason." It hurt my feelings that he added, "For some reason." But it also kind of cracked me up. He has since passed away, but I still say it sometimes to my second husband. (Just as a joke, not to hurt, and he knows the story.)
  • seshchick2
    from an ex boyfriend~ I like you round.
    also from same ex you don't need to lose weight but toning would probably help.
    All of these while I was at my lowest weight. Notice he's an ex.
  • mock743
    mock743 Posts: 19 Member
    One of my regular customers asked me if I was pregnant when I wasn't (sigh), and her cover-up was, "It's just that you're glowing! You look so radiant!" (Riiiiight-*****! Haha)

    Yes that has to be one of the worst things to hear from someone especially when you have lost about 5-10lbs
  • crazylikefox
    I was visiting my parents who still live in the same house where I grew up, and their neighbor hadn't seen me for a really long while. Apparently he told my dad something along the lines of "She's been married a really long time now, I'm surprised she's not fat yet".

    (I'm 32, and have been married almost 11 years).
  • phantomprime
    phantomprime Posts: 12 Member
    A few years back someone called me at 2am, (mind you i was half asleep) so when I picked up and had a short conversation with them they stopped me abruptly and said I sound like a phone sex operator. Not sure if that was an insult or a compliment.

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Well, this wasn't polite, but recently some guys at the train station started to chase me down the escalator, but when I turned to look at them (and I was clearly not having any of it), they stopped, paused and then said, "She's too intelligent to *kitten*". So, even though it was an "insult", I was glad they saw it that way.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    "Beauty is only skin deep" or "It's what's on the inside that counts"... -_- Thanks... I think
  • PandaPop87
    My mom said to me one day when I was meeting her for lunch 'Wow Bab, I never even recognised you, I used to just look for the really fat girl, and now you're so much slimmer.'

    I know it was meant as a compliment, but still!
  • nicolecwesthoff
    I'm at a bar talking to a guy i know, his friend comes up behind me and says "he doesn't like big girls, but i do"
    EXCUSE ME? SO rude.
  • Charliebarleymo
    From an elderly lady, upon seeing my newborn twins for the first time "Oh, who would have thought you two would have such lovely looking kids!"