Facebook Status u wish u could post but can't? Post away :)



  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    :noway: all kidding aside do they not now how dangerous it is to overshare all this crap...

    thank you for letting me know that you're checking in at 305 and won't be back from the movie and which theater you'll be at, and how you still haven't found the time to fix that third window from the back of the house that I can now use to save some money on that new tv I wanted and just take yours

    people need to think about it... that check in feature and all this oversharing is just making it wayyyyyyy too easy for the bad people.
  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    2) "ok. i know you love your kids & your world revolves around them. BUT... I do not need to know your daily schedule about when you're picking Maddie up to take her to gymnastics, then Abby to soccer and THEN home to "tackle" the laundry"

    I call these people "busy braggers". Look how BUSY I am. I'm SOOOO busy! My life is so full b/c I'm busy. Busy does not equal living or having fun. You're a bored/boring person who feels that if they brag about how busy they are that it makes them seem interesting. It doesn't.
  • msprouse8
    msprouse8 Posts: 85 Member
    Dear excessive (all night) "link" poster......please stop crowding up my news feed with mindless links to sayings, videos, and status shuffle statuses (because you aren't witty enuff to think of something on your own). I have friends that actually have interesting things I might want to read, but can't wade through all the clutter you post....
  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    :noway: all kidding aside do they not now how dangerous it is to overshare all this crap...

    thank you for letting me know that you're checking in at 305 and won't be back from the movie and which theater you'll be at, and how you still haven't found the time to fix that third window from the back of the house that I can now use to save some money on that new tv I wanted and just take yours

    people need to think about it... that check in feature and all this oversharing is just making it wayyyyyyy too easy for the bad people.

    I agree! I sometimes post where I am but I live in a house with two other people. There is always someone home, so I'm not as worried about it. Half the time if I do a check it, it's when I'm leaving or are already home just for this reason.
  • schell81
    schell81 Posts: 187 Member
    1. Lose and Loose are two different words. Please Please Please take the time to learn the difference!

    2. Mom: Please stop pretending you have a great relastionship with your daughters and grandchildren just because you "like" and "share" every single photo we post. You could learn a lot more about us by picking up the phone or visiting once in awhile, you only live 40 minutes away and you have lots of free time. Also, when we do actually talk, could you once in awhile ask how me or my daughter is doing instead of complaining about your life and your medication and giving me an update on every doctor's appointment you have? Maybe if you actually followed the doctor's orders and ate right and exercised once in awhile you wouldn't have half of your problems! Also, I realize your father left when you were 5, this has happened to many people, you can stop acting like a victim and telling everyone within earshot about your "abandonment issues". I think dad's only with you because he doesn't want to be the jerk who leaves a sick woman, please stop pointing out everyone else's faults and take a look at your own.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    "RIP Uncle Dunkle" - he's flipping dead! He can't read your FB status!

    To add to this, if someone dies, I find it creepy that people post to their FB walls. I understand that it's therapeutic for some but it's creepy. The update that this person passed on their page I can understand so that their friends know. Just not the homage to the person. Maybe i'm the odd ball on this one.

    It's a memorial. An online memorial. Nothing creepy about it.
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    2) "ok. i know you love your kids & your world revolves around them. BUT... I do not need to know your daily schedule about when you're picking Maddie up to take her to gymnastics, then Abby to soccer and THEN home to "tackle" the laundry"

    I call these people "busy braggers". Look how BUSY I am. I'm SOOOO busy! My life is so full b/c I'm busy. Busy does not equal living or having fun. You're a bored/boring person who feels that if they brag about how busy they are that it makes them seem interesting. It doesn't.

    drives me nuts!

    oOOH - have one more.

    "Okay - I get it. You sell Scentsy's. (whatever they are). But posting 5x a day about the lastest design or whatever is really starting to irritate me. You have like 90 friends, I dont think you're going to be getting any more business from FB then you already have. and PS.. .they arent that cute"
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    "RIP Uncle Dunkle" - he's flipping dead! He can't read your FB status!
    It would make my day if someone's name was really Dunkle.
    I WISH I had an Uncle Dunkle!!

    I agree that people who post that they're on vacation and their house is empty should be more cautious as well. I just got back from being out of town for 17 days and we never posted one thing about being gone till we got back..and blew up the newsfeeds with the vacation photos!
  • rustyguy
    rustyguy Posts: 51 Member
    Am I the only one who rejects friend requests from people I didn't like in school? Am I the only one who dumps FB friends who post crappy statuses?

    Life is too short to put up with other people's drama.
  • HeatherJennings
    These are hilarious!!
  • Gurlyknockout
    Gurlyknockout Posts: 115 Member
    they will get it when they actually have a kid :smile:
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    Am I the only one who rejects friend requests from people I didn't like in school? Am I the only one who dumps FB friends who post crappy statuses?

    Life is too short to put up with other people's drama.

    lord no... I didn't like or talk to you in high school or the 20+ years after that, what makes you think I'll be your "friend" on fb now??? some people have an overvalued sense of selfworth
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    Why don't you people just delete these other people from your facebook? Then you wouldn't have to post imaginary statuses that you wish you were bold enough to say.

    For me, it is because most of the people are family, and if I deleted them, there would be heck to pay. And yes, I could hide them, but then when they posted something actually important and I didn't see it, there would be another kind of heck to pay.

    And, it's entertaining.
  • HeatherJennings
    if you'd quit making your hoo-haa a welcome mat, you might land a decent guy.

    I almost spit my drink reading this one.
  • sotellmedarling
    sotellmedarling Posts: 35 Member
    Why don't you people just delete these other people from your facebook? Then you wouldn't have to post imaginary statuses that you wish you were bold enough to say.

    For me, it is because most of the people are family, and if I deleted them, there would be heck to pay. And yes, I could hide them, but then when they posted something actually important and I didn't see it, there would be another kind of heck to pay.

    And, it's entertaining.

    Same. It's not always easy being confrontational when these people know you in real life and know how to reach you in real life and harass you in real life. I don't care about people I haven't seen in 10+ years. But some family and friends are still close enough to make it a real problem if not careful.
  • Gurlyknockout
    Gurlyknockout Posts: 115 Member
    I'm learning some very valuable lessons about what not to post on my facebook.

    Some people get pissed at posts about:
    ~my successes and things that make me happy
    ~my failures and things that make me sad
    ~my relationship
    ~my step-kids
    ~my cat
    ~my health, pregnancies, etc
    ~my political leanings or my lack of political leaning
    ~my religous leanings or lack-thereof
    ~when I post pictures of myself, sometimes when they don't have me in them, pics of my step-kids, my cat
    ~forwards and chainy, gamey things


    Doesn't leave much does it?

    A nice balance of what really is going on is nice, the same tone/subject every day is a bit boring

    Crazy huh? And we actually think these people are our friends! I swear the whole world has a damn chip on their shoulder!! Maybe its just we are all getting tired of the stupid people of the world?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If I posted it on here, the thread would get locked. :-)
  • sotellmedarling
    sotellmedarling Posts: 35 Member
    "It's Complicated" - Really? Is it that complicated? You guys got issues. Either work through them or break up for good.

    or alternatively

    "It's Complicated" - Of course it's complicated! What did you expect when you moved in with the guy you break up with every few weeks?
  • bco1158
    Love reading all of these =D
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member

    I hate all of you. You're all idiots.


    ^ yaaaaay